Submission Guidelines Are Posted to the GCC Web Site s5

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Submission Guidelines Are Posted to the GCC Web Site s5

Graduate Curriculum Committee Course Proposal Form for Courses Numbered 6000 and Higher

Note: Before completing this form, please carefully read the accompanying instructions.

Submission guidelines are posted to the GCC Web site:

NURS6621 1/9/12 1. Course prefix and number: 2. Date:

3. Requested action: New Course x Revision of Active Course: Care of Older Adults Revision & Unbanking of a Banked Course Renumbering of an Existing Course from from # to # x Required Elective

4. Method(s) of delivery (check all boxes that apply for both current/proposed and expected future delivery methods within the next three years): Current or Expected Proposed Delivery Future Delivery Method(s): Method(s): On-campus (face to face)

Distance Course (face to face off campus) x Online (delivery of 50% or more of the instruction is offered online) x

5. Justification (must cite accreditation and/or assessment by the graduate faculty) for new course or course revision or course renumbering:

The Graduate Faculty of the College of Nursing in response to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Consensus Model and the National Nurse Practitioner Certification Programs (American Nurses Credentialing Center and American Academy of Nurse Practitioners) determined that the Adult Nurse Practitioner (ANP) role focus will be phased out and transitioned to an expanded Adult Nurse Practitioner-Gerontology (ANP-GNP) Nurse Practitioner focus. The ANP curriculum must be revised to reflect the mandated changes. The changes were approved by the graduate faculty at the College of Nursing.

1 Revised 04-06-11 and posted fall of 2011 6. Course description exactly as it should appear in the next catalog: 6621. Care of Older Adults (3) P: NURS 6610, 6611, 6614, 6615 or consent of concentration director. Theoretical, scientific, and contemporary knowledge base to provide a framework for assessment and management of health care needs of culturally diverse, older adults with acute and/or chronic illness.

7. If this is a course revision, briefly describe the requested change: This content is essential to the practice of the ANP/GNP and must be clear on transcripts in order to sit for national certification examinations.

8. Course credit: Lecture Hours 3 Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours 3 s.h. Lab Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Studio Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Practicum Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Internship Weekly OR Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Other (e.g., independent study) Please explain. s.h. Total Credit Hours 3 s.h.

9. Anticipated annual student enrollment: 25

10. Changes in degree hours of your programs: Degree(s)/Program(s) Changes in Degree Hours CON MSN None

11. Affected degrees or academic programs, other than your programs: Degree(s)/Program(s) Changes in Degree Hours None None

12. Overlapping or duplication with affected units or programs: x Not applicable Documentation of notification to the affected academic degree programs is attached.

13. Council for Teacher Education (CTE) approval (for courses affecting teacher education): x Not applicable Applicable and CTE has given their approval.

2 Revised 04-06-11 and posted fall of 2011 14. University Service-Learning Committee (USLC) approval: x Not applicable Applicable and USLC has given their approval.

15. Statements of support: a. Staff x Current staff is adequate Additional staff is needed (describe needs in the box below):

b. Facilities x Current facilities are adequate Additional facilities are needed (describe needs in the box below):

c. Library x Initial library resources are adequate Initial resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition of required initial resources):

d. Unit computer resources x Unit computer resources are adequate Additional unit computer resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition):

e. ITCS resources x ITCS resources are not needed The following ITCS resources are needed (put a check beside each need): Mainframe computer system Statistical services Network connections Computer lab for students Software Approval from the Director of ITCS attached

16. Course information (see: Graduate Curriculum and Program Development Manual for instructions):

a. Textbook(s) and/or readings: author(s), name, publication date, publisher, and city/state/country. Include ISBN (when applicable).

