Assign Oxidation Numbers to the Following

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Assign Oxidation Numbers to the Following


Assign oxidation numbers to the following: +1 –1 +2 -1 +4 –2 0 +3 –2 +5 -2 -1 -3 NaCl MgBr2 SO2 Al NO2 PO4 +1 +3 –2 +1 –3 +2 +5 –2 +4 –1 +1 +7 –2 -3 +1 +1 Na3BO3 Na3N Fe(NO3)2 CBr4 CuClO4 NH4

1. Distinguish between binary and ternary acids and give two examples of each. Binary contain hydrogen and a nonmetal; ternary contain hydrogen and a polyatomic ion. 2. What are monatomic ions? A single atom with a charge.

3. In naming and writing formulas, what determines the order in which the elements appear? Positive ions come first; elements are written from least electronegative to most electronegative with some exceptions.

4. What are oxidation numbers? Number that show the distribution of electrons in a compound. These are NOT IONS!

1 Monatomic Ions:

O-2 oxide Sulfide S-2

Mg+2 magnesium ion Tin (II) ion Sn+2

Fe+3 iron (III) ion Barium ion Ba+2

N-3 nitride Fluoride F-1

Ag+1 silver ion Copper (I) ion Cu+1

Binary Molecular:

N2F2 dinitrogen difluoride Dinitrogen Monoxide N2O

CI4 carbon tetraiodide Phosphorous Trichloride PCl3

NO2 nitrogen dioxide Pentabromine Dioxide Br5O2

P3O4 triphosphorous tetraoxide Sulfur Mononitride SN

SCl2 sulfur dichloride Carbon Disulfide CS2

Binary Ionic:

MgCl2 magnesium chloride Nickel (II) Chloride NiCl2

W2O3 tungsten (III) oxide Vanadium (III) Phosphide VP

ZnS zinc sulfide Silver Sulfide Ag2S

AlF3 aluminum fluoride Potassium Chloride KCl

Cd3P2 cadmium phosphide Calcium Selenide CaSe

FeN iron (III) nitride Molybdenum (VI) Fluoride MoF6

Cs2 S cesium sulfide Cadmium Bromide CdBr2

Y2O3 yttrium oxide Manganese (II) Nitride Mn3N2

SnI4 tin (IV) iodide Gold (I) Oxide Au2O

Cu3P2 copper (II) phosphide Titanium (IV) Sulfide TiS2

2 Polyatomic Ionic:

NaNO3 sodium nitrate Magnesium Borate Mg3(BO3)2

W PO4 tungsten (III) phosphate Tin (IV) Sulfate Sn(SO4)2

K2SO3 potassium sulfite Calcium Bicarbonate Ca(HCO3)2

Mg(C2H3O2)2 magnesium acetate Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2

Fe(BrO3)2 iron (II) bromate Sodium Azide NaN3

KMnO4 potassium permanganate Lead (II) Tartrate PbC4H4O6

ZnCr2O7 zinc dichromate Copper (II) Ortho-Silicate Cu2SiO4 Al2(CO3)3 aluminum carbonate Hydrogen Cyanide HCN

Cd3[Fe(CN)6]2 Iridium (VI) Hydroxide cadmium ferricyanide Ir(OH)6 AgClO silver hypochlorite Barium Nitrate Ba(NO3)2


