Supplementary Table 1. READ Codes Used in This Study and Corresponding Descriptions

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Supplementary Table 1. READ Codes Used in This Study and Corresponding Descriptions

Supplementary Table 1. READ codes used in this study and corresponding descriptions

READ code and description


BBb..00 [M]Gliomas

BBb0.00 [M]Glioma; malignant

BBb0.11 [M]Glioma NOS

BBb0.12 [M]Gliosarcoma

BBb1.00 [M]Gliomatosis cerebri

BBb2.00 [M]Mixed glioma

BBb2.11 [M]Mixed glioma

BBb3.00 [M]Subependymal glioma

BBb3.11 [M]Subependymal astrocytoma NOS

BBb3.12 [M]Subependymal astrocytoma NOS

BBb3.13 [M]Subependymoma

BBb4.00 [M]Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma

BBb7.00 [M]Ependymoma NOS

BBb8.00 [M]Ependymoma; anaplastic type

BBb8.11 [M]Ependymoblastoma

BBb9.00 [M]Papillary ependymoma

BBbA.00 [M]Myxopapillary ependymoma

BBbB.00 [M]Astrocytoma NOS

BBbB.11 [M]Astrocytic glioma

BBbC.00 [M]Astrocytoma; anaplastic type

BBbD.00 [M]Protoplasmic astrocytoma

BBbE.00 [M]Gemistocytic astrocytoma

BBbE.11 [M]Gemistocytoma

BBbF.00 [M]Fibrillary astrocytoma BBbG.00 [M]Pilocytic astrocytoma

BBbG.11 [M]Juvenile astrocytoma

BBbG.12 [M]Piloid astrocytoma

BBbH.00 [M]Spongioblastoma NOS

BBbJ.00 [M]Spongioblastoma polare

BBbK.00 [M]Astroblastoma

BBbL.00 [M]Glioblastoma NOS

BBbL.11 [M]Glioblastoma multiforme

BBbL.12 [M]Spongioblastoma multiforme

BBbM.00 [M]Giant cell glioblastoma

BBbN.00 [M]Glioblastoma with sarcomatous component

BBbP.00 [M]Primitive polar spongioblastoma

BBbQ.00 [M]Oligodendroglioma NOS

BBbR.00 [M]Oligodendroglioma; anaplastic type

BBbS.00 [M]Oligodendroblastoma

BBbZ.00 [M]Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma

BBbz.00 [M]Glioma NOS


14AD.00 H/O ventricular fibrillation

14AN.00 H/O: atrial fibrillation

14AP.00 History of ventricular tachycardia

14AQ.00 History of supraventricular tachycardia

14AR.00 History of atrial flutter

181..12 Fluttering of heart

1814.00 Fluttering 2422.00 O/E - pulse rate - bradycardia

2422.11 O/E - bradycardia

2426.00 O/E - pulse rate tachycardia

2426.11 O/E - tachycardia

326..00 ECG: ectopic beats

3262.00 ECG: extrasystole

3263.00 ECG: ventricular ectopics

3264.00 ECG: atrial ectopics

326Z.00 ECG: ectopic beats NOS

327..00 ECG: supraventricular arrhythmia

3272.00 ECG: atrial fibrillation

3273.00 ECG: atrial flutter

3274.00 ECG: paroxysmal atrial tachy.

327Z.00 ECG: supraventric. arryth. NOS

328..00 ECG: ventricular arrhythmia

3282.00 ECG: ventricular tachycardia

3283.00 ECG: ventricular fibrillation

328Z.00 ECG: ventricular arrhythmia NOS

32K3.00 ECG: Q-T interval prolonged

G567300 Ventricular pre-excitation

G56y200 Romano - Ward syndrome

G56y300 Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome

G56y500 Long Q-T syndrome

G57..00 Cardiac dysrhythmias

G57..11 Cardiac arrhythmias

G570.00 Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia G570000 Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia

G570100 Paroxysmal atrioventricular tachycardia

G570200 Paroxysmal junctional tachycardia

G570300 Paroxysmal nodal tachycardia

G570z00 Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia NOS

G571.00 Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia

G571.11 Ventricular tachycardia

G572.00 Paroxysmal tachycardia unspecified

G572000 Essential paroxysmal tachycardia

G572100 Bouveret-Hoffmann syndrome

G572z00 Paroxysmal tachycardia NOS

G573.00 Atrial fibrillation and flutter

G573000 Atrial fibrillation

G573100 Atrial flutter

G573200 Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

G573300 Non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation

G573z00 Atrial fibrillation and flutter NOS

G574.00 Ventricular fibrillation and flutter

G574000 Ventricular fibrillation

G574011 Cardiac arrest-ventricular fibrillation

G574100 Ventricular flutter

G574z00 Ventricular fibrillation and flutter NOS

G576.00 Ectopic beats

G576.11 Premature beats

G576000 Ectopic beats unspecified

G576011 Extrasystoles G576100 Supraventricular ectopic beats

G576200 Ventricular ectopic beats

G576300 Atrial premature depolarization

G576400 Junctional premature depolarization

G576500 Ventricular premature depolarization

G576z00 Ectopic beats NOS

G577.00 Sinus arrhythmia

G57y.00 Other cardiac dysrhythmias

G57y.13 Skipped beat

G57y.14 Heart beats irregular

G57y000 Persistent sinus bradycardia

G57y100 Severe sinus bradycardia

G57y300 Sick sinus syndrome

G57y400 Sinoatrial node dysfunction NOS

G57y600 Nodal rhythm disorder

G57y700 Sinus tachycardia

G57y900 Supraventricular tachycardia NOS

G57yA00 Re-entry ventricular arrhythmia

G57yz00 Other cardiac dysrhythmia NOS

G57z.00 Cardiac dysrhythmia NOS

Gyu5a00 [X]Other specified cardiac arrhythmias

R050.00 [D]Tachycardia; unspecified

R059.00 [D]Sinus bradycardia

R05W.00 [D] Bradycardia; unspecified

R05X.00 [D] Other and unspecified abnormalities of heart beat

Ryu0600 [X]Bradycardia; unspecified Heart failure:

14A6.00 H/O: heart failure

14AM.00 H/O: Heart failure in last year

1O1..00 Heart failure confirmed

662T.00 Congestive heart failure monitoring

662W.00 Heart failure annual review

662p.00 Heart failure 6 month review

8B29.00 Cardiac failure therapy

8CL3.00 Heart failure care plan discussed with patient

8H2S.00 Admit heart failure emergency

8HBE.00 Heart failure follow-up

8HHb.00 Referral to heart failure nurse

8HHz.00 Referral to heart failure exercise programme

8HTL.00 Referral to heart failure clinic

8Hg8.00 Discharge from practice nurse heart failure clinic

8HgD.00 Discharge from heart failure nurse service

8Hk0.00 Referred to heart failure education group

9N0k.00 Seen in heart failure clinic

9N2p.00 Seen by community heart failure nurse

9Or..00 Heart failure monitoring administration

9Or0.00 Heart failure review completed

9Or1.00 Heart failure monitoring telephone invite

9Or2.00 Heart failure monitoring verbal invite

9Or3.00 Heart failure monitoring first letter

9Or4.00 Heart failure monitoring second letter 9Or5.00 Heart failure monitoring third letter

G58..00 Heart failure

G58..11 Cardiac failure

G580.00 Congestive heart failure

G580.11 Congestive cardiac failure

G580.12 Right heart failure

G580.13 Right ventricular failure

G580.14 Biventricular failure

G580000 Acute congestive heart failure

G580100 Chronic congestive heart failure

G580200 Decompensated cardiac failure

G580300 Compensated cardiac failure

G580400 Congestive heart failure due to valvular disease

G581.00 Left ventricular failure

G581.11 Asthma - cardiac

G581.13 Impaired left ventricular function

G581000 Acute left ventricular failure

G582.00 Acute heart failure

G58z.00 Heart failure NOS

G58z.11 Weak heart

G58z.12 Cardiac failure NOS

SP11100 Cardiac insufficiency as a complication of care

IHD without MI:

