Kingsteignton Parish Council s3

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Kingsteignton Parish Council s3


Present: Mayor: Councillor D Rollason Deputy Mayor: Councillor R Peart Councillors: B Austen, R Bovey, K Jones, C Meathrel, L Rose, M Stevenson, B Thorne, G Wickham PCSO V Pike Members of the Public: Mrs Penny Town Clerk: Mrs C Lakin

Police Report

PCSO Pike said that September had not been a bad month and reported the following:

 Fire at Lindridge Hill  Walk in Burglary  Two vehicle thefts  There have been fake £50 notes circulating  Shoplifting at Homebase  Clifford Park smoking cannabis  Youths are congregating in Kingsleigh Park – PCSO Pike said that this area is being monitored regularly during the evenings  We are continuing to monitor Higher Sandygate  Boy racers are not too bad but are still being monitored

Councillors asked questions:

 Was there any further information on the car fire on Rydon Road in the early hours of Saturday morning? No further information  How often is Kingsleigh Park being monitored? PCSO Pike said that they are visiting the park several times throughout the evening and sometimes there is not any one there at all, but this will continue to be monitored  Is there anything that can be done about all the cars parking at the end of Longford Lane, as when cars come off the roundabout they are met with these and vehicles coming the other direction in the middle passing them? This is an accident waiting to happen. Would it be possible for cones to be placed on this stretch of road or for yellow lines to be added? PCSO Pike said that this was something that DCC Highways would have to be contacted about. Cllr Meathrel will speak to Highways about this problem.

Public Participation

Cllr Rollason welcomed Mrs Penny to the meeting and invited her to speak.

Mrs Penny was attending the meeting to give her concerns about the Planning Application for Cayden Cottage, which would be discussed at the Works, Services and Planning meeting later in the evening.

1 Mrs Penny thanked the council for allowing her to talk about her concerns in regard to the proposed plan to erect two stables and store on the south boundary which edges their garden and is very close to their main living space and kitchen. She said that they were immediate and adjacent neighbours to this site and felt that this will seriously impact on their standard of living. She said the environmental issues in particular are odour, insect/pest, pollution and light and raised the following concerns:

 The proximity of ¾ metres will mean that they have the smell of manure and urine when the stables are used, cleaned and when the waste is wheelbarrowed away to the storage heap, which will be aggravated when there are prevailing winds and with temperature increases in the summer months. The manure heap is too close and will provide a natural habitat for sewage flies, leading to contamination on food in their kitchen or while eating outdoors. She is also concerned at the significant increase of horse and stable flies.  Increased rodent population will also bring health issues to be dealt with  A major concern is the proposed site level as this is higher than the level of their garden and house, with a natural gradient from the field sloping in two directions towards their boundary. Any stable washing, spillage, foul water and urine from the stables and run off from the manure heap would find its path directly into their garden, bringing pollution and odour  There is no lighting included in the plan, but when trying to talk to their neighbours about this there was the suggestion that they would need electricity for lighting, which could mean a noisy generator. Due to the proposed height of the pitched roof they are wondering if the lighting would be at roof level  Inconsistencies on the submitted plan are that no parking is shown but on the application its states that the parking area will be rolled hardcore. Mrs Penny said that if parking occurs in the access gateway this will become an obstruction issue as the gate has not been used on a daily basis but as a passing place. Without this facility emergency vehicles would find it difficult to reach residents further up the single track private lane.  Scale and appearance states that the building has been kept to a minimum to reduce the impact on the adjacent countryside but nearly 40% of the height of the proposed stable is the pitched roof which is at least twice the height of their hedge and together with the gradient of the field will visually give us an overbearing construction dominating our garden and taking up approx.. 2/3rds of our boundary hedge and will be clearly visible from Hestow Road and Hestow Bridge  This is not an existing equine site, but as it has been left after being used as a chicken run and an allotment. There is a corner of the field with two wire fences and some remaining chicken houses, all of which could easily be removed and then reinstated as grazing  The field is approx. two acres in size and there is flexibility in choosing the position of the stables away from us.

Mrs Penny said that they are not opposed to the stables, but would ask for them to be a lower construction and together with the manure heap moved further away from their boundary.

Cllr Rollason thanked Mrs Penny for attending the meeting and said that her comments would be taken into account when the planning application was discussed later.

