CASL/Program Review Committee Minutes
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CASL/Program Review Committee Minutes October 26, 2016 BONH 330 1:30-3:00
Faculty Attendees Miriam Golbert, Simon Kern, Deborah Klein, Diane Solomon, Cindy Stephens, Erin (Voting members) Delaney, Tina Waller, Kelly Burke, George (Lee) White, Nicole Faudree Howard, Fisher, Necia Gelker
Other Attendees Daylene Meuschke, Paul Wickline, Jerry Buckley, Micah Young, Omar Torres, Andy McCutcheon, Barry Gribbons.
Topic Discussion/Conclusion Recommendations/Actions/ Status Follow-up 1. Approval of CASL/PR Motion Miriam/ Simon second Change to Lee to George Approved Minutes from Oct. 12, 2016
2. CASL/PR: Paul Brief introduction and two print On going Wickline- Interstate outs were made available to the Passport. Resources Committee members by Paul below. * Wickline who provided an overview of the Interstate Passport blocks and mentioned that the project was presented to the academic senate very recently. He also added that the Sociology Department is functioning as a representative for the project. The presentation focused on the function of the Interstate passport blocks in transfer state articulation. Advantages of the Interstate Passport, and the need for vetting the project within our College and through CASL as well were mentioned as well. Passport Blocks project would involve a one-year process, details would be sent by July 2017. It was mentioned that the project participants to convene in January 2017, as a large group and then break out in disciplinary, expertise meetings.
1 The project is framed, as an outcomes focused project as opposed to an assessment focused project.
A brief discussion followed that focused on the benefits of utilizing this process, the numbers of out of state transfers it would produce, and the project as a marketing tool to benefit the college.
3. CASL quick updates: IT was reported that 48 Faculty Training by the SLO coordinators Days of Assessment, have signed up to date for the will be offered to faculty who Spring PD week Days of Assessment sessions. are new to the ISLO process. (curriculum mapping), CETL, VAPA visit. Curriculum mapping workshop will be offered in Spring 2017 PD week.
VAPA visit–VAPA is interested in sharing/exchanging ideas regarding their HIPS
Further discussion focused on data disaggregation markers Use equity indicators via that are already being used and Daylene. Meet separately to others that could be added to be make final choices. used while being able to respond to the question: “What would we need to know before the Elumen implementation?” and “how would the data be used?”.
The discussion continued with questions regarding how the SLOs would fit in the elumen structure and some committee members reported that Audrey Green and Denee Pescarmona are working closely with ELumen in that regard.
It was suggested that working in tandem with MIS in this process would be beneficial and it was reported that such meetings have taken place.
2 4. CASL/PR: By-laws, The subcommittee on By-Laws In progress update will meet on November 4th to do a side-by-side comparison of the by-laws
5. CASL/PR: Nicole- Nicole Faudree reported on the Peer review accreditation standards mid- Accreditation term report meetings. It was discussed that it is Look into elumen for a place to important to capture the dialog capture the exchange of ideas. in the minutes, and furthermore it would be important to decide what to do with those. It was mentioned that having an institutionalized standard template, would help in making the minutes searchable and accessible. This would be beneficial in capturing the Provide a one-page document exchanges and ideas in the with instructions to go along Academic Senate meetings, with training. retreats etc.
A second topic that was discussed on trying to educate department chairs on PR by referring to Dr. Buckley’s form.
It was mentioned that the training would focus on setting objectives, learning how to provide justification and how to tie it to an institutional goal. It was also mentioned that training would include the review after it has gone through the cycle to find if there would have to be an instructive way to ask for funding or assessment
There is a need to reinstitute the Peer review and capturing faculty exchanges and feedback. Examples were shared in how to provide feedback, suggestions for improvement. Cindy Stephens to provide Barry The committee members Gribbons with appreciative emphasized that it is important inquiry presenter contact to creating a culture of inquiry information and reciprocity. It was mentioned that peer It was recommended that
3 review is more about clarifying looking into using elumen for PR rather than punitive reasons. would help in capturing peer- review/appreciative inquiry Committee members illustrated information the concept with examples of training sessions and implementation of peer review and appreciative inquiry within and outside the College of the Canyons.
