Activity and Service Fee Budget Deliberations
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Budget and Allocation Committee Meeting Activity and Service Fee Budget Deliberations February 22, 2017 Senate Chambers 5:30pm Chairman: Christopher Jordan
I. Call To Order
A) Meeting began at 5:47pm.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
A) Quorum was established with 4 voting members: Senators Thames, Adamson, Kazdin, and Turner.
IV. Approval of Minutes
A) 02/01/2017
A.i. Senator Adamson – Motion to approve the minutes from the February 1st meeting. Second. All in favor. Approved.
B) 02/03/2017
B.i. Senator Adamson – Motion to approve the minutes from the February 3rd meeting. Second. All in favor. Approved.
C) 02/15/2017
C.i. Senator Adamson – Motion to approve the minutes from the February 15th meeting. Second. All in favor. Approved.
V. Approval of Agenda
A) 02/22/2017
A.i. Senator Adamson – Motion to amend the agenda to add Student Remarks between Section 5, Approval of Agenda, and Section 6, New Business. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.ii. Senator Adamson – Motion to approve the agenda for tonight’s meeting as amended. Second. All in favor. Approved as amended. VI. Student Remarks
A) Student Advocate Poppell – Spoke on behalf of the Student Assistants, their role in Student Government, and why they should receive equal pay as the other raised student positions. Read a statement from Student Assistant Sarah Ziegler on her view of the role of student assistants at Student Government.
VII. New Business
A) Open Discussion of 2017-2018 Activity and Service Fee Budget
A.i. Senator Thames – Motion to suspend Robert’s Rules limiting discussion. Second. All in favor. Suspended.
A.i.1. The committee reviewed their proposed changes to the Provisionary Language from the last meeting, as well as granting the Business and Accounting Office to round any line item amounts to whole dollar amounts in order to facilitate inputting the finalized, Senate approved budget into the financial banner system.
A.i.2. The committee also reviewed their proposed changes to the Activity & Service Fee Budget from the last meeting, as well as new changes to the Homecoming Comedy Show line items and to the Campus Movie Fest line items.
VIII. 10 minute recess
A) The meeting recessed at 7:46pm.
IX. Reestablishment of quorum
A) Quorum reestablished at 7:56pm with 5 voting members: Senators Thames, Adamson, Kazdin, Turner, and Myers.
X. New Business continued
A) Motions on the 2017-2018 Activity and Service Fee Budget
A.i. Senator Adamson – Motion to reinstate Robert’s Rules limiting discussion. Second. All in favor. Reinstated.
A.ii. Senator Myers – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402062: Business and Administrative, line item of OPS Wages reads $9.00 per hour. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote: 4-0-1, amended.
A.iii. Senator Thames – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402081: SG Elections, line item 3 of Operating Expenses is cut by $1000 to read $4000. No second, motion dies. A.iv. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that Index 402060: Student Government Executive, Operating Expenses Line Item 7 reads $2,200. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote:
A.iv.1. Senator Myers – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.v. Senator Thames – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402060: SG Executive, Operating Expenses line item 14 Testing Supplies is reduced by $1500. Motion not heard because the line item in question is housed under General Expenses, not Operating Expenses. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402060: SG Executive, General Expenses line item 14, Testing Supplies, reads $1500. Second. No discussion. All in favor. Amended.
A.vii. Senator Adamson – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that Index 402025: Homecoming, Operating Expenses line item 10, Comedian, reads $60,000. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote:
A.vii.1. Senator Thames – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.viii. Senator – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402025: Homecoming, Operating Expenses line item 7, Stage Sound and Lighting Production, reads $14,000. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote:
A.viii.1. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.ix. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402063: Judicial, OPS Wages, the hours per week in line item 1, Chief Justice, reads 22, and let the total reflect this change. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 4-0-1, amended.
A.x. Senator Adamson – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Free Budget such that in Index 402063: Judicial, Operating Expenses line items 1 and 3 read $100, and line item 2 reads $150. Second. Discussion.
A.x.1. Senator Adamson – Permission to withdraw the motion. None opposed, so withdrawn.
