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The Western Mistic, May 21, 1948

Moorhead State Teachers College

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Vol. 78 Moorhead, Minnesota Tuesday, May 21, 1948 No. 9 Commission Approves Student Activity Budget for Next Year The student activity budget for 19 48-49, amounting to $23,580, has » been completed and accepted by the Council on Student Affairs, and the Student Commission, president Stan Murray has announced. The budget lias also been presented to the State Teachers college board, Guard The acceptance by the Commiss ion, and the Council marks the end NEW DKAGON ITEADS —Armin Johnson, Iva Shafer, & Jim of several weeks' work by the Com mission. The requests turned in by the various departments were practi­ Johnson, Shafer, Dokken Called cally all higher than expenditures of MSTC was once again the scene Snarr Sees Vast the previous year. Furthermore, re­ of uniformed activity as approxi­ ceipts for 1947-48 were overestimat­ mately thirty students and two fac­ ed. The requests for next year total­ Named to '49 Dragon Posts ulty members of the Moorhead Na­ Improvements as ed approximately $28,000. Estimated receipts based on a conservative en­ ArmiD Johnson, Pelican Rapids, has been appointed editor of the tion Guard unit responded to Gover­ rollment estimate, amounted to $23,- 1949 DRAGON, according to C. A. Glasrud, adviser. nor Youngdahl's request for military Result of Meeting 580. This sum, minus the 5 per cent * Other appointments are Iva Sha-fer, Oakes, N.D., associate editor, aid in quelling the violence in the South St. Paul packinghouse strike. Vast improvements of equipment which by law must be kept in a g ind James Dokken, Thief RiverFalls, business manager. sinking fund, left the Commission Tryouts for organizations, art, fea- Under the command of Captain and facilities at MSTC are forseen Don Anderson, the men departed at by Dr. O. W. Snarr, president, as a $22,401 to budget to various activ­ ture, and sports editors, plus ities. other staff positions will be held in 9 p.m. Friday, May 14, and will be result of a recent meeting of the gone until peaceful relations are re­ State Teachers College group at St. The revision committee called in Ott 76e the publications office today and to- the advisers of the various activities morrow^May 18-19. sumed. Paul. Dr. Snarr was re-elected as a board member of the group at the to discuss the matter and help them Appointments werq made by the to find balance. The final approval of meeting. publications board composed of Dor­ the revised budget was achieved at othy Jones and yharles Backstrom, Fuller, Cooper In During an executive session, the a meeting of the Student Commission Moorhead; Howard Binford, Lu­ college presidents gave reports that and the Council on Student Affairs, Gey cerne; Marlowe Wegner and C. A. Joint Music in many cases their requisitions for May 4. Glasrud. supplies from the administrative de­ ' 'Although budget requests were re­ . Churchill and FDR should have partment had been unfilled for mon­ duced by $6000," Murray says "ac­ pi* o the Atlantic Charter "Free­ Recital May 24 ths and that general working condi­ tivities will not be curtailed at all, tions with the department had been dom of Growth" — keeping agree- Morris Wee To The MSTC music department will except in two instances—the lyceum irs from cutting across a certain poor. present Bettie Fuller, pianist, and and activities of the Student Commis­ sion itself." *rner of the MSTC campus. Elburn Cooper, clarinetist, in a joint Dr. Snarr said that the board was Speak at Convo "Last year, expenditures went for For people who don't realize where recital in Weld auditorium Monday, considering a proposal that all pur­ Dr. Morris Wee, Chicago, execu­ chasing for the colleges as well as uniforms and equipment which do not (lie MiSTiC gets its name we have