Integrating Learning Outcomes Development replacement plan with Program Review and tying for normal supplies and it with Budgeting is particularly equipment. important for new equipment, etc., when there is an identified need. It was suggested that rubrics for Further clarification was sought PR and budget requests be and provided regarding the developed. challenge of setting up metrics to help in prioritization and rating of items listed for approval in the Program Review.
6. CASL/PR: Daylene- Confusion still about SLO data -An email should be sent to SLO data and and CurricuNET faculty a reminder not to use migration to eLumen- CurricuNET for assessment, SLOs are being entered in continue to use MyCanyons. CurricuNET by Evis Wilson. Clarification needed.
There were questions regarding the way we are storing the -Evis will clarify with Audrey information data; and how regarding whether or not faculty would the courses that didn’t can continue to report in have any new information be CurricuNET identified. Could cut off date be the same Answers included: for curriculum as for the SLOs. Faculty is asked to forward the Pdf and Word format form to December 9th was suggested as Evis Wilson. Evis is entering the cut-off date for both curriculum information in CurricuNET and and SLOs. storing the form in a special file titled “SLOs” on the Academic Affairs shared drive.
There was discussion that sought input regarding effective practices, solutions to finding ways to highlight departments
4 who are doing the work and It was suggested that effectively using SLOs. departments who finish early and use SLOs effective would receive some type of award/reward.
7. PR: Data elements- The discussion was led by Daylene to send the dis- Daylene Daylene and it focused on how aggregator markers. a. How are Depts. Using to use the data in program data for APR review. It was decided using the existing 2. Additional data needs Examples were provided that data dis-aggregators would be a for Dept. planning, APR, referred to the majors’ good starting place. and budget information and the effort to clean up the data.
The Committee members were It was suggested that further asked to consider the discussion is needed about effectiveness of knowing considering the students stated declared majors information in majors in the program review. connection to program review.
Another item the committee members were asked to consider was in regards to the transfer data. The Committee members were asked to consider how the information about where students took the majority of the coursers would connect to Program Review. Currently, the subject where students took the most classes is It was suggested that faculty used to flag them for their members would be asked to transfer major. provide input on how they are using the data before Spring It was mentioned that increased Break 2017. access to the data and filters by semester/term have increased the number of faculty who use the data. The Committee was asked to consider identifying who else might be included in the conversation of how the data is used so there is more clarity.
The Committee was also asked to consider CTE addendum integration. Statistics were quoted from the Doing What
5 Matters initiative to show that CTE is significant and that the Committee should consider Whether we do we look at it separately, or do we incorporate it in the Program REVIEW LMI data incorporation. It was suggested that a If the Committee would decide Academic Senate presentation to include CTE in the Program and invitation for all the faculty Review, different programs and who would like to know more funding (example was provided would be helpful. as Perkins funds) could be identified as well the different parameters to include them in the umbrella of the Program Review.
It was mentioned that awareness of the different programs is important and it would serve the purpose of equity to make people more aware.
It was mentioned that the VAPA school invitation was helpful even though it was about the data-elements it could help faculty.
The Committee members had questions regarding whether data on transferred students could be gathered from the institutions where students are transferring. Answers were provided that generally universities do not report back on our students that transferred.
8. PR: Update on Orphan The discussion centered on - programs identification and ways to deal - The orphan programs could with the orphan programs based be coupled with another on the numbers of awards per majors. Example was each orphan program: brought: Social Science is being annexed by Sociology It was reported that that Liberal Department’s Ann Marenco Arts and Sciences has awarded a - Mapped results could help combined close to 200 degrees with the assessment. total. Value in keeping programs - ADT-Early Childhood due to completion rates. Education- workload clarification
6 Social Justice or Global Studies - Considering a 2+2 ADT could meet the same goals Education Department. for Social Sciences A.A. degree. Since no one owns the program there would have Discussion continued on the to be a discussion on purpose behind having these creating a department and programs and any issue that negotiations. might arise for students if these orphan programs are discontinued.
It was mentioned there are often related programs that do not sync up with CSUN and UC- IGETS. It is not through Curriculum, so it’s not formalized.
Some problems were identified: - No faculty in charge of the orphan program - Difficulty of assessing as there are no milestone/ capstone courses - Clarification regarding the need or not to assess
A brief discussion touched on the reason behind the creation of ADTs for orphan programs and programs that appeared to be dormant such as Solar. Solar program is being revisited as noncredit to be offered at Pitchess. 9. Other? The Committee members were reminded of the extended meeting on November 9th.