2 District Councillors Reports

Councillor Beryl Austen

Teignbridge has been inviting views of the public during a consultation period on the needs and opinions of the community for the future Ten Year Plan for our community. The most expressed concerns were care of the environment, housing and jobs for young peopled, expressed consistently by those up to 16 years old to those over 75. There were a host of other issues raised and the task of the Councils now to incorporate these views into their Ten Year Strategy for Teignbridge.

Another issue of importance to us all are the discussions taking place between nine authorities on devolution and decentralization.

Since developments in Scotland, Wales and Ireland there has been a growing desire for National powers to be devolved to local authorities in England creating combined authorities, partnerships etc.

Working with others offers the opportunity to reduce costs and improve standards of service. This has proved to be an asset to Teignbridge in their Strata initiative for ICT provision, in joining with other authorities for building control and salaries payments. Three sessions have been held with those involved in the initiative with Chief Executives and Leaders of Councils and the matter will progress until a formal application is made to Government for devolution for Devon.

There is an overwhelming feeling that local authorities are better equipped to fulfil the needs of their own communities than national bodies which, particularly in the case of Devon, fund us at lower levels for education and other grant funding than other parts of the country.

A new application has been lodged this week for a further development at Penns Mount consisting of 40 units for the Penns Mount Rest Home. With 400 dwellings already scheduled to be developed there are not realistic grounds for objecting to this development. One of the major concerns for this area is the traffic congestion already severe, which will be caused by entry from this entire estate onto Vicarage Hill and Greenhill Way.

Teignbridge will be holding its annual civic service at The Avenue Church, Newton Abbot on November 1st.

District Councillor Dave Rollason

I attended the Full Council on 28th September the main business was approving the accounts and proposed amendments to the financial processes. However, aside from that a number of questions and criticisms of the new waste management system were posed along with concerns about potential unfairness about the way the garden tax is being implemented, in that there is no refund for anyone opting out before their year’s subscription has run out nor reductions if someone has recently moved to Teignbridge and wanted to join the scheme part way through.

3 By far the most important event was at the Planning meeting on 22 September, when the residents of Chudleigh mounted a strong campaign to protect their Town Centre from a most inappropriate development. The Campaign was strong in terms of the large numbers of people taking the time to make their views known through letters, on the website and direct emails to Cllrs. Secondly was, I thought, the well-researched and well-argued case they made. The application was unanimously rejected, but it leaves me with a fear for our own Town and others in Teignbridge. Thank You.

District Councillor Bill Thorne

I have attended an Audit/Scrutiny meeting which was very interesting which spoke about combined authorities. It was exciting to listen to what is happening – combined Manager jobs, saving money. I feel that this is only possible with quality staff who are encouraged to come forward with ideas. It is a bright new future.

Councillor Mike Walters

In the absence of Cllr Walters, the Clerk read out his report and is attached below:

Road Works Repairs to the viaduct on the A380 are still causing heavy traffic on Greenhill Way and Vicarage Hill with single lane traffic was created for the repairs. This has effectively produced traffic congestion in Newton Abbot as well. The new bus stop on Vicarage Hill is now in place. The hedging along Hackney Lane has been cut back and will soon be the boundary and further access for the continued development of the Linden Homes on Penns Mount. Newcross development The promised Primary School on the Newcross site is slowly progressing with the Education Funding Agency investigating drainage of the site prior to giving the “all clear” to the development. Sibelco has been approached by the EFA to give details of the survey conducted by the company in order to facilitate approval of the site. Devon County Council has been instrumental in producing plans for extra classrooms of a temporary basis at St Michael’s School to balance the increased demands for school places at the new primary school in Newcross.


Public consultation on the Draft Custom and Self Build Supplementary Planning Document has been approved at the Overview and Scrutiny meeting in September. This sets out the Council’s policy objectives and targets in relation to the delivery of self-build housing in the Wellbeing chapter of the document. An interesting debate took place on the Chudleigh application for development around the war memorial in the town. The application was refused on design grounds by the committee. I have to make a comment on the remarks made by certain new councillors on the

4 recommendations made by the officers which were far from complimentary and questioned the validity of such recommendations. It must be pointed out that the committee makes the decisions on the officers’ recommendations and the background of their experience in planning matters and the policies contained therein should be noted not criticized.


