Awards At-A-Glance 2017

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Awards At-A-Glance 2017


MEMBERSHIP What do I AWARDS PURPOSE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT get? All awards must be uploaded to the NEAFCS website. No hard copies will be accepted by NEAFCS. State Affiliates may require hard copies. Please check your specific Affiliate Awards Manual. VISIT THE ONLINE AWARDS MANUAL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS FOR ALL AWARDS!

National winner will present Showcase of One (1) $400 Opportunity to expand the professional’s NEAFCS Excellence at Annual Session the year cash award for Member 5 years network or participation in a professional Greenwood following award receipt OR present a webinar mentee or less development activity. Begin within 12 months Frysinger Award within 18 months of receiving award. Received Certificate for of award receipt. once. mentor(s)

NEAFCS Only awarded once per person. Award determined Recognizes Extension FCS Educators for Distinguished Member 10 years within Affiliate. Number of awards given Plaque given at leadership, outstanding programs, and Service Award or more determined by number of members. Has attended Annual Session personal & professional growth 2 or more Annual Sessions. Received once.

NEAFCS Recognize active involvement in professional Has attended 3 or more Annual Sessions Member at least Plaque given at Continued improvement programs, promotion of Received NEAFCS Distinguished Service Award 12 years Annual Session Excellence Award professional development, leadership. prior to the current session. Received once.

To recognize a professional Extension FCS Must have received DSA & CE awards prior to Educator who is conducting outstanding submitting. Attended 4 or more Annual Sessions, NEAFCS Educator Member at least Plaque given at educational programs that demonstrate impact letters of support from administration. Showcase of the Year 12 years Annual Session on families. Continued professional of Excellence display at annual session. development activities involvement. Received once.


MEMBERSHIP AWARDS PURPOSE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS What do I get? REQUIREMENT All awards must be uploaded to the NEAFCS website. No hard copies will be accepted by NEAFCS. State Affiliates may require hard copies. Please check your specific Affiliate Awards Manual. VISIT THE AWARDS MANUAL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS FOR ALL AWARDS!

To recognize members who have been First place annual alert in recognizing emerging issues or session full new concerns and interests of families Program begun within the past 5 years by Florence Hall Award Member scholarship or individuals and have planned and individual or team. 2nd & 3rd places implemented programs that benefit receive certificates families/individuals.

Must not have previously attended Annual To recognize outstanding NEAFCS Past Session. Must be in the first three years of accomplishments of NEAFCS members One (1) $500 cash President’s New employment with Cooperative Extension. New Member within first three years of employment. award given at Professional Must attend Annual Session to receive Encourage member to attend Annual Annual Session Award award. Forfeited if unable to attend. No Session. team awards.

Given to FCS Educators who have First place annual developed an outstanding program on Application may be submitted by individual Dean Don Felker session full some aspect of family financial or team. First place national winner will Financial Management Member scholarship management. Program should provide present a concurrent Session at Annual Award 2nd & 3rd places training in budgeting, credit Session year award received. receive certificates management, savings, etc.

Application may be submitted by individual To recognize outstanding efforts and or team. Program or activity shall have One (1) $500 cash accomplishments of individuals and/or been conducted within past year. First Mary W. Wells award given at teams in diversity and pluralism for any place national winner will present a Memorial Diversity Member Annual Session. Extension FCS program or activity, concurrent session at Annual Session Award 2nd & 3rd places including staff development, advisory the year award is received. Regional 1st receive certificates councils, programs, etc. place winners will jointly present a concurrent session.


MEMBERSHIP AWARDS PURPOSE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS What do I get? REQUIREMENT All awards must be uploaded to the NEAFCS website. No hard copies will be accepted by NEAFCS. State Affiliates may require hard copies. Please check your specific Affiliate Awards Manual. VISIT THE AWARDS MANUAL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS FOR ALL AWARDS! Application may be submitted by team or individual. First To recognize members as place national winner will present a concurrent session First place annual Program Excellence researchers and users of on their research at Annual Session the year award is session full Through Research Member research. Emphasizes the use of received. scholarship Award research results to improve 2nd & 3rd places existing programs. receive certificates

