Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee Held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices s1

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Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee Held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices s1

Chair approved Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices on Tuesday 19 February 2013 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs. A. Vaughan (Chairman), K. Read, A. Aldis, N. Tile, B. Sinclair and K. Hall. Residents: Clare Stinson, Vanessa Keating-Baxter, Mr. Allan, Neil Newman and Ann Thomas

Apologies: None.

1. MINUTES . RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 29 January 2013 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

2. MATTERS ARISING. a) The Quay encroachments: Town Clerk reported a response from PROW office Simon Taylor had been received stating that his plan of action was towards a blanket letter to all frontagers from Essex Highways but with more targeted attention to certain individuals who were claiming part of the public highway as private parking. Town Clerk to ask Simon Taylor for a copy of the letter being sent out and for the timescale. Town Clerk also to write to the Nottage Institute to ask them to reinstate the bollards now that the work on the building had been completed.

3. PLANNING APPLICATIONS. Four had been received, as follows:

COL/13/0289 REGISTERED 13/02/13 Officer Lucy Mondon Proposal: Proposed addition to bungalow Location: 20 Mede Way, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9HN Applicant: Mr A Hearn Recommendations: No material planning considerations other than views of neighbours to be taken into consideration, loss of permeable land and that the visibility splay be checked by highways. All members declared an interest.

COL/13/0193 REGISTERED 01/02/13 Officer Peter Hill Proposal: Single storey rear extension Location: 38 Belle Vue Road, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9LD Applicant: Mrs J Caryer Recommendations: There is no indication of the line of the extension therefore it is impossible to detect the 45% angle. No other material planning considerations apart from views of neighbours to be taken into consideration and loss of permeable land.

COL/13/0252 REGISTERED 7/02/13 Officer Sue Jackson Proposal: Variation of Condition 7 attached to Planning Permission 102494-To carry out additional tree works(plot 6 rear boundary only). Location: Ten Acres, The Avenue, Wivenhoe, CO7 9AH Applicant: Vaughan & Blyth Recommendations: The Town Council disputes the need to fell any trees. With regard to the diseased tree they would request a delay to felling until it is established that there is a long term danger from it, as yet undecided by national experts. There is insufficient justification for any of the other trees to be felled. Also their proposed replacement is not equal to the loss. There is also concern for the loss of bio-diversity, loss of privacy and screening to neighbors if the felling of any trees is carried out.

COL/13/0233 REGISTERED 08/02/13 Officer Carl Allen Proposal: Erection of a detached dwelling with associated parking facilities. Location: Part garden of Innisfree, De Vere Lane, Wivenhoe, Colchester, CO7 9AS Applicant: Steve Norman

Neighbours Neil Newman and Ann Thomas presented their concerns about this garden in-fill application and in turn the applicant and her architect gave their presentation.

1 Chair approved Recommendations: According to LDF Development Policies adopted by CBC in October 2010, Policy DP1 encourages good quality design that respects and enhances the character of the site, its context and surroundings in terms of its detailed design. The amended development as proposed still remains overbearing to the streetscape. Also all other issues raised on the earlier application are still of concern. Clauses 3.2, 3.6. 5.4 and 6.3 of the CBC’s SPD ‘ Backland and Infill Development’ refer. In particular 5.4 which states that ‘a backland or infill development should make a positive contribution to the character of the existing locality’ and 3.2 which states ‘In some areas large gardens will be the defining character and in these areas backland and infill development will normally be resisted’ . Access to the drive is also an issue of concern due to the road being used as a school run.

4. DECISIONS. One decision had been received, as follows:

COL/12/2270 REGISTERED 21/12/12 Simon Osborn Proposal: Proposed first floor extension to form bedroom and en-suite Location: 9 Castleward Close, Wivenhoe Colchester CO7 9NT Applicant: Mr & Mrs Truscott Recommendations: No material planning considerations as long as it is within permitted development and that the views of neighbours are taken into consideration.

DECISION: REFUSED. The LDF Development Policies was adopted by the Council in October 2010. Policy DP1 encourages good quality design that respects and enhances the character of the site, its context and surroundings in terms of its detailed design. Policy DP13 states that extensions will normally be supported where they accord with other adopted guidance including the SPD, “Extending Your House?” This states it is rarely possible to produce an extension that looks as if it may have been part of the original house and advises that extensions should usually be designed as a clear addition, and take the form of a clearly defined subservient volume added to the main house. Extensions should furthermore be in harmony with the design of the existing building. In this instance, the proposal seeks to add a first floor addition on the eastern side of the principal house elevation facing toward Ballast Quay Road. The proposed extension does not appear as a subservient addition to the original house and the proposed gabled addition facing onto Ballast Quay Road gives added emphasis to the extended form. The details of the design are also different to that of the original house, including the hipped roof form, the change of external materials and the non-aligned window details, which together with the dominant form of the extension, results in an overall composition that does not work well. The size of the proposed extension and the details of the design are not sympathetic with the character and appearance of the original house and will also adversely affect the character and appearance of the area seen from Ballast Quay Road. The proposal as such is contrary to the aforementioned policies and SPD, the Essex Design Guide.

5. WIVENHOE PORT/COOKS SHIPYARD SITE. a) Cllr. Read reported that 6 bike racks were to be installed and the worktop in the Fisherman’s Store was being finished. A lease had been drawn up for the dinghy spaces with an expected rental of £175 per year. The play area was too water-logged at the moment for CBC contractors to complete. A proposal for the parking meters was expected by the end of the week and the Town Clerk would let Cllr. Aldis know where it had been received. Town Clerk to ask Bob Penny for some images of the play park for the Town Council’s website.

6. TOWN PLAN. Nothing further to report.

7. SECTION 106 MATTERS. Cllr. Read reported that Wivenhoe Town Cricket Club had now received their £5000 S106 grant towards the practice nets. This had been a quick turnaround and CBC Officer Bob Penny was to be thanked for his work in recovering this.

8. UNIVERSITY 2021. Nothing further to report. 9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS. Date of next meeting Tuesday 12 March 2013.

The meeting closed at 9.00pm CHAIRMAN


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