A seminar on Safeguarding was held after the Full Council meeting on 28th September. The principles of which were:  Confidentiality  Participating  Awareness of others emotions  Valuing each other’s thoughts. The main categories to consider were those of:  Physical  Sexual  Psychological neglect  Consideration of the Children’s Act 1939/2004 in working together in Safeguarding children  The Care Act 2014  The Code of Practice under the Mental Capacity Act 2005  Public Interest Disclosure Act 1958. Telephone numbers were made available as follows: Adults at Risk – Care Direct 0345 1551007 Domestic Violence 0345 1551074

Cllr Rollason said that it is a councillor’s duty to challenge officers and that nobody was rude or offensive at the meeting discussing the Chudleigh planning application. Cllr Austen explained that the application was right in the middle of the town of Chudleigh and was described as over-powering and out of keeping. There were people in the gallery who were against this application and there was also people at the site visit objecting.

Cllr Rose said that Cllr Rollason should be proud of himself for showing passion.


Part 1

127/15 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Dempster and Walters.

128/15 Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest

129/15 Mayor’s Report

5 My wife and I attended the following as Mayor and Mayoress;

Merchant Navy Day 3rd September at Old Forde House, The flag was raised and we spent a few moments remembering and giving thought to the people who brave the seas to bring us the many benefits we often take for granted. Having sailed off shore a few times I know what great time you can have, but also how fast the sea can turn nasty or if the boat breaks down, the fun quickly turns very dangerous and how alone you are, even with modern technology. On 17th September we attended the NSPCC Devon Branches AGM. We met some great people doing a great job, the speakers were inspiring and their presentations were spot on in engaging us all. I have some booklets here for your information. Please do contact them to give them any support you are able to give. Currently it is the Sea Scouts Community Week, I am sure you remember their presentation at the last Council Meeting. Since then the General Purposes Committee has suggested they make a Nature Trail around the Community Hall green space and Oakford Lawn, for example identifying and logging birds, trees and plants and making feeders to attract wildlife. Other suggestions are still welcome. I am sure you will have noticed the new office arrangements upstairs and hopefully soon a new member of staff as well! I will leave it to our Clerk to report more on this as far as she can at present. It finally feels to me that we are getting into shape to manage the big projects and agenda we have set ourselves. Finally, I have been invited to the Twinning Association evening on 17th October, next week end, to promote membership and reminisce about their recent visit to Orbec. There has been some warm and friendly correspondence and gifts to the people of Kingsteignton Town from the people of Orbec, Please note you are all invited as well, please come if you can.

130/15 Minutes

The Mayor presented the minutes of the meeting held on 2 September, 2015, which were adopted.

131/15 Clerk’s Report

 Interviews have taken place for the new Finance/Events Officer. Mr John Stacey has been appointed and will take up office on Monday 2 November, 2015 subject to satisfactory references being received.  The Clerk has now moved into her new office; a new telephone system has been installed and the new set up is working well  Following the successful Kingsteignton Garden, Craft and Hobby Fayre the cups have all been engraved and are now with the winners for 12 months. We still have raffle prizes in the office which have not been collected.  TDC have confirmed that they have approved the Elector Fund for Kingsteignton Swimming Pool and Kingsteignton Allotments and the money should be received shortly and will then be presented to the relative organisations. Unfortunately, the Elector Fund application towards the cost of the Porta Cabin for the council has been turned down and the council will be able to put a new bid in for the remaining funds in February, 2016.

6  During the summer break the annual PAT testing was carried out and the Fixed Electrical check on the hall is to be carried out on Saturday 9 October, 2015.  We are still awaiting confirmation that the new signatories on the Council Bank Accounts have been accepted, but I am chasing this  The Defibrillator that was funded via the Elector Fund for Boots The Chemist, Kingsteignton Retail Park has now been presented to the store.  Planning for the Portacabin and Container at the rear of the Community Hall grounds has now been resubmitted with the relevant questions answered.  The new bus shelter has been installed on Greenhill Way, courtesy of Sibelco as replacement for the brick shelter that was demolished at Five Lanes. We have also seen the bus layby moved on Vicarage Hill near Devonshire Homes and the installation of a new bus shelter  Unfortunately, a further two trees are having to be removed from Clifford Park as they are rotten in the middle. This work will be carried out shortly.  Mr Turner has carried out some repair works on the Ramp at Clifford Park and Tim Ruck, will be replacing the end panel on the Ramp shortly.  From Facebook I noticed that complaints were made about the state of the footpaths around Rydon saying that they were overgrown and required tidying. I contacted Mark Payne, TDC and Simon Pearson, DCC concerning this. Mark Payne has responded and says that TDC only own two paths in the Rydon area, one at Willhayes and the one next to the Tennis Courts off Rydon Road. He said that he knew the Tennis Court path was clear and will check Willhayes. Simon Pearson has responded and said that DCC have undertaken cleaning and clearance work to some of the bad paths around Rydon and wrote letters to residents who have bushes which are growing over onto footpaths.  An email has been received from a resident concerning the numerous cars and Lorries driving at speeds well in excess of 30 mph on Exeter Road and asking if speed cameras have ever been considered. This email has been forwarded to PCSO Pike and to Devon Highways for their comments.  An email was received from a family who had recently lost a family member and were saddened by the state of St Michaels Church Yard, where his ashes were laid to rest. I contacted TDC concerning this and was told that this is a closed churchyard and has been for a considerable number of years. TDC cut the grass at the Church Yard monthly, but the area where the church still inter cremated remains is more difficult to cut as the plots are in close proximity of each other and the floral and trinket type items which are understandably placed on loved ones plots. TDC also said that in other closed Church Yards the church take it upon themselves to employ external contractors or possibly volunteers to tend these areas more frequently. This then ensures areas where new internments take place are kept to a more acceptable standard for relatives. Unfortunately, TDC do not have staff available to provide additional cuts even to small areas. This information was forwarded to the family concerned

