Commercial Aviation Safety Team

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Commercial Aviation Safety Team

Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) Master Plan

Mission Provide government and industry leadership to develop and focus implementation of an integrated, data driven strategy to improve commercial aviation safety.

Vision Achieve the highest levels of safety in the domestic and international commercial aviation system by focusing on the right things prioritized to result in the greatest improvement in commercial aviation safety.

Goal Reduce the commercial aviation fatal accident rate by 80% by 2007.

Strategic Approach CAST will manage and maintain an effective and responsive infrastructure. This infrastructure will ensure that CAST has the processes in place to provide consistent, effective leadership to the important task of improving commercial aviation safety.

To enable the data driven approach to safety, CAST will charter joint government and industry teams to analyze accidents and incidents in key safety areas, conduct causal analyses, and recommend intervention strategies.

To enable the implementation of the intervention strategies, CAST will charter joint government and industry teams to analyze, scope, and develop detailed implementation steps for the identified strategies. The teams will also develop metrics for tracking success of the strategies.

To promote international aviation community partnerships, CAST will work with the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Air Transport Organization (IATA), and other international organizations. CAST members will represent CAST work at international meetings and conferences.

CAST will maintain processes that supports its work activities:

1. CAST Charter...... Page 2 2. CAST Roles and Responsibilities...... …Page 5 3. CAST Schedule...... …...... Page 11 4. Joint Safety Analysis Team (JSAT) Charter (Example)...... …...... Page 12 5. Joint Safety Implementation Team (JSIT) Charter (Example)...…....Page 13

04/04/18 1 Charter Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST)


The White House Commission on Safety and Security set a goal of an 80% reduction in the fatal accident rate within 10 years and identified the need for strong government-industry partnerships to support the aviation system of the future. Additionally the White House Commission encouraged expanded cooperative efforts to enhance aviation safety. The National Civil Aviation Review Commission (NCARC) followed up with a strong recommendation that the FAA and industry work together to develop a comprehensive, integrated strategic safety plan to implement the many existing safety recommendations. The Commission recommended that performance measures and milestones be developed to assess progress in meeting the safety goal. Further, the Commission advocated periodically reviewing priorities and monitoring progress made in achieving the overall safety goal.

Original FAA, NASA and industry Commercial Aviation Safety Strategy Team (CASST) groups determined that each of their organizations had complementary ongoing work to enhance the safety of commercial aviation. Each group was using accident data to determine top safety focus areas. They intended to use the data to develop an understanding of the best actions or interventions to take to prevent future accidents before they occur. FAA and the industry CASST formed the Joint Safety Analysis Steering Committee (JSASC) as the organizational body that would work together in these aviation safety areas. The scope of the work was to collaborate on identifying the top safety areas through the analysis of past accident and incident data, charter joint teams of experts to develop methods to fully understand the chain of events leading to accidents, identify high-leverage interventions to address these safety areas, and remain focused on implementing these critical few high leverage interventions in the identified areas. The JSASC expanded their membership to include NASA, DOD, and the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) under the CAST umbrella. The CAST also determined that it would be in the best interests of the overall safety effort to include the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) in the CAST process.

GOAL Reduce the commercial aviation fatal accident rate by 80% by 2007.

STRATEGIC APPROACH PROCESS The CAST will maintain an infrastructure to insure a high level of commitment, collaboration, and responsibility with government and industry. A high level of coordination and communication will be maintained with the General Aviation Joint Steering Committee (JSC). The JSC performs similar work by setting the safety agenda and monitoring effectiveness for the General Aviation community.

04/04/18 2 CAST decision-making will be accomplished by consensus agreement. This means that CAST will work for consensus in their decision-making to the maximum extent possible. Although each member may not get exactly what he/she wants as an outcome, they can live with the group decision and will support the decision. A consensus decision is one that has been “hammered out” by the group; every member will walk away saying “I support our decision.”