14A5.00 H/O: angina pectoris

14AJ.00 H/O: Angina in last year 14AL.00 H/O: Treatment for ischaemic heart disease

322..00 ECG: myocardial ischaemia

3222.00 ECG:shows myocardial ischaemia

322Z.00 ECG: myocardial ischaemia NOS

3232.00 ECG: old myocardial infarction

662K.00 Angina control

662K000 Angina control - good

662K100 Angina control - poor

662K200 Angina control - improving

662K300 Angina control - worsening

662Kz00 Angina control NOS

7927000 Repair of arteriovenous fistula of coronary artery

7927100 Repair of aneurysm of coronary artery

8B27.00 Antianginal therapy

G3...00 Ischaemic heart disease

G3...13 IHD - Ischaemic heart disease

G30..12 Coronary thrombosis

G30..16 Thrombosis - coronary

G31..00 Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease

G310.00 Postmyocardial infarction syndrome

G310.11 Dressler's syndrome

G311.00 Preinfarction syndrome

G311.11 Crescendo angina

G311.13 Unstable angina

G311.14 Angina at rest

G311100 Unstable angina G311200 Angina at rest

G311300 Refractory angina

G311400 Worsening angina

G311500 Acute coronary syndrome

G311z00 Preinfarction syndrome NOS

G312.00 Coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction

G31y.00 Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease

G31y000 Acute coronary insufficiency

G31y200 Subendocardial ischaemia

G31y300 Transient myocardial ischaemia

G31yz00 Other acute and subacute ischaemic heart disease NOS

G32..00 Old myocardial infarction

G32..11 Healed myocardial infarction

G33..00 Angina pectoris

G330.00 Angina decubitus

G330000 Nocturnal angina

G330z00 Angina decubitus NOS

G331.00 Prinzmetal's angina

G331.11 Variant angina pectoris

G332.00 Coronary artery spasm

G33z.00 Angina pectoris NOS

G33z000 Status anginosus

G33z100 Stenocardia

G33z200 Syncope anginosa

G33z300 Angina on effort

G33z400 Ischaemic chest pain G33z500 Post infarct angina

G33z600 New onset angina

G33z700 Stable angina

G33zz00 Angina pectoris NOS

G34..00 Other chronic ischaemic heart disease

G340.00 Coronary atherosclerosis

G340.11 Triple vessel disease of the heart

G340.12 Coronary artery disease

G340000 Single coronary vessel disease

G340100 Double coronary vessel disease

G341.00 Aneurysm of heart

G341.11 Cardiac aneurysm

G341000 Ventricular cardiac aneurysm

G341100 Other cardiac wall aneurysm

G341111 Mural cardiac aneurysm

G341200 Aneurysm of coronary vessels

G341z00 Aneurysm of heart NOS

G342.00 Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

G343.00 Ischaemic cardiomyopathy

G344.00 Silent myocardial ischaemia

G34y.00 Other specified chronic ischaemic heart disease

G34y000 Chronic coronary insufficiency

G34y100 Chronic myocardial ischaemia

G34yz00 Other specified chronic ischaemic heart disease NOS

G34z.00 Other chronic ischaemic heart disease NOS

G34z000 Asymptomatic coronary heart disease G3y..00 Other specified ischaemic heart disease

G3z..00 Ischaemic heart disease NOS

Gyu3.00 [X]Ischaemic heart diseases

Gyu3000 [X]Other forms of angina pectoris

Gyu3200 [X]Other forms of acute ischaemic heart disease

Gyu3300 [X]Other forms of chronic ischaemic heart disease g332.00 Coronary artery spasm


