Fire Prevention Lieutenant Oral Assessment Staff Duties

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Fire Prevention Lieutenant Oral Assessment Staff Duties


Staff: Michelle H.

Duties: 1. Pickup candidates upstairs by the escalator. 2. Escort candidates to registration room. 3. Confiscate items (i.e., cell phones, other electronic devices, personal pens, purses, books, magazines, ANY paper, etc.) that candidates brought to the Assessment Center. Have them place items in a small envelope, label, and place in a box. (Box goes to sequestration and candidates will receive their items before they leave for the day.) 4. Check candidates for any dress code violations. If a candidate violates the dress code, ask him/her to modify his appearance or dismiss the candidate from the Assessment Center. 5. Register the candidates (see Registration sheet). 6. Monitor sequestered candidates with last check-in time. 7. Do not allow candidates to converse about the testing process at any time. Make announcements and approach candidates if necessary. 8. Escort candidates to the Preparation Room and seat them according to Candidate Code Number. 9. Handle any problems that may occur with candidates, assessment center staff, preparation room, etc. on the spot. 10. If ANY unforeseen or unusual events take place, immediately fill out an Incident Report Form (provided in your room) with a detailed description. This is especially important if events arise that may compromise the integrity of the testing process.

CVS-FRM-095 Version 1 Eff. 5/9/2016 STAFF DUTIES: PREPARATION ROOM PROCTORS Prep Room #1: (Waves 1, 3, 5, 7) Prep Room #2: (Waves 2, 4, 6)

Staff: Millie/Tonya Dawne/Michelle D./Michelle B. Duties: 1. Ensure the same amount of supplies is on each desk for each candidate. Day 1: Two pens. Day 2: Two pens, 1 highlighter, 1 pad of post-it notes, and 5 paper clips. Day 3: Two pens. 2. Place envelopes containing exercises on candidate tables according to their Candidate ID#. Make sure Candidate ID #s match the envelopes for each wave. 3. When candidates are escorted to your room, make sure they sit in numerical order according to their Candidate ID#. 4. Tell candidates NOT to open envelopes until instructed to do so (you will tell them to begin/open envelopes after reading the Proctor Instructions). 5. Read the Proctor Instructions to candidates and answer any questions regarding the instructions. Instruct candidates to open envelopes, start timer, record real time. 6. Call 5 and 1 minute warnings to candidates as described in the Proctor Instructions. 7. Wednesday Only: Pass out Live Occurrences and call out 30 minute, 10 minute, and 1 minute warnings according to time schedule. Document real-time and initial on form. 8. Provide new exercise envelope if a candidate receives an incomplete packet. 9. Make sure candidates do not talk during the preparation time. 10. Make sure candidates do not use any outside notes for the preparation period. 11. Re-stock each desk with materials for the next wave of candidates. 12. At the end (after you have said “STOP, put your pens down”), collect and organize materials according to the proctor instructions. Collect all pens and highlighters so candidates are not tempted to write (count to make sure you have collected them all). 13. Answer administrative questions ONLY. Do not speak to candidates unless providing standard instructions or answering a question. 14. Make sure candidates do not talk OR write during the break times while the assessors receive their written documents. 15. Take candidates to the restroom only during the break time (if necessary). Request a male staff member (Security guard should be outside the room) to assist with escorting males to the restroom. 16. Assist Runners as needed with candidate envelopes and lining candidates up in numerical order. 17. If ANY unforeseen or unusual events take place, immediately notify Michelle Hanchard and fill out an Incident Report Form (provided in your room) with a detailed description. This is especially important if events arise that may compromise the integrity of the testing process.