May 24, at 8 p.m. tive director of the student service building programs oe channeled eith­ need be repeated immediately, so ^joptod a new slogan — The MiSTiC Both students will be featured in commission of the National Luther­ er through the board, or a new group money for extra-curricular activity puts "eyes" in MSTC- the "Italian Concerto" by J. S. Bach an council, will be the speaker at con­ Etude in E, Op. 10 No. 3 by Chopin; similar to the University of Minne­ has actually been increased in most The other day Dr. Christensen's vocation Wednesday, May 19. Ravel's "Pavanne". and "Three sota board of regents. departments", Murray added. "Should enrollment exceed the es­ congregation stood and read respon- Dr. Wee is a graduate of St. Olaf , Fantastic Dances" by Dimitri Sho- "The way it is now, the depart­ timated 600 next year, it is the in­ sively the creed from the third chap­ college, and also of Luther Theol­ stakovitch. ment of administration has more say tention of the Commission to revise ter of Helping Teachers to Under- ogical seminary, St. Paul. He receiv­ Elburn Cooper will be featured in about the teachers colleges than our the budget quarterly to supplement ••^ind Children. We came in a little ed his PhD in history from the Un­ the first movement of Mozart's "Con­ board has", said Board chairman each activity with the additional rev­ late and missed the first hymn. iversity of Wisconsin. certo in A Major", "Fantasie Ital- Warren H. Stewart, St. Cloud. enue received," Murray assured. Dr. Wee was a discussion leader at ienne" by Marc Delmas, and "Piece Student Activity of the Week— The next meeting, June 18, to be the Christian Youth Conference, at en Forme de Habanera" by Ravel. Searching through magazines piled held at Bemidji will deal with a Oslo, Norway, during the summer of Bettie Fuller will accompany him on on Moorhead residents' front lawns demand by faculty representatives this portion of the recital. Jones Announces during the paper drive looking for 1947. that teachers' salaries at the schools comic books. be raised $500 next year. Distribution of *48 We couldn't decide which faculty Last Co-Recreation Night Features member to nominate as MSTC's ego beaver. Dragon Tomorrow All-College Picnic Wednesday Eve Publish Last We hate sensationalism in a pap­ Distribution of the DRAGON year­ An all-college picnic supper will er, but we can't resist pulling a book is scheduled for Wednesday, be featured at the last, co-recreation­ lie; t: We urge you to watch thts MiSTiC Late May 19, announced Dorothy Jones, al sports night tomorrow, Wednesday, spot next issue! Positively one of Janke Named'to Head editor. The books May 19; at 5:30. The picnic will be the most radical departures from the A special edition of the Western may be secured in held on the dawn south of Comstock journalistic policy of this sheet will Psi Delta Kappa MiSTiC will be published Friday, the Publications hall and will replace the dining hall be printed here at that time! Be Bernice Janke, Perham, was elect­ May 28. Consequently there will be office after 1 p.m. meal that evening. Students, with Wednesday. "If prepared. ed president of Psi Delta Kappa at no paper next Tuesday, May 25. the exception of the dormitory girls, they arrive on a meeting Friday, May 14. The special edition is a commemora­ ^ Black Sheep: The president of the will be asked to pay fifty cents for schedule," Dorothy Other officers elected were Marilyn tion of Dr. R. B. MacLean, president North Carolina Young Democrats Mattson, Hoffman, vice president; the supper. added. and treasurer of the Young Demo­ of MSTC from 1923-41 who died last mm Phyllis Filipi, Angus and Loretta A five-inning Softball game be­ summer. It also will contain a senior Students who cratic clubs of America is Hoover - Bergos, Crookstou, corresponding section as well as the regular cover­ I have attended MS Taft. tween