Invasive Aquatic Plant Screening Survey

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Invasive Aquatic Plant Screening Survey

INVASIVE AQUATIC PLANT SCREENING SURVEY DOCUMENTATION FORM (5/1/2016) Please complete a separate documentation form for each distinct survey: each waterbody surveyed, or each different survey level conducted on a single waterbody. Submit a copy of each completed form by Nov. 15, 2016 to VLMP 24 Maple Hill Rd. Auburn ME 04210.

Section 1: General Information Survey Map Attached? (circle one) Y N


MIDAS # ______Date/s______On-Water Survey Hrs_____ X # surveyors ______= Total Hrs_____ Sector/s Location ______Infestation Surveillance  Lead Surveyor______IPP Training: Y / N Cert #______Plant ID Proficiency Cert: Y / N Phone #______Email ______Regional Affiliation ______Name of Lake Team ______For Multi-Year Surveys: YEAR _____OF_____ Surveyor Type (check one) IPP Volunteer___ Agency___ Research/Ed Inst.___ Professional___ Other (explain) ______Additional Surveyor # 1______Cert #______IPP Training: Y / N Additional Surveyor # 2______Cert #______IPP Training: Y / N Additional Surveyor # 3______Cert #______IPP Training: Y / N

Check all that apply unless otherwise indicated Survey Level Screening Methods Relative Water Level (check one) check one check one VISUAL METHODS GRAB SAMPLE METHODS  Above  Limited  Random Points  Random Points  Normal High  Level 1  By Sector  Plot Points  Target Points  Below  Level 2  Entire  Transects  Plot Points Maximum Observed Plant Depth  Level 3  Complete Coverage (Circle Units) Invasive Plant/s Targeted  Complete List - all 11 invaders on section 2 table below ______Meters / Feet  Partial List - Use codes from Sec. 2 to list specific targets ______

Additional Survey Goals Grab Sample Tool Water Clarity  Inventory of dominant native plants by sector  Long Handled Implement  Excellent  Fair  Inventory of dominant native plants by waterbody  Weed Weasel (double rake on line)  Complete inventory of native plants including rare/endangered species  Hand  Good  Poor Light Conditions Surface Conditions Plant Conditions Viewing Methods  Flat (glass-like)  Pre-Mature  4” Diameter Tube Scope  Facemask or equivalent  Bright (distinct shadows)  Ripples  Early Decay  6” Diameter Tube Scope  Polarized Lenses  Cloudy Bright  Wavelets (no whitecaps) or equivalent   Overcast  Mature  Bucket Scope Naked Eye  Scattered Whitecaps  Advanced Decay  Trunk Scope or equivalent  Other ______

Section 2: Invasive Aquatic Plant Screening Survey Suspected IAP observed: Y___ N___(Continue this section only if YES)

Suspicious Plant Submitted for ID: Y___ N___ To: VLMP___ DEP___ Other (explain) ______Date:______

Brazilian Elodea (BE) Curly-Leaf Pondweed (CP) Eurasian Watermilfoil (EM) European Frogbit (EF) European Naiad (EN) Fanwort (F) Parrot Feather (PF) Yellow Floating Heart (YH) Variable Leaf Watermilfoil (VM) [VMh for hybrid] Water Chestnut (WC) Hydrilla (H)

IAP CODE Sector / Location GPS Lat/Long Buoy Code NOTES

Forms available on-line at Section 3: Native Plant Inventory For inventory:  = presence; D = dominant; U = uncommon Sector Sector Common Native Plant Checklist * Common Native Plant Checklist (con’t) aquatic moss spp. Potamogeton oakesianus Oakes pondweed freshwater sponge spp. Potamogeton perfoliatus clasping-leaf pondweed Metaphyton (colonial algae “clouds”) Potamogeton pusillus slender pondweed Bidens beckii water marigold Potamogeton pusilloid spp. small pondweed Brasenia schreberi watershield Potamogeton robbinsii fern pondweed Callitriche spp. water starworts Potamogeton spirillus spiral-fruited pondweed Ceratophyllum demersum coontail Potamogeton zosteriformis flat-stem pondweed Chara spp. muskgrass Potamogeton spp. pondweed spp. Dulichium arundinaceum three-way sedge Ranunculus spp. water buttercups Elatine minima small waterwort Sagittaria graminea grass-leaved arrowhead Eleocharis acicularis needle spikerush Sagittaria latifolia common arrowhead Eleocharis robbinsii Robbin’s spikerush Sagittaria spp. arrowhead spp. Elodea canadensis common waterweed Sparganium angustifolium narrow floating-leaf bur-reed Elodea nutallii slender (Nutall's) waterweed Sparganium fluctuans floating leaf bur-reed Eriocaulon aquaticum pipewort Sparganium spp. bur-reed spp. (emergent) Gratiola aurea golden pert Spirodela polyrhiza giant duckweed Isoetes spp. quillwort spp. Typha latifolia common cattail Juncus militaris bayonet rush Typha spp cattail spp. Juncus pelocarpus brown fruited rush Utricularia gibba humped bladderwort Lemna minor common duckweed Utricularia intermedia northern bladderwort Lobelia dortmanna water lobelia Utricularia macrorhiza common bladderwort Myriophyllum alterniflorum alternate-flowered water-milfoil Utricularia minor lesser bladderwort Myriophyllum farwellii Farwell’s water-milfoil Utricularia purpurea large purple bladderwort Myriophyllum humile low water-milfoil Utricularia radiata floating bladderwort Myriophyllum sibericum northern water-milfoil Utricularia spp. bladderwort spp. Myriophyllum tenellum dwarf water-milfoil Vallisneria americana wild celery (eel grass) Myriophyllum verticillatum whorled water-milfoil Myriophyllum spp. water-milfoil spp. Najas flexilis slender naiad Najas gracillima thread-like naiad Nitella spp. stonewort spp. Nuphar variegata spatterdock Nymphaea odorata fragrant water lily Nymphoides cordata little floating heart Pontederia cordata pickerel weed Potamogeton amplifolius large-leaf pondweed Potamogeton berchtoldii Berchtold’s slender pondweed Potamogeton epihydrus ribbon-leaf pondweed Potamogeton gemmiparus budding slender pondweed Potamogeton gramineus variable pondweed Potamogeton natans floating-leaf pondweed


*The form listing plants by common name is available at Section 4: Observed Species of Concern

SPECIES Sector / Location GPS Waypoint Buoy Code NOTES

EXAMPLE SPECIES OF CONCERN: purple loosestrife, Chinese mystery snail, gleotrichia, didymo

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