Bay Breeze Point Homeowners Association Newsletter

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Bay Breeze Point Homeowners Association Newsletter

“Bay Breeze Point Homeowners Association Newsletter”

January 2009

Current News & Items of Interest:

“Bay Breeze Point Community Alert” Issued January 10, 2009

Friday night/Saturday morning (January 9/10) there was a break-in at a Bay Breeze Point home on Pleasant Ave. A weapon was used, but thankfully no one was hurt. Please make sure you take the proper steps to secure your home and if you see “ANY” unusual activities contact either the police or get in touch with members of your HOA Board of Directors. Please help us look out for your neighbors and your neighborhood. Some handy telephone numbers follow: Emergency – 911, Non- emergency police – 757-441-5610.

Neighborhood Watch Program: Bay Breeze Point (BBP) had a neighborhood watch program several years ago but it has gone dormant. Some HOA members have espoused an interest in reviving a BBP Neighborhood Watch Program. If you are interested in such an effort and/or are willing to volunteer to help reestablish and operate such a program, please contact a current BBP HOA Board Member.

Do Not Dial Area Code 809 (or 284 or 876): The following news release was provided by AT&T regarding area code 809 but the same guidance applies to area codes 284 & 876:

“This area code (809) is being distributed all over the US. This is pretty scary, especially given the way they try to get you to call. Be sure you read this and pass it on. They get you to call by telling you that it is information about a family member who has been ill or to tell you someone has been arrested, died, or to let you know you have won a wonderful prize, etc. In each case, you are told to call the 809 number right away. Since there are so many new area codes these days, people unknowingly return these calls. If you call from the US, you will apparently be charged $2425 per-minute. Or, you'll get a long recorded message. The point is, they will try to keep you on the phone as long as possible to increase the charges. Unfortunately, when you get your phone bill, you'll often be charged more than $24,100. WHY IT WORKS: The 809 area code is located in the Dominican Republic. They are not regulated by the US laws. The charges can become a real

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nightmare. That's because you did actually make the call. If you complain, both your local phone company and your long distance carrier will not want to get involved and will most likely tell you that they are simply providing the billing for the foreign company. You'll end up dealing with a foreign company that argues they have done nothing wrong.”

Additional information on these area codes can be at the following ATT website: http ://

East Beach Update: Were you wondering how our neighboring community “East Beach” is progressing? If so, here are the facts for you:

 427 total lots were available in East Beach for development from the Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority (NRHA)  292 lots have been released to East Beach, of these lots o 241 lots are sold o 25 lots are under contract o 26 lots are not sold  135 lots are yet to be released and remain under NRHA control (these are the lots at the front near Shore Drive/Ocean View Ave)

Bottom line: The East Beach build-out is going well even with the current economy.

Neighborhood Bank Foreclosure Update: Norfolk, in a late Oct/Nov 08 report, reported 67 single family home bank foreclosures in Ocean View. It should be noted that this number was based on communities along Ocean View Ave, i.e., East Ocean View, Cottage Line, West Ocean View, and Willoughby. It does not include foreclosures in communities off Ocean View Ave like Bay View. Even though this appears to be a large number of foreclosures the overall ratio is low when compared to other areas of Norfolk.

Upcoming Event: The 3rd Annual BBP Community Yard Sale will be scheduled in late May 2009. The BBP Community Yard Sale involves numerous independent yard sales that are held at each owner/participant’s resident. POCs for this year’s BBP Community Yard Sale are Margaret & Vern Aunchman. If are interested in participating please contact them by E-Mail ([email protected]) or phone (362- 0486).

BOD Positions: Chris LaMont has decided to leave the 2009 BOD due to his limited availability. The BOD will be talking with HOA members seeking to fill the vacant BOD position.

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Mayor’s Ocean View Task Force

The monthly meeting of the Norfolk Mayor’s Ocean View Task Force was held on January 22nd. Key subjects of the meeting follow:  Beach Encroachment Committee – Committee’s final report should be out sometime in April 2009. (FYI: Beach replenishment for BBP area will be delayed until next winter due to late contracting efforts and availability of economical providers.)  Project Focus – Cameras at three points along Pleasant Ave (7th Bay, 12th Bay, & 16th Bay) to address potential criminal activities are in place and have been operational since December 15th. Camera footage is closely controlled and used solely as a law enforcement tool.  Police Update – Norfolk Police highlighted a reduction of crime in the East Ocean View area between 7th to 21st Bay. During 2007, there were 260 criminal reports while 2008 had only 190.  Norfolk Property Assessments – Property owners have been complaining to Norfolk about high property assessments, i.e., assessments being well above the actual market price of the property. Norfolk is currently evaluating options to respond to this situation.  Several other agenda items were discussed including updates on the: Hampton Roads Naval Museum’s desire to showcase Ocean View’s historical contributions; Ocean View Park Committee Report on expanding the Ocean View beach area; planning for the Bay Oaks section of Ocean View (between 3rd & 7th Bay); and HRBT conversions, i.e., either expand current HRBT or build a third crossing – Norfolk opposes expansion of HRBT and supports building third crossing.  Keep your calendars open for May 24th – Ocean View is planning to host a major “Salute to the Military Day”.  Lastly, the “Blue Crab Restaurant” will reopen on February 9th under new renowned management.

