Field: University Project Number (UPN)
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Section and Field Descriptions for Notification of Acceptance (NOA)
View Sample NOA
Sections are:
1. Demographics 2. Award Terms and Conditions 3. Time Period/Funding Section
Demographic Section:
Field: University Project Number (UPN)
Description: An Internal number issued by the Division of Sponsored Research (DSR); This number is issued at the proposal stage of the award. The number consists of 8 digits (YYMMDD_ _). The last two numbers are generated by DSR. This separates awards and allows proposals to be tracked. On a NEW Award, the current UPN, the Project UPN and the History UPN will be the same.
Field: Principle Investigator (PI)
Description: In this example the PI is Dr. B G Logan. He resides in the college of IFAS in the department of Research Administration.
Field: College (Coll)
Description: The college that the principle investigator (PI) is associated with. In this example, our PI resides in IFAS.
Field: Department (Dept)
Description: DEPT ID of the unit that the principle investigator (PI) is associated with. In this case the DEPT ID for Research Administration will be used, 60040000. Field: Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI)
Description: Additional Personnel directly involved with the Project.
Field: Title
Description: The title bar holds the official title that is created at the proposal stage and carries over to the award side. This will remain the official title until the project expires or a Revision NOA is issued.
Field: Sponsor
Description: Direct provider of funds to UF/IFAS.
Field: Original Fund Source (OFS)
Description: Original Fund Source as designated by DSR. This field is used to create SOF (Source of Funds) in PSFT.
G+000+OFS code+0
Example: If OFS code = 03, then SOF = G000030
Field: Agency Number
Description: Assigned by Sponsor. Used as the identifier by the Sponsor (e.g., billing)
Field: Prime Agency
Description: Provider of funds to UF/IFAS Sponsor, if applicable. Section: Award Terms and Conditions
Field: Award Type
Description: In this example, this is a NEW Award. This Award will receive a new Project Number in PSFT.
Field: Category
Description: In this example the category is marked research. Thus the program code is 2200. This directly means that the Dean for Research will be ultimately responsible for the funds. This program code also affects the indirect cost rate. Field: Contract Type
Funding accomplishes public purpose University and Principal Investigators (PI) prefer Limited sponsor involvement Flexible management of funds
Funding accomplishes the sponsor’s purpose Sponsor directs scope of work Very restrictive management of funds
Cooperative Agreement
Funding accomplishes public purpose Sponsor and Recipient share scope of work Management of funds is more restrictive than a grant but less than a contract
Field: Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)
Description: Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Federal Funding Identifier. For more information, please visit the following site: Field: Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CFSA)
Description: Catalog of State Financial Assistance State Funding Identifier
Field: Terms & Conditions
Description: o FDP - Federal Demonstration Partnership - if Federal funding from participating agencies or “flow through” from another FDP institution
o Expanded Authority
o General/Basic - most common - Conditions reside with the signed contract or agreement from the sponsor
Field: KK Level
Description: Level 3
Funds released into Direct and Indirect categories only (PSFT Accounting System) Re-budgeting typically unnecessary o Exception – Projects with a F&A Rate of Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC). Modified Categories will require assistance from an ISP Specialist.
Level 5
Funds released by budget category Must spend within those categories To re-budget, must determine if this is allowable by the Sponsor A Budget Transfer Form must be filled out and submitted to an ISP Specialist for review and processing Contact ISP (Post Award) with questions. Field: IDC Prohibited - CAS Exempt
Description: For more information about Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) click here.
Field: Compliance
Description: For more information on compliance issues, please click here.
Section: Time Period/Funding Section
Field: Budget Period
Description: Designated time period (typically one year) for a particular increment of funding.
Field: Project Period
Description: Designated Entire period of time for the sponsored activity and funding.
Field: Proposal vs. Award Module Description:
Note that Proposal # = Contract # (also called Award # in PSFT) and the respective Project #’s are the same when: new funding, renewal funding.
Direct Amount - The costs directly associated with the activities of the project. i.e.: o Salary of PI and other investigators o Lab Supplies o Equipment Purchased for this project o Travel o Animals or Animal Care o Patient Support Indirect Amount (check the indirect rate and base) o Rate = percent to apply according to the base. Example 45.5% is the federal research rate. o Base = dollars subject to indirect Examples: . TDC = Total Direct Costs - ALL direct costs are subject to the rate . MTDC = Modified Total Direct Costs . Certain direct cost items are not subject to the rate (e.g., Equipment, Tuition, Subcontracts > $25k) . SWF = Salaries, Wages, and Fringe . Overhead rate would be applied only to the personnel category Total Award = Direct + Indirect Cost Sharing: review both mandatory and voluntary for accuracy
Field: Cumulative Award Data Description: Cumulative Award Data:
Will be the same as Award Module information (Total Award and Cost Sharing) when Type = New or Renewal Will not be the same as Award Module when: o Supplemental o Carryover o Continuation Total Sponsor Funding should be identical to amounts released into a Project #
Field: Remarks
Description: This area will contain any pertinent information from the processing staff.
Field: ISP Stamp
Description: Used only by IFAS Sponsored Programs (ISP) to notify its customers of the chartfield information; award billing type and scheduling information as well as cost sharing.