14A2.00 H/O: hypertension

6146200 Hypertension induced by oral contraceptive pill

6627.00 Good hypertension control

6628.00 Poor hypertension control

662F.00 Hypertension treatm. started

662G.00 Hypertensive treatm.changed

662O.00 On treatment for hypertension

662b.00 Moderate hypertension control

7Q01.00 High cost hypertension drugs

7Q01y00 Other specified high cost hypertension drugs

8B26.00 Antihypertensive therapy

8BL0.00 Patient on maximal tolerated antihypertensive therapy

G2...00 Hypertensive disease

G2...11 BP - hypertensive disease

G20..00 Essential hypertension

G20..11 High blood pressure

G200.00 Malignant essential hypertension G201.00 Benign essential hypertension

G202.00 Systolic hypertension

G203.00 Diastolic hypertension

G20z.00 Essential hypertension NOS

G20z.11 Hypertension NOS

G21..00 Hypertensive heart disease

G210.00 Malignant hypertensive heart disease

G210000 Malignant hypertensive heart disease without CCF

G210100 Malignant hypertensive heart disease with CCF

G210z00 Malignant hypertensive heart disease NOS

G211.00 Benign hypertensive heart disease

G211000 Benign hypertensive heart disease without CCF

G211100 Benign hypertensive heart disease with CCF

G211z00 Benign hypertensive heart disease NOS

G21z.00 Hypertensive heart disease NOS

G21z000 Hypertensive heart disease NOS without CCF

G21z011 Cardiomegaly - hypertensive

G21z100 Hypertensive heart disease NOS with CCF

G21zz00 Hypertensive heart disease NOS

G22..00 Hypertensive renal disease

G22..11 Nephrosclerosis

G220.00 Malignant hypertensive renal disease

G221.00 Benign hypertensive renal disease

G222.00 Hypertensive renal disease with renal failure

G22z.00 Hypertensive renal disease NOS

G22z.11 Renal hypertension G23..00 Hypertensive heart and renal disease

G230.00 Malignant hypertensive heart and renal disease

G231.00 Benign hypertensive heart and renal disease

G232.00 Hypertensive heart&renal dis wth (congestive) heart failure

G233.00 Hypertensive heart and renal disease with renal failure

G234.00 Hyperten heart&renal dis+both(congestv)heart and renal fail

G23z.00 Hypertensive heart and renal disease NOS

G24..00 Secondary hypertension

G240.00 Secondary malignant hypertension

G240000 Secondary malignant renovascular hypertension

G240z00 Secondary malignant hypertension NOS

G241.00 Secondary benign hypertension

G241000 Secondary benign renovascular hypertension

G241z00 Secondary benign hypertension NOS

G244.00 Hypertension secondary to endocrine disorders

G24z.00 Secondary hypertension NOS

G24z000 Secondary renovascular hypertension NOS

G24z100 Hypertension secondary to drug

G24zz00 Secondary hypertension NOS

G2y..00 Other specified hypertensive disease

G2z..00 Hypertensive disease NOS

Gyu2.00 [X]Hypertensive diseases

Gyu2000 [X]Other secondary hypertension

Gyu2100 [X]Hypertension secondary to other renal disorders

Stroke/TIA: 1477.00 H/O: cerebrovascular disease

14A7.00 H/O: CVA/stroke

14A7.11 H/O: CVA

14A7.12 H/O: stroke

14AB.00 H/O: TIA

14AF.00 H/O sub-arachnoid haemorrhage

14AK.00 H/O: Stroke in last year

662M.00 Stroke monitoring

662e.00 Stroke/CVA annual review

662o.00 Haemorrhagic stroke monitoring

7004100 Evacuation of haematoma from temporal lobe of brain

7004200 Evacuation of haematoma from cerebellum

7004300 Evacuation of intracerebral haematoma NEC

7008200 Aspiration of haematoma of brain tissue

7017000 Evacuation of subdural haematoma

7A25200 Embolisation of cerebral artery NEC

7P24200 Delivery of rehabilitation for stroke

9Om..00 Stroke/transient ischaemic attack monitoring administration

9Om0.00 Stroke/transient ischaemic attack monitoring first letter

9Om1.00 Stroke/transient ischaemic attack monitoring second letter

9Om2.00 Stroke/transient ischaemic attack monitoring third letter

9Om3.00 Stroke/transient ischaemic attack monitoring verbal invitati

9Om4.00 Stroke/transient ischaemic attack monitoring telephone invte

Fyu5500 [X]Other transnt cerebral ischaemic attacks+related syndroms

Fyu5600 [X]Other lacunar syndromes

G60..00 Subarachnoid haemorrhage G600.00 Ruptured berry aneurysm

G601.00 Subarachnoid haemorrhage from carotid siphon and bifurcation

G602.00 Subarachnoid haemorrhage from middle cerebral artery

G603.00 Subarachnoid haemorrhage from anterior communicating artery

G604.00 Subarachnoid haemorrhage from posterior communicating artery

G605.00 Subarachnoid haemorrhage from basilar artery

G606.00 Subarachnoid haemorrhage from vertebral artery

G60X.00 Subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery; unspecif

G60z.00 Subarachnoid haemorrhage NOS

G61..00 Intracerebral haemorrhage

G61..11 CVA - cerebrovascular accid due to intracerebral haemorrhage

G61..12 Stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage

G610.00 Cortical haemorrhage

G611.00 Internal capsule haemorrhage

G612.00 Basal nucleus haemorrhage

G613.00 Cerebellar haemorrhage

G614.00 Pontine haemorrhage

G615.00 Bulbar haemorrhage

G616.00 External capsule haemorrhage

G617.00 Intracerebral haemorrhage; intraventricular

G618.00 Intracerebral haemorrhage; multiple localized

G61X.00 Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere; unspecified

G61X000 Left sided intracerebral haemorrhage; unspecified

G61X100 Right sided intracerebral haemorrhage; unspecified

G61z.00 Intracerebral haemorrhage NOS

G62..00 Other and unspecified intracranial haemorrhage G620.00 Extradural haemorrhage - nontraumatic

G621.00 Subdural haemorrhage - nontraumatic

G622.00 Subdural haematoma - nontraumatic

G623.00 Subdural haemorrhage NOS

G62z.00 Intracranial haemorrhage NOS

G63..00 Precerebral arterial occlusion

G63..11 Infarction - precerebral

G63..12 Stenosis of precerebral arteries

G630.00 Basilar artery occlusion

G631.00 Carotid artery occlusion

G631.11 Stenosis; carotid artery

G631.12 Thrombosis; carotid artery

G632.00 Vertebral artery occlusion

G633.00 Multiple and bilateral precerebral arterial occlusion

G634.00 Carotid artery stenosis

G63y.00 Other precerebral artery occlusion

G63y000 Cerebral infarct due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries

G63y100 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteries

G63z.00 Precerebral artery occlusion NOS

G64..00 Cerebral arterial occlusion

G64..11 CVA - cerebral artery occlusion

G64..12 Infarction - cerebral

G64..13 Stroke due to cerebral arterial occlusion

G640.00 Cerebral thrombosis

G640000 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries

G641.00 Cerebral embolism G641.11 Cerebral embolus

G641000 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries

G64z.00 Cerebral infarction NOS

G64z.11 Brainstem infarction NOS

G64z.12 Cerebellar infarction

G64z000 Brainstem infarction

G64z100 Wallenberg syndrome

G64z111 Lateral medullary syndrome

G64z200 Left sided cerebral infarction

G64z300 Right sided cerebral infarction

G64z400 Infarction of basal ganglia

G65..00 Transient cerebral ischaemia

G65..11 Drop attack

G65..12 Transient ischaemic attack

G65..13 Vertebro-basilar insufficiency

G650.00 Basilar artery syndrome

G650.11 Insufficiency - basilar artery

G651.00 Vertebral artery syndrome

G651000 Vertebro-basilar artery syndrome

G652.00 Subclavian steal syndrome

G653.00 Carotid artery syndrome hemispheric

G654.00 Multiple and bilateral precerebral artery syndromes

G655.00 Transient global amnesia

G656.00 Vertebrobasilar insufficiency

G65y.00 Other transient cerebral ischaemia

G65z.00 Transient cerebral ischaemia NOS G65z000 Impending cerebral ischaemia

G65z100 Intermittent cerebral ischaemia

G65zz00 Transient cerebral ischaemia NOS

G66..00 Stroke and cerebrovascular accident unspecified

G66..11 CVA unspecified

G66..12 Stroke unspecified

G66..13 CVA - Cerebrovascular accident unspecified

G660.00 Middle cerebral artery syndrome

G661.00 Anterior cerebral artery syndrome

G662.00 Posterior cerebral artery syndrome

G663.00 Brain stem stroke syndrome

G664.00 Cerebellar stroke syndrome

G665.00 Pure motor lacunar syndrome

G666.00 Pure sensory lacunar syndrome

G667.00 Left sided CVA

G668.00 Right sided CVA

G669.00 Cerebral palsy; not congenital or infantile; acute

G671000 Acute cerebrovascular insufficiency NOS

G676000 Cereb infarct due cerebral venous thrombosis; nonpyogenic

G677.00 Occlusion/stenosis cerebral arts not result cerebral infarct

G677000 Occlusion and stenosis of middle cerebral artery

G677100 Occlusion and stenosis of anterior cerebral artery

G677200 Occlusion and stenosis of posterior cerebral artery

G677300 Occlusion and stenosis of cerebellar arteries

G677400 Occlusion+stenosis of multiple and bilat cerebral arteries

G680.00 Sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage G681.00 Sequelae of intracerebral haemorrhage

G682.00 Sequelae of other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage

G683.00 Sequelae of cerebral infarction

G68W.00 Sequelae/other + unspecified cerebrovascular diseases

G68X.00 Sequelae of stroke;not specfd as h'morrhage or infarction

G6W..00 Cereb infarct due unsp occlus/stenos precerebr arteries

G6X..00 Cerebrl infarctn due/unspcf occlusn or sten/cerebrl artrs

G74y500 Embolism and thrombosis of the subclavian artery

Gyu6000 [X]Subarachnoid haemorrhage from other intracranial arteries

Gyu6100 [X]Other subarachnoid haemorrhage

Gyu6200 [X]Other intracerebral haemorrhage

Gyu6300 [X]Cerebrl infarctn due/unspcf occlusn or sten/cerebrl artrs

Gyu6400 [X]Other cerebral infarction

Gyu6500 [X]Occlusion and stenosis of other precerebral arteries

Gyu6600 [X]Occlusion and stenosis of other cerebral arteries

Gyu6E00 [X]Subarachnoid haemorrh from intracranial artery; unspecif

Gyu6F00 [X]Intracerebral haemorrhage in hemisphere; unspecified

Gyu6G00 [X]Cereb infarct due unsp occlus/stenos precerebr arteries

ZV12511 [V]Personal history of stroke

ZV12512 [V]Personal history of cerebrovascular accident (CVA)


