US History with Mrs. Enos

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US History with Mrs. Enos

US History with Mrs. Enos ☺ Room 258 Important, Memorable, Inspiring, Growing, Meaningful, Safe, Challenging

Welcome to US History! I am so excited and honored to be teaching you this semester! We have a lot of learning ahead of us and I look forward to seeing YOU succeed! I am an innovative educator that is dedicated to helping students be ready to chase their dreams. I believe we need to work together to prepare students to be ready for the future. It is important to show them the value of education. I want them to be lifelong learners who truly value learning and strive to be their very best.

This course is the second in a two year survey of United States history. We will examine modern American history, including Westward Expansion, Industrialization, Immigration, The Progressive Era, World War I, US Imperialism, World War II, and the Cold War. This is a graduation requirement course. If you do not pass this semester, you will need to take this course again.

What we will be studying….

● Westward Expansion

● Industry and Big Business

● Immigration and the American Dream

● The Progressive Era

● Imperialism

● World War I

● The Roaring 20s

● The Great Depression

● The New Deal

● World War II

● The New Frontier and the Great Society

State Mandated Objectives:

Alabama Course of Study –Social Studies, Grade 11 US History

Alabama College and Career Readiness Literacy Standards – Reading, Writing, and Speaking and Listening International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Student Standards 2016

Materials Needed:

*YOU must buy these for class. If you cannot buy these materials for any reason, please see me*

- Headphones - Sticky Notes - Pencils/pens - Notebook paper - Binder - Red Pen - Planner (Online or Tangible) - Plastic Sandwich Bag

Classroom Procedures Norms: Each day we will:

1. Walk in the classroom

2. Put your cell phone away

3. Get YOUR numbered chromebook

4. Log on to Google Classroom

5. Write down your homework from the board and get organized

6. Complete “Jump In” until we are ready to move on


● Follow all school rules per EHS handbook ● Keep your phone in your book bag or pocket ● Be respectful of yourself, others, and our classroom ● Come to class ready to learn a. Prepared with supplies/Homework completed b. Positive attitude :) ● Ask your peers and Mrs. Enos for help when you need it and come before school or stay after school for extra help when needed ● If you must be excused, always ask to leave the room, get a pass, and sign out so that you can be accounted for ● Electronics will be used for academic purposes only ● We will wait to pack up and be dismissed

Chromebooks: Each student will be issued a Chromebook by number. These will stay in the classroom. Students are to get their Chromebook at the start of each class and log on to Google Classroom to see the plan and get started right away. Students will need their own headphones/ear buds.

Up: Put your screen up to work

Down: Put your screen down when we are talking


Your grade will be based on a point system. All graded items are allocated a certain number of points that you can earn. While everything assigned will have great value, some things will be worth more points. The amount of points allocated to each item is based on difficulty/complexity of completing the task, comprehensiveness, and time invested in the task. Grades will be frequently updated on INow. Students MUST check INow daily to check if they are missing any assignments and what their updated grade is.

Graded Items:

● Assignments and Experiences (Classwork and Homework) ● Assessments (Unit Exams, Sub-Unit Tests, Projects, Essays, Debates, Socratic Seminars) ● Participation o Participation will be graded weekly for 5 points a week. Though this is a very small percentage of their grade, this provides students with the opportunity to learn how express themselves orally. Students will get yellow participation point Popsicle sticks each worth one point. Students should keep their points in a plastic sandwich bag with their name clearly written on it. Students will need to earn 5 popsicle sticks by Friday to get the maximum 5 points for the week. Students then can trade them in for a 5 point card. Students can only earn points if you are IN CLASS! It is VERY important to be in class and on time daily so they can get the most out of this class!

Final Exam

● The final exam is a cumulative exam given at the end of the semester to all 11th grade US History students. It covers all units. The review day for the final exam will be held the day before. All students are required to take the final exam; there are no exam exemptions.

Make-Up Work:

At EHS, we have a school-wide make up policy. Students have three days to make up missed work. Students who do not make up work within the three day limit or have not made arrangements with teachers within the three days will earn a zero. Teachers will put in a zero for missed work in INOW until the work is turned in and graded. It is very important to check INOW regularly. See EHS handbook for more details.


