Thamar E. Gindin

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Thamar E. Gindin

Thamar Eilam Gindin

18/2 Alterman St. Cell 972-54-4776791 Kfar Saba 44228

Israel [email protected]

Education: Linguistics: PhD, direct doctoral program, Linguistics dept., the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2005 (MA portion awarded 1999). B.A, Linguistics dept., the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1997. Hebrew teaching Diploma, School for Overseas Students, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1995.

Job Experience: Current: Instructor, Dept. of Hebrew Language, Oranim College, Tiv‘on, Israel. Prime Researcher, Isogloss-Mapping Project, Minerva ARCHES Fellowship. Early Judaeo Persian Contributor, the Friedberg Genizah Project. Material Developer and Instructor, IDF. Lectures about Linguistics, Hebrew Language and Ancient Iran, in private circles.

Previous: Early Judaeo-Persian (Historical Persian Linguistics) and Colloquial Hebrew Teacher, Iranian Linguistics Summer School, Institut für Iranistik, Hamburg Universität, Hamburg, Germany, August 15-September 2 2011. Early Judaeo-Persian and Colloquial Hebrew Teacher, West Iranian Dialectology and Early Judaeo Persian Summer School, Institut für Iranistik, Hamburg Universität, Hamburg, Germany, August 16-28 2010. Middle Persian Dictionary Project coordinator and contributor, 2005-2010. Instructor, Dept. of Middle Eastern Studies, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 2006-7. Assistant Teacher/Instructor, Dept. of Middle Eastern Studies, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, 2003-4, 2005-6 (Modern Persian). Assistant Teacher/Instructor, Dept. of Iranian Studies, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2000-2001, 2003-2006 (Middle Persian and Early Judaeo Persian). 2 Thamar E. Gindin Instructor, East-Asian Dept., Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, 1997-2001 (Sanskrit). Reseach Assistant in the Israeli-German Early Judaeo Persian Research Project, 1998-1999. Hebrew Teacher in Hebrew University, Summer Ulpans and other settings, 1995-1999.

Meta-Academic: The Series: Iran – From Ahasuerus to Ahmadinejad – Compiler, organizer and one of the lecturers. Departement of Leisure Studies, the Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University, Rehovot 2009-present; Alma College for Israeli Culture, Tel Aviv 2009; Maggid Institute for Leisure Studies, Hebrew Univerisity, Jerusalem 2010-11 (Titled behind the veil); Learning Kibbutz, Ramat Hakovesh 2011. In the Footsteps of our Language – Compiler, organizer and one of the lecturers. Departement of Leisure Studies, the Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University, Rehovot, 2010-2011; Gods, Philosophers and Common Mortals – India: a Whole World - Compiler, organizer and one of the lecturers. Departement of Leisure Studies, the Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University, Rehovot, 2011; A Series on Early Iranian Culture, Broadcast University (Ha-Universita Ha- Meshuderet), IDF Radio Station (Galatz), Spring 2009.

Academia for the Masses A Popular-Linguistics column on Ynet Economy section: .Spring 2010-present ,תמר_עילם_גינדין / “ Current affairs in Iran” (Me-ha-na’ase Be-Iran), on Room404, and on my blog. February 2011 – present. Frequent guest at “A Moment of Hebrew” (Rega Shel Ivrit), Reshet B, Israeli Radio. My own Linguistic and Iranistic blog, “Hebrew and other animals” (Ivrit Ve- hayot Aherot),, since 2009. Home Linguist of “The World This Morning” (Ha-Olam Ha-Boker), Reshet, Channel 2, Israeli TV, 2008. Guest appearances as Linguist or Iranist in different shows, including “London & Kirschenbaum”, Channel 10, Israeli TV; “Receiving Shabbat” (Mekablim Shabbat), Channel 1, Israeli TV; “Books, Ladies and Gentlemen” (Sfarim-Rabotai-Sfarim), IDF Radio Station, et al.

