As Superheroes, We Will Build Character, Build Success!
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Welcome to Third Grade! Mrs. Dunleavy’s Class Disclosure
As Superheroes, we will “Build Character, Build Success!”
Contact Info: The best way to reach me is by emailing me at [email protected] . I check my email several times during the day and will get back to you as soon as I can. You can also call the school and they will transfer you. (801) 402-1700. I won’t answer if I’m teaching, but you can leave a message and I’ll get back to you. Attendance: The school bell rings at 8:45am, and each student is expected to be in his/her seat by 8:50am. It is very important that your child is at school and on time every day. We use a variety of teaching methods and many of our hands-on activities and cooperative learning experiences cannot be recreated in a worksheet. If you are planning a trip, I do not send work home before we do it in class. I will save the student’s missed work so it can be completed when they return to school. Tests that are missed will be made up when the student has had adequate time to prepare. When your child is ill (running a fever, showing flu-like symptoms, or just not well enough to work) please keep him or her home. Please notify the school of absences by calling the attendance line (801-402-1706). If your child is late, always have him or her check in at the office before coming to class. If you need to check your child out early, please do not come to the classroom. Students must be checked out in the office. The office staff will call down to the classroom and I will send your child to the office. Class Rules and Behavior Management: Our class will be incorporating elements of Whole Brain Teaching and Love and Logic. The students will help formulate the class rules we all feel will make our classroom a safe learning environment. This gives the students ownership and a responsibility to each other to obey our rules. Together we will consolidate them into the following five rules: 1. Follow Directions Quickly 2. Raise Your Hand for Permission to Speak or Leave Your Seat 3. Keep Hands, Feet, and Other Objects to Yourself 4. Make Smart Choices 5. Keep Your Dear Teacher Happy The following are examples of what keeps me happy: 1. Listen to the speaker 2. Always be honest 3. Be a caring friend 4. Always try to do your best Through fun activities and repetition, students will memorize the class rules. These rules will be an integral part of every activity and every lesson. Incentives and rewards for following the rules: - Increased knowledge and learning - “eXtra” tickets to be used to purchase a treasure from our class treasure chest or for special rewards - Class points towards a party or other special privilege Consequences for breaking the rules include: - Warning and identification of what rule is being broken - Loss of privileges such as recess time (practice the correct behavior with me) - Notes or phone calls home to parents - Referral to Principal for school discipline procedures - Setting behavior goals at conferences - Making a behavior contract Homework: The district guidelines state that a 3rd grade student should have 30 minutes of homework per night. This time does not include the time it takes the student to get started, daydream, take breaks, etc. This is the time it takes the student to actually be engaged and working on the homework. The students will bring home a homework folder each night (M-Th). They will complete the assignments and bring the folder back the next day. They will have the following homework each night (M–Th):
- 15 minutes of reading (W.E.B. reading is done every night, 7 days per week)
- One spelling page (alphabetical order, sentences, etc.)
- One short math page. Cementing the day’s lesson or fluency practice.
Other homework:
- Starting the second week of school, for 20 days of class, we will have 10 minutes each night of keyboarding homework (math homework will be omitted during this time)
- When we start multiplication, the students will need to practice math facts for 5 minutes each evening
- Think through math (TTM) is an online program that can be done at home for enrichment. Your student will receive log-in information at school
- eXtra sheets of math will be sent home for enrichment. If you see “eXtra” printed on the page, it is optional. The student will earn an eXtra ticket to be used to purchase rewards. If you do have your student complete these pages, he or she will improve so much in math! W.E.B. (Wonderful - Exciting - Books) The student chooses books that he/she is interested in reading for homework from our classroom, school, public, or home library for daily independent reading.
Your child will have an opportunity daily to discuss with their W.E.B. group and an adult volunteer or myself what they have read the previous night.
Your child's responsibility is to read for 15 minutes each evening, 7 days per week (or 20 minutes each weekday) and to carry the book back and forth to school each day in a book bag/backpack. They need to bring the book they read to school each day, even if they have not finished reading it. In order to get credit for W.E.B. reading group, they must have the book with them at school the next morning-- this is an important part of the assignment. Your child is expected to take good care of the books they check out. There will be a fine for damaged books, or a replacement fee for lost or severely damaged books.
Over the school year, consistent, daily reading will expose your child to various authors' styles and will improve your child's fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing. The main goal is for your child to enjoy reading and choose to read on his/her own for pleasure. Many parents comment each year that they have felt that this single homework activity has done more for their child than they believed possible. The children really get hooked on books and develop a wonderful habit of reading. Many parents say they can't get them to stop reading!
Please join with me in helping to create an environment where children can learn to value and enjoy books for a lifetime. You can do this by encouraging your child to complete this homework responsibility every day.
Birthdays: When it is someone’s birthday or ½ birthday (for those with summer birthdays), our class will make birthday cards for the student and sing “Happy Birthday” to them. Orchard Elementary has a “no birthday treats” recommendation. We will be following this in our classroom. The goal is to keep children with allergies and other health issues safe, promote healthier children, and reduce the financial stress this causes for some families.
- It is very distracting for the other students if the birthday child receives balloon bouquets or other showy remembrances from their family while at school. Please save these fun things for your home celebration.
Super Student: During your student’s birthday week or ½ birthday week (or very close to it), he or she will be our class president and Super Student. Your child will fill out an All About Me poster and can bring a “show and tell” item from home. A list of the Super Student dates is also attached to this packet. If you have a problem with the date, please let me know and we can reschedule.
Parent Volunteers: We are always in need of volunteers! Besides helping in class and with our W.E.B. reading groups, and fluency, we will also need parents to help plan and run our two class parties, to help with items from home, or as chaperones on our field trips. Whenever you volunteer at the school, always make sure to sign in at the office first. An opportunity to sign up will be available at Back-to-School. You can also email me, or fill out the volunteer form and send it with your child. I will also email with any additional opportunities throughout the year. Don’t forget to volunteer with the PTA. They do so much for the school and any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, your child loves to see you at school.
Supplies: The district will provide students with all of the supplies they need. However, you are welcome to send the following with them:
- Backpack
- Water Bottle: I will only allow water bottles during the warm months of the year. We have a class drinking fountain which the students can use at any time. (All water bottles need to have a pop-top style lid to minimize spills. Please do not send sports drinks, juices, soda or other beverages to school. These will be sent home. I only allow water in the classroom.)
Please DO NOT send any other items to put in your child’s desk. Examples of items NOT to send are pencil boxes, scissors, personal pencil sharpeners, foil covered or heavy paper covered pencils, pens, markers, extra notebooks, stuffed animals, erasers, or other small items—no fidget spinners or toys! (these become distractions).
Classroom donations: We are always happy to accept donations in order to supplement what the school district allots. We would love:
- Hand Sanitizer
- Clorox wipes
- Tissues
- Dry erase markers
- Glue Sticks
- Pencils
- Small prizes for our treasure chest (Dollar Tree, Zurchers, etc)
Questions/Concerns: If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me. I’d be happy to set up an appointment to meet with you before or after school. I really want each child to succeed, and will do whatever I can to help to make that happen!
Get ready for a super year!!