the faculty and college men secretaries; Beverly Dailey, Wahpe- age of year-end events. is planned for 6:45. JONES the pMt thT6e ton, N.D., treasurer; Delaine Red- quarters will re­ The staff will send copies to any mann, Rothsay, rushing captain; Smoking Project Work At 8:00 p.m. there will be dancing alumni not now receiving the paper if ceive one yearbook without cost, with Edith Maxson, Moorhead, intersor- on the tunnel drive east of MacLean addresses are brought to the MiSTiC this one exception. A charge of 35 To Begin This Week ority delegate, and Verona Johnson, cents is made to those who have pic­ pall. office this week. "Work on the MSTC smoking pro­ Stephen, recording secretary. tures in the album section which ject will begin within the next few were not taken this year. This is to r.^ys," said C. H. Thurber, business College Broadcasts cover the expense involved in secur­ manager. ing a glossy print. Duct work and the installation of For each quarter that a student exhaust fans for the project will be was lot attending college there will done by a local contractor and is Choir to Sing/ Drama Features Locality be a $1.50 charge. to be financed by the college. Faculty, alumni and others who Bids for the purchase of four win- 'Mr. Whisker' Aired KVOX Airs Drama are interested may buy the DRAGON Viv ventilators for the Student Choir on KFGO at the production cost of four dol­ Center will be let, and will1 be finan­ "Mr. Whisker", a story of life in Thursday, May 20 lars. Wedneseay Night a typical American city, will be ced by contributions received from "Your Heritage," a narrative dra­ The MSTC choir, under the direc­ broadcast over KVNJ-FM, tonight, t.g recent smoking drive. ma of pioneer life in the Fargo- tion of Ralph E. Williams, will pre­ Tuesdav^ May 18, at 8, announced McGarrity Attends Moorhead area, will be Jjroadcast sent a program over KFGO Wednes­ Mary Beth Hagan, Fargo, director. over KYOX at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Paul Christiansen Hears day evening, May 19, at 7:30. Leslie Bjugan, Fargo, will play Composers Fo rum May 20, by the English department. MS Choir'Rehearsal Included in the concert will be David Brenman, a middle-aged refu­ Bertram McGarrity of the MSTC "Rejoice and Sing", by Bach; "Ag­ gee, who starts a small store near a This program, written and produc­ music department left Friday, May • Paul Christiansen, director of the nus Dei," by Morely; "Grieve Not O high school and is tricked into sell­ ed by MS students under the direc­ 14, for Minneapolis to hear his Concordia college choir, was a guest My Soul" and "Roots and Leaves,*' ing marijuana cigarettes to the stu­ tion of Dr. Byron Murray, head of "Miniature Symphony for Band" at a MSTC choir rehearsal Wednes­ by Ralph E. Wiliams, and "What dents. I the English department, and Allen played at the composer's forum there. day, May 12. Kinder Shoes," arranged by Hall Erickson of the speech department, At this forum, new compositions "Paul Christiansen is not only one Other members of the cast are Johnson. tells how George Fulton and his are played by organizations compos­ of the great choral directors at pres­ Mary Gorman, Marlys Meland, and young bride Sarah, who came to this ed of first-chair symphony men. Sel­ ent," said Ralph E. Williams, MS Imogene Johnson, Moorhead, and Bette Cowan, all of Moorhead; Ray area with the first wave of settlers, ections ranging from chamber music choir director, "but is writing chorai Sylvester Goberilatz, West Fargo, Restad, Pelican Rapids; Phllis Ev- survived the grashoppers, the drought to more intricate works are heard at music which might well set the pace will be featured soloists. Jack enstad, Thief River Falls, and Eu­ gene Shiek, Fargo. and the Indian warfare. these forums. in choral writing." Nordstrom will announce. Page 2 The Western MiSTiC Activity Fund Graphs Show Breakdown of Budget


