Connecting to Our

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Connecting to Our

N E W S L E T T E R --March 2012

Connecting to Our Message From the Community: Senior Warden A Lenten Commitment By Garry Holmstrom As you know from our Annual We have gifts that differ according to the grace given Parish Meeting, again we have a to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in very strong Vestry this year, both individually and as ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in a team. One of the things the Vestry will put a lot of exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in effort into during the next few months is the diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness. development of a Strategic Plan to address the near Romans 12:6-8 term and longer term financial health of our Parish. David has carefully articulated the demands and Ah, Paul, the Apostle, he was not always right, but resources to maintain our infrastructure, operations. he was always passionate. He was not always This effects our ability to meet our missions of outreach and ministry to this community and beyond. trying to apply the advice to one Christian With this in mind, we formed a strategic study group community, to all Christian communities. But that will take a hard look at what we must do now and because of his importance to the formation of in the near future to improve our financial state. I ask Christian communities in general, and his that each of you talk with our Vestry members and ask effectiveness in planting Christian Communities, questions as well as provide ideas. One initiative that the Church should always pay careful attention to already exists and will receive increased emphasis is what Paul says, thinks, and endorses. Planned Giving. Bob Ziegler has stepped up to the plate to help us reinvigorate this program. More to In his letter to the Romans, Paul talks a great deal follow on this important topic that can help you and about the Christian project: its structures, its SMC through estate planning. Addressing the near thinking, its beliefs, its practices. The quote above term issues has just begun, but will concentrate on is one of my favorites. In it Paul lets his readers how we preserve our dwindling endowment that has know that no two Christians are alike, nor do all sustained us during the past few decades. Now is the Christians share all the gifts that God has given. time to reverse the withdrawals and meet expenses Some have the gift of prophecy, some have the gift within our pledge and plate income. of ministry, some have the gift of teaching, and that In summary - much will be undertaken this is far enough to go on this list, because teaching is year to grow our parish. Two things you can do right the point of this letter. now to help are: 1) Submit your pledge if you have not done so at this point. We still have many folks Paul respected teaching and thought it important who have not yet responded. 2) Bring a new family or enough as a gift to the Christian community and its friend to SMC as they search for a parish. That will vitality to place it third among the gifts of the help them and SMC. community. It ranks ahead of exhorter, a large part Thanks for your continual dedication to our of my Sunday job, the giver, the leader, and more. extraordinary gift we each inherited and are called to Continued on page 2 1 preserve - St Michael’s, Bristol, RI. It was important to Paul. It should be important to us. There you have it. Teaching is important, and Treasurer’s Two Cents teaching happens in many ways. In fact, there is a building body of evidence that suggests the best by Matthew Kirchner kind of teaching occurs in the apprenticeship model where the student comes along side the teacher and Many of you have heard from David learns not just from books and lectures, but also or seen the recent article in the Providence Journal from doing. An interesting idea for Christian that The Episcopal Cathedral of St. John, the communities today, as we contemplate ways to Diocese of Rhode Island’s fourth oldest church will form new Christians, including our children. no longer conduct worship services after April 22.

St. Michael’s has made a commitment to Paul’s Not sure what more needs to be said right model through the Reaching-Out Committee this now - we have discussed the specifics of our recent year. One of the beneficiaries of the grants made to steps towards sustaining the St. Michael’s the community during this past year was Bristol community. Our next couple years will require Warren Education Foundation, a local action more courage, involvement, and cooperation to group advocating and supporting quality education ensure a fate preferable to the outcome cited above. in the Bristol Warren School District. One way they did this during the past two years is their support of the stringed instrument program at the JANUARY SCOREBOARD schools. I know that program because Gee, my nine year-old daughter participated. Of course this is not January’s net income/loss ended with a $2,680 education as we often think of it, but music enriches loss, and it is important to note that without our our lives, and should be taught for its own sake, and (unsustainable) endowment draws the month music education offers the ancillary benefit of would have ended up $11,297 in the red. helping students perform better in traditionally academic areas as well. This is only one example of the BWEF’s work. The foundation has done so much more to support our schools in their efforts to “The Campaign to Preserve advance the quality of our children’s lives. Our Future” Total Amount Pledged to date: $297,882 On Sunday morning March 11 at the 10:00am Total Number of Pledges received: 79 service Jock Hayes, Chairperson of the BWEF Pledge forms are available at the back of the church and if you will be with us for a question and answer interview have any questions please feel free to ask any vestry member or campaign committee member. at the announcements and to answer your questions at the coffee hour. Teaching and Education have been an important aspect of Church life since the “Vestry Meetings Open founding of Christian communities, coming down to us even in the number of Universities, Colleges, to Parish” Did you know Vestry Meetings are open to the Parish? and Secondary schools established by Christian They are and you should come. See how and what we discuss and communities. This tradition helps promote the do. If you have something you would like to bring to our attention quality of our community, not just in economic or suggest to the Vestry, you are more than welcome to attend. If you are interested in participating sometime in the future in the terms, but also in terms of civil discourse, improved governance of St. Michael’s, please come and join us. neighborliness, and in developing a common The Vestry meets once a month usually on the 3rd language of commitment to life together. Add this Tuesday. Here are the scheduled meeting dates for the next three months; all meetings are at 7pm in the Tildesley Building. commitment to your consideration of the Lenten discipline of renewing community through Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Tuesday, April 17, participation in its common life. Find out how to 2012 Tuesday, May 22, 2012 get involved. Additionally, the Finance Committee usually meets the Monday evening before the Vestry at 6:30pm in the Tildesley Bldg. You are 2 welcome to join us then as well. just like being on the racetrack—it isn’t simply about going fast. And, applying the rules of racing to his world, Enzo takes on his family’s challenges and emerges a hero. In the end, Enzo holds in his heart the dream that Denny will go on to be a racing champion with his daughter by his side. For theirs is an extraordinary friendship—one that reminds us all to celebrate the triumph of the human (and canine) spirit.

