JS CH3403 Interdisciplinary Chemistry Module 1. 2013/2014. Analytical Chemistry: Electrochemical methods of analysis. Basic Electroanalytical Chemistry. Potentiometric,Voltammetric and Coulometric measurement techniques. Professor Mike Lyons School of Chemistry TCD Room 3.2 Main Chemistry Building
[email protected] Electro-analytical Chemistry. Electroanalytical techniques are concerned with the interplay between electricity & chemistry, namely the Electro-analytical chemists at work ! measurement of electrical quantities Beer sampling. such as current, potential or charge Sao Paulo Brazil 2004. and their relationship to chemical parameters such as concentration. The use of electrical measurements for analytical purposes has found large range of applications including environmental monitoring, industrial quality control & biomedical analysis. EU-LA Project MEDIS : Materials Engineering For the design of Intelligent Sensors. Outline of Lectures • Introduction to electroanalytical chemistry: basic ideas • Potentiometric methods of analysis • Amperometric methods of analysis • Coulombic methods of analysis J. Wang, Analytical Electrochemistry, 3rd edition. Wiley, 2006 R.G. Compton, C.E. Banks, Understanding Voltammetry, 2nd edition, Imperial College Press,2011. C.M.A. Brett, A.M.Oliveira Brett, Electrochemistry: Principles, methods and applications, Oxford Science Publications, 2000. Why Electroanalytical Chemistry ? Electroanalytical methods have certain advantages over other analytical methods. Electrochemical analysis allows for the determination