MiSTiC, 10 Health, 10

Convo & Lyceum, 8.5 Activity Fees, 71

Music, 8

MiSTiC, 4 DRAGON, 16

Stu. Coiri., 4.. DRAGON 4.5

Forensics, 1.5 Sinking Fund, 5

Athletics, 30.5 Forensios, 3

Athletics, 19 Misc.,4.5 res are in per cent. by Tommy Grandy and Bob Olson. ^ ^ ¥ MS Art at Editor's Mail 1948-49 Student Concordia Writer Wonders at Student Apathy Activity Fund Frequently this past year I have serious that it would not be possible ly serious are the comments of those Art works from MSTC, Concordia, wondered, like many others attend­ for a larger percentage of students not associated with the college about XDAC, and various Fargo-Moorhead ing MSTC, what is necessary to to be of assistance on play produc­ the apparent lack of college spirit, Totals $23,580 individuals were exhibited in Fjel- please the student body. The college tion, radio programs, attend the participation, and support which i \ stad hall at Concordia last week. The 1948-49 student activity bud­ spirit reminds me of an old hotel in season's football, basketball, and heard from several people last Tues­ day after the band concert. get amounts to 423,580. Students who displayed their work Savannah, Georgia, where the people baseball games, the band concerts, included Virginia Pearson, Moor- sat complacently on the veranda and the Amphion artist series. If The band is deserving of a great* The 48 activity fee based on an head; Chrystal Lindberg, Karlstad; t he entire day discussing errors of we did not have these activities and deal of praise for presenting such a estimated 600 enrollment for the Helen Olson, Pelican Rapids; Mar­ others and themselves doing absolute­ the NDAC did have them, we would fine concert. They worked hard and regular school year, and an estimat­ garet Christiansen, Aitkin; Mearel ly nothing. really have a fit. long during the limited time available ed 310 students for the summer Nesteby, Greenbush; Audrey Cornell, It would seem to me, too, that it to them to present an acceptable*! term, will bring $16,730 of the total Too few people participate and Rustad; Ted Millete, Helen Pheil- would behoove future teachers to be­ concert. Proof that it was acceptable receipts. support, the extracurricular activit­ stieker, Virginia Dusek, and Betty come acquainted with various activ­ was indicated by the many favorable Other sources of income are, ies of the school. Whether it is a lack Papermaster, Fargo; Ray Berg, ities in order that they might be comments, and the h'gh praise given 41,100 from DRAGON ads; $1,000 of interest, a fear of new situations, Thief River Falls; Delaine Redmann, better prepared to someday help by Mr. Schoff of the organization's from MiSTiC ads; athletic receipts or that the programs are not suit­ Rothsay; Sue Ungerecht, Detroit organize and to urge student inter­ musicianship, Mr. McGarrity's direc­ of $4,375, and $375 from forensics able according to the student body's Lakes, and Leonard and Maynard est and participation in school ac­ tion, and the excellence of Bunky activities. taste—I do not know. Possibly it Is Dehlin, Graceville. tivities which are essential to a well- Cooper's clarinet solo and Johnny, Estimated expenditures listed in all of these. rounded educational program. Johnson's trumpet solo, and the en- The Art club held a banquet yest­ I recognize that many