Maine Library of Geographic Information Board Meeting
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MINUTES Maine Library of Geographic Information Board Meeting Wednesday, 15 February 2017, 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Maine Public Utilities Commission, Second Street, Emerson Room, Hallowell Attending Present On the Phone Mtg. commenced at 10:00 am Jon Giles, CHAIR X Patrick Cunningham ABSENT David Edson X Betsy Fitzgerald X Brian Guerrette X William Hanson X Maria Jacques X Nate Kane X Vern Maxfield X Jake Metzler ABSENT Paul Sandlin ABSENT Alina Taus ABSENT Vinton Valentine X VACANT (Aaron Weston) N/A N/A VACANT (Kenneth Murchison) N/A N/A
Staff: Joseph Young X Heather Bailey X
Guests: Aaron Weston X Todd Metzler X
1. Roll Call of Members a. Approval of meeting minutes motion to approve the minutes of January 18, 2017 meeting, as amended, made by Betsy Fitzgerald Seconded by Vinton Valentine. a.i. Voted: 7 – Yea 0 – Nay 1 - Abstained: William Hanson a.ii. Aaron Weston is waiting for his re-appointment to the board, so he cannot vote at this time. a.iii. Vern had not joined the meeting at this time. 2. Executive Director Report - Joe Young a. Project Reports a.i. LiDAR a.i.1. Joe sent out email with image showing area of interest in yellow. a.i.2. The gap in the image is being covered by FEMA under a separate contract. a.i.3. 2017 total acquisition, including FEMA’s area, will be over 9,000 sq. mi. a.i.4. A small spot in Madawaska that was missed will be collected by Quantum. a.i.4.a. Nate to confirm that we won’t be double collecting by verifying what New Brunswick already has. a.i.5. Quantum has agreed to collect a small pilot area of Merrymeeting Bay. a.ii. 2017 Imagery a.ii.1. Joe to share list of participating communities. a.ii.2. Working on the work order to develop the full scope of buy ups. a.ii.3. Two tidal coordinated collects and numerous raw data a.ii.4. Should have close to $400K in acquisition. a.ii.5. Biddeford and Portland haven’t had their MOAs signed yet, but are confident there will not be any issues. 3. Strategic Plan Workgroup Reports a. Coordination & Communication – Joe, Jon a.i. Legislative Update a.i.1. Appropriations will have a large say in whether or not this goes forward. If anyone can lobby for this, please contact your legislators to ask for their support. a.i.2. Postcards addressed to Gov. LePage regarding LD 318 were handed out at MEGUG and Joe has more to share with members. a.i.3. As a bond issue, the LD will go before Appropriations, then to a joint committee, and, finally, back to Appropriations. a.i.4. Professional organizations that can help lobby for this; if you belong to one, it would be great to help get this out there. a.ii. Hall of Flags – Originally scheduled for end of Feb, but had to reschedule. Looking at late April/early May – waiting for dates from the scheduler for the Hall of Flags. b. Education & Training – Cathleen McAnneny, PhD- Vinton Valentine, PhD b.i. MeGUG Winter Meeting – 02/03/2017 – Vinton didn’t attend; Joe was there and Nate did a presentation on governance of GIS systems. It went well with about 35-40 people. Good venue, good sessions. b.ii. 02/03/2017 – Vinton attended UMaine System GIS collaboration meeting; fruitful, frank discussion. Two proposals, a full proposal and a list not yet formed into full proposal, will be reconciled into one. Vinton mentioned LD 318 to them also. Vinton to follow up with Chancellor on LD 318 to make sure it’s on his radar. b.ii.1. Impacts/Goals for this collaboration: b.ii.1.a. Share curriculum more readily, to the extent that a course of study could take advantage of courses at any of the campuses toward a degree program without necessarily having to go through the whole transfer process. b.ii.1.b. Sharing of resources throughout the system, making sure that everyone aware of what is available at the different campuses and knows the procedure to be able to use them, and other resources, such as licensing. b.ii.1.c. Internships, to the extent that internships can be broadcast throughout the system to ensure that students have the opportunities and companies have the opportunity to get a hold of students or evaluate new talent. b.iii. MMA Technical Conference on May 11, 2017 – MEGUG has begun pulling together presenters for the spring conference. Jon would like to present on LD 318, if possible. Vinton suggested a panel for the presentation, to include other perspectives beyond the GeoLibrary. c. Geospatial Data c.i. No progress at this point. c.ii. Dan would like to give demo on the national map at a future meeting. c.ii.1. Todd – user interface is cumbersome, but the number of federally available service end points available is excellent. d. Geo-Parcels Workgroup – No Report 4. Committee Reports a. Finance Committee – Joe update a.i. Met 2 weeks ago and Joe was able to provide accounting with a fairly complete list of partners for both Imagery and LiDAR contracts, along with copies of the MOAs. We will have a good system of tracking going forward. It looks like the expected leftover funds for the strategic plan will still be available. b. Technical Committee – Appointees b.i. Todd Metzler and Bob Bistrais to provide staff support as needed and contingent upon their availability. b.ii. Brian agreed to coordinate his work with state GIS stakeholders’ technical committee and with a subgroup of the GeoLibrary to address technical issues of the Board. GeoLibrary Board members will be solicited to participate as needed.
c. Policy Committee – none c.i. There are still some requested statute changes out there, but the draft language establishing Department of Technical Services (DTS) doesn’t include those changes. The existing statutes were used to draft the DTS proposal. Board drafted changes may need to be addressed in a follow up legislative session. 5. Membership – Vinton reminded some folks that their terms are coming up for renewal, so they’ll want to get their paperwork started for reappointment. 6. Guest Comments a. None 7. Recommendations for next meeting agenda a. Dan to give demo on The National Map 8. Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 10:52 am, made by Maria Jacques, seconded by Brian Guerrette.