Assessment FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 1
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Assessment FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 1 READING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS MATERIALS, ESSENTIAL COMMON CORE STATE EXPLANATIO ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES LESSON FOCUS STANDARDS NS & S RY EXAMPLES Comprehension COMPREHENSION/ Journeys OPTIONAL: CC.RI.5.1 Quote accurately from a I will use Inferences CT: Book 3, Lesson 8 p. FLUENCY Assessments text when explaining what the text specific quotes 12 Read to Self (on level and Materials Every child says explicitly and when drawing from a text when NRP: p. 78-86 texts) Retell a familiar will be inferences from the text. drawing STW-2: p. 144, p.148- text assessed with inferences and 153 (T) Setting up rituals and the initial explaining what a CT: Book 4, Lesson 11, routines diagnostic tool text says p. 15 called the specifically. CT: Book 4, Lesson 15, Comprehensi p. 56 ve Screening Assessment Vocabulary TARGETED Journeys that comes CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the I will use Context http://dictionary.referenc VOCABULARY & Assessments with the meaning of unknown and multiple- clues and Materials Houghton meaning words and phrases based on context clues to STRATEGIES grade 5 reading and content, choosing determine word WTW: p.253 & 265, Setting up rituals and Mifflin series. flexibly meanings. Greek and Latin roots routines WORD This from a range of strategies. BWL STUDY & assessment CC.L.5.4a Use context (e.g., WJ: Chapter 6 DECODING Setting should be cause/effect relationships and WJ: Chapter 7 up rituals and completed comparisons in text) as a clue to the routines during the first meaning of a word or phrase. two weeks of CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will spell References school. conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling grade- when writing. appropriate erpoint.htm CC.L.5.2e Spell grade-appropriate words correctly MI: words correctly, consulting using a reference TP: references as needed. when needed. MM2-3: MM4-5: WP: p.52-53 (dialogue) WRITING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS MATERIALS, ESSENTIAL COMMON CORE STATE EXPLANATIO ASSESSMENT 0BJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES LESSON FOCUS STANDARDS NS & S RY EXAMPLES
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.1 Assessment FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 1 CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of I will Conventions http://languagearts.ppps GRAMMAR Journeys the conventions of standard English demonstrate Introduce/Review Assessments grammar and usage when writing command of the MM2-3: CUPS Review Writing and Materials or speaking. conventions of MM4-5: Sentences standard English MI: grammar and EE: usage when I write or speak. CC.W.5.10 Write routinely over I will write for Discipline- Refer to resources listed W R I T I N G Journeys Optional: extended time frames (time for an appropriate specific tasks in Writing Standards 1-9 Review Writing Process Assessments Writing Pre- research, reflection, and revision) time based on a GRW: Chapter 5 Setting up rituals and and Materials Prompt and shorter time frames (a single specific task, WP: Chapters 1 & 2 routines Comprehensiv sitting or a day or two) for a range purpose, and LC: Book 1 e Screening of discipline-specific tasks, audience. WBT: Assessment purposes, and audiences. SMALL GROUP STANDARDS Reading Standards: Foundational Skills CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CC.RF.5.4a Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. CC.RF.5.4c Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as CONTENT AREA STANDARDS & LESSONS SOCIAL STUIDES SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS: FOCUS MATERIALS & LINKS TO LESSONS NOTEBOOK PROMPTS
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.2 Unit 1 Lesson 1 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 2 READING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS RY EXPLANATIONS Comprehension Comprehensio Read Aloud T54 Weekly CC.RL.5.2 Determine a theme of a I can determine Theme TDC: p.19-22 (T) n/ “Ode to Lunch” Test story, drama, or poem from details in the theme of a Summarize GRW: p. 361-362 (T) Fluency T12-T13 1.4-1.5 the text, including how characters in a text using STW-2: p.188-190 Target Skill: Story Skill: story or drama respond to challenges details, CT: Book 4, Lesson 15, p. Structure 56 Story or how the speaker in a poem reflects characters’ Projectable 1.1 RP: p. 99-113 (T) Structure upon a topic; summarize the text. actions, or the (Model Oral CT: Extend and speaker’s Fluency) Investigate, p.120-124 Strategy: reflection. Summarize CLLG: p. 41 I can Target Vocabulary summarize a Genre: T13 story, drama, or Humorous poem. Fiction/Reader Main Selection CC.RL.5.3 Compare and contrast two I will use Compare GRW: p. 441-446, s’ Theater “A Package for Mrs. or more characters, settings, or specific details Contrast appendices p. 17-23 Jewels” events in a story or drama, drawing from a text to TDC: p. 19-22 (T) T20-T30 on specific details in the text (e.g., compare and GRW: p. 395-396 (T) Genre: Humorous how characters interact). contrast two BWL: Chapter 5, p. 72 Fiction characters, TDC: p. 156 CLLG: p. 40 GRW: p. 444 (T) settings, or Introduce: Story events. Structure; CC.RL.5.4 Determine the meaning of I will determine Metaphors RM: p. 107-110 Summarize T18- words and phrases as they are used the meaning of Similes GR: p. 397-398 (T) T19 in a text, including figurative words and GRW: p. 376 (T) Projectable 1.2 language such as metaphors and TDC: p. 61-63 (T) (Story Structure; similes. phrases based on how they are CT: Book 4, Lesson 10, p. Summarize) used in a text. 2, Lesson 11, p. 14, PB: p. 1 Lesson 12, p. 26 Projectables 1.3a, 1.3b (Story Map: CC.RL.5.5 Explain how a series of I will explain Stanzas GRW: p. 444 (T) Story Structure) chapters, scenes, or stanzas fits how a series of GRW: p. 410-422; p. Stop & Think T25, together to provide the overall 445-446 chapters or T27, T30 structure of a particular story, drama, stanzas fit WP: p. 35-36 (T) (3-6) Deepen or poem. together to Comprehension: create the Analyze Story overall structure August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.3 Unit 1 Lesson 1 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 2 of a text. Structure T36-T37 Projectable 1.4 (Story Map: Analyze CC.RL.5.6 Describe how a narrator’s I will describe Narrator GRW: p. 397 (T) Story or speaker’s point of view influences how the narrator’s Influences CT: Book 5, Lesson 20, Structure) how events are described. point of view p.44 PB: p. 2 affects how AL: story structure, events are summarize, conflict, described. resolution, rising CC.RL.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Text Refer to Common action read and comprehend literature, comprehend complexity Core Appendices A-B including stories, dramas, and literature at the GRW: p. 225-227 (T) Connect To poetry, at the high end-of the grades 5th grade level. 4–5 text complexity band “Questioning independently and proficiently. Gravity” CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I will read fifth Accuracy http://www.readingrocket T32-T36 and fluency to support comprehension. grade text Expression Genre: Readers’ CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and aloud with Rate FR Theater poetry orally with accuracy, accuracy, GRW: pg. 491 (T) MC: T35 appropriate rate, and expression on expression, and GRW: Chapter 20 CLLG: p. 41 successive readings. appropriate rate. CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I will use Recognition http://www.readingrocket and fluency to support comprehension. contextual Context CC.RF.5.4c Use context to confirm strategies to FR or self-correct word recognition and understand GRW: pg. 491 (T) understanding, rereading as unknown words. GRW: Chapter 20 necessary. Reading Standards for Informational Text CC.RI.5.4 Determine the meaning of I will determine Relevant BWL: p. 39; Chapter 2 - general academic and domain- the meaning of Tiered Vocabulary (T) specific words and phrases in a text words or phrases CT: Book 4, Lesson 10, p. relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject in a grade 5 2 area. informational Common Core text. Appendix A (Tiered Vocabulary) p. 32-34
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.4 Unit 1 Lesson 1 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 2 CC.RI.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Comprehend Common Core read and comprehend informational comprehend Proficiently Appendices A-B texts, including history/social studies, informational GRW: p. 225-227 (T) science, and technical texts, at the text at the 5 high end of the grades 4-5 text grade level complexity band independently and proficiently. proficiently. Speaking and Listening Standards CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will prepare for Explicitly AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Preparation Page References: T42g, groups, and teacher led) with diverse a class partners on grade 5 topics and texts, discussion. T66e-T66f, T145, T186e- building on others’ ideas and expressing I will participate T186f, T213, T222g, their own clearly. in discussions by T277, T286g, T318g, CC.SL.5.1a Come to discussions using my T359 prepared, having read or studied preparations to required material; explicitly draw on explore ideas that preparation and other under discussion. information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will follow Roles AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Page References: T85, groups, and teacher led) with diverse agreed-upon rules partners on grade 5 topics and texts, for class T145, T213, T277, T359, building on others’ ideas and expressing discussions and T398 their own clearly. carry-out my CC.SL.5.1b Follow agreed-upon assigned roles. rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles. CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will ask and Collaborative AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Discussions Page References: T66e- groups, and teacher led) with diverse answer questions partners on grade 5 topics and texts, during a T66f, T85, T306a building on others’ ideas and expressing discussion to their own clearly. elaborate on the CC.SL.5.1c Pose and respond to remarks of specific questions by making others. comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.5 Unit 1 Lesson 1 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 2 CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will review Key ideas AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Conclusions Page References: T53, groups, and teacher-led) with diverse ideas expressed partners on grade 5 topics and texts, and draw T145, T186e-T186f, building on others’ ideas and expressing conclusions using T213, T222g, T277, their own clearly. information T286g, T318g, T410g CC.SL.5.1d Review the key ideas gained in a expressed and draw conclusions in discussion. light of information and knowledge gained from the discussions. CC.SL.5.2 Summarize a written text I will summarize Summarize AVENUES Level F TE read aloud or information presented information Quantitativel Page References: T278- in diverse media and formats, presented orally y T279, T426-T427 including visually, quantitatively, and or visually. orally. CC.SL.5.4 Report on a topic or text I will sequence Sequence AVENUES Level F TE or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically, ideas Page References T113a- ideas logically and using appropriate using appropriate Logically T113b, T174-T175, facts and relevant, descriptive details facts and details. Theme T175a-T175b, T215a- to support main ideas or themes; I will speak T215b, T217c-T217d, speak clearly at an understandable clearly at an T279a-T279b, T305a- pace. understandable T305b, T337a-T337b, pace when T403a-T403b, T485a- presenting an T485b opinion. Vocabulary Targeted Weekly Plan T6-T7 T54 Weekly CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will use Context clues http://dictionary.referenc Vocabulary & Test of unknown and multiple-meaning words Strategies Introduce Target and phrases based on grade 5 reading and context clues to content, choosing flexibly from a range of figure out word WTW: p.253 & 265, Vocabulary Vocabulary strategies. meanings. Greek and Latin roots STRATEGY: T14-T15 Using Context CC.L.5.4a Use context (e.g., BWL Using Context 1.2-1.3 cause/effect relationships and WJ: Chapter 7 Develop comparisons in text) as a clue to the WORD CARDS Background meaning of a word or phrase. Cards 1-10 “Ode to Lunch” CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will determine Pronunciatio http://dictionary.referenc T12-T13 of unknown and multiple-meaning words n TARGET “Types of Humor” and phrases based on grade 5 reading and the meaning or content, choosing flexibly from a range of pronunciation of WTW: p.253 & 265, VOCABULARY: T16-T17 strategies. a word by Greek and Latin roots disturbing, CC.L.5.4c Consult reference consulting BWL interrupted, Vocabulary materials (e.g., dictionaries, reference WJ: Chapter 7 squashing, Strategies glossaries, thesauruses), both print materials. specialty, T40-T41 and digital, to find the pronunciation struggled, Using Context and determine or clarify the precise August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.6 Unit 1 Lesson 1 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 2 meaning of key words and phrases. staggered, Projectable 1.5 CC.L.5.6 Acquire and use I will use words Contrasts BWL wobbled, (Using Context) accurately grade-appropriate and phrases that Logical MI: p. 90 collapsed, PB: p. 3 general academic and domain- I learn through Relationships WTW: Chapters 7, 8, 9 numb, shifted AL: context specific words and phrases, listening and including those that signal contrast, reading, addition, and other logical especially words relationships (e.g., however, related to fifth although, nevertheless, similarly, grade topics. moreover, in addition). Spelling Decoding and Decoding T39 T55 Weekly CC.RF.5.3 Know and apply grade-level I will use my Syllabication GRW: Chapters 20 and Spelling Decoding phonics and word analysis skills in Morphology 22 Test decoding words. knowledge of Detailed Spelling WJ: Chapter 6-7 Plan 1.6-1.7 CC.RF.5.3a Use combined letter-sound VCV Syllable relationships, T44-T45 knowledge of all letter-sound Pattern correspondences, syllabication syllabication, T45 Spelling patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and roots and Day 1: Teach the Assessment and affixes) to read accurately affixes to read Spelling: Short Principle/Pretest unfamiliar multisyllabic words in words I don’t Vowels PB: p. 4 context and out of context. know. Day 2: Word Sort CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will spell References Spelling PB: p. 5 conventions of standard English grade- Words: Day 3: Word capitalization, punctuation, and spelling Families when writing. appropriate rpoint.htm (Basic) breath, Day 4: Connect to CC.L.5.2e Spell grade-appropriate words correctly MI wobble, blister, using a reference TP Writing words correctly, consulting crush, direct, references as needed. when needed. MM2-3 PB: p. 6 MM4-5 promise, grasp, Day 5: Spelling numb, hymn, Assessment shovel, gravity, frantic, swift, feather, comic, bundle, solid, weather, energy, stingy (Review) bunch, district, track, pleasant, odd (Challenge)
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.7 Unit 1 Lesson 1 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 2 instruct, distress, summit, massive, physical
