Community and Voluntary Sector Funding Application
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Community and Voluntary Sector funding application 2016-17 ECO – Restorative Interventions Project
1 Probation Board for Northern Ireland
ECO – Restorative Interventions Project
11 1. Project Background
This specification is for the provision of a bespoke service which will deliver a range of restorative interventions to adult offenders subject to PBNI supervision. This service will complement a pilot project (Enhanced Combination Orders – ECO) initiated by PBNI to reduce re-offending and provide a community based alternative to custody in the Armagh & South Down, Ards Court areas. In recognising the importance of there being a continued ‘restorative’ element within the ECO pilots PBNI are keen to engage service providers from accredited DOJ restorative organisations capable of delivering restorative interventions as a critical element of the ECO pilots. This project will seek to further develop options for restorative interventions, prevent adult reoffending and contribute to the reduction in the number of adult offenders being recalled to custody in the Newry, and East Belfast North Down & Ards areas. We also recognise that victims of crime do not feel that they are adequately involved in the Criminal Justice System or have their needs met. This project will also address these challenges.
2. Project Specification
PBNI is seeking a Provider from a Community and Voluntary Sector organisation, accredited by the DOJ in restorative practices in the pilot areas with expertise to deliver the key elements of the project: The restorative element of the ECO project and other community supervision sentences for adult offenders will be delivered in North Down & Ards, and Newry and surrounding areas; . Partnership with PSNI and Victim Support NI in delivering tailored programmes to offenders;
Engage with offenders to jointly prepare a reparative plan which will include a range of restorative options suitable for the offender and victim;
2 Ensure that victims and communities will be afforded the opportunity to have an active role in appropriate adult offender cases;
Restorative interventions delivered with a clear project management approach including a communications strategy; and
Evaluation of interventions to will include victim feedback.
The projects will ensure that offenders are fully aware of the impact of their offence on the victim and are fully engaged in a reparative plan as part of their sentence. The project will directly develop offender citizenship and civic responsibility by enabling offenders to understand consequences in an environment of respect and to complete a range of restorative work actions. This will be beneficial not only to the immediate victim but to the local ‘community’.
3. Project Deliverables
The successful provider must have the skills experience necessary to ensure:
Victims of crime will have a range of voluntary opportunities to be more central to the justice process in their case. As a direct result they will have increased confidence in the Criminal Justice System.
The project will offer offenders opportunities to understand the consequences of the harm they have caused to their victims and opportunities to make reparation.
The project will contribute to a reduction in reoffending /desistance from crime.
The project will further develop Restorative Practice knowledge, skills and capacity in PBNI and project staff and their wider organisations.
Ability to scale up for delivery commencing 1 October 2016.
3 The successful provider will agree to a Service Level Agreement, to provide a service as outlined, to support PBNI in the delivery of 2016-17 projects.
4. Project Measures & Key Performance Indicators
The following measurable targets must recorded and maintained during the funding period project (01 October 2016 - 31 March 2017) 4.1 Number of victims offered the opportunity to become involved in a range of restorative interventions;
4.2 Number of victims who agree to avail of the offer to become involved;
4.3 Offenders subject to Enhanced Combination Orders (ECOs) and other community supervision sentences will be encouraged to become involved in a range of restorative interventions;
4.4 Number of offenders engaged in a restorative intervention.
4.5 Offenders participating in community sentences will desist from further offending (evidenced through PSNI reportable offences and offender self report).
4.6 Reduction in assessed likelihood of reoffending (ACE score).
5. Project Funding
ECO: Restorative Interventions Project will be delivered for 6 months from 1st October 16 – 31st March 17.
PBNI will fund the successful grant applicants £25,000 in total and including VAT, to the end of March 2017, with the proviso that this could be extended for up to two years and to a maximum of 100k subject to securing more funding in short and long term.
50% up-front payment of up to £30k will be paid in line with revised grant dispersal arrangements. Subsequent payments will be made in response to a completed, approved grant claim form. Payment shall be due within thirty (30) days of receipt by the Probation Board of a correct application for payment.
4 5 6. Project Funding Application
To be considered for grant funding for this project the following application must be completed and returned as directed within the published timescales.
The application is split into three sections:
PART 1. Organisation Information
I. Organisation Details
II. Organisation Aims and Objectives
III. Equality Submission
PART 2. Evaluation Criteria
I. Evidence of accreditation from Northern Ireland Department of Justice to undertake restorative interventions
II. Organisation can demonstrate experience and scale to address key deliverables of project
III. Organisation can demonstrate successful outcomes with delivery of similar project in terms of objectives and scale
PART 3. Declarations
I. Funders’ Passport Declaration
II. Policies and procedures Declaration
Please: complete using black ink or typescript. answer ALL the questions. continue on separate sheets if necessary. ensure you read and understand the agreement of funding before completing this application be aware that the information provided on this form may be made available to other Departments/Agencies for the purposes of preventing or detecting crime.