Staff Rooms Shari ABCD Chely EFGHN Brandy IJKLM Duties: 1. Bring a watch or phone to keep track of real-time. Refer to time schedules and Assessor coordinators for transitions. 2. Enter the preparation room about one minute before the preparation period ends or when Assessor Coordinator instructs you to. 3. After the preparation room attendant stops the time in the preparation room, pick up the candidate envelopes for your rooms and deliver the envelopes to the assessors. 4. About 5 minutes before the assessor review time ends (or when instructed by Assessor Coordinator), pick up your assigned candidates and take them to the interview rooms based on their Candidate ID #s. Some candidates will have flip-charts with them (make sure that flip-charts are picked up by candidates who have them). These flipcharts should be lying on the candidates’ desks next to them, face down. Assessor Coordinators (Sara, Andrew, and Lily) will assist you in putting the flip-chart sheets up on the walls in the interview rooms. 5. 1-2 minutes before candidates enter the interview rooms, let each assessor pair know which candidate will be entering the room and make sure the assessors have the correct candidate envelopes for that wave. Place the candidate’s flip chart paper(s) on the wall behind the candidate’s seat or to the left-side wall (the candidate should have multiple pages labeled in the order they want them to appear). Use provided adhesive as needed. 6. Keep the backup starting / stopping times for the interviews. Assist Assessor Coordinators with knocking on the doors and telling each candidate to “Stop” to end the interviews after the interview time has expired. 7. At the end of each interview (or when candidate exits room), escort candidate to either the sequestration room or the escalators as appropriate. 8. Keep up with which of your candidates have exited the interview room early so that you know what doors to knock on. Refer to time schedule. 9. Speak to candidates regarding the administration only, not the exercise content or assessors. When escorting candidates to sequestration, do not let them talk. 10. If ANY unforeseen or unusual events take place, immediately notify the Assessor Coordinators and/or Michelle Hanchard, and fill out an Incident Report Form (provided) with a detailed description. This is especially important if events arise that may compromise the integrity of the testing process.


Staff: Arnold/Tonya/Michelle B.

Duties: 1. Sit with and monitor the candidates. A CVS staff member must be in the Sequestration Room at all times if candidates are present. 2. Escort candidates to the restrooms or ask for an escort using a two-way radio (candidates are required to ask permission). Monitor candidates to make sure they do not speak to anyone during restroom breaks, especially other candidates they may cross paths with whose test is in progress. 3. Do not allow candidates to converse about the testing process at any time. Make announcements and politely approach candidates if necessary. 4. Monitor the noise level so that it does not disturb nearby test rooms. Make announcements to keep the noise level down if necessary. 5. Provide candidates with magazines, newspapers, snacks, etc. 6. Keep candidates’ belongings brought to the assessment center in a box. 7. Store wave cards and other candidate belongings that the registration proctor gives you until the end of the day. 8. Give candidates their wave cards and other candidate belongings before dismissing them for the day. 9. When instructed by Michelle H., dismiss the candidates for the day. A proctor should escort them out of the testing area. 10. If ANY unforeseen or unusual events take place, immediately notify Michelle Hanchard and fill out an Incident Report Form (provided in your room) with a detailed description. This is especially important if events arise that may compromise the integrity of the testing process.


Staff: Eddie

Duties: 1. Report each day to the CVS supply room at the Dallas Convention Center and sign in. 2. Escort candidates to the restrooms during the Registration bathroom break. Monitor candidates to make sure they do not speak to anyone during restroom breaks, especially other candidates they may cross paths with whose test is in progress. 3. Escort candidates to the restrooms from the Preparation Rooms (A133 – A136) and Sequestration (A115). You will be notified by a staff member for any assistance needed to escort candidates during the breaks. 4. Do not allow candidates to converse about the testing process at any time. Make announcements and politely approach candidates if necessary. 5. Take candidates from the interview rooms to the Sequestration room or to the escalator when released by Civil Service staff for the day (as needed). 6. Report ANY unusual event(s) or circumstance(s) to Michelle Hanchard or one of the Assessor Coordinators immediately and fill out an Incident Report Form with a detailed description.

Notes for Security Guards: 1. Candidates should ALWAYS have a staff member or escort with them in the hallways and restrooms of the testing areas. Candidates will have on nametag stickers, numbered from 101-714. 2. Assessors will have on plastic nametags, numbered 1 – 31. Assessors do not require escorts.