WRITING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS RY EXPLANATIONS Grammar Grammar Detailed Grammar T55 Weekly CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will identify Complete http://languagearts.pppst Plan Test conventions of standard English grammar and write simple, sentence .com/index.html Complete T46-T49 1.8-1.9 and usage when writing or speaking. compound and Fragment MM2-3 Sentences CC.LP.5.4.1.f Produce complete complex Run-on MM4-5 sentences, recognizing and correcting Day 1: Teach sentences. MI Complete inappropriate fragments and run-ons. I will identify EE (Language Progressive Skills) Sentences and write Projectable 1.6 complete PB: p. 7 sentences. I will recognize Day 2: Extend fragments and Complete run-ons. Sentences Projectable 1.7 PB: p. 8 Day 3: Teach Writing Sentences Projectable 1.8 PB: p. 9 Day 4: Review Complete Sentences Spiral Review: Possessive Nouns PB: p. 10 August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.8 Unit 1 Lesson 1 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 2 Day 5: Connect to Writing (Sentence Fluency) PB: p. 11 AL: sentence, simple subject, simple predicate, fragment Writing Writing Detailed Writing Optional CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will establish a Narrator Raising the Quality of Plan Daily or imagined experiences or events using situation, Sequence Narrative Writing (T) Writing effective technique, descriptive details, Write to T50-T53 introduce a Writing Fiction; Big Prompts and clear event sequences. Express: narrator and/or Dreams, Tall CC.W.5.3a Orient the reader by Day 1: Introduce T6-T7 characters, and Ambitions (T) Fictional establishing a situation and the organize an LC: Book 4, p. 59, 85, Narrative introducing a narrator and/or Model: Fictional Write a characters; organize an event event sequence. 115 Paragraph dialogue Narrative CL: p. 89, 90, 91, 94, 95 between Mrs. sequence that unfolds naturally. Paragraph LC: Raising the Quality Jewls and Focus Trait: Projectable 1.9 of Narrative Writing, p. yourself. Tell 69 Ideas (Writing her that you Model: Fictional are a new CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real Dialogue Raising the Quality of Narrative I will use student. Let or imagined experiences or events using dialogue, Descriptions Narrative Writing (T) Paragraph) effective technique, descriptive details, her tell you descriptions, and Pacing Writing Fiction; Big and clear event sequences. Day 2: Introduce how Wayside pacing to develop Dreams, Tall CC.W.5.3b Use narrative the Focus Trait: School is events and Ambitions (T) techniques, such as dialogue, Ideas different from description, and pacing, to develop characters. WP: Ch. 6 PB: p. 12 LC: Writing Fiction, Big your school. experiences and events or show the Day 3: Teach Dreams, p. 27, 43, 73 (reference responses of characters to Planning CL: p. 95 Jouneys Open situations. a Paragraph Response/Writ Projectable 1.10 ing Rubric on (Prewriting: Lesson 1 Planning a Overview Personal Narrative [cardboard Paragraph) page before CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will use Concrete Raising the Quality of Day 4: Begin a Focus Wall]) or imagined experiences or events using Sensory Narrative Writing (T) effective technique, descriptive details, concrete words Draft details Writing Fiction; Big and clear event sequences. and phrases and Day 5: Introduce Dreams, Tall August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.9 Unit 1 Lesson 1 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 2 CC.W.5.3d Use concrete words and sensory details to Ambitions (T) the phrases and sensory details to convey CL: p. 68, 69, 70, 71 Student Model: convey experiences and events experiences and Revise precisely. events. for Ideas CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will establish a Conclusion Raising the Quality of Projectable 1.11 or imagined experiences or events using situation, Closure Narrative Writing (T) effective technique, descriptive details, (Revising introduce a Writing Fiction; Big and clear event sequences. Eduardo’s narrator and/or Dreams, Tall CC.W.5.3e Provide a conclusion that Draft) follows from the narrated experiences characters, and Ambitions (T) LC: Book 4, p.133 AL: narrative, or events. organize an event sequence. LC: Raising the Quality, details, Book 2, p. 137 plot CL: p. 70, 71, 103
CC.W.5.4 Produce clear and I will produce Coherent TQW: I -5 coherent writing in which the pieces of writing development and organization are that are appropriate to task, purpose, and appropriate for audience. fifth grade tasks, purposes, and audiences. CC.W.5.5 With guidance and support I will use Plan GRW: p. 63-66 (T) from peers and adults, develop and guidance from Revise GRW: p. 77-80 strengthen writing as needed by my peers and Edit WP: p. 19-20 (T) planning, revising, editing, rewriting, adults to plan, LC: Book 1, p. 37-45; p. or trying a new approach. revise, and edit 169-173 my writing. CC.W.5.7 Conduct short research I will conduct a Research 20 great research projects that use several sources short research websites to build knowledge through project that uses http://askatechte investigation of different aspects of several sources acher.wordpress. a topic. to build com/2009/11/02/ knowledge about 20-great- a topic. research- websites-for-kids/ (T) Squidoo k12interactiveresearch (T) LC: Book 3, p. 161-165 NetTracker August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.10 Unit 1 Lesson 1 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 2 m/us http://www.fortsmithlibra CC.W.5.8 Recall relevant I will recall Recall CT: Book 6, Lesson 22, information from experiences or information Relevant pg. 2-13 gather relevant information from from Experiences print and digital sources; summarize experiences or Gather or paraphrase information in notes gather notes Print sources and finished work, and provide a list from digital Digital sources of sources. resources. Categorize I will use provided sources to find information, take notes on sources, and categorize my notes. I will summarize or paraphrase information. CC.W.5.9 Draw evidence from literary or I will use Compare LC: Book 5 informational texts to support analysis, Contrast reflection, and research. evidence from CC.W.5.9a Apply grade 5 Reading literature to standards to literature (e.g., support analysis, “Compare and contrast two or more reflection, and characters, settings, or events in a research in my writing. story or a drama, drawing on specific details in the text [e.g., how characters interact]”) CC.W.5.10 Write routinely over I will write for an Discipline- GRW: Chapter 5 extended time frames (time for appropriate time specific tasks WP: Chapters 1 & 2 research, reflection, and revision) based on a LC: Book 1 and shorter time frames (a single specific task, WBT sitting or a day or two) for a range of purpose, and discipline-specific tasks, purposes, audience. and audiences. SMALL GROUP STANDARDS
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.11 Unit 1 Lesson 1 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 2 Reading Standards: Foundational Skills CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CC.RF.5.4a Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. CC.RF.5.4c Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognitio*CONTENTn an AREAd understanding STANDARDS, rereadin & LESSONSg as *SOCIAL STUDIES CONTENT
*The science and social studies columns will be correlated with the FSPS curriculum maps and added at a later date.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.12 Unit 1: Lesson 2 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 3 READING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULAR RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS Y EXPLANATIONS Comprehension Comprehensio Read Aloud T128 CC.RL.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Text Refer to Common n/ “Give Me Gravity” Weekly Test read and comprehend literature, comprehend complexity Core Appendices A-B Fluency T84-T85 2.4-2.5 including stories, dramas, and literature at the GRW: p. 225-227 (T) Target Skill: Text poetry, at the high end of the grades 5th grade level. Skill: and Graphic 4–5 text complexity band Text & Graphic Features independently and proficiently. Features Projectable 2.1 (Model Oral Strategy: Fluency) CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I will read fifth Purpose http://www.readingrocke Question and fluency to support comprehension. CLLG: p. 43 grade text with CC.RF.5.4a Read on-level text with Target Vocabulary purpose and FR Genre: purpose and understanding. T85 understanding. GRW: pg. 491 (T) Informational GRW: Chapter 20 Text Main Selection “Ultimate Field Trip 5: Blasting Off to CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I will read fifth Accuracy http://www.readingrocke Space Academy” and fluency to support comprehension. grade text aloud Expression T92-T104 CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and with accuracy, Rate FR Genre: Informational poetry orally with accuracy, expression, and GRW: pg. 491 (T) Text appropriate rate, and expression on appropriate rate. GRW: Chapter 20 CLLG: p. 42 successive readings. Introduce: Text and Graphic Features; CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I will use Recognition http://www.readingrocke Question T90-T91 and fluency to support comprehension. contextual Context CC.RF.5.4c Use context to confirm or Projectable 2.2 strategies to FR self-correct word recognition and (Text & understand GRW: pg. 491 (T) understanding, rereading as Graphic Features; necessary. unknown words. GRW: Chapter 20 Question) PB: p. 13 Projectables 2.3a, Reading Standards for Informational Text
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.13 Unit 1: Lesson 2 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 3 CC.RI.5.1 Quote accurately from a I will use Inferences CT: Book 3, Lesson 8, p. 2.3b text when explaining what the text specific quotes 12 (T-Map: Text says explicitly and when drawing from a text when NRP: p. 78-86 Features) drawing STW-2: p. 144,148-153 inferences from the text. Stop & Think T97, inferences and (T) T99, explaining what CT: Book 4, Lesson 11, a text says p. 15; Lesson 15, p. 56 T101 specifically. Deepen CC.RI.5.2 Determine two or more I will determine Summarize CT: Book 5, Lesson 19, Comprehension: main ideas of a text and explain how the main idea of p. 56; Lesson 21, p. 56 Text and Graphic they are supported by key details; a text and STW: p. 166 (T) Features summarize the text. explain how it is NRP: p. 90-91, 124 T110-T111 supported by key Projectable 2.4 (T- details. Map: I will summarize a piece of Analyze Text and informational Graphic text. Features) CC.RI.5.3 Explain the relationships or I will explain Historical STW-2: p. 171-178, 210 PB: p. 14 interactions between two or more relationships Scientific AL: graphic individuals, events, ideas, or concepts between Technical features, text in a historical, scientific, or technical individuals, text features, question, text based on specific information in events, ideas, or caption the text. concepts from an informational Connect To text and use the text to support “Profile of a my explanation. Spacewalker” CC.RI.5.4 Determine the meaning of I will determine Relevant BWL: p. 39; Chapter 2 - T106–T109 general academic and domain- the meaning of Tiered Vocabulary (T) Genre: Informational specific words and phrases in a text words or phrases CT: Book 4, Lesson 10, Text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject in a grade 5 p. 2 MC: T109 area. informational Common Core CLLG: p. 43 text. Appendix A (Tiered Vocabulary) p. 32-34
CC.RI.5.7 Draw on information from I will locate Digital GRW: p.403 (T) multiple print or digital sources, information from sources STW-1: p. 117-121 (T) demonstrating the ability to locate an various sources CT: Book 3, Lesson 8 p. answer to a question quickly or to to answer a 24; Book 4, Lesson 14, p. solve a problem efficiently. question or solve 46 a problem. August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.14 Unit 1: Lesson 2 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 3 CC.RI.5.9 Integrate information from I will combine Integrate STW: p.169-171 several texts on the same topic in information from Topic CT: Book 6, Lesson 22, order to write or speak about the two texts on the p. 2 subject knowledgeably. same topic to GRW: Appendix 34 I will combine information from two write or speak texts on the same topic to write or about the speak about the subject. subject.
CC.RI.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Comprehend Common Core read and comprehend informational comprehend Proficiently Appendices A-B texts, including history/social studies, informational GRW: p. 225-227 (T) science, and technical texts, at the text at the 5 high end of the grades 4-5 text grade level complexity band independently and proficiently. proficiently.
Speaking and Listening Standards CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will prepare for Explicitly AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Preparation Page References: T42g, groups, and teacher led) with diverse a class partners on grade 5 topics and texts, discussion. T66e-T66f, T145, T186e- building on others’ ideas and expressing I will participate T186f, T213, T222g, their own clearly. in discussions by T277, T286g, T318g, CC.SL.5.1a Come to discussions using my T359 prepared, having read or studied preparations to required material; explicitly draw on explore ideas that preparation and other under discussion. information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will ask and Contribute AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Elaborate Page References: T66e- groups, and teacher led) with diverse answer questions partners on grade 5 topics and texts, during a T66f, T85, T306a building on others’ ideas and expressing discussion to their own clearly. elaborate on the CC.SL.5.1c Pose and respond to remarks of specific questions by making others. comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others. CC.SL.5.6 Adapt speech to a variety I will adapt Contexts AVENUES Level F TE of contexts and tasks, using formal speech to a Tasks Page References: T124f, English when appropriate to task and variety of T131, T154a, T217c- situation. contexts and T217d, T281a-T281b, August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.15 Unit 1: Lesson 2 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 3 tasks. T362b, T398, T458a I will use formal English when appropriate to tasks and situation. Vocabulary Targeted Weekly Plan T78- T128 CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will use Context clues http://dictionary.referenc Vocabulary & T79 Weekly Test of unknown and multiple-meaning words Strategies Target and phrases based on context clues to grade 5 reading and content, choosing determine word WTW: p.253 & 265, Introduce Vocabulary flexibly from a range of strategies. meanings. Greek and Latin roots STRATEGY: Vocabulary Prefixes non-, CC.L.5.4a Use context (e.g., BWL Prefixes T86-T87 un-, dis-, mis- cause/effect relationships and WJ: Chapter 7 non-,un-, dis-, 2.2-2.3 comparisons in text) as a clue to the mis- Develop meaning of a word or phrase. Background CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will use Greek http://dictionary.referenc WORD “Give Me Gravity” of unknown and multiple-meaning words Latin CARDS Cards and phrases based on grade 5 reading and common Greek T84-T85 11-20 content, choosing flexibly from a range of and Latin affixes Affixes WTW: p.253 & 265, “What is Gravity” strategies. Roots Greek and Latin roots and roots to T88-T89 CC.L.5.4b Use common, grade- determine word BWL TARGET appropriate Greek and Latin affixes meanings. WJ: Chapter 7 VOCABULAR and roots as clues to the meaning Y: Vocabulary of a word (e.g., photograph, function, Strategies photosynthesis). delicate, Prefixes non-, un-, CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will determine Pronunciation http://dictionary.referenc adjusted, dis-, of unknown and multiple-meaning words mis- T114-T115 and phrases based on grade 5 reading and the meaning or operator, content, choosing flexibly from a range of pronunciation of WTW: p.253 & 265, flawed, acute, Projectable 2.5 strategies. a word by Greek and Latin roots version, axis, (Prefixes CC.L.5.4c Consult reference consulting BWL stimulate, non-, un-, dis-, mis-) materials (e.g., dictionaries, reference WJ: Chapter 7 tethered PB: p. 115 glossaries, thesauruses), both print materials. AL: prefix, affix, and digital, to find the pronunciation base and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases. word CC.L.5.6 Acquire and use accurately I will use words Contrasts BWL and phrases that Logical MI: p. 90 I learn through Relationships WTW: Chapters 7, 8, 9 grade‐appropriate general academic listening and reading, especially words related to fifth grade topics. August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.16 Unit 1: Lesson 2 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 3 and domain‐specific words and phrases, including those that signal contrast, addition, and other logical relationships (e.g., however, although, nevertheless, similarly, moreover, in addition).