students the new budget include $1,179 to the ore number by the Three Jacks. We erday, Monday, May 17, in the Gard­ cannot participate because they are Several articles have been printed sinking fund; $1,900 to convocation can be proud that we have such ner hotel in Fargo working, or lack the funds, or have in the MiSTiC concerning the poor and lyceum programs; $1,865 to mu­ a fine organization on the MSTC* Leland Fett., Judson, N.D., was in some other valid reason. However, I student attendance at the Amphion sic. activities, of which $170 is bud­ campus to be appreciated by us. geted to the Euterpe concert; $3,800 charge. do not believe the situation to be so artist series programs, the apparent I believe that we as students to the publication of the PEAGON, lack of interest in the radio pro­ should give ourselves a jolt and be­ .and $2,350 to the MiSTiC. grams, and the poor game attend­ Notes About Alums gin realizing that we are in need of The budget allows $1078.30 for ance. These stories which we more a change of school spirit and remove Student Commission activities; $7242 or less shrug oil, indicate vividly this complacent attitude. for athletics, of which $422 is ap­ enough what is oceuring at MSTC. Rudy ^eterson Elected President of —B.BX propriated to women's athletics; The thing which I deem to be real­ $2,356 for health and $775 for for­ ensics activities. Fargo-Moorhead Alumni Chapter ( The $1,034.70 for the activities Rudy Peterson was elected presi­ wend, MSTC; S. B. Hubbard, Box listed a$ miscellaneous includes $422 dent of the Fargo-Moorhead MSTC 525; Evelyn Myller, 603 Tenth street to arts activities; $372.70 to the bus­ TIME TO REMEMBER alumni chapter at an annual ban­ S.; Lucy M. Sheffield, 612 First av­ iness office; $120 to the dean's teas, quet held Wednesday evening, May enue N.; Huldah Gigstad, 321 and $120 to pep activity. 12, at the Graver hotel. Eighth street S.; Agnes J. Kise, Where Your Money Goes Other officers elected were Mrs. W. 812 Sixth avenue VS.; Eileen Wid- h Subtracting the receipts of money S. Tarbell, vice president, and Mar- enhoefer Anderson, 603 Fourteenth earning activities from their expen­ jorie Paulsrud, secretary and treas­ street S.; Don X. Anderson, 603 ditures to get the net outlay from urer. Fourteenth street S.; A. K. Baldwin, the activity fund shows for what the An attempt to unify the organiza­ 19 Fourth street S.; Arlene Erickson student'8 $8 per quarter fee is spent. tion through more regular meetings Lee, 1101 Eleventh street S.; Clar­ $1.37 Athletics and a membership drive are future ence Glasrud, MSTC, and Helen Le- DRAGON 1.29 plans of the chapter. Gr'and, 222 Eleventh street S., all of 1.13 Health Arlo Baldwin, retiring president, Moorhead. .91 Convo and Lyceum _ commended the MiSTiC on its policy Fargo members who attended were .89 Music in regard in regard to alumni news. .Edna Rost, 1144 Seventh street X.; .65 MiSTiC Members of the chapter who at­ Lorraine Coleman, 1416 Second aven­ .56 Sinking fund tended were R. G. Peterson, 218 N. ue S.; Marion V. Ingraham, 1448 .51 (Student Commission Xinth; Joan Storrs Peterson, 218 Twelfth avenue S.; Alice Nolin, Forensics .19 X. Ninth; Esther Russell Tarbell, 1405 Tenth street S., and LaBelle Miscellaneous .50 813 Sixth avenue S.; X. E. Wohl- Hotlie Morris, 55 Broadway.