6 Review enclosed checklist before submitting application as late or incomplete applications will be considered ineligible for grant funding
7 Part 1.1 Organisation Details
Postcode Tel
Status* Fax
E –Mail
*Status (Limited Company, Trust, Charity etc)
Main contact for this application:
Position within organisation:
To whom do they report:
Position within organisation:
How long has your organisation been in existence?*
*If less than 12 months, please supply a reference from an established organisation / body. .
Part 1.2 Aims and objectives of organisation
Summarise the aims, objectives and purposes of your organisation, i.e. why was it established? What does it hope to achieve?
8 Geographical area covered.
What particular group(s) of people benefit from the services provided by your organisation?
For what purpose is the grant being sought?
9 Part 1.3 Equality Submission
How will your organisation support and promote equal opportunities?
(This includes promoting equality of opportunity and good relations in accordance with section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998).
Please also complete the beneficiary profile at Annex C.
Does your organisation involve partnership across the statutory, voluntary and / or community sectors? If so, please give details of the nature of the partnership, and contribution and contact details of other partner organisations.
10 Part 2 Evaluation Criteria
To be considered for this grant award it is essential that applicants provide detailed, concise responses addressing each area covered in the assessment criteria. The criteria for assessing all applications under the “ECO – Restorative Interventions Services Project” programme is as summarised below.
1. Evidence of accreditation from Northern Ireland Department of Justice to undertake restorative interventions
2. Organisation can demonstrate experience and scale to address key deliverables of project in the geographical areas of the ECO pilot 12 (Consider section 3. Project Deliverables) - Organisation chart including lines of supervision for staff identified for project
3. Organisation can demonstrate successful outcomes with delivery of similar project in terms of objectives and scale 13 (Consider section 2. Project Specification) - Ability to provide recent examples (within the past 3 years- including dates)
4. Provide details of the breakdown of proposed expenditure should funding application be successful.
11 In the next sections please provide recent examples (including dates) which clearly demonstrate that your organisation can meet the criteria outlined:
1. Evidence of accreditation from Northern Ireland Department of Justice to undertake restorative interventions (Please provide details of dates initial accreditation awards and any subsequent renewals and append scanned copies of accreditation evidence)
12 2. Organisation can demonstrate experience and scale to address key deliverables of project in the geographical areas of the ECO pilot
- Organisation chart including lines of supervision for staff identified for project
13 3. Organisation can demonstrate successful outcomes with delivery of similar project in terms of objectives and scale - Ability to provide recent examples (within the past 3 years- including dates)
14 4. Provide details of the breakdown of proposed expenditure should funding application be successful Please attach an organisation chart which must:- Include the name of each staff member; and Indicate the posts for which funding is sought.
4.1 Staffing Costs
Please give details of the posts for which funding is sought below. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. Budgeted salary of 1 FTE per Duration of Cost to Pay scale, scale Title and brief Job Description annum Appointment project, point and basis before adding Employer NIC/Pensio n £
15 4.1 ctd Total budgeted salary costs per annum £……………….. (Total from table above) Employer’s NIC £……………….. Employer’s Pension £……………….. Total salary costs £______
2016/17 Detailed Breakdown of Proposed Non-Staff Grant Expenditure for £ which funding is sought: Capital Expenditure (give details below)
Resource Expenditure (give details below)
Total Grant Expenditure
16 Please note the following will be deemed ineligible expenditure and if included the application will not be approved: Activities of a political or exclusively religious nature; Goods or services that another Department, organisation or agency has a statutory duty to provide; Core Costs, to include rent, rates, insurance, management charges and utility charges except where a voluntary or community organisation is the lead delivery agent for the project. In this case, core costs will be appropriately apportioned; Payments reimbursed or to be reimbursed by other public or private sector grants; Contributions in kind; donations Affiliation or membership fees Endowments, loan payments Depreciation, amortisation or impairment of fixed assets owned by the Grant Recipient; The acquisition or improvement of fixed assets by the Grant Recipient; Interest payments (including service charge payments for finance leases); Gifts to individuals other than promotional items with a value no more than £10 a year to any one individual; Entertaining (entertaining for this purpose means anything that would be a taxable benefit to the person being entertained, according to current UK tax regulations); Statutory fines, criminal fines or penalties; and Liabilities incurred before the issue of this funding agreement unless agreed in writing by PBNI.
17 Part 3. Applicants Declarations
3.1 Funders’ Passport Declaration
Under the new “Code of Practice for Reducing Bureaucracy in grant funding to the Voluntary and Community Sector” Voluntary and Community Organisations (VCO’s) have the choice whether they prefer to send the Five key documents that are required by all funders at application stage when considering grant to a Voluntary and Community Organisation directly to the funder or to upload to the Government Funding Database. The five key documents (collectively known as the Funders’ Passport) are:
Copy of the organisation’s constitution;
List of Office Bearers;
Organisation Chart;
Copy of the Audited Accounts or Financial Statement;and
Rental Agreement/Lease or evidence of ownership.