Spelling Decoding and Decoding T113 T129 CC.RF.5.3 Know and apply grade-level I can use my Syllabication GRW: Chapters 20 and Spelling Weekly phonics and word analysis skills in Morphology 22 Decoding decoding words. knowledge of Detailed Spelling letter-sound WJ: Chapter 6-7 Plan Test CC.RF.5.3a Use combined Vowel Sounds 2.6-2.7 knowledge of all letter-sound relationships, T118-T119 syllabication, in VCV correspondences, syllabication and roots and Syllable T119 patterns, and morphology (e.g., Day 1: Teach the affixes to read Patterns Spelling roots and affixes) to read accurately Principle/Pretest words I don’t PB: p. 16 Assessment unfamiliar multisyllabic words in know. context and out of context. Spelling: Long Day 2: Word Sort a and Long e PB: p. 17 CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the References I will spell Day 3: Word conventions of standard English grade- capitalization, punctuation, and spelling Families appropriate erpoint.htm Spelling when writing. Day 4: Connect to words correctly MI Words: CC.L.5.2e Spell grade- Writing using a reference TP (Basic) awake, appropriate words correctly, PB: p. 18 consulting references as when needed. MM2-3 feast, stray, MM4-5 Day 5: Spelling needed. greet, praise, Assessment disease, repeat, display, braces, thief, ashamed, sleeve, waist, beneath, sheepish, release, remain, sway, training, niece (Review) stale, afraid, freedom, August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.17 Unit 1: Lesson 2 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 3 eager, explain (Challenge) terrain, succeed, betray, motivate, upheaval
WRITING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULAR RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS Y EXPLANATIONS Grammar Grammar Detailed Grammar T129 CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will produce Declarative http://languagearts.ppps Plan T120-T123 Weekly conventions of standard English grammar Interrogative Kinds of Test and usage when writing or speaking. and expand Sentences CC.LP.5.1.1j Produce and simple and Imperative MM2-3 Day 1: Teach 2.8-2.9 Explanatory MM4-5 expand complete simple and compound Declarative & declarative, MI Interrogative compound declarative, interrogative, EE Sentences interrogative, imperative, and imperative, and Projectable 2.6 exclamatory sentences in exclamatory PB: p. 19 response to prompts. sentences in Day 2: Teach response to Imperative & prompts. Exclamatory Sentences Projectable 2.7 PB: p. 20 Day 3: Kinds of Sentences Projectable 2.8 PB: p. 21 Day 4: Review Kinds of Sentences Spiral Review: Irregular Verbs PB: p. 22 Day 5: Connect to Writing (Sentence Fluency) PB: p. 23
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.18 Unit 1: Lesson 2 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 3 AL: declarative sentence, interrogative sentence, imperative sentence, exclamatory sentence Writing Writing Detailed Writing Plan Optional CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will use Dialogue Raising the Quality of T124-T127 Daily or imagined experiences or events using Descriptions Narrative Writing (T) Write to Writing effective technique, descriptive details, dialogue, and clear event sequences. descriptions, and Pacing Writing Fiction; Big Express: Day 1: Introduce the Prompts CC.W.5.3b Use narrative pacing to Dreams, Tall Descriptive Model: Descriptive T78-T79 techniques, such as dialogue, develop events Ambitions (T) Composition Composition description, and pacing, to develop and characters. WP: Ch. 6 Projectable 2.9 Reread the experiences and events or show the LC: Writing Fiction, Big Focus Trait: (Writing selection. responses of characters to Dreams, p. 27, 43, 73 Voice Model: Descriptive Then list CL: p. 95 Composition) situations. three Day 2: Introduce the CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will use Concrete Raising the Quality of examples of Focus Trait: Voice or imagined experiences or events using concrete words Sensory Narrative Writing (T) ways the effective technique, descriptive details, PB: p. 24 activities at and clear event sequences. and phrases and details Writing Fiction; Big Day 3: Teach CC.W.5.3d Use concrete words and sensory details Dreams, Tall Space Planning a phrases and sensory details to to convey Ambitions (T) Academy Descriptive convey experiences and events experiences and CL: p. 68, 69, 70, 71 were Composition precisely. events. compared to Projectable 2.10 CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real the campers’ I will establish a Conclusion Raising the Quality of (Prewriting: or imagined experiences or events using situation, Closure Narrative Writing (T) prior effective technique, descriptive details, Planning a Writing Fiction; Big knowledge or and clear event sequences. introduce a Descriptive Dreams, Tall experience. CC.W.5.3e Provide a conclusion that narrator and/or Composition) characters, and Ambitions (T) (reference follows from the narrated experiences Day 4: Begin a Draft or events. organize an LC: Book 4, p.133 Journeys Open event sequence. LC: Raising the Quality, Day 5: Introduce the Response/Writ Book 2, p. 137 Student Model: ing Rubric on CL: p. 70, 71, 103 Revise for Voice Lesson 2 Projectable 2.11 CC.W.5.4 Produce clear and coherent I will produce Coherent TQW: I -5 Overview writing in which the development and pieces of writing (Revising Natialie’s [cardboard Draft) organization are appropriate to task, that are page before purpose, and audience. appropriate for AL: attitude, Focus Wall]) fifth grade tasks, sensory purposes, and words, setting
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.19 Unit 1: Lesson 2 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 3 audiences. CC.W.5.5 With guidance and support I will use Plan GRW: p. 63-66 (T) from peers and adults, develop and guidance from Revise GRW: p. 77-80 strengthen writing as needed by my peers and Edit WP: p. 19-20 (T) planning, revising, editing, rewriting, adults to plan, LC: Book 1, p. 37-45; p. or trying a new approach. revise, and edit 169-173 my writing. CC.W.5.7 Conduct short research I will conduct a Research 20 great research projects short research websites that use several sources to build project that uses http://askatechte knowledge through investigation of several sources acher.wordpress. different aspects of a topic. to build com/2009/11/02/ knowledge about 20-great- a topic. research- websites-for- kids/ (T) Squidoo k12interactiveresearch (T) LC: Book 3, p. 161-165 NetTracker m/us http://www.fortsmithlibra Squidoo k12interactiveresearch (T)
SMALL GROUP STANDARDS Reading Standards: Foundational Skills CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CC.RF.5.4a Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. CC.RF.5.4c Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.20 Unit 1: Lesson 2 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 3 SOCIAL STUDIES CONTENT
*The science and social studies columns will be correlated with the FSPS curriculum maps and added at a later date.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.21 Unit 1: Lesson 3 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 4 READING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS RY EXPLANATIONS Comprehension Comprehensio Read Aloud T202 CC.RL.5.1 Quote accurately from a I will use Explicitly TDC: p.18-19 (T) n/ “Should We Let Weekly Test text when explaining what the text specific quotes Inferences TC: Book 4, Lesson 11, Fluency Politics Become 3.2-3.5 says explicitly and when drawing from a text when p. 14; Extend & Personal?” inferences from the text. drawing Investigate, p. 106 Skill: T158-T159 inferences and RP: p. 81-90 Compare & Target Skill: explaining what SW-2: p. 141-142 Contrast Compare & a text says CT: Book 4, Lesson 14, Contrast Strategy: specifically. p. 47 Projectable 3.1 Infer/Predict (Model CC.RL.5.2 Determine a theme of a Theme TDC: p.19-22 (T) I can determine Oral Fluency) story, drama, or poem from details in the theme of a Summarize GRW: p. 361-362 (T) Genre: CLLG: p. 45 the text, including how characters in a text using STW-2: p.188-190 Realistic Target Vocabulary story or drama respond to challenges details, CT: Book 4, Lesson 15, p. Fiction/ T159 or how the speaker in a poem reflects characters’ 56 Persuasive Text upon a topic; summarize the text. actions, or the RP: p. 99-113 (T) speaker’s CT: Extend and Main Selection reflection. Investigate, p.120-124 “Off and Running” I can summarize T166-T178 a story, drama, Genre: Realistic or poem. Fiction CC.RL.5.3 Compare and contrast two I will use Compare GRW: p. 441-446, CLLG: p. 44 or more characters, settings, or specific details Contrast appendices p. 17-23 Introduce: Compare events in a story or drama, drawing from a text to TDC: p. 19-22 (T) & on specific details in the text (e.g. compare and GRW: p. 395-396 (T) Contrast; how characters interact). contrast two BWL: Chapter 5, p. 72 Infer/Predict characters, TDC: p. 156 T164-T165 settings, or GRW: p. 444 (T) Projectable 3.2 events. (Compare & Contrast; CC.RL.5.4 Determine the meaning of I will determine Metaphors RM: p. 107-110 Infer/Predict) Similes GR: p. 397-398 (T) words and phrases as they are used the meaning of PB: p. 25 words and GRW: p. 376 (T) in a text, including figurative Projectables 3.3a, phrases based on TDC: p. 61-63 (T) language such as metaphors and 3.3b how they are CT: Book 4, Lesson 10, p. similes. used in a text. 2, Lesson 11, p. 14, (Venn Diagram: Lesson 12, p. 26 Compare & Contrast) August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.22 Unit 1: Lesson 3 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 4 CC.RL.5.5 Explain how a series of I will explain Stanzas GRW: p. 444 (T) Stop & Think T169, chapters, scenes, or stanzas fits how a series of GRW: p. 410-422; p. T173, T175 together to provide the overall chapters or 445-446 Deepen structure of a particular story, drama, stanzas fit WP: p. 35-36 (T) (3-6) Comprehension: together to or poem. Compare & Contrast create the overall T184-T185 structure of a text. Projectable 3.4 (Venn Diagram: Compare CC.RL.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Text Refer to Common Core & read and comprehend literature, comprehend complexity Appendices A-B Contrast) including stories, dramas, and literature at the GRW: p. 225-227 (T) PB: p. 26 poetry, at the high end of the grades 5th grade level. AL: compare, 4–5 text complexity band contrast, independently and proficiently. infer CC.L.5.3 Use knowledge of language and I will Compare http://www.languagearts. Connect To its conventions when writing, speaking, Contrast reading, or listening. compare/contrast “Vote for Me!” CC.L.5.3b Compare and contrast the varieties of ty.html T180-T183 varieties of English (e.g., dialects, English used in TAW: p. 62-72 (revision) Genre: Persuasive registers) used in stories, dramas, or stories, dramas, (T) Text CL poems. or poems. MC: T183 NCL MI CLLG: p. 45 LC: Book 6, Lesson 13 & 14, p. 175 & 187
CC.L.5.5 Demonstrate understanding of I will recognize Idioms http://www.readwritethin figurative language, word relationships, and explain the Adages and nuances in word meanings. meaning of Proverbs http://www.readworks.or CC.L.5.5b Recognize and explain common idioms, g/ the meaning of common idioms, adages, and GRW: (figurative adages, and proverbs. proverbs. language) WP: p. 45 (figurative language) LC: Book 6, Lesson 13, p. 175
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.23 Unit 1: Lesson 3 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 4 CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I can read fifth Accuracy http://www.readingrocket and fluency to support comprehension. grade text aloud Expression CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and with accuracy, Rate FR poetry orally with accuracy, expression, and GRW: pg. 491 (T) appropriate rate, and expression on appropriate rate. GRW: Chapter 20 successive readings. Reading Standards for Informational Text CC.RI.5.4 Determine the meaning of I will determine Relevant BWL: p. 39; Chapter 2 - general academic and domain- the meaning of Tiered Vocabulary (T) specific words and phrases in a text words or phrases CT: Book 4, Lesson 10, p. relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject in a grade 5 2 area. informational Common Core text. Appendix A (Tiered Vocabulary) p. 32-34
CC.RI.5.8 Explain how an author I will explain Reasons CT: Book 4, Lesson 11, p. uses reasons and evidence to support how an author Evidence 24 particular points in a text, identifying uses reasons and Identity STW-2: p.166-169 which reasons and evidence support evidence to which point(s). support his/her points. I will specifically identify which reasons an author uses to support which points. CC.RI.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Comprehen Common Core read and comprehend informational comprehend d Appendices A-B text, including history/social studies, informational Text GRW: p. 225-227 (T) science, and technical texts, at the text at the 4-5 complexity high end of the grades 4-5 text grade level complexity band independently and proficiently. proficiently. Speaking and Listening Standards CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will prepare for Explicitly AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Preparation Page References: T42g, groups, and teacher led) with diverse a class partners on grade 5 topics and texts, discussion. T66e-T66f, T145, T186e- building on others’ ideas and expressing I will participate T186f, T213, T222g, their own clearly. in discussions by T277, T286g, T318g, CC.SL.5.1a Come to discussions using my T359 prepared, having read or studied August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.24 Unit 1: Lesson 3 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 4 required material; explicitly draw on preparations to that preparation and other explore ideas information known about the topic to under discussion. explore ideas under discussion. CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will ask and Contribute AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Elaborate Page References: T66e- groups, and teacher led) with diverse answer questions partners on grade 5 topics and texts, during a T66f, T85, T306a building on others’ ideas and expressing discussion to their own clearly. elaborate on the CC.SL.5.1c Pose and respond to remarks of specific questions by making others. comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others. CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will review Key ideas AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Conclusions Page References: T53, groups, and teacher-led) with diverse ideas expressed partners on grade 5 topics and texts, and draw T145, T186e-T186f, building on others’ ideas and expressing conclusions using T213, T222g, T277, their own clearly. information T286g, T318g, T410g CC.SL.5.1d Review the key ideas gained in a expressed and draw conclusions in discussion. light of information and knowledge gained from the discussions. CC.SL.5.3 Summarize the points a I will summarize Summarize AVENUES Level F TE speaker makes and explain how each the points a Evidence Page References: T176a, claim is supported by reasons and speaker makes. T186e-T186f, T213, evidence. I will explain the T404a reasons and evidence a speaker uses to support the claims his/she makes. CC.SL.5.4 Report on a topic or text or I will sequence Sequence AVENUES Level F TE present an opinion, sequencing ideas ideas logically, Logically Page References T113a- logically and using appropriate facts using appropriate Relevant T113b, T174-T175, and relevant, descriptive details to facts and details. details T175a-T175b, T215a- support main ideas or themes; speak I will speak T215b, T217c-T217d, clearly at an understandable pace. clearly at an T279a-T279b, T305a- understandable T305b, T337a-T337b, pace when T403a-T403b, T485a- presenting an T485b August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.25 Unit 1: Lesson 3 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 4 opinion.