On 8 September, 2015 I attended a Workshop “Marketing and Promoting your Assets” which was held at Newton Abbot Town Council. The course was an introduction to marketing, aimed specifically at local council employees who are engaged in running public assets/venues, giving an overview of the different marketing methods (traditional and on line) that can be used to promote your venue in a cost effective manner.

7 The following points were raised:

 Marketing – this should not only be about the asset but should highlight the service you provide. Marketing material should take a staged approach and information should be amended/updated regularly. Advertising materials should be colour consistent, use the same font, same margin and same colour. The Disability Discrimination Act should be researched to see what font size should be used.  Community Halls/Buildings – rooms should be given a memorable name as it makes them more attractive to hire out  The emphasis on advertising should change by focusing on different areas of the building over several months.  Hire charges for halls etc., should be clear and simple to understand. Charges should be cost effective and if too cheap people will not rate your venue.  Consideration for Community Halls could be given to obtaining a license for the premises to be used for Weddings.  When setting hall charges, research should be carried out into what neighbouring halls are charging.  Turnover is variety, Profit is safety  Terms and conditions for bookings should be given separately.  Cancellation fee on any booking should be clearly indicated  Marketing of Council assets can be done by councillors going out and about talking to people, i.e. Kingsteignton Youth Centre and the facilities available, word of mouth is always good.  Look into a logo for your assets  Perhaps set up an Open Day when members of the public can see what the Council Chamber looks like and to look at the council strategies; arrange a Treasure Trail for children; arrange for the Police and Highways to be in attendance to take questions from members of the public along with other agencies i.e. TDC & DCC. Members of the public could take a look at the hall and the facilities offered  Posters advertising should be on a white background, should not contain too much information and more innovative. Posters should always been in PDF format and use the council colours and font.

132/15 Committee Reports

Community Hall/The Fountain Committee: Cllr Jones presented the minutes of the meeting held on 9 September, 2015. Cllr Jones proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Cllr Peart and agreed.

Recreation/Footpaths Committee: Cllr Stevenson presented the minutes of the meeting held on 9 September, 2015. Cllr Stevenson proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Cllr Thorne and agreed.

Finance Committee: Cllr Stevenson presented the minutes of the meeting held 16 September, 2015. Cllr Stevenson proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed.

Works, Services & Planning Committee: Cllr Peart presented the minutes of the meetings held on 26 August, 2 September and 16 September, 2015. Cllr Peart proposed

8 that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Cllr Meathrel and agreed.

General Purposes Committee: Cllr Rollason presented the minutes of the meeting held on 26 August and 23 September, 2015. Cllr Rollason proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Cllr Stevenson and agreed.

133/15 Kingsteignton Youth Centre – up-date

Cllr Austen said that all councillors will now have received their papers for the Kingsteignton Youth Centre Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 13 October, 2015 at the Youth Centre at 7.15 p.m and she hoped that councillors would be in attendance.

She said that Mr Turner is putting a protective cover around the Dart Board, so that the wall will not be marked and that everything at the Youth Club is going well. She said that a grant of £5000 had been received from The Foyle Foundation.