Please complete the Funders’ Passport Declaration at Annex A and return with this application form stating whether the documents are the most up to date and fit for purpose, are held on the Government Funding Database or have been attached to this application. To log on to the Government Funding Database please visit:
3.2 Policies and Procedures Declaration Please complete the Policy and Procedures Declaration, attached at Annex B and return with this application form. These policies do not need to be sent to PBNI, however PBNI can at any time ask to see any supporting evidence in support of this declaration.
All organisation must have an in date Public Liability Insurance certificate that MUST be sent with this application
18 Bank Account to which grant payment should be directed
Address Postcode
Name of Account
Account Number:
Bank Sort Code:
I declare that:
All the information given is correct and complete.
The estimated costs have been approved by the Executive Committee.
The organisation’s financial procedures include adequate safeguards against fraudulent or corrupt actions.
No changes will be made to any of the proposals without the prior approval of PBNI.
19 If information given is inaccurate or incomplete, action may be taken against the organisation.
I have read and understand the Agreement of Funding Terms.
All Annexes have been completed and are attached.
(Chairperson/Treasurer Signed Date )
Signed (Director / Secretary) Date
Completed and signed Application form
Annex A Funders’ Passport Declaration
The five documents stated in the Funder’s Passport are enclosed (if not included on the
Government Funding Database)
Annex B Policies and Procedures Declaration
Public Liability insurance certificate (in date)
Beneficiary Form
I hereby declare that the following documents:
Copy of Constitution/Memorandum of association Y/N List of Office Bearers or Board of Governors Y/N Organisation Chart Y/N Copy of Audited Accounts or Financial Statement Y/N Rental Agreement/Lease or evidence of ownership Y/N [please delete (i) or (ii) below as appropriate]
(i) held on the Government Funding Database (GFD) are the most up to date and fit for purpose for this application period;
(ii) which are not up to date and fit for purpose on the GFD for this application period are now provided with this application.
I agree these documents may be made available to other public sector funders via the GFD. Y/N
I also accept that this information may be published by PBNI
I understand that PBNI can at any time ask to see any of these documents.
Signed………………………………………………. Chairperson
Signed………………………………………………… Another Office Bearer
22 ANNEX B POLICIES AND PROCEDURES DECLARATION I, as Chairperson of ______, declare that the policies and procedures listed below have been formally adopted, are regularly reviewed and are deemed fit for purpose by my organisation at the time of this application for funding. IN PLACE Y/N POLICY/PROCEDURE OR NOT APPLICABLE Strategic/Operational Plan Procurement/tender procedures Statutory requirements i.e. Equal Opportunities Fair Employment Disability Discrimination Age Discrimination Fraud Policy Health and Safety Policy Employer and Public Liability Insurance Mobile Phone Policy Child Protection Policy Data Protection Policy Information Asset Policy Internet Policy Document Retention Policy Conflict of Interest Register/Policy Travel Policy Volunteering Policy Recruitment Policy Staff Induction Policy Reserves Policy Staff Appraisal System Assets Register or Inventory
I agree that this information may be made available to other public sector funders including other Northern Ireland Departments, Non Departmental Public Bodies and Agencies.
I also accept that this information may be published by the PBNI.
I understand that PBNI can at any time ask to see any supporting evidence in support of this declaration.
Signed ______Chairperson
Signed ______(Another Office Bearer)
Date ______
Please note that the following information refers to the diversity of the beneficiaries who use your service. This information is required for monitoring purposes only and will not be used as part of the allocation process. This information will be used by PBNI to assess the promotion of equality defined in the Northern Ireland Act 1998.
Does your organisation target its services towards specific groups? Please indicate by placing an ‘x’ in the boxes below to select the MOST RELEVANT GROUPS to which your organisation targets its services.
Example – If your organisation delivers services to young people both male and female from both Protestant and Catholic communities ONLY select Young People as it is this group that you are targeting. Equality Heading Category Target Group (please select) Age Young People (under 25) ☐ Older People (65+) ☐ Gender Males ☐ Females ☐ Community Protestant Community ☐ Background Catholic Community ☐ Sexual Orientation Lesbian/Gay or Transgender ☐ people Political Opinion Unionist community ☐ Nationalist community ☐ Ethnic Group White ☐ Chinese ☐ Indian ☐ Pakistani ☐ Other Asian ☐ Black African ☐ Black Caribbean ☐ Black Other ☐ Bangladeshi ☐ Irish Traveller ☐ Other or Mixed Groups ☐ Disability Disabled People ☐
24 If you require advice on this equality monitoring section please contact Paul McIlwaine PBNI Equality Manager at [email protected]