Application may be submitted by individual or team. Program must have been conducted with two years prior to applying. First place annual To recognize outstanding Application must contain a marketing and delivery piece. Early Childhood session full childcare professional training First place national winner will participate in the Child Care Training Member scholarship that addresses the needs of Showcase of Excellence at Annual Session the year Award 2nd & 3rd places young children. award is received. receive certificates

To recognize outstanding First place $500 Application may be submitted by individual or team. Program innovative programming that has cash award given or activity should have been conducted in the past 3 years. Food Safety Award Member shown impact of significant food at Annual Session First place national winner will present a concurrent safety nature. Technology use a – 2nd & 3rd place session at Annual Session the year award is received. plus. receive certificates

First place annual Communications To encourage excellence in Application may be submitted by an individual or team. session full Newsletters Member communications in 9 categories, Programs shall have been conducted within past three (3) scholarship Award including newsletters. years. 2nd & 3rd places receive certificates

First place annual Communications To encourage excellence in Application may be submitted by an individual or team. session full Written Press Member communications in 9 categories, Programs shall have been conducted within past three (3) scholarship Releases Award including Press Releases. years. 2nd & 3rd places receive certificates


MEMBERSHIP AWARDS PURPOSE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS What do I get? REQUIREMENT All awards must be uploaded to the NEAFCS website. No hard copies will be accepted by NEAFCS. State Affiliates may require hard copies. Please check your specific Affiliate Awards Manual. VISIT THE AWARDS MANUAL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS FOR ALL AWARDS!

To encourage excellence in First place annual Communications Application may be submitted by an individual or communications in 9 categories, session full Radio/Podcast Program Member team. Programs shall have been conducted within including educational radio and/or scholarship Award past three (3) years. podcast programs/spots. 2nd & 3rd places receive certificates

To encourage excellence in First place annual Communications Application may be submitted by an individual or communications in 9 categories, session full Television/Video Program Member team Programs shall have been conducted within including educational television scholarship Award past three (3) years. and/or video programming 2nd & 3rd places receive certificates

First place annual Communications To encourage excellence in Application may be submitted by an individual or session full Educational Technology Member communications in 9 categories, team. Programs shall have been conducted within scholarship Award including educational technology. past three (3) years. 2nd & 3rd places receive certificates

First place annual To encourage excellence in Communications Application may be submitted by an individual or session full communications in 9 categories, Educational Curriculum Member team. Programs shall have been conducted within scholarship including educational curriculum Package Award past three (3) years. 2nd & 3rd places packages. receive certificates

First place annual Communications To encourage excellence in Application may be submitted by an individual or session full Educational Publications Member communications in 9 categories, team. Programs shall have been conducted within scholarship Award including educational publications. past three (3) years. 2nd & 3rd places receive certificates


MEMBERSHIP AWARDS PURPOSE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS What do I get? REQUIREMENT All awards must be uploaded to the NEAFCS website. No hard copies will be accepted by NEAFCS. State Affiliates may require hard copies. Please check your specific Affiliate Awards Manual. VISIT THE AWARDS MANUAL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS FOR ALL AWARDS!

First place annual To encourage excellence in Application may be submitted by an session full Communications Member communications in 9 categories, individual or team. Programs shall have scholarship Photography Award including photography. been conducted within past three (3) years. 2nd & 3rd places receive certificates

Communications To encourage excellence in First place annual Application may be submitted by an Internet Education communications in 9 categories, session full Member individual or team. Programs shall have Technology including internet education scholarship been conducted within past three (3) years. Award technology. 2nd & 3rd places receive certificates

Application may be submitted by an individual or team. Effort must have been First place annual For outstanding marketing successfully used by applicant within three session full package promoting a class, (3) years. Application must contain a variety Marketing Package Award Member scholarship program or pertinent Family & of marketing pieces. First place national 2nd & 3rd places Consumer Sciences issues. winner will participate in the Showcase of receive certificates Excellence at Annual Session the year award is received.

Application may be submitted by an Recognizes NEAFCS members First place annual individual or team. Effort shall have been for their efforts in building session full Community Partnership conducted within past three (3) years. First Member community partnerships to scholarship Award place national winner shall present a meet the educational needs 2nd & 3rd places concurrent session the year award and/or concerns of families. receive certificates received.

