Teaching & Learning Cooperative

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Teaching & Learning Cooperative

Instructions: Before you begin completing this form, SAVE it to your computer. All completed forms should be sent to the Professional Development Advisory Board via email c/o Lynnette Turner at [email protected] . Should you have any questions, please call 748-0010 (ext. 2267).

PLEASE BE ADVISED that all TLC proposals, and the work/activities proposed therein, must strictly adhere to the statutory requirements of the California Education Code and the policies and procedures set forth by the School Board of the Poway Unified School District.

Teaching and Learning Cooperative Proposal

Title of Proposal: Interactive White Board Use for Tierra Bonita Teachers TLC points requested: 10 (A 10 point TLC is a minimum of 40 hours with at least half of the hours outside the contract day. A 20 point TLC is a minimum of 80 hours with at least half of the hours outside the contract day.) Proposal Submission Date: November 23, 2009

Proposal Description (2-3 sentences for promoting to prospective participants): Teachers at Tierra Bonita will become familiar with Promethean’s ActivInspire software, Promethean resources, and learn to make flipcharts to enhance student learning. Participants will complete Promethean Planet on-line tutorials, work together and independently to create flipcharts, and meet as a collaborative group to discuss their learning and assist one another in becoming effective users of ActivInspire to improve their instruction.

Proposal Category(ies): (double-click in box for all that apply)

Advanced Placement Differentiation Science Assessment English Language Arts Social Science AVID English Language Learners Special Education Business Facilitation Speech & Language Classroom Management and Math Technology & Applied Professional Skills PE/Health/ENS Academics Consumer & Family Reading Visual & Performing Arts Curriculum Mapping Response to Intervention World Language Curriculum Development Writing

Intended Audience or Participant list: Tierra Bonita teachers This proposal is limited to a maximum of 15 Tierra Bonita Teacher participants. TLC Implementation Start Date: 12/03/09 TLC Implementation End Date: 05/31/10 (No hours may be counted for any TLC until the proposal has been approved by the Professional Development Advisory Board.)

Facilitator (group) or Advisor (individual): Norma Carter Work Location: Tierra Bonita, room 22 Phone: 858-748-8540 ext. 2022 Email: [email protected] PDAB Representative: Lynne Harvey

District Goals to be Addressed: PreK-12 Literacy (support for PreK-12 reading, writing, or mathematics) Proficiency for all students across all grade levels and content areas, as measured by standardized state measures (CAHSEE, CST) Increased access to rigorous curriculum

Revised April, 2009

Intended Learning Outcomes for the Participant By bullets below, list the expected knowledge outcomes of the participants. Use as many bullets as needed.  Attain skills and knowledge to effectively use the Promethean interactive white board and ActivInspire software  Develop skills to create 5 flipcharts to enhance student learning  Collaborate with colleagues throughout the process to encourage and inspire one another with best teaching practices  Become familiar with and utilize the Promethean Planet resources available

Professional Growth Activities – Acquisition of New Learning As evidence of implementation, each participant is required to maintain a portfolio of documentation regarding completion of her/his new learning, impact on student learning and reflection activities. This portfolio will be reviewed by the facilitator at the end of the TLC. Examples of documentation: time logs, meeting notes, discussion group notes, lesson plans, student work samples, journals, etc. Please attach the schedule of any conferences or classes that are part of the acquisition phase of this TLC

Proposal Description:

Part 1: Give a detailed description of this TLC; state what new learning participant(s) will acquire through this proposal

 Participants will learn to use all the basic level ActivInspire functions  Participants will access and use www.prometheanplanet.com as a resource for their learning and as a resource for their classroom  Participants will complete ActivInspire Studio or Primary Level 1 Skills online at www.prometheanplanet.com . This course costs $29.00 a person and our TBES foundation (TBEF) has offered to cover the cost of the training. Teachers receive a certificate upon completion of the course and have access to the course at any time in the future to review topics covered  Participants will develop a minimum of 5 flipcharts and use the flipcharts with the students in their classroom  Participants will use the collaboration times to share and improve their flipcharts and to discuss any issues that arise for group input

Part 2: Complete the chart to show what the evidence of acquisition will be.