The Western MiSTiC AMERICA NEEDS STRONG MEN AND WOMEN Editor-in-chief—Charles Backstrom Associate Editor Howard Binford Managing Editor--Paul Pawlowski DRINK GOOD MILK (jracluafioji r News Editor—Mearel Nesteby Business Manager—James Dokken i Circulation—Garth Stouffer i Printer—Arthur Phillipp FAIRMONTS BETTER FOOD Linotype Operator—Charles Warner Member Associated GoUeftiate Press Published weekly except during vacations, holidays, and testing periods U C T S at Moorhead, Minnesota, by the Moor­ PROD head State Teachers College. Sub­ scription price to students is included in student activity fee (60c per quarter). In the case of paid-up alumni mem­ bers, subscription is included in the membership fee (% of S2 yearly fee). All other subscriptions are one dollar a year, five cents a single copy. Entered The FAIRMONT CREAMERY Co. as second class matter May 8. 1925 at Post Office, Moorhead. Minnesota, under act of March 3, 1879. The Western MiSTiC Page 3 Twelve More Graduating Lura to Give Sue Ungerecht Elected President Of Gamma Nu Social Sorority Students Accept Positions Campus High Sue Ungerecht, Detroit Lakes, was Oakes, N.D. During the past week, twelve spring elected president of Gamma Nu sor­ The spring lake trip will be held quarter graduates have accepted GradAddress ority at a recent meeting. Myrle this weekend at the Gosslee cottage MS, Concordia, AC teaching positions for the 1948-49 Warren, Moorhead, was chosen vice on Big Pelican lake. school year. Dr. C.P.Lura, president of May- president. Plans were made for the annual Luth erans Plan Banquet Mona Baril, Red Lake Falls, will ville State Teachers college, will give Other officers elected were Francis Mother's tea and the graduation teach fourth grade at Plummer; Lor- the commencement address at MSTC Folger, Moorhead, corresponding breakfast to be held during the final At Trinity Church na Hintsal New York Mills, first campus high school, Monday, May secretary; Anita Krabbenhoft, Sa- week of school. 31 at 8 :p.m. bin, treasurer; Donna Harris, St. A banquet for the MSTC, NDAC, grade at Wheat on; Marjory Wil­ liams, Ulcn, second grade at Wheat- Paul, publicity chairman; Norma and Concordia Lutheran students The Rev. A. J. Kammann, pastor on; Beverly Hillberg, Sisseton, S.D., Skunes, Grandin, N.D., historian; Epko Film Service will be held at Trinity church, Moor- of the First Presbyterian church, KODAK FILMS fifth grade at Lamberton; Verna Lois Olson, Moorhead, courtesy head, Wednesday, May 19 at 5:30 p.m. Photographer Supplies •Owens, Crookston, first grade at Moorhead, will be the speaker at the chairman, and Audrey Cornell, Rus- Dr. Morris Wee, executive dir­ Lamberton; and Audrey and Doro­ baccalaureate exercises, Sunday May tad, intersorority representative. Insist on our ector of the student commission of thy Pohl, White Rock, S.D., fourtn 30, at 3 p.m. in the campus school Co-rushing captains are Mary Beth Quality Eptone Finishing 631 NP Ave. Fargo. N. D. the National Lutheran council, Chi- and second grades respectively at auditorium. Hagan, Fargo, and Iva Shafer, ago is guest speaker. Maragret Lamberton. Chrisiansen, Aitkin, will be toast- Gloria Zetterstein, Wlieatou, will mistress. Special music will be fur­ teach sixth grade at Lamberton > FOR HIGH QUALITY nished by| a male quartet from Con­ See us for your Rosemary Dodds, Moorhead, physi­ INSIST UPON cordia, and Mre. Carl Zimmer, Fargo. cal education at Thief River Falls, FAVORITE RECORDINGS Tickets at $1.25 each are being and James Cochran, Moorhead, social sold by Carol Benson, Beeder, N.D.; studies at Thief River Falls. ILIU/7RATOR. 0 Eyi 6NER/ Bernie's Record Shoppe Verona Johnson,Stephen; Otto Wed- Judith Chilton, Detroit Lakes, a ENGRAVERS tlTHO PLATE ttAKEif ul, Thief River Falls, and Eleanor winter quarter graduate, will also FA k 6 O NO. DAK.. The Northwest's Exclusive Odegard, Buxton, N.D. instruct physical education at Thief River Falls. Retail Stores Located at Record Store 519 Bdwy. — Dial 4165 — Fargo When Calling a Cab 13 8 St. So. — Dial 6583 — Fargo 615 NP Ave. Dial 8448 CALL YOU'LL ALWAYS FIND 705 Center — Dial 3-1228 —Mild. CITY CAB THE LATEST POPULAR DIAL 3-1354 RECORDS AT @ou*t4elen4... . FIRST NATIONAL BANK MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA If you don't know furs— Member Federal Reserve Syetem know your furrier! Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation L, L. MILO MATSON, Royal R egistered Furrier FAR60, M.». MOORHEAD Did you know Beauty Crest SCHERLING'S are now in Moorhead? A complete line of Photographic Supplies for the amateur STUDENTS! The Store of Your film can be developed only once— DEMAND THE BEST! MARRIED Keepsake Bring your films direct to the finisher for the best results Friendly, Personal Be sure to see our line of Eastmen Kodaks and supplies. VETERANS! Service SCHERLING'S PHOTO SUPPLY We still have the lowest MOORHEAD 10 No. Fourth St., Moorhead everyday food prices. If it's from SCHERLING'S it must be good' DRUG COMPANY FAB.00 "NOR-TH DANOTA L B. HART7. Th« REXALL Drug Stora ••X