You are in school to learn skills and material that will help you in the future. It is important that you work to master each unit and skill set. That being said, retakes and rewrites will be allowed in order to make sure you grow as a learner. In order to retake a test, an appointment must be made with Mrs. Enos within 3 days from getting the graded test back. During the appointment, Mrs. Enos and the student will review the test and go over what material needs to be studied. The student will then retake the test within three days from the appointment. Retakes on tests are to be taken seriously and can only be done once per test.

Students may also rewrite papers. Writing is a process, and in order to grow as writers, students should practice writing multiple drafts and editing until they are satisfied with their work. When writing assignments are graded and returned, students should look carefully at all corrections and comments. Revising is an important part of the writing process, and the teacher comments serve to help students with that revision- and to hopefully keep students from making those same mistakes in future writing. If a student chooses to rewrite, he/she must meet with Mrs. Enos within three days of receiving a graded writing assignment to go over corrections and comments. The student then has three days to rewrite the paper, attach it to the original, and submit for a revised grade.

Academic Integrity:

Students are expected to always practice academic integrity. This includes keeping your eyes on your own papers and only submitting your own work. Any student caught cheating on work will receive a zero for the assessment or assignment and having their guardians and guidance counselor notified. If you have a question about citing sources in a paper please see Mrs. Enos for help before submitting the work. See EHS handbook for more details.


Please never hesitate to contact me! I am here for YOU! You may email at any time: [email protected]


1. ME! I am willing to meet with you whenever our schedules allow! I want nothing more than to see you succeed now and in the future. That is why I am a teacher. Please see me to schedule a time for us to meet. 2. Textbook in tangible form AND online:


Username: EusHistory11

Password: x9h3k

3. Google Classroom a. Join our Google Classroom with the code: j8bslz b. Extra copies of what we are doing in class can be found here and in Google Drive 4. Reminder 101 Texting: a. To join, send a text to 81010 with the message body @EnosUS and hit send b. You will receive text updates regarding class! c. You cannot text back, so please send me an email if you have questions! 5. EHS Teacher Webpage: PageName=TeacherPage&Page=1&StaffID=285678&iSection=Teachers&CorrespondingID=285678 a. I will post my lesson plans here as well as the Google Classroom Mrs. Enos US History

Please Fill This Out and Return

*This sheet will count as your first homework assignment for 5 points! It is due Tuesday August 9th


I have read the syllabus and understand what I need to do in order to succeed in US History. I will abide by all classroom norms discussed.

Student name (please print):______

Student signature:______

Check List- Please initial when you have completed the following:

1. ______I have signed up for Remind 101 Texting *Text 81010 with the message @EnosUS 2. ______I know how to get onto Google Classroom *Code is j8bslz 3. ______I know how to get to Mrs. Enos’ teacher webpage on the EHS website 4. ______I know how to get onto iNow and check it regularly *Contact guidance for username/pw 5. ______I have a textbook issued to me and can get onto the textbook website *

Full Name:______

Name I liked to be called:______Birthday:______

Self Portrait: Favorite Subject:______

Favorite Teacher:______

School I attended last year:______

Social Studies teacher I had last year:______

Sports/Clubs I am involved in:______


I like when teachers…______


I do not like when teachers…______

My new school year resolution is…______

I live with:______

My Mother/Guardian Name, Contact, and Occupation:______

My Father/Guardian Name, Contact, and Occupation:______

My Semester Schedule:

Before School:______

Block 1:______Block 2:______

Block 3:______Flex:______

Block 4:______

After School:______

I can get extra help at these times:______

You should know these things about me…______


I have read the syllabus. I understand and support what is expected of my student in US History.

Guardian Name (please print):______

Guardian Signiture:______

Check List- Please initial that you have completed the following:

6. ______I have signed up for Remind 101 Texting *Text 81010 with the message @EnosUS 7. ______I know how to get onto Google Classroom 8. ______I know how to get to Mrs. Enos’ teacher webpage on the EHS website 9. ______I know how to get onto iNow and check it regularly *Contact guidance for username/pw

The best way to reach you:



Best time to call:______

Does your student have access to internet at home?______Is there anything you would like me to know about your student? *feel free to email more info

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