Revised April, 2009 DATE TIME/ PLANNED OR EXPECTED ASSIGNMENT HOURS LOCATI EVIDENCE OF ACQUISITION ON Assignment / Portfolio Evidence Thursday, 3-4 PM  Introduction to basic level IWB Register on Inside: 1 Dec. 3rd TBES – functions Promethean Outside: 2 2009 Rm. 22  Introduction to Planet and www.prometheanplanet.com download a  How to use the IWB with the flipchart to use Docucam in class Thursday 3-4 PM Sharing Review on-line Inside: 1 Dec. 10th TBES- tutorials for this Outside: 3 2009 Rm. 22 Getting Started topic and take  Pen tool Assessment 1  Manipulating objects  Grouping objects  Deleting objects  Saving a flipchart Tuesday 3-4 PM Sharing Review on-line Inside: 1 Jan. 5th TBES tutorials for this Outside: 3 2009 Rm. 22 Using Resources and Shapes topic (10  Shapes tool tutorials) and  Adding Images take  Changing the order of images Assessment 2  Understanding and using layers Thursday 3-4 PM Sharing Review on-line Inside: 1 Jan. 21st TBES tutorials for this Outside: 2010 Rm.22 Working with Text topic (8 3  Editing text tutorials) and  Adding text from other take Asessment applications 3  Extracting text Create flipchart alone or with a partner to share with group Tuesday 3-4 PM Sharing Review on-line Inside: 1 Feb. 2nd TBES tutorials for this Outside: 3 2010 Rm. 22 Page Navigation topic  Copying objects from one page (4 tutorials) to another Take  Duplicating pages Assessment 4  Moving pages  Adding page notes Thursday 3-4 PM Sharing Review on-line Inside: 1 Feb. 25th TBES tutorials for this Outside: 3 2010 Rm. 22 Presentation Tools topic  Revealer (10 tutorials)  Spotlight Take  Magic Ink Assessment 5  Clock  Tickertape Create a  Ruler flipchart to share with the  Protractor group  Compass  Dice Revised April, 2009  XY origin

Thursday 3-4 PM Sharing Review on-line Inside: 1 Mar. 18th TBES tutorials for this Outside: 4 2010 Rm. 22 Advanced Skills topic, 1-5 only  Profiles  Desktop Annotation Create a  Setting flipchart objects flipchart to  Using Desktop Tools share with class  Importing Power Point files Tuesday 3-4 PM Sharing Review on-line Inside: 1 Mar. 30th TBES tutorials for this Outside: 2 2010 Rm. 22 Advanced Skills topic, 6-9 only  Using templates  Using the screen recorder  Using the sound recorder  Inserting an image

Tuesday 3-4 PM Sharing Review on-line Inside: 1 April 15th TBES tutorials for this Outside: 2010 Rm. 22 Advanced Skills topic, 3  Inserting a video link 10-13 only  Inserting a website link  Using the Property Browser to Create a learn about Page and Object flipchart to properties share with class  Using the Property Browser to learn how to use Labels Tuesday, 3-4 PM Sharing Review on-line Inside: 1 April 27th, TBES tutorials for this Outside: 2 2010 Rm. 22 Advanced Skills topic, 14-17  How to use Containers only  How to use Restrictors Thursday, 3-4 PM Sharing Review on-line Inside: 1 May 13th TBES tutorials for this Outside: 3 2010 Rm. 22 Advanced Skills - Actions topic,  Adding an action to go to 18-20 another page  Adding an action to make Take something hidden Assessment 6  Adding an action to send and something to the back create a flipchart to upload for on- line credit to earn ActivInspire Advanced Skills Certificate

Total Acquisition Hours

Revised April, 2009

Hours INSIDE the contract day: 11 Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 31+

Classroom Implementation Activities The impact of the newly acquired learning of TLC participants on student learning is critical to this section

Development/Implementation Description:

Part 1: Describe how this TLC will be developed and implemented in the classroom.  Teachers will use the 5 flipcharts they have created using the newly acquired skills from ActivInspire during instruction  Teachers will use Promethean resources to enhance lesson development and student interaction (download pre-made flipcharts and use resource packets)  Teachers will use ActivInspire tools in daily instruction to aid student understanding, motivate student learning, and increase active student participation

Part 2: Complete the chart to show what the evidence of development/implementation will be.

DATE TIME/LOCATION PLANNED OR EXPECTED HOURS EVIDENCE OF DEVELOPMENT/IMPLEMENTATION After: Assignment / Portfolio Evidence Tuesday, Participants’ Use downloaded flipchart in class Inside: 1 Dec.8th classroom hour 2009 Log lessons using ActivInspire Thursday, Participants’ Review on-line tutorials and use newly Inside: 1 Dec. 10th classroom acquired skills in class lessons hour 2009 Log lessons using ActivInspire Tuesday, Participants’ Use skills attained from Assessment 1 in Inside: 1 Jan. 5th classroom classroom lessons hour 2009 Use flipchart created and shared in TLC with students

Log lessons using ActivInspire

Thursday, Participants’ Use skills attained from Assessment 2 in Inside: 1 Jan.21st classroom classroom lessons hour 2010 Log lessons using ActivInspire