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Women's — Misses — Children's Wear ill Dial 3-1555 Moorhead The Very Latest in College Fashions •jr.. Page 4 The Western MiSTiC Dragon Baseballers Reach Finals Warner's Newsy Notes Sports at Standstill as Felde Plates Three Runners In 6-5 Raqueteers MS Athletes Don Khaki Thriller Over Bemidji/ V/est Homers Once again the men of MSTC had ing. . . Saw a couple baseball play­ A two-run seventh inning earned Jocko got the first hitter to pop Top Bemidji the fact brought home to them that ers -Saturday afternoon — Gordy the Dragons the north half champion­ out to Gary Woodward at short but violence and threat of violence are Rasmussoii, Tom G randy, Harold Un- ship of the conference Friday as they The Moorhead State Teachers from then on he had tough sleding. ever pressing. Friday night's mus­ rah and Marlin Dennison. In tlie sum­ edged out the Bemidji Beavers 6-0. College tennis team defeated Bem­ The Beavers combed his offerings for tering in of the Moorhead National mer their play for the Leader Lend­ After a three run fifth by the visit­ four hits including a 440 foot homer idji TC '4-3 on tfie Detroit Lakes Guard reduced Coach Roy Domek's ers, the Cass Lake Pirates, the Cassel- ors things looked dark for the pupils and a triple and took advantage of courts Friday, May 14. The Dragon trgck squad to three men causing the ton Prairie Rats and the Beltrami of Wohlwend and LeGrand. They en­ three errors to jump to a five run netrnen swept the first three singles cancellation of a track meet at Bem­ Belters, respectively. Watch 'em. . . tered the home half of the sixth on lead. Don Magloughlin cleared the matches and the No. 1 doubles. idji Saturday. Tennis and golf meets "Oats" LeGrand has landed a job the short end of a 5-1 count and the right field fence for two runs and Results: with the Beaver school also had to with Lowe & Campbell Sporting Beaver hurler, George Thorbrogger, Jerry Kranz stole a pair of bases Lee (M) over Holycross (B) 6-3, be called off and things look dark for •Goods company. The job ought to be was looking invincible. and came- in on error to give the 6-2. Coach Neil Wohlwend's baseball right up his alley. "Oats" and Stan Dragons three runs in their half of John Conzemius and Max West Rude (M) over Jameson (B) 6-3 team Kostka, AC coach, put on quite a were riding the bags when the MS the inning. 6-1. show for the fans in the last AC version of Joe DiMaggio—Norm Buster Woodward pitched the sec­ Jocko Gotta was called to the col­ game. . . Rich (M) over Lepper (B) 4-6, ors while competing in the Dragon- Felde—strolled to the plate. He laced ond inning and Rus Moe bulled the 6-1, 6-0, out a long drive to deep center good last three before the gan 1 was call­ Beaver baseball contest. Melby (B) over Robinson (M) 6-4, for a triple and two runs. Pinch ed, Bemidji winning 11-6. 6-2. GALS COMING — hitter Alvin Swanson drove Norm in AROUND 'N' ABOUT — Maxwell (B) over Schwab (M) The men of this institution are in with a single. A quick tour of the campus reveals AE's Take 23-14 Tilt 6-1, 3-6, 6 3. for a big treat — next spring. The Felde again provided the scoring much in the line of sporting activity. punch in the seventh, singling with Lee and Rude (M) over Holycross The Foxhole gamblers are betting 6-1 annual Minnesota College WAA play- u the sacks loaded for the winning tal­ In Frat Softball Seri es and Jameson (B) 7-5, 6-3. that the new dorm WON'T BE day will be held on our campus in ly- By MILT SEIFERT Lepper and Melby (B) over Rich STARTED UNTIL AUGUST, and '49. Girls from all Minnesota schools | Max West homered in the second and Robinson (M) 4-6, 6-2, default. Alpha Epsilon fraternity staged a final occupation talcing place in two Of higher learning \vill be on hand. with hone on while Rus Smith, Lyle 23-14 win over the Owl fraternity in years. I'm kinda glad I'm a fresh­ Twenty-five MSTC girls attended Westrum and Keith Mooney hit hom­ a twilight Softball game Wednesday, man. Maybe I'll get to stay in it my ers for the Beavers. May 12. To the Campus senior year! . . .Also around the Fox­ this year's event at St. Cloud Satur­ Harry Wilson survived the extra The clash was the first of a three- ROBERT B. REIMCHE hole I learned that the AE victory day. base barrage of the Bemidji outfit game series between the two frater­ in Softball over the Owl fraternity to receive credit for the win. nities. * was a fluke. It seems the umpires were Wohlwend started his second string­ KAY DRUG On the mound for the AE's was leaning over backwards in an at­ ers in the second game, the fresh­ Dial 3-0412 510 Center Ave. College Headquarters Paul Pawlowski, while Chuck Kel- tempt to be fair but actually the man flash, Jack Gotta taking the hill. let, Art Phillipp and Here Robinson victors were given a bunch of breaks. 618 Center Avenue tossed for the Owls. Father Owl Robinson says he'll have ROLLER SKATING his first team ready to go against Bluebird Coffee Shop DR. C. TILLISCH Eagle-eye Kranz was behind the AVALON - EVERT NITE the dreaded foe in their next meet- Optometrist - Eyesight Specialist catcher with Juel Thompson shout­ Except Tues. & Thur. Office In Moorhead Theatre Bldg. ing everything home while watching Do your shopping for Sporting Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted the bases. Sunday afternoon 3 to 5 Goods and Hardware at the Dial 3-2058, Moorhead Monday nite for Beginners WOLD DRUG CO. Town and Country Flowers Red River Hardware MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE FOUNTAIN Moorhead, Minnesota Dr. Ernest Pederson NORM & MARG OVERBY One-Day Service Next to Comstock Optometrist I YES EXAMINED Corsages a Specialty HOME LAUNDRY GLASSES FITTED Dial 3-1325 Drs. F. A. THYSELL If it's QUICK SERVICE and 702 Center At., Moorhead. Minn. Comstock Hotel Moorhead Phone 3-0547 Moorhead, Minn. and GOOD FOOD you want— DIAL 3-1624 J. W. DUNCAN It's DIAL 3-0232 Sharel Coffee Nook 624 Center Ave. Moorhead We're closest to the campus.

