Minutes of North Scarle Parish Council Meeting

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Minutes of North Scarle Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of North Scarle Parish Meeting 14th September 2016 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall

PRESENT Cllr Mr David Russell (Chairman) Mrs L Nearns (Vice Chairman) Mrs B Baker Mr R Honey Mr C Dixon Mr D Jennings Mrs B Wells District Councillor Miss J Kitchen (Clerk) 11 Parishioners NOT PRESENT Cllr A Walsh

WELCOME The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting OPEN SESSION – Parishioner P Croft asked about the brick building being erected on the land on Eagle Road owned by Mr Brittain. We are believed it is to house the electric and water supply being installed. ACTION – D RUSSELLTO SPEAK TO ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Seating at the well in the cemetery grounds – it has been brought to the attention on the council that the seats are broken and weak, these are now dangerous and have been removed. The options to replace the wood on the seats are:

1) Replace the wood with hard wood and keep the same structure cost around £200+

2) Buy two benches to replace the original seating, these will be brought and fitted so they cannot be moved cost around £99 each. Most of the parishioners and the council was in favour of the new benches as these well be hard wearing and last longer than the fitted seats. David Russell suggested that we should put an advert in the North Scarle Matters to see if anyone in the parish would like to sponsor the benches. ACTION – J KITCHEN TO PUT ADVERT INTO NORTH SCARLE MATTERS AND LOOK AT BENCHES Parishioner S Titterton asked David Russell why the council had no money to invest in the parish repairs as they reply on volunteers, Mr David Russell explained that as a small parish council we have to budget, Mrs Wells explained that the other parishes around North Scarle have money donated to them due to new housing estates being built. Parishioner asked if there was a reason why the dyke had only been partially cleaned. ACTION J KITCHEN TO CALL Chapel Lane road works – David Russell explained that the drainage down School Lane has improved since the new drainage has been put in, he is going to speak to the Highways regarding the road markings. David Russell asked the parish if there any volunteers to help keep areas of the parish tidy, there has been several complaints regarding the Pinfold and the area around the Well. David Jennings has volunteered to look at the area around the Well. ACTION J KITCHEN TO PUT IN NORTH SCARLE MATTERS BURIAL PLOTS/ ALLOTMENT RENT – the procedure below was read out and notices to be put up on the notice boards and in the North Scarle Matters. ACTION J KITCHEN TO PUT IN NORTH SCARLE MATTERS Review of Cemetery Charges Procedure - Notices for all stages to be put on notice boards - September Meeting – give notice of intention to review charges - November Meeting – Discuss and make a new suggested list of charges - January Meeting – Discuss any letters or messages received, draw up a notice to state when and if list is suitable and agreed. - March Meeting – New fees come into place MINUTES OF LAST MEETING – minutes were approved and signed as a correct record MATTERS ARISING Speed Safety – Cllr David Russell has spoken highways team regarding the speed through the village, any equipment that we need will have to be put in the budget for next year. Parishioners raised the suggestion of hiring a speed gun for us to monitor the speed throughout different times of the day. ACTION D RUSSELL TO CALL HIGHWAYS AND POLICE TEAM REGARDING SPEED GUN AND J KITCHEN TO LOOK AT OTHER OPTIONS TO HIRE EQUIPMENT.

Flood talk – After the flood talk, it has been suggested that we should email Kenneth Rice to see if we could help at Girton if the flooding happens again. ACTION – J KITCHEN TO EMAIL

CORRESPONDENCE David Russell explained about the email received to the council about a weight limit on the A1133 between 7pm and 7am. The parishioners are worried if the lorries would take a different route through the surrounding villages instead. Swinderby Railway station carpark opening – the date has been pushed back due to East Midlands Trains carrying out work at the station. J Kitchen to update when we have new opening day. PLANNING Newark & Sherwood invited us to comment on the planning for Clay Farm, South Scarle Lane, South Scarle. – D Jennings has some concerns that have been put forward. Brookfield House, Spaldford Road – changing access – this has been refused. FINANCE The internet banking forms to be signed by D Russell and L Nearns.

The cheques that have been paid since the last meeting:

E.on £18.07

B Bateman £64.00

BT £42.44

J Kitchen £240.00

G Worrell £57.60

Methodist Church £160.00

Lincoln Print & Copy £222.95

E.on £2.23

P & M Croft £313.00

Anglian Water £48.83

BT £41.29

B Bateman £70.32

E.on HR £167.55

J Kitchen £240.00

G Worrell £57.60

Methodist Church £80.00

E.on £2.23

E.on £86.40

BT £40.99

DATES OF MEETINGS The next meeting will be held on 16th November 2016. PARISH ITEMS – Cllr D Jennings – when the application of the wind turbine at Noble foods a few years ago came up, a committee was formed to fight the application. There were many expenses that the committee funded themselves. D Jennings question to the council was that if a similar situation came up again would the council help financially? D Russell said that he would support. Cllr R Honey – Village Future Planning, if we join the association CPRE Lincolnshire at a cost of £36.00 per year they would help us with advise. The council agreed that this is a reasonable fee to be considered. R Honey will look into this further and Mrs Wells to give information from other parishes to help. J Kitchen to look into this also to help advise. Cllr D Jennings has been looking into the clothes bags that the parish have delivered, most of these are not actual charities and the proceeds go towards paying executives large sums of money. The British Heart Foundation will come collect clothes and most household items, ACTION J KITCHEN TO OUT IN NORTH SCARLE MATTERS TO SEE IF ANYONE WOULD BE INTERESTED IN A MONTHLY OR BI-MONTHLY COLLECTION FROM BHF. There being no other business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.28PM

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