1442.00 H/O: raised blood lipids

44O4.00 Serum lipids high

44P3.00 Serum cholesterol raised

44P4.00 Serum cholesterol very high 44Q3.00 Serum triglycerides raised

8B28.00 Lipid lowering therapy

8BG2.00 Lipid lowering therapy indicated

9Oc..00 Lipid disorder monitoring administration

9Oc2.00 Lipid disorder monitoring first letter

C320.00 Pure hypercholesterolaemia

C320.11 Familial hypercholesterolaemia

C320.12 Fredrickson type IIa lipidaemia

C320.13 Low density lipoproteinaemia

C320000 Familial hypercholesterolaemia

C320100 Hyperbetalipoproteinaemia

C320200 Hyperlipidaemia; group A

C320300 Low-density-lipoprotein-type (LDL) hyperlipoproteinaemia

C320400 Fredrickson's hyperlipoproteinaemia; type IIa

C320y00 Other specified pure hypercholesterolaemia

C320z00 Pure hypercholesterolaemia NOS

C321.00 Pure hyperglyceridaemia

C321.11 Fredrickson type IV lipidaemia

C321.12 Very low density lipoprotinaemia

C321000 Hypertriglyceridaemia

C322.00 Mixed hyperlipidaemia

C322.11 Fredrickson type IIb lipidaemia

C322.12 Fredrickson type III lipidaemia

C322.13 Xanthoma tuberosum

C323.00 Hyperchylomicronaemia

C323.11 Burger - Grute syndrome C323.12 Fredrickson type I lipaemia

C323.13 Fredrickson type V lipaemia

C324.00 Hyperlipidaemia NOS

Cyu8D00 [X]Other hyperlipidaemia

ZV65317 [V]Dietary surveillance in hypercholesterolaemia


1434.00 H/O: diabetes mellitus

14F4.00 H/O: Admission in last year for diabetes foot problem

2BBF.00 Retinal abnormality - diabetes related

2BBL.00 O/E - diabetic maculopathy present both eyes

2BBP.00 O/E - right eye background diabetic retinopathy

2BBQ.00 O/E - left eye background diabetic retinopathy

2BBR.00 O/E - right eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy

2BBS.00 O/E - left eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy

2BBT.00 O/E - right eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy

2BBV.00 O/E - left eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy

2BBW.00 O/E - right eye diabetic maculopathy

2BBX.00 O/E - left eye diabetic maculopathy

2BBk.00 O/E - right eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy

2BBl.00 O/E - left eye stable treated prolif diabetic retinopathy

2BBo.00 O/E - sight threatening diabetic retinopathy

2G51000 Foot abnormality - diabetes related

2G5A.00 O/E - Right diabetic foot at risk

2G5B.00 O/E - Left diabetic foot at risk

2G5C.00 Foot abnormality - diabetes related 2G5E.00 O/E - Right diabetic foot at low risk

2G5F.00 O/E - Right diabetic foot at moderate risk

2G5G.00 O/E - Right diabetic foot at high risk

2G5H.00 O/E - Right diabetic foot - ulcerated

2G5I.00 O/E - Left diabetic foot at low risk

2G5J.00 O/E - Left diabetic foot at moderate risk

2G5K.00 O/E - Left diabetic foot at high risk

2G5L.00 O/E - Left diabetic foot - ulcerated

2G5V.00 O/E - right chronic diabetic foot ulcer

2G5W.00 O/E - left chronic diabetic foot ulcer

66A3.00 Diabetic on diet only

66A4.00 Diabetic on oral treatment

66A5.00 Diabetic on insulin

66AD.00 Fundoscopy - diabetic check

66AG.00 Diabetic drug side effects

66AH.00 Diabetic treatment changed

66AH000 Conversion to insulin

66AI.00 Diabetic - good control

66AJ.00 Diabetic - poor control

66AJ.11 Unstable diabetes

66AJ100 Brittle diabetes

66AJz00 Diabetic - poor control NOS

66AK.00 Diabetic - cooperative patient

66AL.00 Diabetic-uncooperative patient

66AV.00 Diabetic on insulin and oral treatment

66AW.00 Diabetic foot risk assessment 66Ab.00 Diabetic foot examination

66Ac.00 Diabetic peripheral neuropathy screening

66Ak.00 Diabetic monitoring - lower risk albumin excretion

66Al.00 Diabetic monitoring - higher risk albumin excretion

66Am.00 Insulin dose changed

68A7.00 Diabetic retinopathy screening

7L19800 Subcutaneous injection of insulin

8A12.00 Diabetic crisis monitoring

8A13.00 Diabetic stabilisation

8B3l.00 Diabetes medication review

8BL2.00 Patient on maximal tolerated therapy for diabetes

8HBG.00 Diabetic retinopathy 12 month review

8HBH.00 Diabetic retinopathy 6 month review

9OLD.00 Diabetic patient unsuitable for digital retinal photography

C10..00 Diabetes mellitus

C100.00 Diabetes mellitus with no mention of complication

C100000 Diabetes mellitus; juvenile type; no mention of complication

C100011 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

C100100 Diabetes mellitus; adult onset; no mention of complication

C100111 Maturity onset diabetes

C100112 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

C100z00 Diabetes mellitus NOS with no mention of complication

C101.00 Diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis

C101000 Diabetes mellitus; juvenile type; with ketoacidosis

C101100 Diabetes mellitus; adult onset; with ketoacidosis

C101y00 Other specified diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis C101z00 Diabetes mellitus NOS with ketoacidosis

C102.00 Diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolar coma

C102000 Diabetes mellitus; juvenile type; with hyperosmolar coma

C102100 Diabetes mellitus; adult onset; with hyperosmolar coma

C102z00 Diabetes mellitus NOS with hyperosmolar coma

C103.00 Diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma

C103000 Diabetes mellitus; juvenile type; with ketoacidotic coma

C103100 Diabetes mellitus; adult onset; with ketoacidotic coma

C103y00 Other specified diabetes mellitus with coma

C103z00 Diabetes mellitus NOS with ketoacidotic coma

C104.00 Diabetes mellitus with renal manifestation

C104.11 Diabetic nephropathy

C104000 Diabetes mellitus; juvenile type; with renal manifestation

C104100 Diabetes mellitus; adult onset; with renal manifestation

C104y00 Other specified diabetes mellitus with renal complications

C104z00 Diabetes mellitis with nephropathy NOS

C105.00 Diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic manifestation

C105000 Diabetes mellitus; juvenile type; + ophthalmic manifestation

C105100 Diabetes mellitus; adult onset; + ophthalmic manifestation

C105y00 Other specified diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complicatn

C105z00 Diabetes mellitus NOS with ophthalmic manifestation

C106.00 Diabetes mellitus with neurological manifestation

C106.11 Diabetic amyotrophy

C106.12 Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy

C106.13 Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy

C106000 Diabetes mellitus; juvenile; + neurological manifestation C106100 Diabetes mellitus; adult onset; + neurological manifestation

C106y00 Other specified diabetes mellitus with neurological comps

C106z00 Diabetes mellitus NOS with neurological manifestation

C107.00 Diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorder

C107.11 Diabetes mellitus with gangrene

C107.12 Diabetes with gangrene

C107000 Diabetes mellitus; juvenile +peripheral circulatory disorder

C107100 Diabetes mellitus; adult; + peripheral circulatory disorder

C107200 Diabetes mellitus; adult with gangrene

C107300 IDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder

C107400 NIDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder

C107y00 Other specified diabetes mellitus with periph circ comps

C107z00 Diabetes mellitus NOS with peripheral circulatory disorder

C108.00 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

C108.11 IDDM-Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

C108.12 Type 1 diabetes mellitus

C108.13 Type I diabetes mellitus

C108000 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with renal complications

C108011 Type I diabetes mellitus with renal complications

C108012 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with renal complications

C108100 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic comps

C108200 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological comps

C108211 Type I diabetes mellitus with neurological complications

C108212 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications

C108300 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple complicatn

C108400 Unstable insulin dependent diabetes mellitus C108411 Unstable type I diabetes mellitus

C108500 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with ulcer

C108511 Type I diabetes mellitus with ulcer

C108600 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with gangrene

C108700 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy

C108711 Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy

C108712 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy

C108800 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus - poor control

C108811 Type I diabetes mellitus - poor control

C108812 Type 1 diabetes mellitus - poor control

C108900 Insulin dependent diabetes maturity onset

C108911 Type I diabetes mellitus maturity onset

C108A00 Insulin-dependent diabetes without complication

C108B00 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy

C108B11 Type I diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy

C108C00 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy

C108C11 Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy

C108D00 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with nephropathy

C108D11 Type I diabetes mellitus with nephropathy

C108E00 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma

C108E11 Type I diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma

C108E12 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma

C108F00 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract

C108F11 Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract

C108G00 Insulin dependent diab mell with peripheral angiopathy

C108H00 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with arthropathy C108H11 Type I diabetes mellitus with arthropathy

C108J00 Insulin dependent diab mell with neuropathic arthropathy

C108J12 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy

C108y00 Other specified diabetes mellitus with multiple comps

C108z00 Unspecified diabetes mellitus with multiple complications

C109.00 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

C109.11 NIDDM - Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

C109.12 Type 2 diabetes mellitus

C109.13 Type II diabetes mellitus

C109000 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with renal comps

C109011 Type II diabetes mellitus with renal complications

C109012 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with renal complications

C109100 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalm comps

C109111 Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications

C109112 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications

C109200 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neuro comps

C109211 Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological complications