TASKS The CAST will operate through well defined leadership among all team members. This leadership will ensure the generation of standard tasks and products, communication and advocacy of plans and interventions, and follow-through with adopted intervention strategies. The CAST will perform the following tasks:

Agree on top safety focus areas Charter Joint Safety Teams (JSATs, JSITs) Review and approve the recommendations of each JSAT Review, approve and monitor the implementation plan of each JSIT Identify need for Validation Team(s), as needed Charter Joint Implementation Management Team (JIMT) Monitor and refocus activity based on effectiveness of intervention(s)

PRODUCTS The CAST will initiate, approve, and insure delivery of the following products: 1. CAST Action Plan. 2. Annual Safety Agenda Conference. 3. Joint Safety Analysis Teams (JSAT) and charters. JSAT Reports and Recommendations for each accident category; these products will include in-depth causal analysis of the safety area, evaluation of the potential interventions, a set of proposed interventions that have the highest leveraged payoffs, recommended metrics by which the interventions could best be evaluated, and a summary of methodology used and lessons learned. 4. Joint Safety Implementation Team (JSIT) Reports and Recommendations; these products include implementation strategies, accountable parties, and metrics for CAST-approved interventions. 5. Validation Reports and Recommendations, as requested. 6. Approved JSIT implementation plans. 7. Ongoing assessment of effectiveness and updated plans based on effectiveness of strategies.

RESOURCES Resources will be provided by member organizations within reasonable budgetary constraints. Each CAST member is responsible for providing personal as well as organizational time, travel, and effort.

04/04/18 3 MEMBERSHIP CAST is led by two co-chairs, one selected from industry and one selected from government. Each co-chair will serve for a two year term. The terms of the co-chairs will be staggered.

The CAST is composed of the following member organizations: Aerospace Industries Association of America (AIA), Airbus, Airline Pilots Association (ALPA), Allied Pilots Association (APA), Air Transport Association (ATA), Boeing, Flight Safety Foundation (FSF), Pratt & Whitney (with General Electric as alternate), Regional Airline Association (RAA), Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Department of Defense (DOD), Transport Canada, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Association (IFALPA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)Aircraft Certification, FAA Flight Standards, FAA Office of Systems Safety, FAA Office of Research, FAA Air Traffic Operations.

Each member organization will identify one principal and one alternate representative to CAST. CAST representatives (principal and alternate) accept the responsibility to communicate and coordinate within their respective organizations or constituencies. CAST members should have sufficient authority to speak for and make commitments on behalf of their respective organization (following appropriate coordination).

Requests by other organizations seeking membership on CAST will be referred through the CAST co-chair for full CAST approval. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the National Air Carrier Association (NACA), the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA), the Air Transport Association Canada (ATAC), the Safety Authority Australia (CASA), and the National Business Aircraft Association (NBAA) are designated observer organizations. Observer organizations are encouraged to participate fully in all CAST discussions and deliberations.

NUMBER AND FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS Meetings will be held no less than six times each year. Meetings may be held more frequently as activity warrants. Meetings will be held jointly with the General Aviation JSC, as needed.

EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION The CAST is formally established effective June 23, 1998. The CAST membership will validate the continuing need for team activities every two years.

04/04/18 4 CAST Roles, Responsibilities, and Operating Agreements


CAST will select/elect co-chairs, one industry and one government. The co-chairs will:

1. Co-chair/manage CAST meetings.

2. Establish meeting agenda.

3. Keep focus on high priority items. Ensure agenda meets criteria to improve safety.

4. Provide leadership for ongoing products and accomplishments.

5. Identify and manage the required administrative support.

6. Promote consensus among the group members.

Executive Secretariat

The CAST will approve an Executive Secretariat that will support the co-chairs by providing administrative support to the CAST. The Executive Secretariat will:

1. Coordinate meeting logistics with meeting host.

2. Ensure meeting agenda/documentation and summaries are provided to members no later than one week prior to and one week after each meeting.

3. Ensure meeting summaries, notices, and related documents are posted on CAST web site.

4. Control assignment and administration of CAST web site access.

5. Track and facilitate action items and report status to co-chairs.


04/04/18 5 Each CAST member will designate an alternate representative. If designated representation changes, replacements must be submitted to the CAST for review and approval. (Other individuals/observers may attend meetings in the capacity of reporting or discussing on CAST actions, or as part of providing direct administrative support to CAST members.) CAST members will:

1. Come to meeting prepared, having reviewed pre-meeting materials and ready to engage and make decisions.

2. Complete assigned tasks.

3. Maintain communication and linkage with parent organization.

4. Deliberate and raise issues.

5. Actively support CAST decisions and enlist parent organization support.

6. Agree only to actions that will be supported by the parent organization.

7. Be prepared to commit personal time and energy to CAST priorities.

8. Be prepared to commit time and resources of parent organization.

9. Share respective parent organization inputs with other members.

10. Ensure duplication of effort is minimized or eliminated.

11. Use the approved CAST presentation to represent CAST objectives or products to external organizations.

12. Stay focused on CAST goals and objectives

13. Recognize and monitor the actions of each subgroup.


Observers will be identified by the CAST. They provide broad and varying perspectives that will enhance the quality and effectiveness of CAST actions. Observers will:

1. Participate in CAST discussions and deliberations.

2. Participate on CAST-chartered teams and subteams.

04/04/18 6 3. Maintain communication and linkage with parent organization.

4. Share respective parent organization inputs with CAST.

Joint Safety Analysis Team(s)

JSATs will be jointly chaired by at least one person selected from industry and one person selected from government. Activities will be conducted in accord with the Charter. Team membership will be determined by recommendations made by CAST membership and team co-chairs. JSATs will:

1. Follow tasks, priorities, and timeframes as assigned by CAST.

2. Draft action plans to determine intervention strategies and milestones for CAST approval.

3. Conduct detailed accident/incident analysis.

4. Provide periodic status reports to CAST as directed by CAST members.

5. Conduct team activity using the process outlined in the JSAT Process Report.

6. Develop reports to CAST providing accident/incident analysis, possible intervention strategies, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of each strategy, an recommended metrics.

7. Refocus JSAT process as CAST members determine, e.g., analyze real flight and operational data in addition to accident/incident data.

8. Make provisions for an independent peer technical review.

Joint Safety Implementation Team(s)

Joint Safety Implementation Teams (JSITs) will be chartered by CAST to accomplish CAST-approved intervention strategies. Activities will be conducted in accord with the Charter. Membership will be determined by CAST. JSITs will:

1. Scope and develop implementation strategies; bring back to CAST for approval.

2. Develop Action Plans for implementation strategies.

3. Comply with assignment and objectives outlined in charter.

4. Coordinate implementation of CAST-adopted strategies with responsible organizations.

04/04/18 7 5. Identify to the JIMT the problems each intervention strategy is intended to address.

6. Identify lead organization for overall project coordination (LOOPC) for each intervention project.

7. Identify lead organization for output completion (LOOC) for each output in every intervention.

8. Report to CAST on progress of all JSIT activities.

Lead Organization for Overall Project Coordination

The Lead Organization for Overall Project Coordination (LOOPC) is identified by the JSIT and is responsible to:

1. Ensure that detailed plans are in place to achieve the project outputs.

2. Oversee the completion of necessary outputs, e.g., critical path elements, progress against plan.

3. Identify and communicate resource needs to CAST.

4. Conduct program status checks at predetermined milestones to verify performance against plan and completion of tasks.

5. Report to the JIMT the progress against the plan and the completion of tasks.

Lead Organization for Output Completion

The Lead Organization for Output Completion (LOOC) is responsible to:

1. Develop and implement detailed plans for accomplishment of that output.

2. Identify and communicate resource needs to the LOOPC.

3. Identify any current activities that could affect the project or require coordination.

4. Report to the LOOPC the progress against the plan and the completion of tasks.

Joint Implementation Management Team

04/04/18 8 Joint Implementation Management Team (JIMT) will be chartered by CAST to monitor the progress of all adopted interventions. JIMT will:

1. Develop and track performance measures using Level of Plan Compliance, Predicted Effectiveness, and Risk Management indicators for each project.

2. Receive input on progress against plan and completion of tasks from the LOOPC.

3. Determine progress in meeting major milestones and effectiveness of interventions.

4. Report to CAST at every meeting on status of all tracking and monitoring activities.

Validation Team(s)

CAST or JSATs and JSITs can request that a validation team be established to address a specific concern, as needed. Validation team members will be determined by the CAST. If chartered, validation teams will:

1. Conduct assessment of the process, analysis, and recommendations of JSAT and JSIT.

2. Provide report and feedback to JSAT or JSIT and CAST on the validation results.

3. Comply with assignment and objectives outlined in the validation team charter.

JSAT Technical Review

Prior to submittal of the JSAT report to a CAST, a technical review shall be conducted to ensure the report is understandable, has a technically cohesive and logical flow and is consistent in the use of technical terminology. The Technical Review Team need not duplicate all the disciplines contained on the JSAT Team, but should be comprised of individuals with experience in technical report writing and a general knowledge of the subject material. The JSAT Team leadership shall include the selection of the Technical Review Team members and scheduling of a technical review in their project planning.