Personal details: Languages: Mother tongue – Hebrew. Fluent (in descending order) – English, Persian, French. Reading and partial speaking skills (where relevant) – Sanskrit, Old and Middle Iranian languages (Middle Persian, Parthian, Old Persian, Avestan, Sogdian), Italian, Spanish, German, Arabic, Russian. 3 Thamar E. Gindin Reading skills: Latin, Hindi, Lithuanian, Polish, Classical Greek, Albanian

Military service: Lieutenant in the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) Intelligence service, 1991-1995.

Awards, Scholarships and Fellowships: Minerva ARCHES award, Max Planck Gesellschaft, 2008-present. Post-doctoral research grant, Friedberg Genizah Project, 2006-present. Post-doctoral scholarship, Middle Persian Dictionary Project (The Israel Academy of science, Jerusalem; Academia Dei Lincei, Roma), 2005- 2009. Travel award for research students, Hebrew University 2003. Rotenstreich scholarship for research students, 2001-2003. Misgav Yerushalayim scholership, 2000. Excellence scholarship for MA students, 1998-1999. Scholarship from the Israeli-German Early Judaeo Persian research project, 1998-1999. Rector’s award for excellence, 1998. BA with honors, 1997. Citation on the Dean’s list, 1995-1997. Dean’s scholarship for excellence, 1995-1997.

Conferences: Fourth Irano-Judaica Conference, Jerusalem, July 1998, paper presented: “Ergative Constructions in the Jewish Dialect of Yazd?”.

Fourth SIE conference, Paris, September 1999, paper presented: “Number Category in Judaeo-Yazdi”.

Early Judaeo-Persian and the Emergemce of New Persian, Göttingen, December 1999, paper presented: “The Tafsīr of Ezekiel: Three Copyists or Three Authors?”.

Language, Myth and Poetry in Ancient India and Iran, Jerusalem, March 2001, paper presented: “How would I Worship Sraoša (or Mira)? Some New Thoughts about surunvata yasna”.

Middle Iranian Lexicography: The Vocabulary of the Middle Iranian Languages, Rome, April 2001, paper presented: “Middle Persian Survivals and other Lexicographical Puzzles in Early Judaeo-Persian”. 4 Thamar E. Gindin Fifth Irano-Judaica Conference, Piliscsaba (Hungary), September 2003, paper presented: “Learning from Mistakes, Slips and Inconsistencies in the Early Judaeo-Persian Tafsīr of Ezekiel” (published in the proceedings).

Fifth SIE Conference, Ravenna, October 2003, paper presented: “How to Say No in Early Judaeo Persian” (published in the proceedings).

35th AJS Conference, Boston, December 2003, paper presented (by proxy): “Five Hands, Three Collections, Two Manuscripts, One Prophet: Early Judaeo-Persian Commentaries on the Book of Ezekiel”.

Fourth Conference of the Israeli Association for Language and Society, Ramat Gan (Israel), June 2005, paper presented: “From Minority Language to Immigrant Language – the Hebrew Component and the Israeli Component in Judaeo- Yazdi”.

Iranian Jewry: History, Society and Cultural Achievements, Ramat Gan (Israel), June 2005, paper presented: “Linguistic Discussions in the Early Judaeo Persian Tafsīr of Ezekiel”.

Iranian Identities (Interim SIE Conference), Rome, September 2005, paper presented: “Word Play in the Scroll of Esther” (published in the proceedings).

Jewish Languages and Hebrew, Jerusalem, June 2006, paper presented: “Hebrew Grammar in Early Judaeo Persian”.

Sixth Irano-Judaica Conference, Hamburg, September 2006, paper presented: “The Religious Sprachbund: the Sacred-Language Element in Pahlavi and in Jewish Lanugages” (to be submitted for publication in the proceedings)

Mini Workshop on Judaic-Iranian Studies, Institut für Iranistik, Frei Universiät Berlin, July 2007. Lectures about The Scroll of Esther and Jewish Languages in Iran.

Sixth SIE Conference, Vienna September 2007, paper presented: “The Contribution of Hebrew and Jewish Languages to the Study of the Evolution of Persian Language”.

