19th December 2011

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As 2011 draws to a close and we look forward to the 2012 school year, there are several matters I wish to bring to your attention:

1. 2011 Higher School Certificate Results Parramatta Marist High School has again performed with distinction in the Higher School Certificate. In the 2011 HSC Marist students recorded 142 Band 6s or distinguished achievers (scores of 90 or greater). The results have ranked the school in the state’s top 100 performing schools for the fourth consecutive year. Parramatta Marist High School is ranked 78 in the state.

132 students in Year 12 sat the HSC with approximately 772 papers. A significant achievement was made in Mathematics which ranked 50th in the state. In English the school ranked 78th in the state.

School Dux Congratulations to Alessandro Cowley the School Dux with an Australian Tertiary Academic Rank (ATAR) of 99.15%. Also, three students scored ATARs of above 98%. Gaby Elsusu scored 98.90%, Joe Nassif scored 98.40% and Sherron Peiris scored 98.5.

Places in State Congratulations to Joshua Dona ranked 12th in the state for Standard English.

Top All-Rounders List Three students were in the Top All-Rounders List which mentions those who scored 90 or above in 10 or more units in the HSC. Congratulations to Alessandro Cowley, Joe Nassif, and Gaby Elsusu on this achievement.

Students with ATARs above 95% Congratulations to the following students who received the following ATARs above 95%:

Alessandro Cowley 99.15 Steven Zeater 96.50 Gaby Elsusu 98.90 Timothy Rosandi 96.45 Joe Nassif 98.40 Manikkam Iyer Venkatraman 96.45 Sherron Peiris 98.05 Bennet Nirmal Raj 95.95 Nathan Haddad 97.70 Charles Coorey 95.90 John Lahoud 97.45 Rehan Prins-Ahangangoda 95.08 Vaish Madhav Rao 96.85 Stephen Noone 95.05

The results are a testament to the collaborative efforts of staff and students which reflect just how hard everyone worked throughout the year. I have high expectations of the staff and boys and they continue to exceed these. The key is that everyone works together. 2. Project-based Learning The project-based learning pedagogy commenced at Parramatta Marist in 2008, when this Year 12 cohort were in Year 9. Professional development for staff commenced in 2006. The teachers and myself believed that the traditional 20th Century teacher-centred learning approach was not meeting the needs of the present students. We adopted structural teaching and learning approaches used by the New Tech Network (USA) and the Republic Polytechnic (Singapore). Our aim was to make the learning more interesting and engage the students to develop not just knowledge to pass examinations but to acquire -skills such as communication, collaboration and critical thinking. The students are in no doubt that their skills developed over the past four years assisted them in preparing for the HSC and will also benefit them in the future.

3. Notable results in the 2011 School Certificate Year 10 students at Parramatta Marist High School have once again recorded high academic performances in the NSW School Certificate tests. Congratulations to the top performing students in each test: • English – literacy: Ryan Taha (93%), Julian Reid (91%) • Mathematics: Mark Dagher (99%), Rahul Sen (97%) • Science: Aaron Huynh (95%), Anurag Pattekar (95%) • Australian History Civics and Citizenship: Luv Sood (92%), Christopher Hernandez (91%) • Australian Geography Civics and Citizenship: Christopher Hernandez (93%) • Computing Skills: Leon Augustine (99%), Phillip Manthey (99%)

This is the last year the NSW Board of Studies will conduct the School Certificate. From 2012, students will be given an alternative assessment.

4. School Resumes School resumes for all students on Monday 30th January 2011. Students are to be at school by 8:30am. The staff will resume school on Friday 27th January.

5. School Office The School Office opens Monday 23rd January 2012.

6. Uniform Shop The uniform shop will be open during January as follows: 23rd January 2012 9:30am – 2pm 24th January 2012 9:30am – 2pm 25th January 2012 9:30am – 2pm 27th January 2012 9:30am – 2pm

7. High Achievers Assembly Due to unforeseen circumstances the Class of 2011 High Achievers Assembly will take place on Monday 6th February 2012 not on the 30th January as previously advised. Any student who achieves an ATAR of 90 or above in his HSC results is invited to attend the High Achievers Assembly. Parents and relatives are most welcome to attend this assembly. The Assembly will commence at 11.30am and will take place in the Morley Centre. High Achievers are asked to sign in at the Administration office at 10.30am for a briefing before the Assembly and are asked to dress appropriately in business attire, including a shirt and tie.

8. Year 7 Parents Welcoming BBQ The Year 7 Parents Welcoming BBQ scheduled for Friday, 3rd February 2012 will be postponed, until Friday, 10th February 2012. More details will be provided in the new year. 9. School Blazer The old school blazer with the gold braiding is no longer part of the school uniform with the exception of the 2012 year 12 students.

10. School Year Book Most students have already received the School Year Book. Any student who has not yet received the yearbook can collect it in Term 1.

11. Haircuts All boys are reminded to return to school with the correct haircut. Hair is to be clean and neatly cut off the collar, of natural colour, of even grade, with extremes of fashion avoided. All students are to be clean-shaven at school. The following haircuts are not permitted: - Shaven, stepped, ringed, undercut, steps, lines. - Short cuts less than a number 2. - Streaks, colour, dyes or excessive gel. - Longhair that covers the collar, the ears, or the eyes when brushed forward. - Sideburns lower than earlobe. - This list is not exhaustive. If there is any doubt, the Assistant Principal’s (Pastoral Care) decision is final.

12. Education Tax Refund Under the Education Tax refund, eligible families can claim eligible education expense per year on school items up to $794 per child at high school. For this tax year (2011 – 2012), you can also claim for uniforms purchased after 1 July 2011. Other eligible items include: - Home computers and laptops - Computer related equipment such as printers, USB flash drives, and disability aids to assist in the use of computer equipment for students with special needs - Computer repairs - Home internet connections - Computer software for educational use - School textbooks and other printed learning material, including prescribed textbooks, associated learning materials, study guides and stationery - Prescribed trade tools for secondary school trade courses.

Further information can be obtained by visiting www.educationtaxrefund.gov.au, www.ato.gov.au or by calling 13 28 61.

On behalf of all the staff, I wish parents and students a happy and holy Christmas,

Yours sincerely,

Br Patrick Howlett Principal