If you wish additional information about our group, please contact: Cathi Esselen 401-523-1379 or Jennifer DeWolf 401-245-0533.

Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead by one hour before retiring on Saturday evening, March 10.

Growth and Development News The Parish Growth meeting with Peter Saros was another great success to understanding what SMC The St. offers to our community, our Michael’s new members and growing number of visitors seeking a Book Group welcoming, committed Parish. The book group will meet Monday, March 19, 2012 at 7 p.m. at the home of The Events Committee The Events Committee - Cathi Esselen, 23 Summer Street, Bristol, RI. This The Events committee will meet on March 4 in the month the group will be discussing The Art of Ivy or Triple room after the 10 o’clock service Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. Please join us for coffee hour (11:20 a.m.). We will be planning the discussion and fellowship. If attending please let receptions for the Adult Choir Evensong on March Cathi know as light snacks are provided. Email: 18th and the larger 9th Annual Rhode Island RSCM [email protected]/Cell: 401-523-1379. Evensong on April 29th. Please make every effort to attend as we want to finalize our preparations. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. Questions please contact Cathi Esselen Have you ever wondered what your dog is ([email protected] or cell: 401-523-1379). thinking? Meet one funny dog—Enzo, the lovable mutt who tells this story. Enzo knows he is different from other dogs: most dogs love to chase cars, but Enzo longs to race them. He learns about racing and the world around him by watching TV and by listening to the words of his best friend, Denny, an up-and-coming race car driver, and his daughter, ZoË, his constant companion. Enzo finds that life is

3 Mid-Lent Evensong Sunday, March 18, 2012 5:00pm Refresh your spirit this Lenten season with sung Evening Prayer in the English tradition.

- Sung by the St. Michael’s Parish Choir and the St. Michael’s Choristers. - The service begins at 5:00 p.m. A reception will follow. - Music by Mendelssohn, Dyson, Webster, Buxtehude and Bach.

St. Michael’s Prepares to Host 9th Annual Rhode Island RSCM Evensong!

Mark your calendars! St. Michael’s has been selected to host this year’s annual statewide RSCM Evensong on Sunday, April 29 at 5 p.m. A gathering of around 50 young singers from Royal School of Church Music programs from around the state, this is Rhode Island’s largest annual event for youth. It is both a wonderful opportunity for our young musicians and an honor for St. Michael’s to be selected as this year’s host. We have lots of work to do to prepare for our guests. In addition to preparing a reception for 250 people, we also need help with set-up, break-down, and hospitality. If you are interested in helping out with this important and prestigious annual event, please contact Cathi Esselen at [email protected] or 523-1379.

4 5 If your name is not listed and you would like it to be, please contact the church office and give us the appropriate date, either wedding anniversary or birthday.

