FourFour GoodGood WaysWays toto BuildBuild DrawersDrawers Our staff offers simple, strong and fast ways to make this important furniture component. n woodworking magazines, books and plans a method of drawer-making. To remedy this prob- there’s almost always an omission that’s big lem, we’ve come up with four good techniques for Ienough to drive a truck through: How to build building drawers that our editors have refined after the drawers for the project. years of shop work. Usually the woodworking author (always well-in- Each method has its pros and cons. But based tended, I can assure you) writes instructions such as: on your skill level and your particular set of tools, “Build the drawers using your method of choice.” there is likely something here you can use for your Well that’s all well and good unless you’re like a woodworking. Before we discuss the differences of lot of woodworkers who have never actually chosen each method, here are the similarities. By Christopher Schwarz & David Thiel Comments or questions? Contact Christopher at 513-531-2690 ext. 1407 or
[email protected]. Contact David at ext. 1255 or
[email protected] ParrishAl by Photo Drawer Basics Hand-cut Dovetails SLIDING DOVETAIL DRAWERS When designing a drawer and This is the traditional, and many Sliding dovetails aren’t just for building coming up with a cutting list, here would argue, the strongest way bookcases. This technique works are some rules we follow. to make a drawer. Traditional extremely well for constructing In general, the drawer front drawers have through-dovetails drawers that will be mounted should be 3⁄4" thick – unless it’s a at the back of the box and half- with mechanical drawer slides.