Vocabulary Targeted Weekly Plan T152- T202 CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will use Context http://dictionary.referenc Vocabulary & T153 Weekly Test of unknown and multiple-meaning words clues Strategies Target and phrases based on context clues to grade 5 reading and content, choosing figure out word WTW: p.253 & 265, Introduce Vocabulary flexibly from a range of strategies. meanings. Greek and Latin roots STRATEGY: Vocabulary Multiple- CC.L.5.4a Use context (e.g., BWL Multiple- T160-T161 Meaning cause/effect relationships and WJ: Chapter 7 Meaning Words 3.6-3.7 comparisons in text) as a clue to the Words Develop Background meaning of a word or phrase. “Should We Let CC.L.5.6 Acquire and use accurately I will use words Contrasts BWL WORD Politics Become grade-appropriate general academic and phrases that Logical MI: p. 90 CARDS Cards Personal” and domain-specific words and I learn through relationships WTW: Chapters 7, 8, 9 21-30 T158-T159 phrases, including those that signal listening and “School Elections” contrast, addition, and other logical reading, TARGET T162-T163 relationships (e.g., however, especially words VOCABULARY although, nevertheless, similarly, related to fifth : Vocabulary moreover, in addition). grade topics. debate, Strategies prodded, T188-T189 gradually, Context: Multiple- decorated, Meaning Words beckoned, Projectable 3.5 scanned, (Multiple- inflated, stalled, Meaning Words) shaken, PB: p. 27 hesitated AL: multiple- meaning words Spelling Decoding and Decoding T187 T203 Weekly CC.RF.5.3 Know and apply grade-level I can use my Syllabication GRW: Chapters 20 and Spelling Decoding phonics and word analysis skills in Morphology 22 Test decoding words. knowledge of Detailed Spelling letter-sound WJ: Chapter 6-7 Plan T192-T193 3.10-3.11 CC.RF.5.3a Use combined VCCV Pattern knowledge of all letter-sound relationships, correspondences, syllabication syllabication, and Day 1: Teach the T193 Spelling roots and affixes Spelling: Long Assessment patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots Principle/Pretest to read words I i and Long o and affixes) to read accurately PB: p. 28 unfamiliar multisyllabic words in don’t know. Spelling Day 2: Word Sort context and out of context.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.26 Unit 1: Lesson 3 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 4 CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will spell References Words: PB: p. 29 conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and grade- (Basic) sign, Day 3: Word rpoint.htm spelling when writing. appropriate groan, reply, Families CC.L.5.2e Spell grade-appropriate words correctly MI Day 4: Connect to TP thrown, strike, words correctly, consulting references using a reference Writing as needed. when needed. MM2-3 mighty, stroll, MM4-5 compose, PB: p. 30 dough, height, Day 5: Spelling excite, apply, Assessment slight, define, odor, spider, control, silent, brighten, approach (Review) sigh, twice, shown, tonight, remote (Challenge) require, reproach, defy, plight, opponent
WRITING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS RY EXPLANATIONS Grammar Grammar Detailed Grammar T203 CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will explain the Conjunctions http://languagearts.pppst Plan T194-T197 Weekly Test conventions of standard English grammar Prepositions .com/index.html 3.12-3.13 and usage when writing or speaking. function of Compound Interjections MM2-3 CC.L.5.1a Explain the function of prepositions in Sentences Day 1: Teach MM4-5 conjunctions, prepositions, and general and in Complete specific MI interjections in general and their Subjects & sentences. EE function in particular sentences. Predicates I will explain the Projectable 3.6 function of PB: p. 31 interjections in Day 2: Extend general and in Complete specific Subjects & sentences.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.27 Unit 1: Lesson 3 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 4 CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will produce Compound http://languagearts.pppst Predicates conventions of standard English grammar Complex .com/index.html and usage when writing or speaking. simple, Projectable 3.7 CC.LP.5.3.1i Produce simple, compound, and MM2-3 PB: p. 32 compound, and complex sentences. complex MM4-5 Day 3: Teach sentences. MI Comma EE Use in Compound Sentences CC.L.5.3 Use knowledge of language and I will expand, Conventions http://www.languagearts. Projectable 3.8 its conventions when writing, speaking, reading or listening. combine, and/or ty.html PB: p. 33 CC.L.5.3a Expand, combine, and reduce sentences TAW: p. 62-72 (revision) Day 4: Review reduce sentences for meaning, for purpose of (T) Complete reader/listener interest, and style. meaning, interest, or style. CL Subjects & NCL Predicates MI Spiral Review: LC: Book 6, Lesson 13 & Writing Titles 14, p. 175 & 187 PB: p. 34 Day 5: Connect to Writing (Sentence Fluency) PB: p. 35 AL: compound sentence, complete subject, complete predicate Writing Writing Detailed Writing Optional CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will establish a Narrator Raising the Quality of Plan Daily or imagined experiences or events using situation, Sequence Narrative Writing (T) T198-T201 Writing effective technique, descriptive details, Prompts and clear event sequences. introduce a Writing Fiction; Big Write to T152-T153 CC.W.5.3a Orient the reader by narrator and/or Dreams, Tall Express: Day 1: Introduce the establishing a situation and characters, and Ambitions (T) Dialogue Model: Dialogue organize an LC: Book 4, p. 59, 85, Reread introducing a narrator and/or Projectable 3.9 event sequence. 115 Focus Trait: Student Book characters; organize an event (Writing CL: p. 89, 90, 91, 94, 95 Word Choice p. 75. Find sequence that unfolds naturally. Model: Writing LC: Raising the Quality and List three Dialogue) of Narrative Writing, p. examples of 69 Day 2: Introduce the how the Focus Trait: Word author uses CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will use Dialogue Raising the Quality of Choice August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.28 Unit 1: Lesson 3 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 4 or imagined experiences or events using dialogue, Descriptions Narrative Writing (T) PB: p. 36 emotion to effective technique, descriptive details, descriptions, and Pacing Writing Fiction; Big tell the reader and clear event sequences. Day 3: Teach CC.W.5.3b Use narrative techniques, pacing to Dreams, Tall Planning about a develop events Ambitions (T) such as dialogue, description, and Dialogue character. and characters. WP: Ch. 6 pacing, to develop experiences and Projectable 3.10 (reference LC: Writing Fiction, Big events or show the responses of Journeys Open Dreams, p. 27, 43, 73 (Prewriting characters to situations. Support: Response/Writ CL: p. 95 ing Rubric on Planning a CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will establish a Conclusion Raising the Quality of Lesson 3 or imagined experiences or events using Narrative situation, Closure Narrative Writing (T) Overview effective technique, descriptive details, Paragraph) and clear event sequences. introduce a Writing Fiction; Big [cardboard CC.W.5.3e Provide a conclusion that narrator and/or Dreams, Tall Day 4: Begin a Draft page before follows from the narrated experiences characters, and Ambitions (T) Day 5: Introduce the Focus Wall]) or events. organize an LC: Book 4, p.133 Student Model: event sequence. LC: Raising the Quality, Revise Book 2, p. 137 for Ideas CL: p. 70, 71, 103 Projectable 3.1 CC.W.5.4 Produce clear and I will produce Coherent TQW: I -5 (Revising Brad’s coherent writing in which the pieces of writing development and organization are that are Draft) appropriate to task, purpose, and appropriate for AL: dialogue, point audience fifth grade tasks, of purposes, and view, cause and audiences. effect CC.W.5.5 With guidance and support I will use Plan GRW: p. 63-66 (T) from peers and adults, develop and guidance from Revise GRW: p. 77-80 strengthen writing as needed by my peers and Edit WP: p. 19-20 (T) planning, revising, editing, rewriting, adults to plan, LC: Book 1, p. 37-45; p. or trying a new approach. revise, and edit 169-173 my writing. CC.W.5.7 Conduct short research I will conduct a Topic 20 great research projects that use several sources short research Research websites to build knowledge through project that uses project http://askatechte investigation of different aspects several sources acher.wordpress. of a topic. to build com/2009/11/02/ knowledge about 20-great- a topic. research- websites-for-kids/ (T) Squidoo k12interactiveresearch August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.29 Unit 1: Lesson 3 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 4 (T) LC: Book 3, p. 161-165 NetTracker m/us http://www.fortsmithlibra Squidoo k12interactiveresearch (T)
CC.W.5.8 Recall relevant I will recall Digital CT: Book 6, Lesson 22, information from experiences or information from resources pg. 2-13 gather relevant information from experiences or Paraphrase print and digital sources; summarize gather notes Sources or paraphrase information in notes from digital Research and finished work, and provide a list resources. project of sources. I will use provided sources to find information, take notes on sources, and categorize my notes. I will summarize or paraphrase information found for my finished work. I will provide a list of sources used for a research project. CC.W.5.9 Draw evidence from literary or I will use Analysis LC: Book 5 informational texts to support analysis, Reflection reflection, and research. evidence from CC.W.5.9a Apply grade 5 Reading literature to Research standards to literature (e.g., “Compare support analysis, and contrast two or more characters, reflection, and settings, or events in a story or a research in my drama, drawing on specific details in writing.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.30 Unit 1: Lesson 3 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 4 the text [e.g., how characters interact]”) CC.W.5.10 Write routinely over I will write for an Discipline- GRW: Chapter 5 extended time frames (time for appropriate time specific tasks WP: Chapters 1 & 2 research, reflection, and revision) and based on a LC: Book 1 shorter time frames (a single sitting specific task, WBT or a day or two) for a range of purpose, and discipline-specific tasks, purposes, audience. and audiences.
SMALL GROUP STANDARDS Reading Standards: Foundational Skills CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CC.RF.5.4a Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. *CONTENT AREA STANDARDS & LESSONS SOCIAL STUDIES CONTENT
The science and social studies columns will be correlated with the FSPS curriculum maps and added at a later date.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.31 Unit 1: Lesson 4 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 5 READING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS RY EXPLANATIONS Comprehension Comprehensio Read Aloud T274 CC.RL.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Text Refer to Common n/ “Learning the Weekly Test read and comprehend literature, comprehend complexity Core Appendices A-B Fluency Ropes” T232-T233 4.4-4.5 including stories, dramas, and literature at the GRW: p. 225-227 (T) Target Skill: poetry, at the high end of the grades 5th grade level. Skill: Sequence 4–5 text complexity band Sequence of of Events Events independently and proficiently. Projectable 4.1 Strategy: (Model Reading Standards for Informational Text Monitor/Clarify Oral Fluency) CC.RI.5.1 Quote accurately from a I will use specific Inferences CT: Book 3, Lesson 8, p. CLLG: p. 47 text when explaining what the text quotes from a 12 Genre: Target Vocabulary says explicitly and when drawing text from a text NRP: p. 78-86 Narrative T233 inferences from the text. when drawing STW-2: p. 144,148-153 Nonfiction/ inferences and (T) Poetry Main Selection CT: Book 4, Lesson 11, explaining what a “Double Dutch” text says p. 15; Lesson 15, p. 56 T240-T250 specifically. Genre: Narrative Nonfiction CC.RI.5.2 Determine two or more I will determine Summarize CT: Book 5, Lesson 19, main ideas of a text and explain how the main idea of p. 56; Lesson 21, p. 56 CLLG: p. 46 they are supported by key details; a text and STW: p. 166 (T) Introduce: summarize the text. explain how it is NRP: p. 90-91, 124 Sequence of supported by key Events; details. Monitor/Clarify I will summarize T238-T239 a piece of Projectable 4.2 informational (Sequence of text. Events; CC.RI.5.4 Determine the meaning of I will determine Relevant BWL: p. 39; Chapter 2 - Monitor/Clarify) general academic and domain- Tiered Vocabulary (T) the meaning of PB: p. 37 specific words and phrases in a text words or phrases CT: Book 4, Lesson 10, Projectables 4.3a, relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject in a grade 5 p. 2 4.3b area. informational Common Core text. Appendix A (Tiered (Flow Chart: Vocabulary) p. 32-34 Sequence of Events)
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.32 Unit 1: Lesson 4 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 5 CC.RI.5.5 Compare and contrast the I will Compare GRW: p. 402-404 (T) Stop & Think T245, overall structure (e.g., chronology, compare/contrast Contrast T247, T249 comparison, cause/effect, the overall Structure Deepen problem/solution) of events, ideas, structure of Comprehension: concepts, or information in two or events, ideas, Infer Sequence of concepts, or more texts. Events information in T256-T257 two or more texts. Projectable 4.4 CC.RI.5.6 Analyze multiple accounts I will analyze Analyze STW: p.169-171 (Flow of the same event or topic, noting two or more Multiple Chart: Infer important similarities and differences accounts of the Similarities Sequence of in the point of view they represent. same event or Differences Events) topic while noting Point of PB: p. 38 important view AL: sequence of similarities and events, differences. monitor, clarify, CC.RI.5.10 By the end of the year, Comprehen Common Core I will read and chronological order, read and comprehend informational comprehend d Appendices A-B infer text, including history/social studies, informational Text GRW: p. 225-227 (T) science, and technical texts, at the text at the 4-5 complexity Connect To high end of the grades 4-5 text grade level “Score!” complexity band independently and proficiently. T252-T255 proficiently. Genre: Poetry CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I will read fifth Text http://www.readingrocke and fluency to support comprehension. grade text with MC: T255 CC.RF.5.4a Read on-level text with purpose and FR CLLG: p. 47 purpose and understanding. understanding. GRW: pg. 491 (T) GRW: Chapter 20
CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I can read fifth Accuracy http://www.readingrocke and fluency to support comprehension. grade text aloud Expression CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and with accuracy, Rate FR poetry orally with accuracy, expression, and GRW: pg. 491 (T) appropriate rate, and expression on appropriate rate. GRW: Chapter 20 successive readings. CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I can use Recognition http://www.readingrocke and fluency to support comprehension. contextual Context CC.RF.5.4c Use context to confirm or strategies to FR self‐correct word recognition and understand GRW: pg. 491 (T) understanding, rereading as unknown words. GRW: Chapter 20
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.33 Unit 1: Lesson 4 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 5 necessary.
Speaking and Listening Standards CC.SL.5. 1 Engage effectively in a range of I will prepare for Explicitly AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in a class Preparation Page References: T42g, groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, discussion. T66e-T66f, T145, T186e- building on other’s ideas and expressing I will participate T186f, T213, T222g, their own clearly. in discussions by T277, T286g, T318g, CC.SL.5.1a Come to discussions using my T359 prepared, having read or studied preparations to required material; explicitly draw on explore ideas that preparation and other under discussion. information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will ask and Contribute AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in answer questions Elaborate Page References: T66e- groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, during a T66f, T85, T306a building on others’ ideas and expressing discussion to their own clearly. elaborate on the CC.SL.5.1c Pose and respond to remarks of specific questions by making others. comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others. CC.SL.5.2 Summarize a written text I can summarize Summarize AVENUES Level F TE read aloud or information presented information Quantitativel Page References: T278- in diverse media and formats, presented orally y T279, T426-T427 including visually, quantitatively, and or visually. orally.
Vocabulary Targeted Weekly Plan T 226- T274 CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will use context Context http://dictionary.referenc Vocabulary & T227 Weekly Test of unknown and multiple-meaning words clues to figure clues Strategies Target and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing out word WTW: p.253 & 265, Introduce Vocabulary flexibly meanings. Greek and Latin roots STRATEGY: Vocabulary Suffixes –ion, from a range of strategies. BWL Suffixes –ion, T234-T235 -tion CC.L.5.4a Use context (e.g., WJ: Chapter 7 -tion 4.2-4.3
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.34 Unit 1: Lesson 4 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 5 cause/effect relationships and WORD Develop Background comparisons in text) as a clue to the CARDS Cards “Learning the meaning of a word or phrase. 31-40 Ropes” CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will determine Pronunciatio http://dictionary.referenc T232-T233 of unknown and multiple-meaning words the meaning or n TARGET “What is Double and phrases based on VOCABULAR grade 5 reading and content, choosing pronunciation of WTW: p.253 & 265, Dutch?” flexibly a word by Greek and Latin roots Y: T236-T237 from a range of strategies. consulting BWL competition, CC.L.5.4c Consult reference reference WJ: Chapter 7 identical, Vocabulary materials (e.g., dictionaries, materials. routine, Strategies glossaries, thesauruses), both print element, T260-T261 and digital, to find the pronunciation intimidated, Suffixes –ion, -tion unison, recite, and determine or clarify the precise Projectable 4.5 qualifying, meaning of key words and phrases. (Suffixes uniform mastered -ion, -tion) PB: p. 39 CC.L.5.6 Acquire and use I will use words Contrasts BWL AL: suffix accurately grade-appropriate general and phrases that Logical MI: p. 90 academic and domain-specific words I learn through relationships WTW: Chapters 7, 8, 9 and phrases, including those that listening and signal contrast, addition, and other reading, logical relationships (e.g., however, especially words although, nevertheless, similarly, related to fifth moreover, in addition). grade topics.
