Credit for Courses Taken in the United States at Another

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Credit for Courses Taken in the United States at Another

DUKE UNIVERSITY Pratt School of Engineering


A. LIMITATIONS ON AMOUNT OF CREDIT numerous in California—must yield 5 or 6 quarter- A full-time degree candidate in the Pratt School hours of credit to transfer as a full course. A 4 of Engineering may receive credit toward the quarter-hour course will not yield a full course Bachelor Degree for a limited number of courses credit at Duke. Note also that for transfer as one taken at other four-year degree-granting course, a course taken elsewhere in the summer institutions after matriculation. The following must meet for thirty-five (35) full hours over a limitations apply: period of at least three (3) full weeks. Curriculum Requirements. Transfer courses 1. No more than four courses may be may meet Area of Knowledge requirements when transferred from an institution in the United they have been equated with specific Duke courses States, whether in the summer while the that meet these requirements, e.g., a course student is regularly enrolled at Duke or while transferred as History 91 will satisfy a Civilizations on leave of absence from the College. (See (CZ) requirement. A transfer course with no Duke the Bulletin sections on special “Agreements equivalent (identified as 100 for lower-level, 300 for with Other Universities” and on “Study upper-level, and 400 for advanced-level courses) Abroad” for limitations on credit that can be may, upon review, receive an Area of Knowledge earned through these programs.) designation. The Director of Undergraduate 2. Students who matriculated at Duke as Studies (DUS) who reviews the course for transfer transfer students or with transfer credit must recommends the Area of Knowledge at the time of also be aware of the minimum residence signing the tentative course approval form. Final requirement (see Bulletin). approval of the Area of Knowledge is given by the Note: In total, no more than ten transfer Academic Dean. courses completed after matriculation There is a separate procedure and form to use (including credits earned at a domestic when applying for an FL-code for a transfer credit institution or on an approved non-Duke taken in a less commonly taught language. study abroad program) may be counted Information about this is available from the Trinity toward the Bachelor’s Degree. T-Reqs page at ( requirements?p=transfer-credit). B. ELIGIBILITY FOR TRANSFER CREDIT Students in good standing who wish to receive Small Group Learning Experience. In credit at Duke for courses taken at another general, courses described as seminars or tutorials accredited U.S. four-year college or university completed at other institutions will not automatically must complete such work with grades of C- or satisfy the Small Group Learning Experience better. NO TRANSFER CREDIT IS GRANTED AT DUKE requirements in Trinity College. Specific FOR COURSES TAKEN ELSEWHERE ON A PASS/FAIL information pertaining to course format and class BASIS. No credit will be accepted for course work size is required by the student’s Academic Dean taken while students are withdrawn voluntarily. before such courses may be designated seminars or tutorials. STUDENTS CANNOT RECEIVE TRANSFER CREDIT FOR Major Requirements. Because some limitations COURSES OFFERED ONLINE OR FOR COURSES TAKEN IN exist on the number of non-Duke courses that may A JUNIOR OR COMMUNITY COLLEGE. count toward major requirements, students should check the information in their departmental C. TRANSFER COURSE EQUIVALENCY handbooks or confer with the DUS in their major Credits. The unit of credit at Duke is the department. DEPARTMENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR semester course. A 3 or 4 semester-hour course APPROVING COURSES THAT COUNT TOWARD THEIR MAJORS. taken elsewhere is equated as one course at July 2012 Duke for students transferring 1 or 2 courses. Courses taken at a university on the quarter system—such institutions are especially Instructions to Students on Obtaining Credit Approval for Courses Taken in the U.S. at Another Institution


Step Secure approval of CONTENT EQUIVALENCY from the From the DIRECTOR OF 1 department that represents the discipline to be studied: UNDERGRADUATE o Present the Tentative Approval of Courses form and an STUDIES of the official description of the course you propose to take. appropriate Duke (In some cases, a DUS may require a course syllabus department and/or names of textbooks used in the course)

o The DUS will sign the form if the content of the course is deemed equivalent to a Duke course. (If the course is deemed not equivalent but credit-worthy, ask the DUS whether it can be assigned an Area of Knowledge.)

Step Secure approval of CREDIT EQUIVALENCY: From your ACADEMIC 2 o Obtain a printed copy of the official course schedule from DEAN’s office the institution you will be attending (or its website) that clearly indicates the meeting times and days for the course along with a copy of the school’s academic calendar.

o Submit this information along with the Tentative Approval of Courses form, signed by the DUS to: Pratt Undergraduate Dean’s Office 305 Teer (Box 90271) Durham, NC 27708

o The submitted materials will be reviewed to insure that the course is equivalent to a Duke “semester course credit” in terms of the number of contact hours. Your Academic Dean will specify the amount of credit that can be transferred to Duke upon completion.

After your Academic Dean has signed the Tentative Approval of Courses form, a copy will be faxed to the Registrar’s Office and the original preserved in the Dean’s Office.

Step o REGISTER (but NOT for Pass/Fail grading or for a course At the educational 3 offered only on a Pass/Fail basis). If offered credit options for institution you will be registration, note section C on the previous page of these attending. instructions. o COMPLETE the approved course at the other institution. o ARRANGE for an official copy of a transcript from the institution you attended to be sent directly to the Pratt Dean’s Office, 305 Teer (Box 90271, Durham, NC 27708. (You must earn a C- or better to receive Duke credit for work completed at another U.S. university. However your grade will not be recorded at Duke and will not be included in your GPA.) July 2012 DUKE UNIVERSITY TENTATIVE APPROVAL OF COURSES TAKEN IN THE UNITED STATES AT ANOTHER INSTITUTION NOTE TO THE STUDENT: Please read the accompanying instructions carefully before completing this form, and submit with attached copies of 1) an official course schedule indicating the meeting times and days for the course, 2) the school’s academic calendar, and 3) a course syllabus (if available).

Student’s name: ______Student ID Number: ______Student’s e-mail address:______

Four-Year Institution: ______Location where course(s) to be taken: ______

Credit System:* Course Semest. hr. Qtr/Trimest. hr. Dates of Attendance: from ______to ______, ______(year) (circle one) *A 3-4 semester hour course (or a 5-6 quarter/trimester hour course) is equated as one full course at Duke. Note also that for transfer as 1.0 course credits, a course taken in the summer must meet for a minimum of 35 full hours over a period of at least three full weeks.

DEPARTMENTAL AUTHORIZATION: (for official use only) Course No. Duke Equivalent Recommended Signature of Director of Undergraduate Studies Printed name of DUS (if any) Area of Knowledge† in the corresponding Duke department (see note below) 1) ______

2) ______

3) ______

4) ______

† ALP, CZ, NS, QS, or SS (for 100, 300 or 400 level equivalents only)

DEAN’S APPROVAL: (for official use only) Amount of credit approved, No. of contact hours in above-referenced course subject to credit limitations: 1) (Days of instruction ______Hours/Day _____total hrs: ______) ______2) (Days of instruction ______Hours/Day _____total hrs: ______) ______I have reviewed the credit equivalency of the courses at left and find that they meet the requirements for transfer as course credit at Duke 3) (Days of instruction ______Hours/Day _____total hrs: ______) ______University in the amount indicated. ______4) (Days of instruction ______Hours/Day _____total hrs: ______) ______Academic Dean’s Signature Date

Authorization by the appropriate Director of Undergraduate Studies and approval by the Academic Dean are required. SUBMIT FORM TO: PRATT UNDERGRADUATE DEAN’S OFFICE, 305 Teer (Box 90271) (rev. July 2012)

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