Siegel's Clothing Co. GROSZ ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiinii^ Fargo, N.D. STUDIOS

Moorhead Homebuilders- See us for all •Trenching •Traxcavating j AMERICAN STATE BANK Fine Portraits •Dozing •Dragline of MOORHEAD For Every Occasion MOORHEAD. MINNESOTA

Capital and Surplus $150,000 I Emery Excavating Co. | Food at Its Best »» A Friendly Home Owned | 319 Eleventh Street North Phone 3-0795 | j Institution Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Columbia Caft | Moorhead, Minnesota utiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:^ Awuee from NT Depot HOWARD'S Economical MM % Ice Cream Store Frank Mors! — Floyd Stoffal 711 First Ave. South Moorhead, Minn. GOOD CLOTHES HOMEMADE ICE CREAM for Its Better MEN and BOYS 50,000^ Its Fresher 30c* f 1 V I pjnt Every Inch a Clothing Store ALL FLAVORS We Give S & H Green Stamp*

It's just a little street where all friends meet Visit Our Freddy Martin For Sizzling Steaks TujrecTo Junction New Record Dept. String of Pearls Glenn Miler. Complete Stock of the LATEST and BEST Try VICTOR and COLUMBIA Recordings

Leo Johnson Furniture Co. REX CAFE 525 Center Ave. Moorhead, Minn.