Spelling Decoding and Decoding: T259 T275 CC.RF.5.3 Know and apply grade-level I can use my Syllabication GRW: Chapters 20 and Spelling Weekly phonics and word analysis skills in knowledge of Mmorpholog 22 Detailed Spelling Decoding decoding words. letter-sound y WJ: Chapter 6-7 Plan T264-T265 Test CC.RF.5.3a Use combined Digraphs in relationships, 4.6-4.7 knowledge of all letter-sound Multisyllable syllabication, and Day 1: Teach the correspondences, syllabication Words roots and affixes Principle/Pretest T265 Spelling patterns, and morphology (e.g., to read words I Assessment roots and affixes) to read accurately PB: p. 40 don’t know. Spelling: unfamiliar multisyllabic words in Day 2: Word Sort context and out of context. Vowel PB: p. 41 CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will spell References Sounds: /oo/, Day 3: Word conventions of standard English grade- /yoo/ Families capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. appropriate erpoint.htm Day 4: Connect to CC.L.5.2e Spell grade- words correctly MI Spelling Writing TP appropriate words correctly, using a reference Words: PB: p. 42 when needed. MM2-3 August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.35 Unit 1: Lesson 4 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 5 consulting references as MM4-5 (Basic) glue, Day 5: Spelling needed. flute, youth, Assessment accuse, bruise, stew, choose, loose, lose, view, confuse, cruise, jewel, execute, route, cartoon, avenue, include, assume, souvenir (Review) fruit, group, refuse, argue, foolish (Challenge) conclude, pursuit, intrude, subdue, presume WRITING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS RY EXPLANATIONS Grammar Grammar Detailed Grammar T275 CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will explain the Common and http://languagearts.ppps Plan T266-T269 Weekly Test conventions of standard English grammar function of nouns Proper Nouns 4.8-4.9 and usage when writing or speaking. Common and in sentences. MM2-3 Day 1: Teach CC.LP.5.3.1a Explain the function of Proper Nouns MM4-5 nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, Recognizing Nouns MI Projectable 4.6 and adverbs in general and their EE functions in particular sentences. PB: p. 43 (Language Progressive Skills) Day 2: Teach Capitalizing CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will use Punctuation Proper Nouns conventions of standard English punctuation to Projectable 4.7 capitalization, punctuation, and spelling separate items in erpoint.htm PB: p. 44 when writing. a series. MI Day 3: Extend CC.L.5.2a Use punctuation to TP Capitalizing Proper separate items in series. MM2-3
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.36 Unit 1: Lesson 4 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 5 MM4-5 Nouns – Organizations Projectable 4.8 CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will use a Introductory PB: p. 45 conventions of standard English comma to element Day 4: Review capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. separate an erpoint.htm Common CC.L.5.2b Use a comma to separate introductory MI & Proper Nouns an introductory element from the rest element from the TP Spiral Review: MM2-3 of the sentence. rest of the Commas in sentence. MM4-5 Sentences PB: p. 46 CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will use a Direct conventions of standard English comma to set off address Day 5: Connect to capitalization, punctuation, and spelling Writing when writing. a tag question Tag question erpoint.htm (Conventions) CC.L.5.2c Use a comma to set off the and words from MI words yes and no (e.g., Yes, thank the rest of the TP PB: p. 47 MM2-3 you) to set off a tag question from the sentence. AL: common MM4-5 rest of the sentence (e.g., It’s true, I will use a noun, isn’t it?) and to indicate direct comma to proper noun, indicate direct address (e.g., Is that you, Steve?). initials, address. acronym, abbreviation
Writing Writing Detailed Writing Optional CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will establish a Narrator Raising the Quality of Plan Daily or imagined experiences or events using situation, Sequence Narrative Writing (T) Write to T270-T273 Writing effective technique, descriptive details, Prompts and clear event sequences. introduce a Writing Fiction; Big Express: Dreams, Tall T226-T227 CC.W.5.3a Orient the reader by narrator and/or Fictional Day 1: Introduce the characters, and Ambitions (T) establishing a situation and Narrative Model: Fictional organize an LC: Book 4, p. 59, 85, introducing a narrator and/or Narrative event sequence. 115 Look at the characters; organize an event Focus Trait: CL: p. 89, 90, 91, 94, 95 Projectable 4.9 quote sequence that unfolds naturally. Ideas LC: Raising the Quality (Strong Writing on Student of Narrative Writing, p. Model: Fictional Book 69 Narrative) p. 103 and
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.37 Unit 1: Lesson 4 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 5 CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will use Dialogue Raising the Quality of Day 2: Teach the the or imagined experiences or events using dialogue, Descriptions Narrative Writing (T) photograph of effective technique, descriptive details, Focus and clear event sequences. descriptions, and Pacing Writing Fiction; Big Trait: Ideas Coach Rockett. CC.W.5.3b Use narrative techniques, pacing to develop Dreams, Tall PB: p. 48 Find other Ambitions (T) such as dialogue, description, and events and Day 3: Teach examples of characters. WP: Ch. 6 pacing, to develop experiences and Exploring a quotes and LC: Writing Fiction, Big events or show the responses of photographs Dreams, p. 27, 43, 73 Topic characters to situations. that show this CL: p. 95 Day 4: Teach is a CC.W.5.4 Produce clear and I will produce Coherent TQW: I -5 Planning a real-life story. coherent writing in which the pieces of writing Fictional Narrative Tell what development and organization are that are Projectable 4.10 makes appropriate to task, purpose, and appropriate for (Prewriting: the audience fifth grade tasks, Planning information purposes, and a Fictional reliable. audiences. Narrative) (reference CC.W.5.5With guidance and support I will use Plan GRW: p. 63-66 (T) Day 5: Teach Journeys Open from peers and adults, develop and guidance from Revise GRW: p. 77-80 Planning a Edit WP: p. 19-20 (T) strengthen writing as needed by my peers and Fictional Narrative Response/W planning, revising, editing, rewriting, adults to plan, LC: Book 1, p. 37-45; p. riting AL: fictional or trying a new approach. revise, and edit 169-173 Rubric on narrative, exact my writing. Lesson CC.W.5.7 Conduct short research I will conduct a Research 20 great research details, dialogue 4 Overview projects short research websites [cardboard that use several sources to build project that uses http://askatechte page knowledge through investigation of several sources acher.wordpress. before Focus different aspects of a topic. to build com/2009/11/02/ Wall]) knowledge about 20-great- a topic. research- websites-for- kids/ (T) Squidoo k12interactiveresearch (T) LC: Book 3, p. 161-165 NetTracker m/us http://www.fortsmithlibra Squidoo August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.38 Unit 1: Lesson 4 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 5 k12interactiveresearch (T)
CC.W.5.9 Draw evidence from literary or I will use Reasons LC: Book 5 informational texts to support analysis, evidence from Evidence reflection, and research. informational Support CC.W.5.9b Apply grade 5 Reading text to support standards to informational texts analysis, (e.g., “Explain how an author uses reflection, and reasons and evidence to support research in my particular points in a text, writing. identifying which reasons and evidence support which point{s}”).
SMALL GROUP STANDARDS Reading Standards: Foundational Skills CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CC.RF.5.4a Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. *CONTENT AREA STANDARDS & LESSONS SOCIAL STUDIES CONTENT
*The science and social studies columns will be correlated with the FSPS curriculum maps and added at a later date.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.39 Unit 1: Lesson 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 6 READING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS RY EXPLANATIONS Comprehension Comprehensio Read Aloud T346 Weekly CC.RL.5.1 Quote accurately from a I will use Explicitly TDC: p.18-19 (T) n/ “Fair or Foul” Test text when explaining what the text specific quotes Inferences TC: Book 4, Lesson 11, Fluency T304-T305 5.4-5.5 says explicitly and when drawing from a text when p. 14; Extend & Target Skill: Theme inferences from the text. drawing Investigate, p. 106 Skill: Projectable 5.1 inferences and RP: p. 81-90 Theme (Model SW-2: p. 141-142 explaining what Oral Fluency) a text says CT: Book 4, Lesson 14, Strategy: CLLG: p. 49 specifically. p. 47 Visualize Target Vocabulary T305 CC.RL.5.2 Determine the theme of a I will summarize Theme TDC: p.19-22 (T) Genre: story, drama, or poem from details in a story, drama, Summarize GRW: p. 361-362 (T) Realistic the text, including how characters in or poem. STW-2: p.188-190 Fiction/ Main Selection a story or drama respond to CT: Book 4, Lesson 15, p. Informational “Elisa’s Diary” challenges or how the speaker in a 56 Text T312-T322 poem reflects upon a topic; RP: p. 99-113 (T) Genre: Realistic summarize the text. CT: Extend and Fiction Investigate, p.120-124 CLLG: p. 48 Introduce: Theme; CC.RL.5.3 Compare and contrast two Compare GRW: p. 441-446, I will use Visualize or more characters, settings, or specific details Contrast appendices p. 17-23 T310-T311 events in a story or drama, drawing on from a text to TDC: p. 19-22 (T) specific details in the text (e.g., how compare and GRW: p. 395-396 (T) Projectable 5.2 (Theme; characters interact). contrast two BWL: Chapter 5, p. 72 characters, TDC: p. 156 Visualize) settings, or GRW: p. 444 (T) PB: p. 49 events. Projectables 5.3a, 5.3b (Inference Map: CC.RL.5.4 Determine the meaning of I will determine Metaphors RM: p. 107-110 Theme) words and phrases as they are used the meaning of Similes GR: p. 397-398 (T) Stop and Think in a text, including figurative words and GRW: p. 376 (T) T319, TDC: p. 61-63 (T) language such as metaphors and phrases based on T321, T322 similes. how they are CT: Book 4, Lesson 10, p. used in a text. 2, Lesson 11, p. 14, Deepen Lesson 12, p. 26 Comprehension: Infer Theme T328-
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.40 Unit 1: Lesson 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 6 CC.RL.5.5 Explain how a series of I will explain Stanzas GRW: p. 444 (T) T329 chapters, scenes, or stanzas fits how a series of GRW: p. 410-422; p. Projectable 5.4 together to provide the overall chapters or 445-446 (Inference structure of a particular story, drama, stanzas fit WP: p. 35-36 (T) (3-6) Map: Theme) or poem. together to PB: p. 50 create the overall AL: theme, structure of a visualize text. CC.RL.5.6 Describe how a narrator’s I will describe Narrator GRW: p. 397 (T) or speaker’s point of view influences how the Influences CT: Book 5, Lesson 20, Connect To how events are described. narrator’s point p.44 “From Tragedy to of view affects Triumph” how events are T324-T327 described. CC.RL.5.9 Compare and contrast I will compare Compare STW-1: p. 67-80 Genre: stories in the same genre (e.g., and contrast Contrast STW-2: p. 307 Informational Text mysteries and adventure stories) on stories of the Genre TDC: p. 143-146 (T) MC: T327 their approaches to similar themes same genre on Themes GRW: p. 448-449 CLLG: p. 49 and topics. their approach to similar themes. CC.RL.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Text Refer to Common read and comprehend literature, comprehend complexity Core Appendices A-B including stories, dramas, and poetry, literature at the GRW: p. 225-227 (T) at the high end of the grades 4–5 text 5th grade level. complexity band independently and proficiently. CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I will read fifth Purpose http://www.readingrocket and fluency to support comprehension. grade text with CC.RF.5.4a Read on-level text with purpose and FR purpose and understanding. understanding. GRW: pg. 491 (T) GRW: Chapter 20
CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I can read fifth Accuracy http://www.readingrocket and fluency to support comprehension. grade text aloud Expression CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and with accuracy, Rate FR poetry orally with accuracy, expression, and GRW: pg. 491 (T) appropriate rate, and expression on appropriate rate. GRW: Chapter 20 successive readings. CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy Recognition http://www.readingrocket and fluency to support comprehension. I can use Context CC.RF.5.4c Use context to confirm or contextual FR self-correct word recognition and strategies to GRW: pg. 491 (T) August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.41 Unit 1: Lesson 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 6 understanding, rereading as understand GRW: Chapter 20 necessary. unknown words. Reading Standards for Informational Text CC.RI.5.2 Determine two or more I will determine Summarize CT: Book 5, Lesson 19, p. main ideas of a text and explain how the main idea of 56; Lesson 21, p. 56 they are supported by key details; a text and STW: p. 166 (T) summarize the text. explain how it is NRP: p. 90-91, 124 supported by key details. I will summarize a piece of informational text. CC.RI.5.4 Determine the meaning of I will determine Relevant BWL: p. 39; Chapter 2 - general academic and domain- the meaning of Tiered Vocabulary (T) specific words and phrases in a text words or phrases CT: Book 4, Lesson 10, p. relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject in a grade 5 2 area. informational Common Core text. Appendix A (Tiered Vocabulary) p. 32-34
CC.RI.5.7 Draw on information from I will locate Digital GRW: p.403 (T) multiple print or digital sources, information from sources STW-1: p. 117-121 (T) demonstrating the ability to locate an various sources CT: Book 3, Lesson 8 p. answer to a question quickly or to to answer a 24; Book 4, Lesson 14, p. solve a problem efficiently. question or solve 46 a problem. CC.RI.5.9 Integrate information from I will combine Subject STW: p.169-171 several texts on the same topic in information from Text CT: Book 6, Lesson 22, p. order to write or speak about the two texts on the 2 subject knowledgeably. same topic to GRW: Appendix 34 write or speak about the subject. CC.RI.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Comprehen Common Core read and comprehend informational comprehend d Appendices A-B text, including history/social studies, informational Text GRW: p. 225-227 (T) science, and technical texts, at the text at the 4-5 complexity high end of the grades 4-5 text grade level complexity band independently and proficiently. proficiently.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.42 Unit 1: Lesson 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 6 Speaking and Listening Standards CC.SL.5. 1 Engage effectively in a range I will prepare for Explicitly AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in a class Preparation Page References: T42g, groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, discussion. T66e-T66f, T145, T186e- building on other’s ideas and expressing I will participate T186f, T213, T222g, their own clearly. in discussions by T277, T286g, T318g, CC.SL.5.1a Come to discussions using my T359 prepared, having read or studied preparations to required material; explicitly draw on explore ideas that preparation and other under discussion. information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will follow Roles AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in agreed-upon Page References: T85, groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, rules for class T145, T213, T277, T359, building on others’ ideas and expressing discussions and T398 their own clearly. carry-out my CC.SL.5.1b Follow agreed-upon rules assigned roles. for discussions and carry out assigned roles. CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will ask and Collaborative AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in answer questions discussions Page References: T66e- groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, during a T66f, T85, T306a building on others’ ideas and expressing discussion to their own clearly. elaborate on the CC.SL.5.1c Pose and respond to remarks of specific questions by making others. comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others.
CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will review Key ideas AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in ideas expressed Conclusions Page References: T53, groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, and draw T145, T186e-T186f, building on others’ ideas and expressing conclusions using T213, T222g, T277, their own clearly. information T286g, T318g, T410g CC.SL.5.1d Review the key ideas gained in a expressed and draw conclusions in discussion. light of information and knowledge gained from the discussions.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.43 Unit 1: Lesson 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 6 CC.SL.5.6 Adapt speech to a variety I will adapt Contexts AVENUES Level F TE of contexts and tasks, using formal speech to a Tasks Page References: T124f, English when appropriate to task and variety of T131, T154a, T217c- situation. contexts and T217d, T281a-T281b, tasks. T362b, T398, T458a I will use formal English when appropriate to tasks and situation.