Texts as required in NURS 6610, 6614

3 Revised 04-06-11 and posted fall of 2011 American Psychological Association (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. 6th ed. Washington, DC. ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

Dickey, R.P. (2007). Managing Contraceptive Pill Patients. 13th ed. ISBN-10: 0929240928

Holler, A. & Hensley, R. (2011) Clinical Guidelines in Primary Care: A Reference and Review Book. Advanced Practice Education Associates, Inc., Lafayette, LA. ISBN: 978-1-8922418-16-6

Nusbaum, M. & Rosenfeld, J. (2005). Sexual Health Across the Lifecycle: A Practical Guide for Clinicians. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN-10: 0521534216

Reuben, D.B., Herr, K.A., Pacala, J.T., et al. Geriatrics At Your Fingertips: 2011, 13th Ed. NY: The American Geriatrics Society; 2011. ISBN-10: 1886775567

Schuiling, K. & Likis, F. (2011). Women’s Gynecologic Health. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. ISBN-10: 0763756377

Selected readings from current periodicals and URL’s.

b. Course objectives for the course (student – centered, behavioral focus) Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Synthesize advanced nursing practice knowledge and theory of management of the primary health care needs of culturally diverse older adults with acute and/or chronic illnesses.

2. Integrate models of health promotion, disease prevention and wellness to plan care and develop counseling and education for culturally diverse older adults with acute and/or chronic illnesses.

3. Apply evidence based research findings and clinical practice guidelines to support the development of advanced nursing interventions for the health care needs of culturally diverse older adults with typical and atypical acute and/or chronic illnesses.

4. Develop diagnostic reasoning and clinical decision making skills necessary to assess, diagnose, and manage the health care needs of culturally diverse older adults with acute and/or chronic illnesses in a variety of care settings. 4 Revised 04-06-11 and posted fall of 2011 5. Interpret ethical and legal responsibilities and issues in the delivery of primary health care to culturally diverse older adults with acute and/or chronic illnesses.

c. Course topic outline Team-Based learning methodologies will be utilized to cover the topical outline:

1. Development of a data base appropriate for older culturally diverse adults. a. Comprehensive health history and physical examination of older culturally diverse adults b. Guidelines for episodic health history & physical examination of older culturally diverse adults c. Cultural/heritage assessment of traditional health and illness beliefs and practices d. Screening procedures and laboratory studies related to physical examination

2. Health promotion and illness prevention of older culturally diverse adults with acute and chronic illnesses. a. Health promotion strategies for older culturally diverse adults with acute and/or chronic illnesses b. Illness prevention interventions with older culturally diverse adults with acute and/or chronic illnesses

3. Pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, and management of older culturally diverse adults with acute and chronic illnesses involving: a. Disorders of the respiratory and pulmonary systems b. Disorders of the cardiovascular system c. Disorders of the GU systems d. Disorders of the neurological system e. Psychosocial/psychiatric disorders f. Skin Disorders g. Hematological Disorders h. Disorders of the endocrine system i. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system

4. Teaching and counseling related to health promotion, illness prevention and management of acute and chronic illness of older culturally diverse adults.

5. Integration of clinical evidence in the evaluation of therapeutic interventions related to health care of older culturally diverse adults with acute and chronic illnesses. a. Evidence based practice guidelines for older adults with acute and/or chronic illnesses b. Levels of evidence

6. Issues in the management of older culturally diverse adults with acute and chronic illnesses: social, economic, ethical, legal, and/or professional. a. Post traumatic stress disorder b. End of life decision making c. Palliative care d. Elder abuse e. Diverse clinical care settings f. Functional abilities g. Nutritional alterations 5 Revised 04-06-11 and posted fall of 2011 h. Mental status changes i. Caregiver role issues j. Iatrogenesis k. Other Contemporary Issues

d. List of course assignments, weighting of each assignment, and grading/evaluation system for determining a grade Evaluation Methods:

Grading Scale: 93-100 = A 85-92 = B 77-84 = C <76 = F

Quiz #1 6.6% Quiz #2 6.7% Quiz 3 6.7% Team Based Learning Exercises 60% Scholarly Paper 20% 100%

6 Revised 04-06-11 and posted fall of 2011

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