Integrating Sephardi and Mizrachi Studies: Research and Practice, Los Angeles, November 2008, presentation of Judaeo-Persian and Iranian in panel discussion: “Distinctness in Sephardi/Mizrahi Jewish Languages”.

25th Conference on Jewish Languages, Jerusalem, June 2010. Paper presented: “The Early-Judaeo-Persian Tafsīr of Genesis: Original Composition or Translation?”.

31st DOT (Deutcher Orientalistentag), Marburg, September 2010. Paper Presented: “The Religious Sprachbund: Applying Jewish-Languages Research Tools to the Study of Iranian Languages and Dialects”, in a panel about Iranian Dialectology.

Seventh Irano-Judaica Conference, Jerusalem, October 2010. Paper Presented: “False Friendship in the Scroll of Esther” (to be published in the proceedings). 5 Thamar E. Gindin From Baby M to Google Baby, 15 years to surrogate-motherhood law in Israel. Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University, Decmeber 2010. Ex-surrogate mother in the panel “Practical Dilemmas”.

Seventh SIE Conference, Kraków September 2011, paper presented: “The Early- Judaeo-Persian Tafsīr of Genesis: Original Composition or Translation?”. (to be published in the proceedings).

Organization of Conferences: Language, Myth and Poetry in Ancient India and Iran, Jerusalem, March 2001 (a member of the organizing committee), paper presented: “How would I Worship Sraoša (or Mira)? Some New Thoughts about surunvata yasna”.

Middle Persian Dictionary Project Workshops in Jerusalem and in Rome, 2005-2008.

West Iranian Dialectology and Early Judaeo Persian Summer School (with Dr. Agnes Korn, in the framework of Minerva ARCHES award), Institut für Iranistik, Hamburg Universität, Hamburg, Germany, August 16-28 2010.

Publications: Books: The Good, the Bad and the World – a Journey to Pre-Islamic Iran, Ben Shemen:Modan, 2011 (ISBN 0004800036566). Broadcast University Series, In Hebrew

The Early Judaeo-Presian Tafsīrs of Ezekiel: Text, and Commentary. Vol. I – Text. Vienna:The Austrian Academy of Science, 2007 (ISBN 978-3-7001-3961-4)

The Early Judaeo-Presian Tafsīrs of Ezekiel: Text, Translation and Commentary. Vol. II – Translation. Vienna:The Austrian Academy of Science, 2007 (ISBN 978-3- 7001-3996-6)

Articles: “The Commentary on the Book of Ezekiel in Early Judaeo-Persian”, in: Peamim 84 (Summer 2000), pp. 40-54 (Hebrew).

“Three Fragments of an Early Judaeo Persian Tafsīr of Ezekiel”, JSAI 27, Studies in Honour of Prof. Shaul Shaked (2002), pp. 396-418.

“ Judeo-Iranian (non-Persian)”, Jewish Language Research Website 2002:

“Ergative Constructions in the Jewish Dialect of Yazd?” in: Irano-Judaica V, eds. S. Shaked and A. Netzer, Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 2003, pp. 105-119. 6 Thamar E. Gindin “The Tafsīr of Ezekiel: Four Copyists or Four Authors?” in: Persian Origins – Early Judaeo-Persian and the Emergence of New Persian ed. Ludwig Paul, Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 2003 (Iranica VI), pp.15-30.

“A Unique Plural Form in Judaeo-Yazdi”, in: Iran, Questions et connaissances, Actes du 4eme congres de la Societas Iranologica Europaea, Paris, 6-10 Septembre 1999, Vol 3. Cultures et societes contemporaines ed. B. Hourcade, Paris- Louvain: Peeters, 2003 (Studia Iranica, Cahier XXVII), pp. 45-56.

“Middle Persian Survivals and Other Lexicographical Puzzles in Early Judaeo-Persian”, in: Middle Iranian Lexicography, eds. Carlo G. Cereti and Mauro Maggi, Roma: IsIAO, 2005 (Orientalia Romana 8), pp. 331-349.