HCl hydrochloric acid Sulfuric Acid H2SO4

HIO3 iodic acid Hydrofluoric Acid HF

H2CO3 carbonic acid Nitric Acid HNO3

HBr hydrobromic acid Oxalic Acid H2C2O4

3 Formula Writing: potassium chlorate KClO3 potassium chloride KCl nickel (II) phosphide Ni3P2 tin (IV) nitrite Sn(NO2)4 aluminum borate AlBO3 cobalt (III) sulfate Co2(SO4)3 cadmium sulfate CdSO4 ammonium carbonate (NH4)2CO3 magnesium hydroxideMg(OH)2 aluminum sulfite Al2(SO3)3 sodium bromide NaBr silver acetate AgC2H3O2 zinc nitrate Zn(NO3)2 sulfur dioxide SO2 phosphoric acid H3PO4 ammonium chlorate NH4ClO3 zinc sulfide ZnS potassium nitride K3N gold (I) dichromate Au2Cr2O7 lead (IV) phosphate Pb3(PO4)4 lead (II) iodate Pb(IO3)2 calcium acetate Ca(C2H3O2)2 copper (II) phosphate Cu3(PO4)2 lithium dichromate Li2Cr2O7 aluminum oxide Al2O3 potassium oxide K2O hydrobromic acid HBr ammonium hydroxideNH4OH barium hydroxide Ba(OH)2 magnesium borate Mg3(BO3)2 carbon tetrachloride CCl4 sodium dichromate Na2Cr2O7 nitrogen dioxide NO2 barium chlorate Ba(ClO3)2 sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 carbonic acid H2CO3 calcium permanganateCa(MnO4)2 citric acid H3C6H5O7 lithium nitrite LiNO2 zinc iodate Zn(IO3)2 cadmium perchlorate Cd(ClO4)2 barium chlorite Ba(ClO2)2 manganese (II) oxide MnO magnesium nitride Mg3N2 lithium borate Li3BO3 cobalt (II) bisulfate Co(HSO4)2 hydroiodic acid HI iron (II) phosphate Fe3(PO4)2 dinitrogen pentoxide N2O5 carbon disulfide CS2

4 Naming:

Pb3(PO4)2 lead (II) phosphate CoSO4 cobalt (II) sulfate

CuSO4 copper (II) sulfate CuSO3 copper (II) sulfite

Pb(ClO3)4 lead (IV) chlorate H2SO4 sulfuric acid

Fe(N3)3iron (III) azide Fe2(SO4)3 iron (III) sulfate

Cr(OH)2 chromium (II) hydroxide KBrO3 potassium bromate

Cd(IO3)2 cadmium iodate FeCO3 iron (II) carbonate

CaCr2O7 calcium dichromate Ba(NO3)2 barium nitrate

KNO3 potassium nitrate NH4C2H3O2 ammonium acetate

Pb3N2 lead (II) nitride Ba3P2 barium phosphide

HCl hydrochloric acid SO3 sulfur trioxide

Mg(NO3)2 magnesium nitrate HNO3 nitric acid

Li2SO4 lithium sulfate (NH4)2CO3 ammonium carbonate

CuCrO4 copper (II) chromate NaHCO3 sodium bicarbonate

Ca(ClO2)2 calcium chlorite Ba(NO2)2 barium nitrite

Ag2CrO4 silver chromate Sn3(PO4)2 tin (II) phosphate

HC7H5O2 benzoic acid CaH2 calcium hydride

AuClO4 gold (I) perchlorate Mg(OH)2 magnesium hydroxide

KHSO4 potassium bisulphate SrCl2 strontium chloride

MnS manganese (II) sulfideAgNO3 silver nitrate

P2O5 diphosphorous pentoxide FeHPO4 iron (II) hydrogen phosphate

PCl5 phosphorous pentachloride HC2H3O2 acetic acid

H3PO4 phosphoric acid N2O dinitrogen monoxide

5 Make a correction, if necessary, and then provide the name/formula.

Correction Name/Formula

Ba3NO3 Ba(NO3)2 barium nitrate

KSO4 K2SO4 potassium sulfate

Mg3(PO4)2 correct magnesium phosphate

BaCr2O7 correct barium dichromate

NaC2H3O2 correct sodium acetate

PbBr2 correct lead (II) bromide

Ag2(CO3)2 Ag2CO3 silver carbonate

NaHCO3 correct sodium bicarbonate

HSO4 H2SO4 sulfuric acid

NH4(NO2)2 NH4NO2 ammonium nitrite

Magnesium (II) hydroxide magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2