Vocabulary Targeted Weekly Plan T298- T346 Vocabulary & T299 Weekly CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will use Context Strategies Test of unknown and multiple-meaning words context clues to clues http://dictionary.referenc and phrases based on grade 5 reading and Introduce Target determine word content, choosing flexibly from a range of STRATEGY: Vocabulary Vocabulary strategies. meanings. WTW: p.253 & 265, Suffixes –ly, -ful T306-T307 Suffixes: CC.L.5.4a Use context (e.g., Greek and Latin roots cause/effect relationships and BWL -ly, -ful WORD CARDS Develop Background 5.2-5.3 comparisons in text) as a clue to the WJ: Chapter 7 Cards 41-50 meaning of a word or phrase. “Fair or Foul” T304-T305 CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will determine Pronunciatio http://dictionary.referenc TARGET of unknown and multiple-meaning words “Newcomers” the meaning or n VOCABULARY: and phrases based on grade 5 reading and T308-T309 content, choosing flexibly from a range of pronunciation of WTW: p.253 & 265, opponents, strategies. a word by Greek and Latin roots brutal, CC.L.5.4c Consult reference consulting BWL supposedly, Vocabulary materials (e.g., dictionaries, reference WJ: Chapter 7 gorgeous, Strategies glossaries, thesauruses), both print materials. embarrassed, T332-T333 and digital, to find the pronunciation obvious, Suffixes –ly, -ful and determine or clarify the precise typically, Projectable 5.5 meaning of key words and phrases. preliminary, (Suffixes CC.L.5.5 Demonstrate understanding of I will recognize Idioms http://www.readwritethin sweeping, –ly, -ful) figurative language, word relationships, and explain the Adages officially PB: p. 51 and nuances in word meaning. meaning of Proverbs http://www.readworks.or CC.L.5.5b Recognize and explain the AL: suffix, affix, common idioms, g/ base meaning of common idioms, adages, adages, and GRW: (figurative and proverbs. word proverbs. language) WP: p. 45 (figurative language) LC: Book 6, Lesson 13, p. 175 August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.44 Unit 1: Lesson 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 6 CC.L.5.6 Acquire and use accurately I will use words Contrasts http://www.readwritethin grade-appropriate general academic and phrases that Logical and domain-specific words and I learn through relationships http://www.readworks.or phrases, including those that signal listening and g/ contrast, addition, and other logical reading, GRW: (figurative relationships (e.g., however, especially words language) although, nevertheless, similarly, related to fifth WP: p. 45 (figurative moreover, in addition). grade topics. language) LC: Book 6, Lesson 13, p. 175
Spelling Decoding and Decoding: T331 T347 CC.RF.5.3 Know and apply grade-level I will use my Syllabication GRW: Chapters 20 and Spelling Weekly phonics and word analysis skills in knowledge of Morphology 22 Detailed Spelling Decoding decoding words. letter-sound WJ: Chapter 6-7 Plan T336-T337 Test CC.RF.5.3a Use combined Stressed & relationships, 5.6-5.7 knowledge of all letter-sound Unstressed syllabication, and Day 1: Teach the correspondences, syllabication Syllables roots and affixes Principle/Pretest T337 Spelling patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots to read words I Assessment and affixes) to read accurately PB: p. 52 don’t know. Spelling: unfamiliar multisyllabic words in Day 2: Word Sort Vowel sounds: context and out of context. PB: p. 53 /ou/, /o/, /oi/ CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will spell References Day 3: Word conventions of standard English grade- Spelling Families capitalization, punctuation, and spelling rpoint.htm when writing. appropriate Words: Day 4: Connect to MI CC.L.5.2e Spell grade-appropriate words correctly (Basic) ounce, Writing TP words correctly, consulting references using a reference sprawl, launch, MM2-3 PB: p. 54 as needed. when needed. loyal, avoid, MM4-5 Day 5: Spelling basketball, Assessment moist, haunt, scowl, naughty, destroy, saucer, pounce, poison, August, auction, royal, coward, awkward, encounter (Review) cause, faucet, tower, false, amount August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.45 Unit 1: Lesson 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 6 (Challenge) poise, loiter, exhaust, assault, alternate WRITING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS RY EXPLANATIONS Grammar Grammar Detailed Grammar T347 Weekly CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will use Singular http://languagearts.pppst Plan T338-T341 Test conventions of standard English grammar singular and Plural .com/index.html 5.8-5.9 and usage when writing or speaking. Singular and plural nouns with MM2-3 CC.L.1.1c Use singular and plural Plural Nouns Day 1: Teach Plural matching verbs MM4-5 nouns with matching verbs in basic Nouns in basic MI Projectable 5.6 sentences (e.g., He hops; We hop). sentences. EE (language progressive skill) PB: p. 55 (Language Progressive Skills) Day 2: Teach Plural CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will ensure Ensure http://languagearts.pppst Nouns conventions of standard English grammar subject-verb and Pronoun- .com/index.html Projectable 5.7 and usage when writing or speaking. pronoun- antecedent MM2-3 PB: p. 56 antecedent MM4-5 Day 3: Teach MI CC.LP.5.3.1f Ensure subject‐verb agreement. Collective EE Nouns Projectable 5.8 PB: p. 57 Day 4: Review Plural and pronoun‐antecedent agreement. Nouns Spiral Review: Using (Language Progressive Skills) Negatives Correctly PB: p. 58 CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will form and Perfect verb http://languagearts.pppst conventions of standard English grammar use perfect verb tenses .com/index.html Day 5: Connect to and usage when writing or speaking. Writing CC.L.5.1b Form and use the perfect tenses. MM2-3 (Word Choice) (e.g., I had walked; I have walked; I MM4-5 will have walked) verb tenses. MI PB: p. 59 EE AL: singular noun, plural noun, August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.46 Unit 1: Lesson 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 6 CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will use verb Tense http://languagearts.pppst collective conventions of standard English grammar Sequences .com/index.html and usage when writing or speaking. tenses to convey noun CC.L.5.1c Use verb tense to various times, States MM2-3 Conditions MM4-5 convey various times, sequences, states, and MI sequences, states, and conditions. EE conditions.
CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will recognize Shifts http://languagearts.pppst conventions of standard English grammar Tense .com/index.html and usage when writing or speaking. and correct CC.L.5.1d Recognize and correct inappropriate MM2-3 MM4-5 inappropriate shifts in verb tense. shifts in verb tense. MI EE
CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will use Punctuation conventions of standard English punctuation to capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. separate items in rpoint.htm CC.L.5.2a Use punctuation to a series. MI separate items in series. TP MM2-3 MM4-5
CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will use a Introductory conventions of standard English comma to Element capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing separate an rpoint.htm CC.L.5.2b Use a comma to separate introductory MI an introductory element from the rest element from TP MM2-3 of the sentence. the rest of the sentence. MM4-5
CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will use a Direct conventions of standard English comma to set off Address capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing a tag question Tag Question rpoint.htm CC.L.5.2c Use a comma to set off the and words from MI words yes and no (e.g., Yes, thank the rest of the TP MM2-3 you) to set off a tag question from the sentence. MM4-5 rest of the sentence (e.g., It’s true, I will use a isn’t it?) and to indicate direct comma to indicate direct address (e.g., Is that you, Steve?). address. CC.L.5.3 Use knowledge of language and I will expand, Conventions http://www.languagearts. its conventions when writing, speaking, August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.47 Unit 1: Lesson 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 6 reading or listening. combine, and/or CC.L.5.3a Expand, combine, and reduce sentences ty.html reduce sentences for meaning, for purpose of TAW: p. 62-72 (revision) reader/listener interest, and style. meaning, interest, (T) or style. CL NCL MI LC: Book 6, Lesson 13 & 14, p. 175 & 187
Writing Writing Detailed Writing Optional CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will establish a Narrator Raising the Quality of Plan Daily or imagined experiences or events using situation, Sequence Narrative Writing (T) Write to T342-T345 Writing effective technique, descriptive details, Prompts and clear event sequences. introduce a Writing Fiction; Big Express: CC.W.5.3a Orient the reader by narrator and/or Dreams, Tall Fictional Day 1: Teach T298-T299 establishing a situation and characters, and Ambitions (T) Narrative Drafting: LC: Book 4, p. 59, 85, introducing a narrator and/or organize an Fictional Narrative Draw a time event sequence. 115 Focus Trait: line characters; organize an event Day 2: Introduce the CL: p. 89, 90, 91, 94, 95 Voice of Elisa’s sequence that unfolds naturally. Focus Trait: Voice LC: Raising the Quality thoughts and PB: p. 60 of Narrative Writing, p. actions. Along 69 Day 3: Teach the Sensory time line, CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will use Dialogue Raising the Quality of Language/Point of or imagined experiences or events using note dialogue, Descriptions Narrative Writing (T) View how the effective technique , descriptive details, Pacing Writing Fiction; Big and clear event sequences. descriptions, and Day 4: Teach/Model: actions Dreams, Tall CC.W.5.3b Use narrative techniques, pacing to Revision of others develop events Ambitions (T) such as dialogue, description, and Day 5: Introduce the helped and characters. WP: Ch. 6 pacing, to develop experiences and Student Model: LC: Writing Fiction, Big Elisa change. events or show the responses of Dreams, p. 27, 43, 73 Revision (reference characters to situations. CL: p. 95 Projectable 5.9 Journeys Open (Revising Response/Writ Charmaine’s ing Draft) Rubric on AL: sensory Lesson CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will use Transitional Raising the Quality of details 5 Overview or imagined experiences or events using transitional Clause Narrative Writing (T) (language), voice, [cardboard effective technique , descriptive details, Writing Fiction; Big page and clear event sequences. words, phrases, dialogue, point of CC.W.5.3c Use a variety of and clauses to Dreams, Tall view before Focus manage Ambitions (T) Wall]) August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.48 Unit 1: Lesson 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 6 transitional words, phrases, and sequence of MM4-5: p. 74, 155 clauses to manage the sequence of events. events. Write narratives to develop real or I will use Concrete Raising the Quality of imagined experiences or events using concrete words Sensory Narrative Writing (T) effective technique , descriptive details, and clear event sequences. and phrases and details Writing Fiction; Big CC.W.5.3d Use concrete words and sensory details to Dreams, Tall phrases and sensory details to convey Ambitions (T) CL: p. 68, 69, 70, 71 convey experiences and events experiences and events. precisely. CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will establish a Conclusion Raising the Quality of or imagined experiences or events using situation, Closure Narrative Writing (T) effective technique , descriptive details, and clear event sequences. introduce a Writing Fiction; Big CC.W.5.3e Provide a conclusion that narrator and/or Dreams, Tall follows from the narrated experiences characters, and Ambitions (T) LC: Book 4, p.133 or events. organize an event sequence. LC: Raising the Quality, Book 2, p. 137 CL: p. 70, 71, 103 CC.W.5.4 Produce clear and I will produce Coherent TQW: I -5 coherent writing in which the pieces of writing development and organization are that are appropriate to task, purpose, and appropriate for audience fifth grade tasks, purposes, and audiences. CC.W.5.5 With guidance and support I will use Plan GRW: p. 63-66 (T) from peers and adults, develop and guidance from Revise GRW: p. 77-80 strengthen writing as needed by my peers and Edit WP: p. 19-20 (T) planning, revising, editing, rewriting, adults to plan, LC: Book 1, p. 37-45; p. or trying a new approach. revise, and edit 169-173 my writing. CC.W.5.6 With some guidance and I can use digital Technology Tikatot support from adults, use technology, tools to produce Produce including the Internet, to produce and and publish my Publish Storybird publish writing as well as to interact work. and collaborate with others; I can use the Writing with demonstrate sufficient command of Internet to Writers/Scholastic keyboarding skills to type a minimum interact and http://teacher.scholastic. of two pages in a single sitting. collaborate with com/writewit/ my peers on Stonesoup August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.49 Unit 1: Lesson 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 6 writing projects. I can m/ (T) demonstrate a Read, Write, Think command of keyboarding Write_Think.html (T) skills to type two Powerpoint pages in one Microsoft Word/Office setting. CC.W.5.9 Draw evidence from literary or I will use evidence Compare LC: Book 5 informational texts to support analysis, to compare and Contrast reflection, and research. contrast two or CC.W.5.9a Apply grade 5 Reading more characters, standards to literature (e.g., “Compare settings or events and contrast two or more characters, in a story or settings, or events in a story or a drama. drama, drawing on specific details in the text [e.g., how characters interact]”) CC.W.5.10 Write routinely over I will write for an Discipline- GRW: Chapter 5 extended time frames (time for appropriate time specific tasks WP: Chapters 1 & 2 research, reflection, and revision) and based on a LC: Book 1 shorter time frames (a single sitting specific task, WBT or a day or two) for a range of purpose, and discipline-specific tasks, purposes, audience. and audiences.)
SMALL GROUP STANDARDS Reading Standards: Foundational Skills CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CC.RF.5.4a Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. CC.RF.5.4c Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognitio*CONTENTn an AREAd understanding STANDARDS, rereadin & LESSONSg as SOCIAL STUDIES CONTENT STRAND STRAND STRAND
*The science and social studies columns will be correlated with the FSPS curriculum maps and added at a later date. August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.50 Unit 1: Lesson 5 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 6
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.51 Unit 2: Lesson 6 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 7 READING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS RY EXPLANATIONS Comprehension Comprehensio Read Aloud T56 Weekly CC.RL.5.9 Compare and contrast I will compare Compare STW-1: p. 67-80 n/ “San Padre Island Test stories in the same genre (e.g., and contrast Contrast STW-2: p. 307 Fluency Sea Turtle” 6.5-6.6 mysteries and adventure stories) on stories of the Genre TDC: p. 143-146 (T) T12-T13 their approaches to similar themes same genre on Themes GRW: p. 448-449 Target Skill: Cause & and topics. their approach to Skill: Effect similar themes. Cause and Projectable 6.1 CC.RL.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Text Refer to Common Core Effect (Model read and comprehend literature, comprehend complexity Appendices A-B Oral Fluency) including stories, dramas, and literature at the GRW: p. 225-227 (T) Strategy: CCLG: p. 51 poetry, at the high end of the 4th-5th grade Question Target Vocabulary grades 4–5 text complexity band level proficiently. independently and proficiently. T13 CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I will read fifth Purpose http://www.readingrocket Genre: and fluency to support comprehension. Main Selection grade text with Informational CC.RF.5.4a Read on-level text with “Interrupted purpose and understanding. purpose and FR Text/Myth understanding. GRW: pg. 491 (T) Journey” GRW: Chapter 20 T20-T32 Genre: Informational CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I can read fifth Accuracy http://www.readingrocket Text and fluency to support comprehension. grade text aloud Expression CLLG p. 50 CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and with accuracy, Rate FR Introduce: Cause & poetry orally with accuracy, expression, and GRW: pg. 491 (T) Effect; Question appropriate rate, and expression on appropriate rate. GRW: Chapter 20 T18- successive readings. T19 Reading Standards for Informational Text Projectable 6.2 CC.RI.5.2 Determine two or more I will determine Summarize CT: Book 5, Lesson 19, p. (Cause & main ideas of a text and explain how the main idea of a 56; Lesson 21, p. 56 Effect; Question) STW: p. 166 (T) they are supported by key details; text and explain PB: p. 61 summarize the text. how it is NRP: p. 90-91, 124 Projectables 6.3a, supported by key details. 6.3b I will summarize (Inference Map: a piece of Cause informational & Effect) text. Stop & Think: T23, CC.RI.5.3 Explain the relationships I will explain Historical STW-2: p. 171-178, 210 T25, or interactions between two or more August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.52 Unit 2: Lesson 6 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 7 individuals, events, ideas, or relationships Scientific T27 concepts in a historical, scientific, or between Technical Deepen technical text based on specific individuals, text information in the text. Comprehension: events, ideas, or Infer concepts from an Cause & Effect T- informational text 38-39 and use the text to support my Projectable 6.4 explanation. (Inference CC.RI.5.4 Determine the meaning of I will determine Relevant BWL: p. 39; Chapter 2 - Map: Infer Cause & general academic and domain- the meaning of Tiered Vocabulary (T) Effect) specific words and phrases in a text words or phrases CT: Book 4, Lesson 10, p. PB: p. 62 relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject in a grade 5 2 AL: cause, effect, area. informational Common Core infer text. Appendix A (Tiered Vocabulary) p. 32-34 Connect To “Skywoman and CC.RI.5.5 Compare and contrast I will Compare GRW: p. 402-404 (T) Turtle” the overall structure (e.g., compare/contrast Contrast T34-T37 the overall Structure chronology, comparison, Genre: Myth cause/effect, problem/solution) of structure of MC: T37 events, ideas, concepts, or events, ideas, CLLG: p. 51 information in two or more texts. concepts, or information in two or more texts.
