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The Newton-Conover Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, July 20, 2015 at 6:40 pm in the N-CCS Boardroom.
Members present: Tim Hayes, Chair Jim Stockner Angie Harris-Ramseur Bernard Coulter Bev Hall
Members absent: Jeanne Jarrett, Vice Chair
Also present: Dr. David Stegall, Superintendent Dr. Aron Gabriel, Associate Superintendent Dean Shatley, Board Attorney
Moment of Silence for Prayer or Personal Reflection was observed.
Pledge of Allegiance Cassidy and Brandon Geddes opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Call to order Agenda Item I and III
Quorum Determination...... G.S. 115C-41
Chair Tim Hayes called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm and stated that a quorum was present.
Adoption of Agenda Agenda Item V Agenda for July 20, 2015 was adopted as presented.
Presentations/Recognitions Agenda Item VI Dr. Stegall shared that the N-CCS Finance Department received the 2014 State Board of Education Finance Officer Award.
Public Forum Agenda Item VII
Consent Agenda Agenda Item VIII A. A motion to approve the June 1, 15, and 29, 2015 Regular and Closed Session Minutes and Budget Transfers was made by Angie Harris-Ramseur and seconded by Bernard Coulter. BOE approved
Items of Information Agenda Item IX A. The Conover School Alternate Accountability Model was explained by Cindy Geddes. She said that the State gives 4 options. Option A) Participate in School Performance Grades, Option B) Return data/results to students’ home schools and receive no designation, Option C) Participate in the Alternative Schools’ Progress Model, and Option D) Propose its own alternative accountability mode for approval by the SBE. Last year we used Option C. It is proposed that we use Option C this year. Power Point included. B. Cindy Geddes presented the RTTT (Erate Race to the Top Wifi Project) Update. She shared that NCCS had 6 schools out of 7 schools funded. South Newton is already up to date with their technology. Newton-Conover Schools was funded $449,815.28. The project will include Cat 6A cabling, 24 new switches, 241 new access points and overage at Conover and DHS. C. Tim Wepner shared a recommendation for the Jones Scholarship Fund. He stated that changing from The America Funds to The Lord Abbett funds would produce a higher yield at a minimal cost to make the change. The changes will double the income and keep the same risk parameters. Chair Tim Hayes asked for a motion to approve the change. Mrs. Hall made a motion to approve the investment switch to The Lord Abbett funds. Mr. Stockner seconded the motion. BOE approved. Summary included. D. Board members who attended the NCSBA Summer Conference shared that the conference was very informative and enlightening. Dr. Gabriel stated that items covered made him feel good about where we are as a system on policy matters. E. Dr.Gabriel informed the Board of the construction updates to South Newton. He invited the board to a site “walk through” on Thursday, July 23. He stated that he and Allen Kirby would check on punch list items and anything else that needs attention before the Aug. 24 warranty deadline. Dr. Gabriel shared pictures of the Shuford Elementary roofing project which is underway. The roofing is coming along very well. Barry Icard presented updated drawings of the proposed bleacher project at N-CHS. A photo of the drainage culvert was also shared. Dr. Stegall stated that the estimated cost of the bleachers, restrooms, and concession stands is around 1.6 million dollars. This estimate does not include the repair of the light poles and drain culvert. He told the Board that if the cost is over what the County has allotted, funds for the overage could possibly be found in other accounts. Handout included.
Discussion/Action Items Agenda Item X A. Dr.Gabriel, on the behalf of Robin Rudisill, shared the Surplus Item listing. Attorney Dean Shatley was asked about selling items outright. Mr. Shatley said that as long as the Fair Market Value was not over $5000 it was permissible to sell outright. A motion to approve the surplus listing was made by Mrs. Ramseur and seconded by Mr. Coulter. BOE approved. Surplus List included. B. Tammy Brown presented Title I, II, and III Grant updates. Dr. Stegall explained that without these grants funding for staff would be cut. Power Point included. A motion to approve the Title I, II, and III planning allotments was made by Mr. Stockner and seconded by Mrs. Ramseur. BOE approved. Presentation included. C. Dr. Gabriel presented the 2nd reading of the policy updates. A motion to approve the policy updates was made by Mrs. Hall. Mr. Stockner seconded the motion. BOE approved. Policy included.
Agenda Item X
Important Dates Agenda Item XI August 17 6th grade Open House – 4:00 – 6:00 pm August 18 7th grade Open House – 4:00 – 6:00 pm August 19 8th grade Open House – 4:00 – 6:00 pm August 15 Back to School Bash- NCHS Baseball Field, 10:00 am –1:00 pm August 20 Welcome Back Staff Convocation – 8:30 am, N-CMS August 13 Discovery High Open House, New Students, 6:00-7:00 pm August 23 N-CHS Freshman Surge, 3:00 – 5:00 pm August 27 Discovery High Open House, 6:00 – 7:00 pm, all students
Other Items of Business Agenda Item XII
Closed Session Agenda Item XIII Motion to go in to Closed Session was made by Mr. Stockner and seconded by Mr. Coulter. BOE approved.
Action from Closed Session Agenda Item XIV Motion to approve personnel recommendations was made by Mr. Stockner and seconded by Mr. Coulter. BOE approved
Other Items of Discussion None
There being no further business to discuss in Open Session, Mr. Coulter made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Mr. Stockner. Board Chair, Tim Hayes Secretary, Dr. David Stegall