Dilithium oxide lithium oxide Li2O Fluoric acid hydrofluoric acid HF

Calcium bicarbonate correct Ca(HCO3)2

Pb(II)SO4 PbSO4 lead (II) sulfate

6 Practice Quiz:

Formula: Name: 1. silver ___Ag____ 6. S-2 sulfide 2. chromium (III) ion___Cr+3____ 7. I-1 iodide 3. yttrium ion ___Y+3____ 8. Fe+3 iron (III) ion 4. nitride ___N-3____ 9. Ba+2barium ion

-2 5. chlorine ____Cl2___ 10. O oxide

Provide Formulas:

11. sodium sulfate Na2SO4

12. copper (I) oxide Cu2O

13. potassium chlorite KClO2

14. calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2 15. aluminum nitride AlN

16. chromium (III) chloride CrCl3

17. phosphorus trichloride PCl3

18. oxalic acid H2C2O4

19. barium phosphide Ba3P2 20. gold (I) fluoride AuF

Provide Names:

21. P2O3 diphosphorous trioxide 26. Ni(ClO3)2 nickle (II) chlorate 22.

SnCl2 tin (II) chloride 27. Pb3N4 lead (IV) nitride

23. ZnS zinc sulfide 28. MgSO4 magnesium sulfate 24. NaOH sodium hydroxide 29. HBr hydrobromic acid

25. CuBr2 copper (II) bromide 30. K2O potassium oxide

7 Calculate the Formula Mass of the following:

1. a. H2SO4 98 g/mol

b. NH4NO3 80 g/mol

c. Fe(C2H3O2)2 (SF) 173.933 g/mol

d. CaSO4  2H2O 172 g/mol

2. Determine the formula mass for the following. (SF) H OH O | | | H—C—C—C—O—H | H 89.0700 g/mol

3. Calculate the formula mass for acetylsalicylic acid:

180 g/mol 9C/8H/4O

Mole Calculations:

1. Calculate the mass of 2.00 mols of sulfuric acid. 196 g 2. Calculate the number of moles in 60.00 g of potassium carbonate (SF). FM = 138.2055 .4341 moles 3. Calculate the number of molecules in 2.00 g of carbon dioxide. 22 2.73 x 10 molecules 4. Find the number of grams in 7.2434 x 1024 ions of lithium ions. 84 g 23 5. 3.45 x 10 “molecules” of barium phosphate would contain how many atoms? 4.485 x 1024 atoms

8 Composition Stoichiometry:

1. 23 g of manganese (III) sulfate would contain how many grams of manganese? 6.4 g Mn 2. 77 g of phosphoric acid would contain how many mols of hydrogen? 2.36 mol H 3. 3.4 mols of zinc sulfite would contain how many grams of zinc? 221 g Zn

4. 2.5 mols of calcium thiosulfate would contain how many mols of calcium? 2.5 mols 5. 56.33 g of barium would be how many mols? .411 mol Ba

6. 657 g of sodium peroxide would contain how many mols of oxygen? (SF) 77.9783 g Na2O2 16.9 mol O 7. If a sample of iron (III) oxide contained 26 g of iron, what was the mass of the original sample? 37.14 g Fe2O3

8. 45 g of oxygen would be how many mols? 1.41 mol O 9. 23 g of nitrogen dioxide would contain how many grams of oxygen? (SF) 16 g O 46.0055 10. The average person exhales 500 mols of carbon dioxide in a day. How many grams of carbon would that be?