Staff Rooms Andrew ABCD Sara EFGHN Lily IJKLM

Duties: 1. Pass out Assessor Manuals to assessors each morning. Make sure they sign their notebooks out and in each day of the assessment center. 2. Make sure assessors have all the supplies and copies they need. 3. Place the rating sheets and behavioral observation sheets in envelopes or folders in the interview rooms. 4. Make sure that assessors are where they are supposed to be prior to each interview; get alternates if they are not. 5. Remind assessors to turn off cell phones before each interview. 6. Keep the assessors paced and aware of the next step (scheduling). Collect and check the completeness of assessors rating sheets and behavioral observation sheets. Make sure there are no empty spaces on rating sheets or inappropriate wording on behavioral observation sheets. Check for: a. Candidate ID# b. 2 Ratings for each dimension (Assessor A and Assessor B) c. Initials from both Assessors d. Legibility (Remember, we have to enter this data in later!) e. Any changes made are initialed. 7. Return any incomplete, illegible, etc. assessor forms to assessors for corrections as soon as possible before transporting to the Supply Room. Pick up incomplete assessor forms from Supply Room (these may be delivered or you will have to check room A132). 8. Remove flip chart page(s) from the previous interview (check candidate numbers to be sure it is the correct candidate). Place in envelope(s) labeled by exercise and Candidate ID#. Take care of any immediate needs that assessors have concerning the process. 9. Make sure no candidate/assessor conversations occur outside of the interview rooms. 10. Have candidates who come out early go to the designated area for proctor to take them to sequestration. 11. Answer questions concerning any problems. Solve problems that occur on the spot. 12. If ANY unforeseen or unusual events take place, immediately notify Michelle Hanchard and fill out an Incident Report Form (provided) with a detailed description. This is especially important if events arise that may compromise the integrity of the testing process.


Staff: Annabell/Michelle D. Duties: 1. Take supplies, etc. to preparation room (if needed). 2. Help organize/store/disseminate supplies and materials for assessors/Assessor Coordinators. 3. Know which interview rooms are assigned to staff members. 4. Always have a two-way radio on and use to communicate any issues that may come up. 5. If ANY unforeseen or unusual events take place, immediately fill out an Incident Report Form (provided) with a detailed description. This is especially important if events arise that may compromise the integrity of the testing process. 6. On-site record management: a. Account for all Candidate ID #s each day (some candidates may start the process but not complete it). a.i. Candidates in attendance a.ii. No shows b. Make sure ratings on both Observation Sheets and Candidate Evaluation Sheets are complete.* b.i. The ratings from Assessors A & B need to be within 1 point on the Candidate Evaluation Form**. If there are cross-outs, make sure the assessor initialed next to the change. b.ii. Ratings are recorded on the correct line (e.g., Assessor A’s ratings are recorded on the line for Assessor A). b.iii. Ensure candidate ID #s and Assessor ID #s are recorded correctly. b.iv. Ensure assessors have recorded their ID #s and initials at the bottom of the rating sheets. b.v. Place Assessor Rating Sheets and Observations Sheets in numerical order. Put Candidate’s written responses in envelopes and place in numerical order. b.vii. Verify scores are the same on all pages of observation notes for an assessor (if applicable). b.viii. Ensure all candidates’ test exercise materials are accounted for (all three-part paper: white, yellow, and pink), flip-chart paper, etc). c. Put extra test exercises, instructions, etc. in Secure Shred/Trash Box for destruction.

*If information is illegible or missing from the assessor forms, return them to Assessor Coordinators immediately to complete missing information (or communicate over radio for them to come and pick up).

CVS-FRM-095 Version 1 Eff. 5/9/2016 **Notify Assessor Coordinators if ratings are high/low but don’t seem to be supported by number of comments/observations.

CVS-FRM-095 Version 1 Eff. 5/9/2016

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