6 Birthdays Anniversaries Goodwin Anderson 03/18 Christine Medeiros 03/02 Patricia Robinson0 3/19 Jonnie and Sandra Greer 03/01 Gail Storms 03/03 Madeline Nash 03/20 Kenneth and Marcia Robitaille 03/20 Sylvia Bray 03/04 Manuel Vargas 03/22 Mary and Robert Bush 03/23 Stephen Scolamiero 03/04 Eunice Hanson 03/23 Adisa Samuel 03/05 Joanne Teixeira 03/23 Ryan Butler 03/05 Stephen Knapman 03/23 Clinton Pearson 03/06 Enzly Ramsay 03/24 Isoke Samuel 03/06 Marcia Robitaille 03/25 Elijah Ramsay 03/06 John Barker 03/26 Candace Turner 03/07 Thomas Santolupo 03/26 Olivia Bennett 03/08 Laura Butler 03/29 Waylon Whitley 03/09 Nathaniel Pfeiffer03/29 Jason Birch 03/10 Nicholas Nadalin 03/29 Shannon Scallin 03/12 Julia Husnander 03/29 Andwele Samuel 03/13 Nancy Grandgeorge 03/31 Kenneth Robitaille 03/14 Sean Giles 03/31 Eldred Jones 03/16 Robert Curran 03/18

Save the dates for Convocation 2012: Feeding the Hungry

Friday, March 9, 2012, 6:00 pm St. Luke’s, East Greenwich Holy Eucharist followed by a community supper.

Saturday, March 10, 2012, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm – Providence Marriott, One Orms Street Providence RI Feeding the spirit and body through worship, fellowship, and formation. This is an opportunity to worship together in creative and nourishing ways, hear an inspirational keynote address by Sara Miles, and attend workshops to deepen our engagement. Workshop topics include: “A foretaste of the Heavenly Kingdom: Transcendent Worship,” “Radical Kingdom Hospitality,” “Ministry that feeds bodies and strengthens the Body of Christ,” and “The Kids are Hungry: Nourishing the spiritual lives of young people.” Check for more information and to find registration details, and be sure to mark your calendars so that you can join your brothers and sisters across our Diocese for this important event! Sara Miles is the founder and director of The Food Pantry ( and Director of Ministry at St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church in San Francisco ( She is the author of Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion, and Jesus Freak: Feeding Healing Raising the Dead.

Please note these dates on your calendar. 7 More detailed information will follow.

Sunday, April 15 Blood Drive

Saturday, April 28 Sine Nomine Concert

Sunday, April 29 RI 9th Annual Youth Evensong

Palm Sunday- April 1 Services at 8am and 10am

Maundy Thursday- April 5 Service at 7pm

Good Friday - April 6 Service at Noon

Holy Saturday Liturgy-April 7 Service at 9am

Great Vigil of Easter - April 7 Service at 8pm

Easter - April 8 Services at 8am and 10am

8 January – April 2012 10am Sunday School Schedule

Date 1/1/2012 1/8/2012 1/15/2012 1/22/2012 1/29/2012 2/5/2012 2/12/2012 2/19/2012 Transfiguration 2nd Sunday after 3rd Sunday after 4th Sunday after 5th Sunday after 6th Sunday after Description/ New Year's Day, Baptism of the Sunday (last the Epiphany, the Epiphany, the Epiphany, the Epiphany, the Epiphany, Lectionary Year B Lord, Year B Sunday before Year B Year B Year B Year B Year B Lent), Year B

Mark 1:14-20; Sunday School John 1:43-51; Jesus Announces Mark 1: 21-28; Mark 1:40-45; Mark 1:4-11: The Curriculum/Gospel Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus Calls Phillip the Good News and Jesus Drives Out Mark 1: 29-39 Jesus Heals a Man Mark 9:2-9 Baptism by John Reading and Nathanael Calls his First an Impure Spirit with Leprosy Disciples

No Sunday School - No Sunday School - No Sunday School - 10am Teachers First Sunday of the Bill Grandgeorge First Sunday of the President's Day Month Month

Date 2/26/2012 3/4/2012 3/11/2012 3/18/2012 3/25/2012 4/1/2012 4/8/2012 4/15/2011

1st Sunday of 2nd Sunday of 3rd Sunday of 4th Sunday of 5th Sunday of Palm Sunday 2nd Sunday of Description Lent, Year B Lent, Year B Lent, Year B Lent, Year B Lent, Year B Easter, Year B Easter, Year B

Mark 1:9-15; The John 2:13-22; John 3:14-21; For John 12:20-33; Mark 14:1-15:47 or John 20:19-31; Sunday School Mark 8:31-38 or John 20:1-18 or Baptism and Jesus Clears the God So Loved the Jesus Predicts his Mark 15:1-39 (40- Jesus Appears to Curriculum Reading Mark 9:2-9 Mark 16:1-8 Testing of Jesus Temple Courts World Death 47) his Disciples

No Sunday School - No Sunday School - Easter - No Sunday 10am Teachers First Sunday of the First Sunday of the School Month Month

St. Michael’s Sunday School for all ages. Sundays -Two Groups 9am (every Sunday) 10am (every Sunday except 1st Sunday of the month). Child Care is available at 9:45 am for younger children Please come and join us! Sunday School schedule is above

9 10 11 ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH CALENDAR Please place on your refrigerator.