C109212 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications

C109300 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple comps

C109400 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with ulcer

C109411 Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer

C109412 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ulcer

C109500 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with gangrene

C109511 Type II diabetes mellitus with gangrene

C109600 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy

C109611 Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy C109612 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy

C109700 Non-insulin dependant diabetes mellitus - poor control

C109711 Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control

C109712 Type 2 diabetes mellitus - poor control

C109900 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complication

C109911 Type II diabetes mellitus without complication

C109A00 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy

C109A11 Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy

C109B00 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy

C109B11 Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy

C109C00 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with nephropathy

C109C11 Type II diabetes mellitus with nephropathy

C109C12 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy

C109D00 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with hypoglyca coma

C109D11 Type II diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma

C109D12 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma

C109E00 Non-insulin depend diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract

C109E11 Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract

C109E12 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract

C109F00 Non-insulin-dependent d m with peripheral angiopath

C109F11 Type II diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy

C109F12 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy

C109G00 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with arthropathy

C109G11 Type II diabetes mellitus with arthropathy

C109G12 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy

C109H00 Non-insulin dependent d m with neuropathic arthropathy C109H11 Type II diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy

C109H12 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy

C109J00 Insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus

C109J11 Insulin treated non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

C109J12 Insulin treated Type II diabetes mellitus

C109K00 Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus

C10A.00 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus

C10A000 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma

C10A100 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis

C10A200 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with renal complicatn

C10A300 Malnutrit-related diabetes mellitus wth ophthalmic complicat

C10A400 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus wth neuro complicatns

C10A500 Malnutritn-relat diabetes melitus wth periph circul complctn

C10A600 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with multiple comps

C10A700 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus without complications

C10AW00 Malnutrit-related diabetes mellitus with unspec complics

C10AX00 Malnutrit-relat diabetes mellitus with other spec comps

C10B.00 Diabetes mellitus induced by steroids

C10B000 Steroid induced diabetes mellitus without complication

C10C.00 Diabetes mellitus autosomal dominant

C10C.11 Maturity onset diabetes in youth

C10D.00 Diabetes mellitus autosomal dominant type 2

C10D.11 Maturity onset diabetes in youth type 2

C10E.00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus

C10E.11 Type I diabetes mellitus

C10E.12 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus C10E000 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with renal complications

C10E100 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications

C10E200 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications

C10E300 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications

C10E311 Type I diabetes mellitus with multiple complications

C10E312 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple complicat

C10E400 Unstable type 1 diabetes mellitus

C10E411 Unstable type I diabetes mellitus

C10E412 Unstable insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

C10E500 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ulcer

C10E511 Type I diabetes mellitus with ulcer

C10E600 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with gangrene

C10E700 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy

C10E711 Type I diabetes mellitus with retinopathy

C10E712 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with retinopathy

C10E800 Type 1 diabetes mellitus - poor control

C10E812 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus - poor control

C10E900 Type 1 diabetes mellitus maturity onset

C10EA00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus without complication

C10EA11 Type I diabetes mellitus without complication

C10EB00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy

C10EC00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy

C10EC11 Type I diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy

C10ED00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy

C10EE00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma

C10EF00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract C10EG00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy

C10EH00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy

C10EJ00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy

C10EK00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria

C10EL00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria

C10EM00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis

C10EM11 Type I diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis

C10EN00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma

C10EN11 Type I diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma

C10EP00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy

C10EQ00 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with gastroparesis

C10F.00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus

C10F.11 Type II diabetes mellitus

C10F000 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with renal complications

C10F011 Type II diabetes mellitus with renal complications

C10F100 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic complications

C10F200 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neurological complications

C10F300 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with multiple complications

C10F311 Type II diabetes mellitus with multiple complications

C10F400 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ulcer

C10F411 Type II diabetes mellitus with ulcer

C10F500 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gangrene

C10F511 Type II diabetes mellitus with gangrene

C10F600 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with retinopathy

C10F611 Type II diabetes mellitus with retinopathy

C10F700 Type 2 diabetes mellitus - poor control C10F711 Type II diabetes mellitus - poor control

C10F900 Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complication

C10F911 Type II diabetes mellitus without complication

C10FA00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy

C10FA11 Type II diabetes mellitus with mononeuropathy

C10FB00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy

C10FB11 Type II diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy

C10FC00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with nephropathy

C10FC11 Type II diabetes mellitus with nephropathy

C10FD00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycaemic coma

C10FE00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract

C10FE11 Type II diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract

C10FF00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy

C10FF11 Type II diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy

C10FG00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with arthropathy

C10FH00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with neuropathic arthropathy

C10FJ00 Insulin treated Type 2 diabetes mellitus

C10FJ11 Insulin treated Type II diabetes mellitus

C10FK00 Hyperosmolar non-ketotic state in type 2 diabetes mellitus

C10FL00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria

C10FL11 Type II diabetes mellitus with persistent proteinuria

C10FM00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria

C10FM11 Type II diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria

C10FN00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis

C10FP00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidotic coma

C10FQ00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with exudative maculopathy C10FR00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with gastroparesis

C10H.00 Diabetes mellitus induced by non-steroid drugs

C10H000 DM induced by non-steroid drugs without complication

C10M.00 Lipoatrophic diabetes mellitus

C10N.00 Secondary diabetes mellitus

C10N100 Cystic fibrosis related diabetes mellitus

C10y.00 Diabetes mellitus with other specified manifestation

C10y000 Diabetes mellitus; juvenile; + other specified manifestation

C10y100 Diabetes mellitus; adult; + other specified manifestation

C10yy00 Other specified diabetes mellitus with other spec comps

C10yz00 Diabetes mellitus NOS with other specified manifestation

C10z.00 Diabetes mellitus with unspecified complication

C10z000 Diabetes mellitus; juvenile type; + unspecified complication

C10z100 Diabetes mellitus; adult onset; + unspecified complication

C10zy00 Other specified diabetes mellitus with unspecified comps

C10zz00 Diabetes mellitus NOS with unspecified complication

C11y000 Steroid induced diabetes

Cyu2.00 [X]Diabetes mellitus

Cyu2000 [X]Other specified diabetes mellitus

Cyu2100 [X]Malnutrit-relat diabetes mellitus with other spec comps

Cyu2200 [X]Malnutrit-related diabetes mellitus with unspec complics

Cyu2300 [X]Unspecified diabetes mellitus with renal complications

F171100 Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes

F345000 Diabetic mononeuritis multiplex

F35z000 Diabetic mononeuritis NOS

F372.00 Polyneuropathy in diabetes F372.11 Diabetic polyneuropathy

F372.12 Diabetic neuropathy

F372000 Acute painful diabetic neuropathy

F372100 Chronic painful diabetic neuropathy

F372200 Asymptomatic diabetic neuropathy

F381300 Myasthenic syndrome due to diabetic amyotrophy

F381311 Diabetic amyotrophy

F3y0.00 Diabetic mononeuropathy

F420.00 Diabetic retinopathy

F420000 Background diabetic retinopathy

F420100 Proliferative diabetic retinopathy

F420200 Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy

F420300 Advanced diabetic maculopathy

F420400 Diabetic maculopathy

F420500 Advanced diabetic retinal disease

F420600 Non proliferative diabetic retinopathy

F420700 High risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy

F420800 High risk non proliferative diabetic retinopathy

F420z00 Diabetic retinopathy NOS

F440700 Diabetic iritis

F464000 Diabetic cataract

G73y000 Diabetic peripheral angiopathy

K01x100 Nephrotic syndrome in diabetes mellitus

K01x111 Kimmelstiel - Wilson disease

Kyu0300 [X]Glomerular disorders in diabetes mellitus

L180500 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus; insulin-dependent L180600 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus; non-insulin-dependent