CC.RI.5.6 Analyze multiple accounts I will analyze Analyze GRW: p. 402-404 (T) of the same event or topic, noting two or more Multiple important similarities and differences accounts of the Similarities in the point of view they represent. same event or Differences topic while noting Point of important view similarities and differences. CC.RI.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Comprehen Common Core read and comprehend informational comprehend d Appendices A-B text, including history/social studies, informational text Text GRW: p. 225-227 (T) science, and technical texts, at the at the 4-5 grade complexity high end of the grades 4-5 text level proficiently. complexity band independently and proficiently. Speaking and Listening Standards August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.53 Unit 2: Lesson 6 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 7 CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will prepare for Explicitly AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Preparation Page References: T42g, groups, and teacher led) with diverse a class partners on grade 5 topics and texts, discussion. T66e-T66f, T145, T186e- building on others’ ideas and expressing I will participate T186f, T213, T222g, their own clearly. in discussions by T277, T286g, T318g, CC.SL.5.1a Come to discussions using my T359 prepared, having read or studied preparations to required material; explicitly draw on explore ideas that preparation and other under discussion. information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will follow Roles AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Page References: T85, groups, and teacher led) with diverse agreed-upon rules partners on grade 5 topics and texts, for class T145, T213, T277, T359, building on others’ ideas and expressing discussions and T398 their own clearly. carry-out my CC.SL.5.1b Follow agreed-upon rules assigned roles. for discussions and carry out assigned roles. CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will ask and Contribute AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Elaborate Page References: T66e- groups, and teacher led) with diverse answer questions partners on grade 5 topics and texts, during a T66f, T85, T306a building on others’ ideas and expressing discussion to their own clearly. elaborate on the CC.SL.5.1c Pose and respond to remarks of specific questions by making others. comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others. CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will review Key ideas AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Conclusions Page References: T53, groups, and teacher-led) with diverse ideas expressed partners on grade 5 topics and texts, and draw T145, T186e-T186f, building on others’ ideas and expressing conclusions using T213, T222g, T277, their own clearly. information T286g, T318g, T410g CC.SL.5.1d Review the key ideas gained in a expressed and draw conclusions in discussion. light of information and knowledge gained from the discussions. Vocabulary Targeted Weekly PlanT6-T7 T56 Weekly CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will use Context http://dictionary.referenc Vocabulary & Test of unknown and multiple-meaning words clues Strategies Introduce and phrases based on context clues to Target grade 5 reading and content, choosing determine word WTW: p.253 & 265, Vocabulary Vocabulary flexibly from a range of strategies. meanings. Greek and Latin roots STRATEGY: T14-T15 August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.54 Unit 2: Lesson 6 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 7 CC.L.5.4a Use context (e.g., BWL Antonyms Antonyms cause/effect relationships and WJ: Chapter 7 Develop Background 6.2-6.4 comparisons in text) as a clue to the WORD CARDS “San Padre Island meaning of a word or phrase. Cards 51-60 Sea Turtles” CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will determine Pronunciatio http://dictionary.referenc T12-T13 of unknown and multiple-meaning words n and phrases based on grade 5 reading and the meaning or TARGET “Sea Turtles” content, choosing flexibly from a range of pronunciation of WTW: p.253 & 265, VOCABULARY: T16-T17 strategies. a word by Greek and Latin roots basking, CC.L.5.4c Consult reference consulting BWL treating, Vocabulary materials (e.g., dictionaries, reference WJ: Chapter 7 analyzing, Strategies glossaries, thesauruses), both print materials. calling, juvenile, T42-T43 and digital, to find the pronunciation ordeal, Antonyms and determine or clarify the precise stunned, Projectable 6.5 meaning of key words and phrases. marine, fatal, CC.L.5.5 Demonstrate understanding of (Antonyms) I can use Synonym http://www.readwritethin intensive figurative language, word relationships, relationships Antonym PB: p. 63 and nuances in word meaning. AL: antonyms CC.L.5.5c Use the relationship between words Homograph http://www.readworks.or g/ between particular words (e.g., to better understand the GRW: (figurative synonyms, antonyms, homographs) to meaning of each language) better understand each of the words. individual word. WP: p. 45 (figurative language) LC: Book 6, Lesson 13, p. 175
CC.L.5.6 Acquire and use accurately I will use words Contrasts BWL grade-appropriate general academic and phrases that Logical MI: p. 90 and domain-specific words and I learn through relationships WTW: Chapters 7, 8, 9 phrases, including those that signal listening and contrast, addition, and other logical reading, relationships (e.g., however, especially words although, nevertheless, similarly, related to fifth moreover, in addition) grade topics.
Spelling Decoding and Decoding: T41 T57 Weekly CC.RF.5.3 Know and apply grade-level I can use my Syllabication GRW: Chapters 20 and Spelling Decoding phonics and word analysis skills in Morphology 22 Test decoding words. knowledge of Detailed Spelling letter-sound WJ: Chapter 6-7 Plan 6.7-6.8 CC.RF.5.3a Use combined Common knowledge of all letter-sound relationships, T46-T47 Beginning T47 Spelling correspondences, syllabication syllabication, Syllables Assessment patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots roots and affixes Day 1: Teach the and affixes) to read accurately to read word I do Principle/Pretest August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.55 Unit 2: Lesson 6 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 7 unfamiliar multisyllabic words in not know. Spelling: PB: p. 64 context and out of context. Vowel + /r/ Day 2: Word Sort CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will spell References Sounds PB: p. 65 conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and grade- Day 3: Word spelling when writing. appropriate rpoint.htm Families Spelling CC.L.5.2e Spell grade- words correctly MI Day 4: Connect to TP Words: appropriate words correctly, using a reference Writing when needed. MM2-3 (Basic) glory, consulting references as PB: p. 66 needed. MM4-5 aware, carton, Day 5: Spelling adore, aboard, Assessment dairy, ordeal, pardon, warn, vary, barely, torch, barge, soar, beware, absorb, armor, stairway, perform former (Review) board, repair, sharp, square, compare (Challenge) discard, forfeit, orchestra, rarity, hoard WRITING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS RY EXPLANATIONS Grammar Grammar Detailed Grammar T57 Weekly CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will form and Perfect verb NCL: p. 103 Plan T48-T51 Test conventions of standard English grammar tenses NCL: Appendix R (T) Verbs and usage when writing or speaking. use perfect verb 6.9-6.10 CC.L.5.1b Form and use the perfect tenses. WBT: p. 130-146 Day 1: Teach Verbs (e.g., I had walked; I have walked; I Projectable 6.6 will have walked) verb tenses. PB: p. 67 Day 2: Teach Main
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.56 Unit 2: Lesson 6 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 7 CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will use verb Verb tenses http://languagearts.pppst Verbs conventions of standard English grammar .com/index.html and usage when writing or speaking. tenses to convey & Helping Verbs CC.L.5.1c Use verb tense to convey various times, MM2-3 Projectable 6.7 MM4-5 various times, sequences, states, and sequences, PB: p. 68 states, and MI conditions. Day 3: Teach Linking conditions. EE Verbs Projectable 6.8 CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will use Correlative NCL: p. 103 PB: p. 69 conventions of standard English grammar conjunctions NCL: Appendix R (T) and usage when writing or speaking. correlative Day 4: Review Verbs CC.L.5.1e Use correlative conjunctions. Spiral Review: conjunctions (e.g., either/or, Complete neither/nor). Sentences PB: p. 70 Day 5: Connect to CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of the I will explain the Explain http://languagearts.pppst Writing conventions of standard English grammar function of nouns, .com/index.html and usage when writing or speaking. (Word Choice) CC. LP.5.3.1a Explain the function of pronouns, verbs, MM2-3 PB: p. 71 adjectives, and MM4-5 nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, AL: action verb, adverbs in MI and adverbs in general and their main general and their EE functions in particular functions in verb, helping verb, sentences. (Language particular linking Progressive Skills) sentences. verb Writing Writing Detailed Writing Optional CC.W.5.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or I will introduce a Opinion NCL: p. 58-60, 103 Plan Daily texts, supporting a point of view with Organization NCL: Appendix R (T) Writing reasons and information. topic or name of Write to T52-T55 CC.W.5.1a Introduce a topic or text a book, state an al structure LC: Writing Unit 3-5, Respond: Prompts clearly, state an opinion, and create an opinion, and Lesson, 6, p. 71; Lesson Cause and Day 1: Introduce the T6-T7 organizational structure in which ideas create an 7, p. 83 Effect Model: Cause & are logically grouped to support the organizational MM4-5 Paragraph Effect Write a structure that writer’s purpose. Paragraph paragraph supports my describing the Focus Trait: Projectable 6.9 purpose. author’s Organization (Writing CC.W.5.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or I will provide Logically NCL: p. 103 opinion about Model: Cause & texts, supporting a point of view with reasons that are NCL: Appendix R (T) saving sea reasons and information. Effect supported by WBT: p. 130-146 turtles. Use CC.W.5.1b Provide logically ordered Paragraph) reasons that are supported by facts facts and details words from Day 2: Introduce the and details. and ordered the selection logically. Focus Trait: to support CC.W.5.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or I will use words, Phrases NCL: p. 103 Organization your ideas. texts, supporting a point of view with Clauses NCL: Appendix R (T) PB: p. 72 (reference reasons and information. phrases, and August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.57 Unit 2: Lesson 6 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 7 CC.W.5.1c Link opinion and reasons clauses to link LC: Book 3,Writing Unit Day 3: Teach Journeys Open using words, phrases, and clauses opinions and 3-5, Lesson 15, p. 183 Planning a Response/Writ (e.g., consequently, specifically). reasons. MM4-5: p.155 Paragraph ing Rubric on Projectable 6.10 Lesson 6 (Prewriting: Overview Planning a [cardboard CC.W.5.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or Concluding NCL: p. 103 page before I will provide a Cause & Effect texts, supporting a point of view with concluding section NCL: Appendix R (T) Focus Wall]) reasons and information. Paragraph) section or Concluding LC: Book 3, Writing Unit CC.W.5.1d Provide a concluding statement. statement 3-5, Lesson 16, p. 195 Day 4: Begin a Draft statement or section related to Day 5: Teach the opinion presented. Revising for Organization CC.W.5.2 Write informative/explanatory I will introduce a Formatting NCL: p. 59, 60, 62, 76, Projectable 6.11 texts to examine a topic and convey ideas Multimedia 86, 95 topic, provide a (Revising Barry’s and information clearly. NCL: Appendix P(T) general focus Draft) CC.W.5.2a Introduce a topic clearly, and group Is That a Fact?: p. 52 AL: cause, effect, provide a general observation and related (T) focus, and group related information information transition words logically; include formatting (e.g., including headings), illustrations, and formatting, multimedia when useful to aiding illustrations, and comprehension. multimedia when helpful. CC.W.5.2 Write informative/explanatory I will use facts, Concrete Is That a Fact? texts to examine a topic and convey ideas details NCL: p. 91, 99, 101 and information clearly. definitions, CC.W.5.2b Develop the topic with details, and Quotations facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations to develop the quotations, or other information and topic. examples related to the topic. CC.W.5.2 Write informative/explanatory I will use words, Clauses NCL texts to examine a topic and convey ideas Informative Is That a Fact? and information clearly. phrases, and CC.W.5.2c Link ideas within and clauses to link text across categories of information ideas within and Explanatory text using words, phrases, and clauses across (e.g., in contrast, especially). categories. CC.W.5.2 Write informative/explanatory I will inform or Precise Is That a Fact? texts to examine a topic and convey ideas language NCL: p. 96, 97 and information clearly. explain about the CC.W.5.2d Use precise language and topic using Domain specific domain specific vocabulary to inform domain specific vocabulary and vocabulary about or explain the topic. August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.58 Unit 2: Lesson 6 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 7 precise language. CC.W.5.2 Write informative/explanatory I will provide a Clauses NCL texts to examine a topic and convey ideas Informative Is That a Fact? and information clearly. concluding CC.W.5.2e Provide a concluding statement or text statement or section related to the section. Explanatory information or explanation text presented. CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will use Transitional Raising the Quality of or imagined experiences or events using transitional words Narrative Writing (T) effective technique, descriptive details, Sequence of Writing Fiction; Big and clear event sequences. words, phrases, CC.W.5.3c Use a variety of and clauses to events Dreams, Tall transitional words, phrases, and manage Ambitions (T) clauses to manage the sequence of sequence of MM4-5: p. 74, 155 events. events.
CC.W.5.4 Produce clear and I will produce Coherent TQW: I -5 coherent writing in which the pieces of writing development and organization are that are appropriate to task, purpose, and appropriate for audience fifth grade tasks, purposes, and audiences. CC.W.5.5 With guidance and support I will use Plan GRW: p. 63-66 (T) from peers and adults, develop and guidance from Revise GRW: p. 77-80 strengthen writing as needed by my peers and Edit WP: p. 19-20 (T) planning, revising, editing, rewriting, adults to plan, LC: Book 1, p. 37-45; p. or trying a new approach. revise, and edit 169-173 my writing. CC.W.5.9 Draw evidence from literary or I will use Reasons LC: Book 5 informational texts to support analysis, Evidence reflection, and research. evidence from CC.W.5.9b Apply grade 5 Reading informational Support standards to informational texts (e.g., text to support “Explain how an author uses reasons analysis, and evidence to support particular reflection, and points in a text, identifying which research in my reasons and evidence support which writing. point{s}”).