Application may be submitted by an individual or team. Award money should be To recognize programming used to further develop Extension housing Two (2) $300 cash Extension Housing which enhances housing programs. Outreach shall have been Member awards given at Outreach Award outreach to communities and conducted with last two years. National Annual Session special needs families. winners will participate in the Showcase of Excellence at Annual Session the year award is received.


MEMBERSHIP AWARDS PURPOSE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS What do I get? REQUIREMENT All awards must be uploaded to the NEAFCS website. No hard copies will be accepted by NEAFCS. State Affiliates may require hard copies. Please check your specific Affiliate Awards Manual. VISIT THE AWARDS MANUAL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS FOR ALL AWARDS! Application may be submitted by Two (2) $500 awards to Honor outstanding educational an individual or team. Activity or include annual session programming efforts that utilize program shall have been full scholarship with any of ACI’s educational conducted by an Extension Clean and Healthy Families remainder as cash award Member materials. (food safety, Educator in the past two years. & Communities Award not to exceed $500, emergency preparedness or National winner(s) will present tabletop award & response, safe & effective use a concurrent session at Annual recognition in of cleaning products, etc. ) Session the year award is Cleanliness Matters received. Recognize innovative programs Application may be submitted by that promote and improve the an individual or team. The health and wellness of families program or activity shall have First place annual Family Health & Wellness including but not limited to been conducted in the past three session full scholarship Member Award nutrition, fitness, family meals, years. First place national winner 2nd & 3rd places receive meal planning, time or stress will participate in Showcase of certificates management, and healthy Excellence at Annual Session lifestyle. the year the award is received. Application may be submitted by Recognizes NEAFCS members an individual or a team. The for outstanding educational program or activity shall have First place annual programs conducted for been conducted in the past three session full scholarship Environmental Education Member families and/or communities on years. First place national winner 2nd & 3rd places receive various environmental will participate in the Showcase certificates issues/concerns. of Excellence at Annual Session the year award is received.

Recognizes innovative human Application may be submitted by development /family an individual or a team. The relationships educational efforts program or activity shall have including child care, parenting, been conducted in the past three relationships through the life years. First place national winner First place annual Human Development/ span, marriage enrichment, will participate in the Showcase session full scholarship Member nd rd Family Relationships communications (parent/child), of Excellence at Annual 2 & 3 places receive retirement, aging, stress Session the year award is certificates management, and related received. issues.



All awards must be uploaded to the NEAFCS website. No hard copies will be accepted by NEAFCS. State Affiliates may require hard copies. Please check your specific Affiliate Awards Manual. VISIT THE AWARDS MANUAL FOR COMPLETE DETAILS FOR ALL AWARDS!

Recognizes outstanding school- Application may be submitted by based programs to promote an individual or a team. The and improve physical, program or activity shall have emotional, and/or social been conducted in the past three wellness of students, staff or years. First place national winner First place annual families of students in the will participate in the Showcase session full scholarship School Wellness Member nd rd school community. May include of Excellence at Annual 2 & 3 places receive nutrition, fitness, garden-based Session the year award is certificates nutrition education, health, received. character education, self esteem, farm-to-school and more. Application may be submitted by an individual or a team. The First place annual network has been created within Recognizes innovative online session full scholarship Social Networking Member the past three years. First place social networking efforts. 2nd & 3rd places receive national winner will present a certificates concurrent session the year the award is received. Application may be submitted by an individual or a team. First Recognizes exceptional place national winner will First place annual Master Family & Consumer implementation of the Master Family present a Concurrent Session session full scholarship Member Sciences Volunteer & Consumer Sciences Volunteer on the program at Annual 2nd & 3rd places receive Program. Session the year the award is certificates received.

“Awards at-a-Glance Grid 2017” Revised by Dianne Gertson, Vice President for Awards & Recognition 10/2016 National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences

Contact your Affiliate Vice President of awards or Dianne Gertson, NEAFCS Vice President for Awards and Recognition by email at [email protected] or by phone at 281-342-3034.


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