Participants’ Use skills attained from Assessment 3 in Inside: 1 Tuesday, classroom classroom lessons hour Feb. 2nd 2010 Use flipchart created and shared in TLC with students

Log lessons using ActivInspire Thursday, Participants’ Use skills attained from Assessment 4 in Inside: 1 Feb. 25th classroom classroom lessons hour

Revised April, 2009

2010 Log lessons using ActivInspire Tuesday, Participants’ Use skills attained from Assessment 5 in Inside: 1 Mar. 2nd classroom classroom lessons hour 2010 Use flipchart created and shared in last TLC with students

Log lessons using ActivInspire Thursday, Participants’ Use skills attained from Advanced Skills Inside: 1 Mar. 18th classroom tutorials 1-5 in classroom lessons hour 2010 Create a flipchart to share with class

Log lessons using ActivInspire Tuesday, Participants’ Use skills attained from Advanced Skills Inside: 1 Mar. 30th classroom tutorials 6-9 in classroom lessons hour 2010 Use flipchart created and shared in last TLC with students

Log lessons using ActivInspire Thursday, Participants’ Use skills attained from Advanced Skills Inside: 1 April 15th classroom tutorials 10-13 in classroom lessons hour 2010 Create a flipchart to share with class

Log lessons using ActivInspire Tuesday, Participants’ Use skills attained from Advanced Skills Inside: 1 April 27th classroom tutorials 14-17 in classroom lessons hour 2010 Use flipchart created and shared in last TLC with students

Log lessons using ActivInspire Thursday, 3-4 PM Use skills attained from Advanced Skills Inside: 1 May 13th TBES tutorials 18-20 in classroom lessons hour 2010 Rm. 22

Log lessons using ActivInspire

Total Implementation Hours Hours INSIDE the contract day: 12+ Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 0

Reflection Activities

State how participant(s) will reflect on their new learning, including the timeline and/or hours anticipated:  Keep track of lessons inside class in which ActivInspire is central to instruction  Keep a journal of what was learned during collaborative sharing times each week  Complete the on-line survey of TLC’s effectiveness for PDAB

Revised April, 2009

DATE/HOURS EVIDENCE Due May 30th Summary Reflection (required): A minimum one page summary detailing the impact on the 1 hour participant(s) learning and the learning of their students Due May 30th Other reflections as written in the TLC

1.5 hours

Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 2.5+


INSIDE Hrs OUTSIDE Hrs Acquisition of Learning 11 31 Class. Implementation 12 Reflect Activities 2.5 TOTAL 23 33.5 Grand total: 56.5 40 hours needed for 10 points, 80 hours for 20 points  over half of all hours in the TLC must be outside hours  less than half of all hours in the TLC must be inside hours

Completion Activities The following MUST be completed before points will be awarded REQUIRED  Complete online survey (sent by facilitator)  Turn in to facilitator or advisor your completed portfolio by (date) for evaluation  Final summary – form is located on website (www.staffdev.powayusd.com) 

Budget Request If you anticipate needing fiscal support for the implementation of your proposal, please list prospective needs and estimated costs. TLC will fund up to 50% of site-based TLC’s and 100% of district-wide proposals, up to $500. TLC funds cannot be used for food/snack items, guest speakers, or conference costs.


 Books (Include Title, Author, Quantity needed):  PUBS:  Other:

Revised April, 2009

If you are the facilitator, will you need “facilitator hourly”?

No Yes If so, for whom? Norma Carter

Facilitation hours will be kept on a timesheet by the facilitator. This timesheet will be processed at the conclusion of the TLC, and must be given to the PDAB grade level rep for signing within three (3) weeks of the TLC completion date. For a 10 point TLC, the paid facilitator hours cannot exceed 30 hours. For a 20 point TLC, the paid facilitator hours cannot exceed 60 hours.

If you wish to receive points as a facilitator, in lieu of hourly compensation, you must write a separate facilitator proposal using the facilitator form.

Revised April, 2009

Verification of TLC Requirements- All Participants (Signatures required at beginning of TLC) Participants should read the TLC to ensure they understand and agree to the work involved and evidence required in the TLC. Please download the TLC, sign the agreement, and give it to your facilitator for their signature at your first TLC meeting. Facilitators will sign and return this form. Retain the form until completion of the TLC at which time facilitators will sign completion. Retain the form for your records.

I understand and agree to the requirements of this TLC. Further, I understand that if materials are provided to me, and I drop my enrollment prior to completion of the TLC, I will either return the materials in an unused condition or reimburse the District for the materials.





Verification of Completion of TLC Requirements and Signatures (Required signatures at completion of TLC)

Retain this form for your records

This is to verify all requirements for this TLC have been met.






Revised August, 2009

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