6000 g C

9 Calculate the Percent Composition of the following: FM = 160 FM = 232 1a. Fe2O3 b. Ag2O 70% Fe 30% O 93% Ag 7% O 2. Determine the percent calcium in calcium phosphate. 38.71% 3. For the compound sodium sulfate decahydrate, calculate the following: a. %Na b. %O c. %H2O FM = 322 14.3% 70% 56% 4. Calculate the mass of the metal in each of the following: a. 50 g of MgS 21.42 g Mg

b. 25 g of FeCO3 12.07g Fe

c. 200.00 g of aluminum oxide (SF) 52.92506% Al 105.85 g Al d. 50 g of lead (II) oxide which is 30% pure 13.92 g Pb

5. The active ingredient in common household liquid bleach is the hypochlorite ion, ClO- a) Determine the percent of active ingredient in sodium hypochlorite. 69 % b) If bleach contains a 5% solution of sodium hypochlorite by mass, calculate the percentage of hypolchlorite ion in the bleach. 3.45 %

6. A sample of brass contains by mass 28.0% zinc and 72.0% copper. How many kilograms of brass could be produced from 6.00 kilograms of copper? 8.33 kg

7. A household detergent contains 35% sodium tripolyphosphate, Na5P8O10. This complex salt keeps the pH of the wash water slightly basic by buffering action. The tripolyphosphate can also form soluble complexes with hard water ions (Ca+2 and Mn+2) that would otherwise form insoluble precipitates with detergent molecules. Determine the percent of phosphorous in the detergent. 16.6 %

10 Empirical and Molecular Formula Determination:

1. Calculate the empirical formula for the following compounds: a. 63.1% Mn; 36.9% S MnS b. 26.6% K; 35.4% Cr; 38.0% O K2Cr2O7

2. Find the empirical formula for a compound given that a 48.5g sample is found to contain 1.75g of carbon and 46.75g of bromine. CBr4 3. The formula mass of a compound is 92g/mol. Analysis shows that there are .608g of nitrogen and 1.388g of oxygen. What is the molecular formula of the compound? N2O4 4. Determine the molecular formula of a compound that has a formula mass of 220 and is 56.4% phosphorus and 43.7% oxygen. P4O6 5. A 13.83 g sample of unknown decomposes when heated, giving CO2 (g) and 6.57g of solid MgO. What is the empirical formula for the compound? MgCO3

Practice Quiz 1:

1. What are the empirical and molecular formulas of a compound if 212.1g of the compound contains 42.4g of hydrogen and 169.7g of carbon. The formula mass of the compound is 30.0 g/mol. CH3 / C2H6 2. What is the formula mass of lithium phosphate? 116 g/mol 3. How many grams of chromium are in 20g of chromium (II) chloride? 8.5 g Cr 4. 3.56 x 1023 molecules of carbon dioxide would be how many grams? 26 g CO2 5. 76g of copper (II) oxide would contain how many mols of copper and how many moles of oxygen? .96 mol each

11 Practice Quiz 2: 1. Assign oxidation numbers to the following: +3 –2 +3 +6 -2 -1 A. NO2 B. Fe2(SO4)3

2. Determine the formula mass of #1B. 400 g/mol 3. 4 moles of carbon tetrachloride would contain how many moles of carbon? 4 mol C 4. If a sample of iron (III) oxide contained 2.5 moles of oxygen, then how many grams of iron would be in it? 93.33 g Fe

5. Find the percent composition of carbon tetrachloride. 8% C 92 % Cl 6. Mass of crucible and contents before heating. 21.54g Mass of empty crucible. 19.82g Mass of crucible and contents after heating. 20.94g

Find the percent water in the sample. 34.88%

Practice Quiz 3: 1. Assign oxidation numbers to the following: +4 –2 +3 -2 -2 A. IrS2 B. C2O4

2. What is the formula mass of sodium tetraborate? 202 g/mol 3. 18.46g of copper (II) chloride would contain how many moles of chlorine? .27 mol Cl 4. Find the percent composition of diphosphorous pentoxide. 43.7 %P, 56.3% O 5. 11 moles of sulfuric acid would be how many grams? 1078 g H2SO4 6. Determine the molecular formula of a compound with a formula mass of 32 g/mol which is 87.5% nitrogen and 12.5% hydrogen. N2H4


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