Cllr Stevenson said that he had looked at the Accounts for the Youth Centre, which had been received with the Agenda for the AGM and would like the Finance Committee to look at a Business Plan for the Youth Centre, together with objectives. Cllr Rollason said that the Business Plan that he had prepared had highlighted that help would be needed from the Precept funds until the Centre was used for maximum rental. He said that it was important that all councillors attended the AGM as they were Trustees.

Cllr Meathrel gave his apologies as he would be unable to attend the AGM as he would be on annual leave.

134/15 Representative Reports

Teignbridge Cycling Group – Cllr Meathrel submitted the following report:

Key points from the meeting / minutes 1. Apologies

2. Minutes of June 2015 Group meeting approved

3. Discussion relating to the new Teignbridge routes and funding

3.1Wray Valley Trail – Stewards Wood to Lustleigh approved

3.2Teignmouth to Dawlish – package of element inc. Shaldon Ferry link discussed.

3.3A380 Main Torquay – Kingskerswell Road now looking at Autumn part opening (est. about end of October 2015)

3.4Safety issues at De Coy cycle entrances on blind bend, safety zone required.

3.5Cllr. Doug Hellier-Lang (Chudleigh) raised issues relating to Chudleigh/Finlake Holiday Camp/Stoke Lake/Chudleigh Knighton route to join with Kingsteignton (B3193).

9 3.6Jonny Miller pointed to plans regarding the DCC designs to produce a green bridge solution regarding access across the River Teign.

3.7DH-L spoke of issues for cyclists and motorist/residents access around Station Road and Oldway, Chudleigh.

3.8Raised the disappointment of Kingsteignton to Bishopsteignton Sustrans link failure to produce planning go-ahead. Roger North DCC in discussion on this matter.

3.9Penns Mount trail (panoramic views and history plaque) from Hackney Lane raised

4. Latest major planning applications

4.1.1 Road widening plus cycle path from Drumbridge Roundabout to Whitehill, Newton Abbot

4.1.2 Teignmouth to Dawlish / Sustrans route options

5. Leisure and sports cycling events update

5.1Kingsteignton Abbrook B3193 time-trials event

5.2Possible Broadway cycle track, replacement facilities for Abbrook site.

5.3DARTMOOR DEVIL – 25 October 2015, Sunday – 100 km superhill

5.4MINCE PIE Event from the Racecourse Newton Abbot on Sunday 6th December 2015.

6. Adult cycle training and business engagement take-up

7. Bikeability training and schools.

7.1Scheme funding ends, closure March 2016.

8. Cycle parking, mapping and signage.

8.1Bovey Tracey – parking discussed plus mapping locations.

8.2Chudleigh – parking discussed plus mapping locations.

8.3Newton Abbot – parking discussed locations.

8.4Newton Abbot - Lemon trail and signage.

8.5Newton Abbot – Railway bridge crossing, route, design and signage (access over the main station avoiding railway platform crossing bridge, linking Brunel Ind. Estate across to Tuckers Maltings area.

10 8.6Penns Mount signage and development urgently needed as per KS6 Local Plan.

Discussion took place on the proposed cycle paths for Kingsteignton and Cllr Rollason proposed that he meet with Cllr Meathrel and invite Kingsteignton District Councillors to put together a strategy for the town and decide where routes should go and how to make a cohesive campaign. Seconded by Cllr Peart and agreed.

135/15 Annual Review of Policies, in line with Audit Regulations

Prior to the meeting councillors had received copies of the Investment Strategy, Fire Safety Policy, Policy on Smoking at Work, Press & Media Policy and Protocol for Hearings by Staff Disciplinary and Grievance Committee.

Discussion took place and it was agreed that the Policy on Smoking at Work needed further work. This policy will be reworked and resubmitted for approval.

Cllr Wickham proposed that the Investment Strategy, Fire Safety Policy, Press & Media Policy and Protocol for Hearings by Staff Disciplinary and Grievance Committee be adopted. Seconded by Cllr Meathrel and agreed.

136/15 Amended Standing Orders/Financial Regulations as agreed at September meeting

Prior to the meeting councillors had received the revised copies of the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations following the amendments approved at the September meeting.

137/15 CIL Policies

11 Cllr Rollason said that he wished to draw the amendments to the guidelines for CIL to the attention of members. The amendments are not significant but cover what can be applied for and changes for S106. CIL is more inclusive.