The Technical Review Team is not tasked with a review of the CAST JSAT process, as this is the function of a validation team, but rather a technical quality check of the JSAT draft final report.

04/04/18 9 Commercial (CAST) Schedule

Accident Category CY 1999 CY 2000 CY 2001

Uncontained Engine Failure


Approach & Landing

Runway Incursions



Loss of Control JSAT Analysis JSIT Process Interventions * PROPOSED SCHEDULE

04/04/18 10 Generic Joint Safety Analysis Team (JSAT) Charter

I. Purpose: To review and analyze data and identify potential intervention strategies in order to enhance commercial aviation safety.

II. Background: Government and industry have agreed to work together, to identify and implement a data driven, benefit focused, safety enhancement program designed to continuously improve our safe commercial aviation system. To this end the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) was formed. The CAST has further agreed that cooperatively and selectively pursuing the critical few high leveraged safety intervention strategies will maximize the safety benefit to the flying public through a focused application of industry and government resources. To achieve this goal, the CAST has agreed to charter a working group, Joint Safety Analysis Team (JSAT).

III. Task: A. The team shall use the process defined in the JSAT Process Report to identify and document potential intervention strategies and an evaluation of the effectiveness of each strategy. The team shall define its assumptions based on the amount and extent of data considered (fleet size, time frame, accidents, incidents, safety trends, etc.).

B. The team shall acquire available data, including prior studies and analyses.

C. The process shall include a technical review as defined in the JSAT Process Report. Results of the technical review will be presented to the JSAT for consideration prior to final report submittal to CAST.

IV. Products: The deliverables include reports to the CAST providing a summary of data analysis, possible intervention strategies, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of each strategy.

V. Membership: The team will include representatives with the appropriate technical or operational background provided by industry and government.

VI. Resources: The participating organizations agree to provide the financial, logistic and personnel resources to carry out this charter.

04/04/18 11 Generic

Charter for Joint Safety Implementation Team (JSIT)

I. Purpose. To develop implementation strategies and action plans and after approval by the CAST, coordinate the implementation of the strategies and plans.

II. Background. Industry and government, through CAST, have jointly agreed to pursue a data driven approach to identify high priority safety initiatives. Industry and government have further agreed that cooperatively and selectively pursuing implementation of the high leveraged safety intervention strategies will maximize safety benefit. Implementation of some intervention strategies may require action may be international in scope.

III. Task. A. Intervention strategies identified by JSAT will be analyzed by the JSIT for the purpose of determining implementation feasibility and overall effectiveness, and identification of prospective intervention strategies for implementation. B. The JSIT will present the prospective interventions identified for implementation to CAST for review and approval. Rationale for how all JSAT intervention strategies were dispensed will be included in the plan report. C. For those CAST approved interventions identified for implementation, develop an implementation plan and associated metrics to track progress. D. The implementation plan will contain implementation strategies, identification of responsible parties, metrics for tracking success of the strategies and a list of major implementation milestones and a means to monitor success in meeting these milestones. The metrics will be a combination of output (e.g. develop a checklist by “X” date) and results oriented information (e.g. achieve a “X” percent reduction in un-contained engine failures). The implementation plan should include a communications strategy aimed at gaining “stakeholder” buy-in. E. For implementation strategies which are international in scope, the JSIT implementation plan should consider how best to utilize the assistance of ICAO, IATA, FSF, IFALPA, or other international organizations and appropriate international certificating authorities. F. The JSIT will present this detailed implementation plan to CAST for review and approval. G. As directed by CAST, the JSIT will make periodic progress reports on implementation status to CAST.

IV. Products. The deliverables include reports to CAST on an initial implementation plan, a detailed implementation plan, and progress reports to CAST documenting progress on implementation and on established metrics.

04/04/18 12 IV. Membership. JSIT team membership will include “senior” representatives from those stakeholders who will be affected by the intervention strategies and those who may be responsible for implementation of those strategies.

V. Resources. CAST participating organizations agree to provide appropriate financial, logistical and personnel resources necessary to carry out this charter and approved implementation strategies.

04/04/18 13

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