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.59 Unit 2: Lesson 6 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 7 SMALL GROUP STANDARDS Reading Standards: Foundational Skills CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CC.RF.5.4a Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. CC.RF.5.4b Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. CC.RF.5.4c Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. *CONTENT AREA STANDARDS & LESSONS SOCIAL STUDIES CONTENT
*The science and social studies columns will be correlated with the FSPS curriculum maps and added at a later date.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.60 Unit 2: Lesson 7 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 8 READING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS RY EXPLANATIONS Comprehension Comprehensio Read Aloud T128 Weekly CC.RL.5.1 Quote accurately from a I will use Explicitly TDC: p.18-19 (T) n/ “Annie’s Pride” Test text when explaining what the text specific quotes Inferences TC: Book 4, Lesson 11, Fluency T86-87 7.4-7.5 says explicitly and when drawing from a text when p. 14; Extend & Target Skill: inferences from the text. drawing Investigate, p. 106 Skill: Understanding inferences and RP: p. 81-90 Understanding Characters Characters explaining what SW-2: p. 141-142 Projectable 7.1 a text says CT: Book 4, Lesson 14, (Model Strategy: specifically. p. 47 Oral Fluency) Visualize CLLG: p. 53 CC.RL.5.4 Determine the meaning of I will determine Metaphors RM: p. 107-110 words and phrases as they are used in the meaning of Similes GR: p. 397-398 (T) Genre: Target Vocabulary a text, including figurative language words and GRW: p. 376 (T) Historical T87 such as metaphors and similes. phrases based on TDC: p. 61-63 (T) Fiction/Persuasi how they are CT: Book 4, Lesson 10, ve Text Main Selection used in a text. p. 2, Lesson 11, p. 14, “Old Yeller” Lesson 12, p. 26 T94-T104 Genre: Historical CC.RL.5.6 Describe how a narrator’s I will describe Narrator GRW: p. 397 (T) Fiction or speaker’s point of view influences how the Influences CT: Book 5, Lesson 20, CLLG: p. 52 how events are described. narrator’s point p.44 Introduce: of view affects Understanding how events are Characters; described. Visualize CC.RL.5.7 Analyze how visual and I will analyze Analyze T92-T93 multimedia elements contribute to the how visual or Tone meaning, tone or beauty of a text multimedia Projectable 7.2 (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia elements (Understanding presentation of fiction, folk tale, myth, contribute to the Characters; poem). meaning or Visualize) beauty of a text. PB: p. 73 CC.RL.5.9 Compare and contrast I will compare Themes STW-1: p. 67-80 Projectables 7.3a, stories in the same genre (e.g., and contrast Topics STW-2: p. 307 7.3b, mysteries and adventure stories) on stories of the TDC: p. 143-146 (T) 7.3c (Column Chart: their approaches to similar themes same genre on GRW: p. 448-449 Understanding and topics. their approach to Characters) similar themes.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.61 Unit 2: Lesson 7 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 8 Stop & Think: T99, CC.RL.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Text Refer to Common T101, read and comprehend literature, comprehend complexity Core Appendices A-B T103 including stories, dramas, and literature at the GRW: p. 225-227 (T) Deepen poetry, at the high end of the 4th-5th grade Comprehension: grades 4–5 text complexity band level proficiently. Understanding independently and proficiently. Characters T110- CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I will read fifth Purpose http://www.readingrocke T111 and fluency to support comprehension. grade text with CC.RF.5.4a Read on-level text with purpose and FR Projectable 7.4 purpose and understanding. understanding. GRW: pg. 491 (T) (Column GRW: Chapter 20 Chart: Understanding CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I can read fifth Accuracy http://www.readingrocke Characters) and fluency to support comprehension. grade text aloud Appropriate PB: p. 74 CC.RF.5.4b Read on‐level prose and with accuracy, rate FR AL: traits, motive, poetry orally with accuracy, expression, and GRW: pg. 491 (T) motivation, appropriate rate, and expression on appropriate rate. GRW: Chapter 20 visualize, successive readings. analyze, behavior
CC.RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy I will use Context http://www.readingrocke Connect To and fluency to support comprehension. contextual CC.RF.5.4c Use context to confirm or “What Makes It strategies to FR self-correct word recognition and Good?” understand GRW: pg. 491 (T) understanding, rereading as T106-T109 unknown words. GRW: Chapter 20 necessary. Genre: Persuasive Text Reading Standards for Informational Text MC: T109 CC.RI.5.4 Determine the meaning of I will determine Relevant BWL: p. 39; Chapter 2 - CLLG p. 53 general academic and domain- the meaning of Tiered Vocabulary (T) specific words and phrases in a text words or phrases CT: Book 4, Lesson 10, relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject in a grade 5 p. 2 area. informational Common Core text. Appendix A (Tiered Vocabulary) p. 32-34
CC.RI.5.7 Draw on information I will locate Print sources GRW: p.403 (T) from multiple print or digital information from Digital STW-1: p. 117-121 (T) sources, demonstrating the ability various sources sources CT: Book 3, Lesson 8 p. to locate an answer to a question to answer a 24; Book 4, Lesson 14, p. quickly or to solve a problem question or solve 46 efficiently. a problem.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.62 Unit 2: Lesson 7 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 8
CC.RI.5.8 Explain how an author I will explain Reasons CT: Book 4, Lesson 11, uses reasons and evidence to support how an author Evidence p. 24 particular points in a text, identifying uses reasons and Identity STW-2: p.166-169 which reasons and evidence support evidence to which point(s). support his/her points. I will specifically identify which reasons an author uses to support which points. CC.RI.5.10 By the end of the year, I will read and Comprehend Common Core read and comprehend informational comprehend Proficiently Appendices A-B texts, including history/social studies, informational GRW: p. 225-227 (T) science, and technical texts, at the text at the 5 high end of the grades 4-5 text grade level complexity band independently and proficiently. proficiently. Speaking and Listening Standards CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will prepare for Prepare AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Page References: T42g, groups, and teacher led) with diverse a class partners on grade 5 topics and texts, discussion. T66e-T66f, T145, T186e- building on others’ ideas and expressing I will participate T186f, T213, T222g, their own clearly. in discussions by T277, T286g, T318g, CC.SL.5.1a Come to discussions using my T359 prepared, having read or studied preparations to required material; explicitly draw on explore ideas that preparation and other under discussion. information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. CC.SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of I will ask and Elaborate AVENUES Level F TE collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in Page References: T66e- groups, and teacher led) with diverse answer questions partners on grade 5 topics and texts, during a T66f, T85, T306a building on others’ ideas and expressing discussion to August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.63 Unit 2: Lesson 7 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 8 their own clearly. elaborate on the CC.SL.5.1c Pose and respond to remarks of specific questions by making others. comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others. CC.SL.5.2 Summarize a written text I will summarize Summarize AVENUES Level F TE read aloud or information presented in information Page References: T278- diverse media and formats, including presented orally T279, T426-T427 visually, quantitatively, and orally. or visually. CC.SL.5.4 Report on a topic or text or I will sequence Sequence AVENUES Level F TE present an opinion, sequencing ideas ideas logically, Logically Page References T113a- logically and using appropriate facts using appropriate Relevant T113b, T174-T175, and relevant, descriptive details to facts and details. details T175a-T175b, T215a- support main ideas or themes; speak I will speak T215b, T217c-T217d, clearly at an understandable pace. clearly at an T279a-T279b, T305a- understandable T305b, T337a-T337b, pace when T403a-T403b, T485a- presenting an T485b opinion. CC.SL.5.6 Adapt speech to a variety I will adapt Adapt AVENUES Level F TE of contexts and tasks, using formal speech to a Page References: T35a- English when appropriate to task and variety of T35b, T55a-T55b, T87a- situation. contexts and T87b, T113a-T113b, tasks. T174-T175, T175a- I will use formal T175b, T215a-T215b, English when T279a-T279b, T305a- appropriate to T305b, T337a-T337b, tasks and T403a-T403b, T457a- situation. T457b
Vocabulary Targeted Weekly Plan T80-T81 T128 Weekly CC.L.5.3 Use knowledge of language and I will Compare http://www.languagearts Vocabulary & Test its conventions when writing, speaking, Contrast Strategies Introduce Target reading, or listening. compare/contrast varieties of ety.html Vocabulary Vocabulary CC.L.5.3b Compare and contrast the STRATEGY: T88-T89 Idioms varieties of English (e.g., dialects, English used in TAW: p. 62-72 stories, dramas, (revision) (T) Idioms 7.2-7.3 registers) used in stories, dramas, or Develop Background poems. or poems. CL NCL WORD CARDS “Annie’s Pride” MI Cards 61-70 T86-T87 LC: Book 6, Lesson 13 & “Frontier Life” 14, p. 175 & 187 TARGET T90-T91 August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.64 Unit 2: Lesson 7 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 8 CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will use Cause/Effect http://dictionary.referenc VOCABULARY: of unknown and multiple-meaning words Context frantic, Vocabulary and phrases based on grade 5 reading and context clues to content, choosing flexibly determine word clues WTW: p.253 & 265, bounding, Strategies from a range of strategies. meanings. Comparisons Greek and Latin roots lunging, T114-T115 CC.L.5.4a Use context (e.g., BWL shouldered, Idioms cause/effect relationships and WJ: Chapter 7 stride, strained, Projectable 7.5 comparisons in text) as a clue to the checking, romp, (Idioms) meaning of a word or phrase. wheeled, PB: p. 75 picturing AL: idiom, adage, CC.L.5.4 Determine or clarify the meaning I will determine Pronunciatio http://dictionary.referenc common saying of unknown and multiple-meaning words n and phrases based on the meaning or grade 5 reading and content, choosing pronunciation of WTW: p.253 & 265, flexibly a word by Greek and Latin roots from a range of strategies. consulting BWL CC.L.5.4c Consult reference reference WJ: Chapter 7 materials (e.g., dictionaries, materials. glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases. CC.L.5.5 Demonstrate understanding of I will recognize Idioms http://www.readwritethin figurative language, word relationships, Adages and nuances in word meanings. and explain the CC.L.5.5b Recognize and explain meaning of Proverbs http://www.readworks.or the meaning of common idioms, common idioms, g/ adages, and proverbs. adages, and GRW: (figurative proverbs. language) WP: p. 45 (figurative language) LC: Book 6, Lesson 13, p. 175
CC.L.5.6. Acquire and use accurately I will use words Contrasts BWL grade-appropriate general academic and phrases that Logical MI: p. 90 and domain-specific words and I learn through Relationships WTW: Chapters 7, 8, 9 phrases, including those that signal listening and contrast, addition, and other logical reading, relationships (e.g., however, although, especially words nevertheless, similarly, moreover, in related to fifth addition). grade topics. Spelling Decoding and Decoding T113 T129 Weekly CC.RF.5.3 Know and apply grade-level I will use my Syllabicati GRW: Chapters 20 and Spelling Decoding phonics and word analysis skills in on 22 Detailed Spelling Test decoding words. knowledge of August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.65 Unit 2: Lesson 7 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 8 CC.RF.5.3a Use combined letter-sound Roots WJ: Chapter 6-7 Vowel + /r/ Plan 7.6-7.7 knowledge of all letter-sound relationships, Affixes Sounds T118-T119 T119 Spelling correspondences, syllabication syllabication, and Assessment patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes Spelling: Day 1: Teach the roots and affixes) to read to read words I More Vowel + Principle/Pretest accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic don’t know. /r/ Sounds PB: p. 76 words in context and out of Day 2: Word Sort context. Spelling PB: p. 77 CC.L.5.2 Demonstrate command of the I will spell Grade- Words: Day 3: Word conventions of standard English grade- appropriate (Basic) earth, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling Families when writing. appropriate erpoint.htm peer, twirl, CC.L.5.2e Spell grade-appropriate words correctly MI burnt, smear, Day 4: Connect to words correctly, consulting references using a reference TP further, Writing as needed. when needed. MM2-3 appear, PB: p. 78 MM4-5 worthwhile, Day 5: Spelling nerve, pier, Assessment squirm, weary, alert, murmur, thirsty, reverse, worship, career, research, volunteer (Review) early, world, rear, current, cheer (Challenge) yearn, engineer, interpret, dreary, external WRITING WORKSHOP: WHOLE GROUP LESSONS ESSENTIAL MATERIALS, COMMON CORE STATE LESSON ASSESSMEN OBJECTIVE VOCABULA RESOURCES EXAMPLES AND STANDARDS FOCUS TS RY EXPLANATIONS Grammar Grammar Detailed Grammar T129 Weekly CC.L.5.1 Demonstrate command of I will Demonstrate http://languagearts.pppst Plan T120-T123 Test the conventions of standard English demonstrate .com/index.html Direct and 7.8-7.9 grammar and usage when writing or command of the MM2-3 Indirect Day 1: Teach Direct August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.66 Unit 2: Lesson 7 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 8 speaking. conventions of MM4-5 Objects Objects standard English MI Projectable 7.6 grammar when EE PB: p. 79 writing or Day 2: Extend Direct speaking. Objects CC.L.5.3 Use knowledge of language and Adapt http://www.languagearts. I will expand, Projectable 7.7 its conventions when writing, speaking, combine, and/or reading, or listening. PB: p. 80 reduce sentences ty.html CC.L.5.3a Expand, combine, and Day 3: Teach reduce for purpose of TAW: p. 62-72 (revision) meaning, (T) Indirect sentences for meaning, reader/listener Objects interest, interest, or style. CL Projectable 7.8 and style. NCL MI PB: p. 81 LC: Book 6, Lesson 13 & Day 4: Review Direct 14, p. 175 & 187 & Indirect Objects Spiral Review: Kinds of Sentences PB: p. 82 Day 5: Connect to Writing (Sentence Fluency) PB: p. 83 AL: direct object, compound direct object, indirect object Writing Writing Detailed Writing Optional CC.W.5.3 Write narratives to develop real I will establish a Narrator Raising the Quality of Plan Daily Writing or imagined experiences or events using Characters Narrative Writing (T) Write to T124-T127 Prompts effective technique , descriptive details, situation, and clear event sequences. introduce a Sequence Writing Fiction; Big Respond: T80-T81 CC.W.5.3a Orient the reader by narrator and/or Dreams, Tall Poem Day 1: Introduce the establishing a situation and characters, and Ambitions (T) Model: Response Write a introducing a narrator and/or organize an LC: Book 4, p. 59, 85, Focus Trait: Poem dialogue characters; organize an event event sequence. 115 Word Choice Projectable 7.9 between Travis and sequence that unfolds naturally. CL: p. 89, 90, 91, 94, 95 (Writing Little Arliss LC: Raising the Quality of Model: Response based on how Narrative Writing, p. 69 Poem) CC.W.5.4 Produce clear and coherent Audience TQW: I -5 Travis felt I will produce Day 2: Introduce the writing in which the development and pieces of writing about Little August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.67 Unit 2: Lesson 7 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 8 organization are appropriate to task, that are Focus Trait: Word Arliss on purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific appropriate for Choice Student Book expectations for writing types are fifth grade tasks, PB: p. 84 p. 186. defined in standards 1–3 above.) purposes, and Day 3: Teach (reference audiences. Planning a Journeys Open CC.W.5.5 With guidance and support I will use Revise GRW: p. 63-66 (T) Poem Response/Writ from peers and adults, develop and guidance from Edit GRW: p. 77-80 ing Rubric on Projectable 7.10 strengthen writing as needed by my peers and WP: p. 19-20 (T) Lesson 7 (Prewriting: planning, revising, editing, rewriting, adults to plan, LC: Book 1, p. 37-45; p. Overview Planning a or trying a new approach. revise, and edit 169-173 [cardboard my writing. Response Poem) page before CC.W.5.7 Conduct short research I will conduct a Research 20 great research Day 4: Begin a Draft Focus Wall]) projects short research websites Day 5: Revise for that use several sources to build project that uses http://askatechte Word knowledge through investigation of several sources acher.wordpress. Choice different aspects of a topic. to build com/2009/11/02/ Projectable 7.11 knowledge about 20-great- (Revising a topic. research- Stefania’s Draft) websites-for-kids/ AL: figurative (T) language, Squidoo rhyme, rhythm, alliteration k12interactiveresearch (T) LC: Book 3, p. 161-165 NetTracker m/us http://www.fortsmithlibra Squidoo k12interactiveresearch (T)
CC.W.5.10 Write routinely over I will write for an Purpose GRW: Chapter 5 extended time frames (time for appropriate time Audience WP: Chapters 1 & 2 research, reflection, and revision) and based on a LC: Book 1 shorter time frames (a single sitting specific task, WBT or a day or two) for a range of purpose, and discipline-specific tasks, purposes, audience. and audiences. August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.68 Unit 2: Lesson 7 FORT SMITH PUBLIC SCHOOLS – GRADE 5 Curriculum: Literacy & Integrated Content WEEK 8
SMALL GROUP STANDARDS Reading Standards: Foundational Skills 4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. a) Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. b) Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. c) Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. Speaking and Listening Standards: Comprehension and Collaboration 1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly) *CONTENT AREA STANDARDS & LESSONS SOCIAL STUDIES CONTENT SOCIAL STUDIES STRANDS FOCUS MATERIALS AND LINKS TO LESSONS
*The science and social studies columns will be correlated with the FSPS curriculum maps and added at a later date.
August 19, 2012 Quarter 1-p.69