L180700 Pre-existing malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus

L180X00 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus; unspecified

Lyu2900 [X]Pre-existing diabetes mellitus; unspecified

M037200 Cellulitis in diabetic foot

M271000 Ischaemic ulcer diabetic foot

M271100 Neuropathic diabetic ulcer - foot

M271200 Mixed diabetic ulcer - foot

N030000 Diabetic cheiroarthropathy

N030011 Diabetic cheiropathy

N030100 Diabetic Charcot arthropathy

R054200 [D]Gangrene of toe in diabetic

R054300 [D]Widespread diabetic foot gangrene

TJ23.00 Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents

TJ23000 Adverse reaction to insulins

TJ23z00 Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents NOS

U602300 [X]Insul/oral hypoglyc drugs caus adverse eff therapeut use

U602311 [X] Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents

U602312 [X] Adverse reaction to insulins

U60231E [X] Adverse reaction to insulins and antidiabetic agents NOS

ZRbH.00 Perceived control of insulin-dependent diabetes

ZV6DB00 [V]Admitted for conversion to insulin

Renal diseases:

14D..11 H/O: kidney disease

14D..12 H/O: renal disease 14D1.00 H/O: nephritis

14V2.00 H/O: renal dialysis

14V2.11 H/O: kidney dialysis

7L1A.00 Compensation for renal failure

7L1A.11 Dialysis for renal failure

7L1A000 Renal dialysis

7L1A011 Thomas intravascular shunt for dialysis

7L1A100 Peritoneal dialysis

7L1A200 Haemodialysis NEC

7L1Ay00 Other specified compensation for renal failure

7L1Az00 Compensation for renal failure NOS

7L1B.00 Placement ambulatory apparatus compensation renal failure

7L1B.11 Placement ambulatory dialysis apparatus - compens renal fail

7L1B000 Insertion of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter

7L1B100 Removal of ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter

7L1By00 Placement ambulatory apparatus- compensate renal failure OS

7L1Bz00 Placement ambulatory apparatus- compensate renal failure NOS

7L1C.00 Placement other apparatus for compensation for renal failure

7L1C000 Insertion of temporary peritoneal dialysis catheter

7L1Cy00 Placement other apparatus- compensate for renal failure OS

7L1Cz00 Placement other apparatus- compensate for renal failure NOS

A160000 Tuberculous nephropathy

A160100 Tuberculous pyelitis

A160200 Tuberculous pyelonephritis

A160z00 Tuberculosis of kidney NOS

A786.00 Haemorrhagic nephrosonephritis C104.11 Diabetic nephropathy

C104z00 Diabetes mellitis with nephropathy NOS

C108D00 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with nephropathy

C108D11 Type I diabetes mellitus with nephropathy

C109C00 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with nephropathy

C109C11 Type II diabetes mellitus with nephropathy

C341.00 Gouty nephropathy

C341100 Uric acid nephrolithiasis

C341111 Renal stone - uric acid

C354.12 Nephrocalcinosis

C354700 Nephrocalcinosis

C373600 Nephropathic amyloidosis

D215.00 Anaemia secondary to renal failure

D215000 Anaemia secondary to chronic renal failure

G22..00 Hypertensive renal disease

G22..11 Nephrosclerosis

G220.00 Malignant hypertensive renal disease

G221.00 Benign hypertensive renal disease

G222.00 Hypertensive renal disease with renal failure

G22z.00 Hypertensive renal disease NOS

G22z.11 Renal hypertension

G23..00 Hypertensive heart and renal disease

G230.00 Malignant hypertensive heart and renal disease

G231.00 Benign hypertensive heart and renal disease

G232.00 Hypertensive heart&renal dis wth (congestive) heart failure

G233.00 Hypertensive heart and renal disease with renal failure G234.00 Hyperten heart&renal dis+both(congestv)heart and renal fail

G23z.00 Hypertensive heart and renal disease NOS

G24z000 Secondary renovascular hypertension NOS

K0...00 Nephritis; nephrosis and nephrotic syndrome

K00..00 Acute glomerulonephritis

K00..11 Acute nephritis

K00..12 Bright's disease

K000.00 Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis

K001.00 Acute nephritis with lesions of necrotising glomerulitis

K00y.00 Other acute glomerulonephritis

K00y000 Acute glomerulonephritis in diseases EC

K00y200 Acute focal nephritis

K00y300 Acute diffuse nephritis

K00yz00 Other acute glomerulonephritis NOS

K00z.00 Acute glomerulonephritis NOS

K01..00 Nephrotic syndrome

K010.00 Nephrotic syndrome with proliferative glomerulonephritis

K011.00 Nephrotic syndrome with membranous glomerulonephritis

K013.00 Nephrotic syndrome with minimal change glomerulonephritis

K013.11 Lipoid nephrosis

K013.12 Steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome

K014.00 Nephrotic syndrome; minor glomerular abnormality

K015.00 Nephrotic syndrome; focal and segmental glomerular lesions

K016.00 Nephrotic syndrome; diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis

K017.00 Nephrotic syn difus mesangial prolifertiv glomerulonephritis

K018.00 Nephrotic syn;difus endocapilary proliftv glomerulonephritis K019.00 Nephrotic syn;diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis

K01A.00 Nephrotic syndrome; dense deposit disease

K01B.00 Nephrotic syndrome; diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis

K01w.00 Congenital nephrotic syndrome

K01w000 Finnish nephrosis syndrome

K01x000 Nephrotic syndrome in amyloidosis

K01x100 Nephrotic syndrome in diabetes mellitus

K01x111 Kimmelstiel - Wilson disease

K01x300 Nephrotic syndrome in polyarteritis nodosa

K01x400 Nephrotic syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus

K01x411 Lupus nephritis

K01z.00 Nephrotic syndrome NOS

K02..00 Chronic glomerulonephritis

K02..11 Nephritis - chronic

K02..12 Nephropathy - chronic

K020.00 Chronic proliferative glomerulonephritis

K021.00 Chronic membranous glomerulonephritis

K022.00 Chronic membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

K02y.00 Other chronic glomerulonephritis

K02y200 Chronic focal glomerulonephritis

K02y300 Chronic diffuse glomerulonephritis

K02yz00 Other chronic glomerulonephritis NOS

K02z.00 Chronic glomerulonephritis NOS

K03..00 Nephritis and nephropathy unspecified

K03..11 Nephritis and nephropathy unspecified

K03..12 Nephropathy; unspecified K030.00 Proliferative nephritis unspecified

K031.00 Membranous nephritis unspecified

K032.00 Membranoproliferative nephritis unspecified

K032000 Focal membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

K032100 Recurrent benign haematuria syndrome

K032400 Familial glomerulonephritis in Alport's syndrome

K032500 Other familial glomerulonephritis

K032y14 Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis NEC

K033.00 Rapidly progressive nephritis unspecified

K034.00 Renal cortical necrosis unspecified

K035.00 Renal medullary necrosis unspecified

K03T.00 Tubulo-interstit nephritis; not specif as acute or chron

K03U.00 Unspecif nephr synd; diff concentric glomerulonephritis

K03V.00 Unspecified nephritic syndrome; dense deposit disease

K03W.00 Unsp nephrit synd; diff endocap prolif glomerulonephritis

K03X.00 Unsp nephrit synd; diff mesang prolif glomerulonephritis

K03y.00 Other nephritis and nephrosis unspecified

K03y000 Other nephritis and nephrosis in diseases EC

K03y200 Other interstitial nephritis

K03yz00 Other nephritis and nephrosis NOS

K03z.00 Unspecified glomerulonephritis NOS

K04..00 Acute renal failure

K040.00 Acute renal tubular necrosis

K041.00 Acute renal cortical necrosis

K042.00 Acute renal medullary necrosis

K042.11 Necrotising renal papillitis K04y.00 Other acute renal failure

K04z.00 Acute renal failure NOS

K05..00 Chronic renal failure

K05..11 Chronic uraemia

K05..12 End stage renal failure

K050.00 End stage renal failure

K06..00 Renal failure unspecified

K06..11 Uraemia NOS

K060.00 Renal impairment

K060.11 Impaired renal function

K07..00 Renal sclerosis unspecified

K070.00 Atrophy of kidney

K071.00 Renal fibrosis

K072.00 Glomerulosclerosis

K07z.00 Renal sclerosis NOS

K08..00 Impaired renal function disorder

K080.00 Renal osteodystrophy

K080000 Phosphate-losing tubular disorders

K080100 Renal dwarfism

K080200 Renal infantilism

K080300 Renal rickets

K080z00 Renal osteodystrophy NOS

K081.00 Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus

K08y.00 Other impaired renal function disorder

K08y000 Hypokalaemic nephropathy

K08y100 Secondary hyperparathyroidism K08y200 Lightwood - Albright syndrome

K08y211 Albright's renal tubular acidosis

K08y300 Renal function impairment with growth failure

K08y400 Renal tubular acidosis

K08y412 Renal tubular acidaemia

K08y500 Acute interstitial nephritis

K08yz00 Other impaired renal function disorder NOS

K08yz11 Renal acidaemia

K08yz12 Renotubular acidaemia

K08z.00 Impaired renal function disorder NOS

K09..00 Small kidney of unknown cause

K090.00 Unilateral small kidney

K090000 Atrophy of kidney

K091.00 Bilateral small kidneys

K09z.00 Small kidneys unspecified

K0A..00 Glomerular disease

K0A0.00 Acute nephritic syndrome

K0A0000 Acute nephritic syndrome; minor glomerular abnormality

K0A0100 Acute nephritic syndrome; focal+segmental glomerular lesions

K0A0200 Acute nephritic syn; diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis

K0A0300 Acut neph syn; diffuse mesangial prolifrative glomnephritis

K0A0400 Ac neph syn difus endocaplry prolifrative glomerulonephritis

K0A0500 Acute neph syn; diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis

K0A0600 Acute nephritic syndrome; dense deposit disease

K0A0700 Acute nephrotic syndrm diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis

K0A1.00 Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome K0A1000 Rapid progres neph syndrome; minor glomerular abnormality

K0A1100 Rapid progres nephritic syn focal+segmental glomerulr lesion

K0A1200 Rapid progres neph syn diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis

K0A1300 Rpd prog neph syn df mesangial prolifratv glomerulonephritis

K0A1400 Rapid progres neph syn df endocapilary prolifv glomnephritis

K0A1500 Rapid prog neph syn df mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis

K0A1600 Rapid progressive nephritic syndrome; dense deposit disease

K0A1700 Rapid progres nephritic syn df crescentic glomerulonephritis

K0A2.00 Recurrent and persistent haematuria

K0A2000 Recurrent+persistnt haematuria minor glomerular abnormality

K0A2100 Recur+persist haematuria; focal+segmental glomerular lesions

K0A2200 Recur+persist haematuria difus membranous glomerulonephritis

K0A2400 Recur+persist haemuria df endocaplry prolifrtv glomeruloneph

K0A2500 Recur+persist hmuria df mesangiocapilary glomerulonephritis

K0A2600 Recurrent and persistent haematuria; dense deposit disease

K0A2700 Recur+persist haematuria difus crescentic glomerulonephritis

K0A3.00 Chronic nephritic syndrome

K0A3000 Chronic nephritic syndrome; minor glomerular abnormality

K0A3100 Chronic nephritic syndrm focal+segmental glomerular lesions

K0A3200 Chron nephritic syndrom difuse membranous glomerulonephritis

K0A3400 Chron neph syn difuse endocap prolifrativ glomerulonephritis

K0A3500 Chronic neph syn difus mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis

K0A3600 Chronic nephritic syndrome; dense deposit disease

K0A3700 Chronic nephritic syn diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis

K0A4.00 Isolated proteinuria with specified morphological lesion

K0A4000 Isolatd proteinur specfd morphlgcl lesion min glom abnrm K0A4100 Isolatd proteinur/specifd morphlgcl les foc+seg glom lesn

K0A4200 Isolatd proteinur/specfd morphlgcl les df membrn glomneph

K0A4300 Isoltd prteinur/spcfd morph lesn df mesngl prolf glomneph

K0A4400 Isolt prteinur/spcfd morph les df endocap prolif glomneph

K0A4500 Isoltd prteinur+specfd morph les df mesangiocap glomnephr

K0A4600 Isolatd proteinur spcfd morph lesion dense deposit diseas

K0A4700 Isol proteinur specfd morph lesion df crescentic glomneph

K0A4W00 Isolated proteinuria; with unspecified morpholog changes

K0A4X00 Isolated proteinuria; with oth specif morpholog changes

K0A5.00 Hereditary nephropathy not elsewhere classified

K0A5000 Hereditary nephropathy NEC; minor glomerular abnormality

K0A5100 Hereditary nephropathy NEC;focal+segmnt glomerular lesion

K0A5200 Hereditry nephropathy NEC;difus membran glomerulnephritis

K0A5300 Heredtry nephrpthy NEC difus mesangial prolif glomnephrit

K0A5400 Heredtry nephrpthy NEC difus endocapil prolif glomnephrit

K0A5500 [X]Heredtry nephrpthy NEC difus mesangiocapilry glomneph

K0A5600 Hereditary nephropathy; NEC; dense deposit disease

K0A5700 Hereditary nephropathy;NEC;difus crescentic glomnephritis

K0A5X00 Hereditary nephropathy; unspecif morphological changes

K0A6.00 Glomerular disorders in neoplastic diseases

K0A7.00 Glom disordr in blood diseas+disordr invlvg imun mechansm

K0B..00 Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in diseases EC

K0B0.00 Ren tubulo-interstital disord infect and parasitic dis EC

K0B1.00 Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder/ neoplastic diseases

K0B2.00 Ren tub-interst disordr/blood dis+disordr inv immune mech

K0B3.00 Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in metabolic diseases K0B4.00 Ren tub-interstitl disordr/systemc connectv tiss disorder

K0B4000 Renal tubulo-interstitial disorder in SLE

K0B5.00 Renal tubulo-interstitial disordrs in transplant rejectn

K0B6.00 Balkan nephropathy

K0C..00 Drug/heavy-metal-induced tubulo-interstitial and tub conditn

K0C0.00 Analgesic nephropathy

K0C1.00 Nephropathy induced by other drugs meds and biologl substncs

K0C2.00 Nephropathy induced by unspec drug medicament or biol subs

K0C3.00 Nephropathy induced by heavy metals

K0C4.00 Toxic nephropathy; not elsewhere classified

K0D..00 End-stage renal disease

K0y..00 Other specified nephritis; nephrosis or nephrotic syndrome

K0y0.00 Late syphilis of kidney

K0z..00 Nephritis; nephrosis and nephrotic syndrome NOS

K10..00 Infections of kidney

K10..11 Renal infections

K100.00 Chronic pyelonephritis

K100000 Chronic pyelonephritis without medullary necrosis

K100100 Chronic pyelonephritis with medullary necrosis

K100200 Chronic pyelitis

K100300 Chronic pyonephrosis

K100400 Nonobstructive reflux-associated chronic pyelonephritis

K100500 Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis

K100600 Calculous pyelonephritis

K100z00 Chronic pyelonephritis NOS

K101.00 Acute pyelonephritis K101000 Acute pyelonephritis without medullary necrosis

K101100 Acute pyelonephritis with medullary necrosis

K101200 Acute pyelitis

K101300 Acute pyonephrosis

K101z00 Acute pyelonephritis NOS

K102.00 Renal and perinephric abscess

K102000 Renal abscess

K102100 Perinephric abscess

K102200 Renal carbuncle

K102z00 Renal and perinephric abscess NOS

K103.00 Pyeloureteritis cystica

K103.12 Infestation of renal pelvis with ureter

K104.00 Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis

K10y.00 Pyelonephritis and pyonephrosis unspecified

K10y000 Pyelonephritis unspecified

K10y100 Pyelitis unspecified

K10y200 Pyonephrosis unspecified

K10y300 Pyelonephritis in diseases EC

K10y400 Pyelitis in diseases EC

K10yz00 Unspecified pyelonephritis NOS

K10z.00 Infection of kidney NOS

K11..00 Hydronephrosis

K110.00 Hydrocalycosis

K111.00 Hydroureteronephrosis

K112.00 Hydronephrosis with renal and ureteral calculous obstruction

K113.00 Hydronephrosis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction K113.11 Hydronephrosis with pelviureteric junction obstruction