Board of Directors (BOD) Update:

The BOD held its January meeting on the 20th at the Ocean View Branch of the “Bank of the Commonwealth” @ 1901 Ocean View Ave, Norfolk, VA. Meeting comments follow:  The BOD continued their discussions on the budget and how best to implement the action item from the Annual Homeowners meeting – “allow an independent group perform an evaluation of the HOA fiscal requirements, including reserve requirement”. It was agreed that Eric Casey (Treasurer) and TPS would lead this effort with an expected completion NLT March 2009. In the interim, the BOD approved a motion to “authorize up to $2500 of the HOA Reserves be used to cover February bills, if required.”

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 The BOD is in the final review of an updated ARB Application process that includes an updated application and better controls to ensure timely response to HOA exterior alteration requests. Expect approval during the February BOD meeting.  Vern Aunchman provided a background on the deed restrictions placed on 9636 DR and 9640 DR for the benefit on the new Board members and TPS, as well as the meeting visitors. A recap of Vern’s discussion follows: o All homes within our community must comply with approved BBP HOA governing documents. Compliance regarding construction involves reviewing plans and ensuring that special HOA provisions are complied with, in this case, “size of structure”. o Bay Breeze Point has enforced its three story maximum building restriction consistently during the ARB approval process. o Once the building plans for a proposed home passes the ARB process and/or further action as dictated in 9636 DR and 9640 DR is accomplished, the HOA does not police the homeowners’ actions within their home. However, all future exterior alternations must be reviewed and approved by the ARB process before execution. o The two homes above (9636 DR & 9640 DR) are different from all other Bay Breeze Point homes. The builder has even referred to these homes as four story homes during some correspondence. o These two homes dictated further HOA action to include legal action. After numerous months working with the builder, the City, and legal counsel, a compromise position was developed that precluded the builder from having to rebuild portions of the houses. This compromise position was endorsed and approved by the HOA. o The compromise was recorded as deed restrictions on the two properties. o In fact, all Bay Breeze Point homes have restrictions placed on them by the HOA governing documents “size of structure”. For example, if a homeowner were to alter the interior of their home by converting an attic to fourth story living space after receiving ARB construction endorsement and that alteration breaks a HOA governing document, then that home could be identified as non-compliant until corrective actions are taken to place it in compliance again.  The BOD discussed the need to keep our members well informed. To support this goal, the BOD will be putting together a semi-annual HOA meeting in May to provide each of you the opportunity to hear some local experts discuss key issues, and then you can ask the experts questions. Currently, the BOD has identified three priority areas: local government actions (City of Norfolk); local police actions and concerns; and severe weather (hurricane season plans). More information to come on this May meeting.

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 The February BOD meeting will begin at 7 PM on February 17th at the Ocean View Branch of the “Bank of the Commonwealth” @ 1901 Ocean View Ave, Norfolk, VA. The Bank is allowing BBP to use their upstairs conference facility without charges for its BOD and HOA meetings.

Current Bay Breeze Point HOA 2009 Officers are:

o Vern Aunchman President o Jim Casey Vice President o George Fleck Secretary o Eric Casey Treasurer

Committee Updates:

ARB: No new applications this month.

Club Updates:

Social Club: The Social Club did not have a meeting in January; however, we will soon be planning our April progressive dinner! January 6th, Kathie Carter hosted the Bunco Babes and a fun time was had by all. Our next Bunco will be on February 3rd at the home of Shirley Peele. Our ladies luncheon for January met January 8th at the Mexican restaurant on Little Creek Road. Mark your calendar for our next one on February 12th at Captain Groovey’s at 11:45. If you are interested in joining our Social Club to help plan upcoming gatherings, please email or call Kathie Carter 362-3980 or [email protected]

Volunteers Needed:

Yes, there are still opportunities to serve your community. If you can spare a few hours to support your community, please contact any of the 2009 Board members.

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