MARCH 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist 6:00 PM Scouts 7:30 PM Alanon Meeting 7:00 AM Holy Eucharist 5:00 PM Episcopal Charities 4:00 PM Angel Choir 7:30 PM NA Meeting 9:00 AM Sunday School 6:00 PM Tai Chi 6:00 PM Parish Training Session Rehearsal 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist 8:00 PM AA Meeting Development Group Bible 5:30 PM Scout Meeting 4:45 PM RSCM Choir 10:00 AM Sunday School Study 6:30 PM Yoga Rehearsal 11:30 AM Welcome/Greeter Mtg. 7:00 PM Parish Choir 7:00 PM Alanon Meeting Rehearsal 7:30 PM AA Meeting 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist 6:00 PM Tai Chi 11:00 AM Holy Eucharist- 7:00 AM Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM Scout Meeting 4:00 PM Angel Choir 7:30 PM NA Meeting 9:00 AM Sunday School 8:00 PM AA Meeting Silver Creek NH 6:00 PM Parish 6:30 PM Yoga Rehearsal 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist 6:00 PM Fellowship Mtg. Development Group Bible 4:45 PM RSCM Choir 11:20 AM Events Committee Mtg. 7:30 PM Alanon Meeting Study Rehearsal 6:00 PM Parenting Support Group Supper 7:00 PM Parish Choir 7:00 PM Alanon Meeting Rehearsal 7:30 PM AA Meeting 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 6:00 PM Scout Meeting 6:00 PM Habitat for 7:00 AM Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM Scout Meeting 4:00 PM Angel Choir 6:00 PM Tai Chi Humanity Mtg. 6:00 PM Parish 6:30 PM Yoga Rehearsal 8:00 PM AA Meeting 7:30 PM Alanon Meeting Development Group Bible 4:30 PM Scout Mtg. Study 4:45 PM RSCM Choir 6:00 PM St. Patrick's Day 7:00 PM Parish Choir Rehearsal Rehearsal Dinner 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist 7:15 PM BGN Board Mtg. 7:30 PM NA Meeting 9:00 AM Sunday School 7:30 PM AA Meeting 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist 10:00 AM Sunday School 7:00 PM Alanon Meeting 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist 6:00 PM Tai Chi 7:00 PM Book Group 7:00 AM Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM Scout Meeting WINGS DEADLINE 7:30 PM NA Meeting 9:00 AM Sunday School 6:30 PM Finance Committee 7:00 PM Vestry Meeting 6:00 PM Parish 6:30 PM Yoga 4:00 PM Angel Choir 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist Meeting 7:30 PM Alanon Meeting Development Group Bible Rehearsal 10:00 AM Sunday School 8:00 PM AA Meeting Study 4:45 PM RSCM Choir 5:00 PM Lenten Evensong 7:00 PM Parish Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Alanon Meeting Rehearsal 7:30 PM AA Meeting 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist 6:00 PM Scout Mtg. 7:30 PM Alanon Meeting 7:00 AM Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM Scout Meeting 4:00 PM Angel Choir 7:30 PM NA Meeting 9:00 AM Sunday School 6:00 PM Tai Chi 6:00 PM Parish 6:30 PM Yoga Rehearsal 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist 8:00 PM AA Meeting Development Group Bible 4:45 PM RSCM Choir 10:00 AM Sunday School Study Rehearsal 7:00 PM Alanon Meeting 7:00 PM Parish Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM AA Meeting

12 13 After 5 Days Return to Telephone:(401)253-7717 Fax: (401) 253-7785 St. Michael's Church Email:[email protected] P.O. Box 414 399 Hope St. Bristol, RI 02809-0414 Change Service Request

Time Dated Material -- Please Do Not Delay

Office Hours: M-F 8:30am - 4:30pm

Worship Services: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist -Wednesday: 7:00 a.m.

If you do not wish to receive this newsletter or if you March 4, Sunday 2:00pm are receiving it by mistake, please call the church office St. Elizabeth’s Manor, Bristol or e-mail a note to us at [email protected] Celebrant: The Rev. Mark DeWolf with the name and address to be removed and we will make the correction. March 6, Tuesday 11:00am You can also receive this newsletter via email. Just Silver Creek Nursing Home, Bristol email us your address and we will send it to you. This Celebrant: The Rev. David J. Lucey newsletter is also available on the website. Thank you.

HOSPITAL VISITATION Please let the church office know (401-253-7717) if you or someone in your family is in the hospital so that we may extend Pastoral Care. With government regulations, Health Information Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA), if a hospitalized person does not choose to be listed in the hospital directory, one would not know about his/her being in the hospital.


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