A.xi. Senator Adamson – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402063: Judicial, Operating Expenses line item 1 reads $100. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xi.1. Senator Adamson – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended. A.xii. Senator Myers – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402063: Judicial, Operating Expenses line item 2 reads $150. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xii.1. Senator Myers – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xiii. Senator Myers – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402063: Judicial, Operating Expenses line item 3 reads $100. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xiii.1. Senator Myers – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xiv. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402017: Osprey Productions, Operating Expenses line item 7, Movie Nights, reads $16,500. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xiv.1. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xv. Senator Myers – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402017: Osprey Productions, Operating Expenses line item 10 reads $14,000. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xv.1. Senator Myers – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xvi. Senator Adamson – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402017: Osprey Productions, Operating Expenses line item 12, Programming Events, reads $19,000. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xvi.1. Senator Adamson – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xvii. Senator Myers – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402017: Osprey Productions, Operating Expenses line item 15 reads $180,000. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xvii.1. Senator Adamson – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xviii. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402099: Salary Reserves, Operating Expenses line item 3, Minimum Wage and Nonrecurring, reads $3382.64. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xviii.1. Senator Myers – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended. A.xix. Senator Myers – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402099: Salary Reserves, Operating Expenses Overtime Contingency line item reads $3000. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xix.1. Senator Thames - Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xx. Senator Kazdin – Motion to reconsider Index 402099: Salary Reserves, Operating Expenses line item 3. Second. Roll call vote: 5-0-0, reconsidered.
A.xx.1. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402099: Salary Reserves, Operating Expenses line item 3, Minimum Wage, reads $2000. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xx.1.a. Senator Myers – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xxi. Senator Kazdin – Motion to reconsider Index 402099: Salary Reserves, Overtime Contingency line item 4. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 4-0-1, reconsidered.
A.xxii. Senator Myers – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402097: Special Request, line item 4 is moved to Osprey Productions Operating Expenses as per the proposed 2017-2018 Provisionary Language. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xxii.1. Senator Thames – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xxiii. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402010: Student Union, Operating Expenses line item 1 reads $4500. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xxiii.1. Senator Thames – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xxiv. Senator – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402010: Student Union, Operating Expenses line item 2, Printing and Reproduction, reads $5200. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xxiv.1. Senator Myers – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xxv. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that in Index 402010: Student Union, Operating Expenses line item 4, Office Supplies, reads $5000. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xxv.1. Senator Myers – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended. A.xxvi. Senator Myers – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that the fringe benefit factors is increased to 36.4% for A&P Staff and 50.4% for USPS Staff throughout the budget. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xxvi.1. Senator Thames – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xxvii. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget such that the $2558.01 surplus is moved into Index 402097: Special Request. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 4-0-1, amended.
A.xxviii. Senator Myers – Motion to amend the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget to give the Business and Accounting Office the authority to use the Special Request Index for rounding purposes to the nearest whole dollar. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote:
A.xxviii.1. Senator Thames – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
A.xxix. Senator Adamson – Motion to adopt the 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget as presented and amended. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote: 5-0-0, adopted.
B) Motions on 2017-2018 Proposed Provisionary Language
B.i. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend the proposed 2017-2018 Provisionary Language item 9 on page 2 reads $60,000. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote:
B.i.1. Senator Myers – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
B.ii. Senator Kazdin – Motion to amend the proposed 2017-2018 Provisionary Language to strike page 2, item 9 and reads “Let it be enacted that additional budget authority of $60,000 be allocated to Index 402025”. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote:
B.ii.1. Senator Thames – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
B.iii. Senator Adamson – Motion to amend the proposed 2017-2018 Provisionary Language to strike point 2 on page 5. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote:
B.iii.1. Senator Thames – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
B.iv. Senator Thames – Motion to amend the proposed 2017-2018 Provisionary Language such that a new line, line 5, is added to page 4, that reads “Index 4020400: Spinnaker Media – Staff positions may not exceed an hourly wage of $9.00/hour with the exception of the Digital Programmer.” Second. Discussion. Roll call vote:
B.iv.1. Senator Thames – Motion to amend the motion to read “OPS staff positions”. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 5-0-0, amended.
B.v. Senator Thames – Motion to adopt the proposed 2017-2018 Provisionary Language as presented and amended. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote: 5-0- 0, adopted. Senator Myers – Motion to allow the Student Government Assistant Director to make all necessary friendly changes to the adopted 2017-2018 Provisionary Language and the adopted 2017-2018 Activity & Service Fee Budget. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote: Senator Myers – Motion to amend by unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Amended.
XI. Final Roll Call
A) Quorum was reestablished with 5 voting members: Senators Myers, Thames, Adamson, Kazdin, and Turner.
XII. Adjournment
A) Meeting adjourned at 9:23pm.
Minutes were taken by Lauren King, Senate Secretary