138/15 Refugees Crisis

Cllr Rollason said that there were a number of initiatives starting up around Newton Abbot and felt that Kingsteignton Town Council should be doing something and was looking around for ideas. Discussion took place and the following points were raised:

 The council could facilitate groups and could offer a cost centre

 Contact national body to see how we could help by following guidelines and helping in a more productive way.

 Preparing a register of those who would be able to help by providing a room for a refugee, which could be called upon if the need arose.

 Local churches are collecting clothes etc., for refugees. The council could contact the churches to ask what they are doing and how the council could assist

 The Refugees are arriving in Europe and it is more expensive to send clothes than to wire funds across to the required areas to be spent on the refugees who need help

Cllr Rollason proposed that the council should be proactive and start a register of resources/helpers and also contact Refugee Support Devon to ask what the council could do to help. Seconded by Cllr Stevenson and unanimously agreed.

139/15 Ideas for Sea Scouts – Community Week

This item had already been covered in the Mayor’s Report.

140/15 Litter/Dog Fouling problems in the town

12 Cllr Stevenson said that the Town Council should start a campaign looking at parks and affected areas and take a more proactive view. Members of the public need educating into picking up faeces and litter and this needs to be enforced. Messages should go out in the Newsletter, bigger signs should be displayed and maybe with a different slogan “Good owners pick up after their pets” or similar. Cllr Peart said that in some areas they have bigger signs and spray paint around faeces to flag them up.

Following discussion Cllr Rollason proposed that this item be referred to the November meeting of the Recreation/Footpaths committee for further discussion. Seconded by Cllr Stevenson. Agreed.

141/15 Historic England re: Kingsteignton War Memorial – Awarded Listed Building status

The committee was passed a copy of a letter from Historic England prior to the meeting informing them that the Kingsteignton War Memorial had been listed to the List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. This information has already been passed to the Royal British Legion and will also be passed on to Father Mark Smith, St Michaels Church.

142/15 Correspondence

 Workshops by Social and Community Enterprise Training by Devon Communities Together – “Funding for your Community” 10 November, 2015 – 9.30 am – 4.00 pm, £20 including lunch at Devon Communities Together, Head Office, Exeter. Cllr Meathrel proposed that Cllrs Stevenson and Rose should attend this Workshop. Seconded by Cllr Rollason and agreed.

 Kingsteignton Youth Centre Trust – Annual General Meeting – Tuesday 13 October, 2015 at 7.15 pm at Kingsteignton Youth Centre, Broadway Road, Kingsteignton - All councillors invited to attend as Trustees of KYC

 NALC “Communities Can” conference – 2 December, 2015, at the Royal National Hotel, London and focussing on the important role larger councils are playing in improving and transforming their areas and supporting their town centres and high streets in a time of economic challenge. Cost £195 + vat. Discussion took place and Cllr Meathrel asked to attend this conference. Cllr Rollason proposed that the town council did not fund this Conference, seconded by Cllr Stevenson. Cllr Bovey abstained, Cllr Wickham voted against, with 7 councillors voting for. Motion carried.

13  The Local Government Boundary Commission for England – Electoral Review Devon: Further limited consultation in North Devon – letter attached for information

143/15 Late Correspondence

 A letter was received from the Friends of Kingsteignton Library concerning the future proposal of anew development by Kingsteignton Town Council in the vicinity of Oakford Lawn. In order that Kingsteignton Town Council and the Friends of Kingsteignton Library may understand each other’s objectives and how these may best be reached, it was suggested that a meeting should be arranged between the Town Council and the Library. Cllr Stevenson asked for a copy of this letter and said he would liaise with Mrs Thompson to set up a meeting.  An email has been received from Cllr Mike Walters concerning the Viridor meetings, which he now chairs, and the number of town councillors which attend these meetings. Cllr Walters has said that one representative on this meeting would be sufficient. Discussion took place and it was agreed that this matter should be referred to the next Full Council meeting for discussion. After Minute: This item was omitted from the November meeting but was placed on the December Full Council Agenda for discussion.  There is a new Councillor Short Course being held at the Beehive, Honiton on 21 January, 2016 and Cllr Bovey was asked if he wished to attend. Cllr Bovey said he would like to wait for a Course being held closer to home.

Part II

144/15 To present and adopt the Committee Reports for the Town Centre Enhancement Committee held on 26 August, 2015

Cllr Stevenson presented the minutes of the meeting held on 26 August, 2015. Cllr Stevenson proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed.

The meeting closed at 20.45

Signed:………………………………. Dated:………………………………

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