K11X.00 Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture NEC

K11z.00 Hydronephrosis NOS

K13..00 Other kidney and ureter disorders

K13..11 Other kidney disorders

K130.00 Nephroptosis

K130.11 Floating kidney

K130.12 Mobile kidney

K131.00 Hypertrophy of kidney

K132.00 Acquired cyst of kidney

K132000 Single acquired kidney cyst

K132100 Multiple acquired kidney cysts

K132200 Peripelvic (lymphatic) cyst

K132z00 Acquired cyst of kidney NOS

K134000 Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis

K138.00 Vascular disorders of kidney

K138.11 Renal vascular disorders

K138000 Renal artery embolism

K138011 Renal artery embolus

K138100 Renal artery haemorrhage

K138200 Renal artery thrombosis

K138300 Intrarenal haematoma

K138z00 Renal vascular disorders NOS

K138z11 Renal infarction

K13y.00 Other kidney and ureteric disorders

K13y100 Adhesions of kidney K13y400 Pyelectasia

K13y800 Perirenal haematoma

K13yz00 Other kidney and ureteric disorders NOS

K13yz11 Salt-losing nephritis

K13z.00 Kidney and ureter disease NOS

K13z000 Non-functioning kidney

Kyu0.00 [X]Glomerular diseases

Kyu0000 [X]Glomerular disorders in infectious+parasitic diseases CE

Kyu0100 [X]Glomerular disorders in neoplastic diseases CE

Kyu0200 [X]Glomerulr disordrs/bld dis+disordr inv immune mechansm CE

Kyu0300 [X]Glomerular disorders in diabetes mellitus

Kyu0400 [X]Glomerulr disordr/oth endocrine;nutritnl+metabolic dis CE

Kyu0500 [X]Glomerular disordrs/systemic disordrs/connectiv tissue CE

Kyu0600 [X]Glomerular disorders in other diseases CE

Kyu0700 [X]Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome; other

Kyu0800 [X]Unspecif nephritic syndr; minor glomerular abnormality

Kyu0A00 [X]Unsp nephrit synd; diff endocap prolif glomerulonephritis

Kyu0B00 [X]Unspecified nephritic syndrome; dense deposit disease

Kyu0C00 [X]Unspecif nephr synd; diff concentric glomerulonephritis

Kyu0D00 [X]Isolated proteinuria; with oth specif morpholog changes

Kyu0E00 [X]Isolated proteinuria; with unspecified morpholog changes

Kyu0F00 [X]Hereditary nephropathy; unspecif morphological changes

Kyu1.00 [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial diseases

Kyu1000 [X]Other chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis

Kyu1100 [X]Other and unspecified hydronephrosis

Kyu1200 [X]Other obstructive and reflux uropathy Kyu1300 [X]Obstructive and reflux uropathy; unspecified

Kyu1400 [X]Nephropathy induced by other drugs+biological substances

Kyu1500 [X]Toxic nephropathy; not elsewhere classified

Kyu1600 [X]Other specified renal tubulo-interstitial diseases

Kyu1700 [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disordr/infect+parasitic dis CE

Kyu1800 [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disordrs/neoplastic diseases CE

Kyu1900 [X]Renal tub-interstl disord/bld dis+disord invl imm mech CE

Kyu1A00 [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders/metabolic diseases CE

Kyu1B00 [X]Renal tubul-interstitl disordrs/connectv tissu disordr CE

Kyu1C00 [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders/transplant rejection

Kyu1D00 [X]Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in other diseases CE

Kyu1E00 [X]Tubulo-interstit nephritis; not specif as acute or chron

Kyu1F00 [X]Hydronephrosis with ureteral stricture NEC

Kyu2.00 [X]Renal failure

Kyu2000 [X]Other acute renal failure

Kyu2100 [X]Other chronic renal failure

Myocardial infarction:

14A3.00 H/O: myocardial infarct <60

14A4.00 H/O: myocardial infarct >60

14AH.00 H/O: Myocardial infarction in last year

323..00 ECG: myocardial infarction

3233.00 ECG: antero-septal infarct.

3234.00 ECG:posterior/inferior infarct

3235.00 ECG: subendocardial infarct

3236.00 ECG: lateral infarction 323Z.00 ECG: myocardial infarct NOS

889A.00 Diab mellit insulin-glucose infus acute myocardial infarct

G30..00 Acute myocardial infarction

G30..11 Attack - heart

G30..13 Cardiac rupture following myocardial infarction (MI)

G30..14 Heart attack

G30..15 MI - acute myocardial infarction

G30..17 Silent myocardial infarction

G300.00 Acute anterolateral infarction

G301.00 Other specified anterior myocardial infarction

G301000 Acute anteroapical infarction

G301100 Acute anteroseptal infarction

G301z00 Anterior myocardial infarction NOS

G302.00 Acute inferolateral infarction

G303.00 Acute inferoposterior infarction

G304.00 Posterior myocardial infarction NOS

G305.00 Lateral myocardial infarction NOS

G306.00 True posterior myocardial infarction

G307.00 Acute subendocardial infarction

G307000 Acute non-Q wave infarction

G307100 Acute non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction

G308.00 Inferior myocardial infarction NOS

G309.00 Acute Q-wave infarct

G30B.00 Acute posterolateral myocardial infarction

G30X.00 Acute transmural myocardial infarction of unspecif site

G30X000 Acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction G30y.00 Other acute myocardial infarction

G30y000 Acute atrial infarction

G30y100 Acute papillary muscle infarction

G30y200 Acute septal infarction

G30yz00 Other acute myocardial infarction NOS

G30z.00 Acute myocardial infarction NOS

G311000 Myocardial infarction aborted

G311011 MI - myocardial infarction aborted

G32..12 Personal history of myocardial infarction

G35..00 Subsequent myocardial infarction

G350.00 Subsequent myocardial infarction of anterior wall

G351.00 Subsequent myocardial infarction of inferior wall

G353.00 Subsequent myocardial infarction of other sites

G35X.00 Subsequent myocardial infarction of unspecified site

G36..00 Certain current complication follow acute myocardial infarct

G360.00 Haemopericardium/current comp folow acut myocard infarct

G361.00 Atrial septal defect/curr comp folow acut myocardal infarct

G362.00 Ventric septal defect/curr comp fol acut myocardal infarctn

G363.00 Ruptur cardiac wall w'out haemopericard/cur comp fol ac MI

G364.00 Ruptur chordae tendinae/curr comp fol acute myocard infarct

G365.00 Rupture papillary muscle/curr comp fol acute myocard infarct

G366.00 Thrombosis atrium;auric append&vent/curr comp foll acute MI

G38..00 Postoperative myocardial infarction

G380.00 Postoperative transmural myocardial infarction anterior wall

G381.00 Postoperative transmural myocardial infarction inferior wall

G382.00 Postoperative transmural myocardial infarction other sites G383.00 Postoperative transmural myocardial infarction unspec site

G384.00 Postoperative subendocardial myocardial infarction

G38z.00 Postoperative myocardial infarction; unspecified

G501.00 Post infarction pericarditis

Gyu3100 [X]Other current complicatns following acute myocard infarct

Gyu3400 [X]Acute transmural myocardial infarction of unspecif site

Gyu3500 [X]Subsequent myocardial infarction of other sites

Gyu3600 [X]Subsequent myocardial infarction of unspecified site

M: morphology of neoplasms; X: cross referenced to specific ICD-10 codes (READ 2 relates to ICD-9); D: diagnosis; V: correspond to the ICD-9 chapter that allows the recording of supplementary factors influencing health status or contact with health services other than for illness; NOS: not otherwise specified; H/O: history of; O/E: on examination ; TIA: transient ischemic attack; CHF: congestive heart failure; IHD: ischemic heart disease; MI: myocardial infarction; CCF: congestive cardiac failure; IDDM: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; NIDDM: non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; NEC: not elsewhere classified; OS: other specified; EC: elsewhere classified; SLE: Systemic Lupus Erythematodes; ECG: electrocardiogram .

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