“The Hebrew Component and the Israeli Component: 'Sandwich Languages' in Israel”, in: Creating Outsiders: Endangered Languages, Migration and Marginalisation, (Proc. FEL IX, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 18-20 November 2005), eds. Nigel Crawhall and Nicholas Ostler, Bath: Foundation for Endangered Languages, 2005, pp. 129-134.

“ Language”, in: Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries – Iran, ed. Haim Saadoun, Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 2005, pp. 97- 108 (Hebrew).

“How to say ‘No’ in Early Judaeo Persian”, Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the Societas Iranologica Europaea, eds. Antonio Panaino and Andrea Piras, Milano 2006, pp. 451-460.

“Learning from Mistakes: Slips and Inconsistencies in the Early Judaeo-Persian Tafsīr of Ezekiel”, in: Irano-Judaica VI, ed. S. Shaked and A. Netzer, Jerusalem: Ben- Zvi Institute, 2008, pp. 196-221.

“Judeo-Persian Language”, in: Encyclopaedia Iranica, ed. Ehsan Yarshater. Available online: language, 2009.

“ The Jewish Dialect of Yazd”, in: Encyclopaedia Iranica, ed. Ehsan Yarshater. Available online: yazd, 2009.

“ Word-Play in the Scroll of Esther”, Iranian Identity in the Course of History, (Orientalia Romana 9), eds. Carlo Cereti, Chiara Barbati, Mattero dr Chiara, Gianfilippo Terribili, Rome: ISIAO, 2010, pp. 153-161.

“Judeo-Persian Language”, in: Encyclopaedia of Jews in the Islamic World, ed. Norman A. Stillman, Leiden:Brill, 2010. Vol. III pp. 62-64.

“ Judeo-Persian Literature – Early Period”, in: Encyclopaedia of Jews in the Islamic World, ed. Norman A. Stillman, Leiden:Brill, 2010. Vol. III pp. 64-65.

“ Tafsīr of Ezekiel (Jud.-Pers. Tafsīr-i Yehezkel”, in: Encyclopaedia of Jews in the Islamic World, ed. Norman A. Stillman, Leiden:Brill, 2010. Vol. IV p. 447. 7 Thamar E. Gindin

“How Would I Worship Sraoša (or Mira), Different approaches to surunvata yasna”, in: Language, Ritual and Poetics in Ancient India and Iran, Studies in Honor of Saul Migron,ed. David Shulman, Jerusalem: Israeli Academy of Science and Humanities, 2010:

Forthcoming: Books:

The Early Judaeo Persian Tafsīr of Ezekiel, Vienna: The Austrian Academy of Sciences Vol. III – Grammar. 8 Thamar E. Gindin Articles: “Judaeo-Yazdi” in: Padyavand 4, ed. A. Netzer, Costa Mesa: Mazda Publishers.

“The Hebrew Component in Early Judaeo-Persian”, in: The Proceedings of the Sixth Misgav Yerushalayim Congress, eds. D.M. Bunis, Y. Bentolila and E. Hazan, Jerusalem (Hebrew).

“Learning Persian from Hebrew” in: International Journal of the Sociology of Language (IJSL).

“ Hebrew in Jewish Secret Languages: Iranian” in: Encyclopaedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, ed. Geoffrey Khan, Leiden: Brill.

“Iran, Hebrew in” in: Encyclopaedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, ed. Geoffrey Khan, Leiden: Brill.

“Iranian Reading Traditions of Hebrew” in: Encyclopaedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, ed. Geoffrey Khan, Leiden: Brill.

“ The Hebrew Component in Judaeo-Persian (Philological Aspects)” in: Encyclopaedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, ed. Geoffrey Khan, Leiden: Brill.

“ The Hebrew Component in Jewish Iranian Dialects” in: Encyclopaedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, ed. Geoffrey Khan, Leiden: Brill.

“The Persian Component of Hebrew” in: Encyclopaedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, ed. Geoffrey Khan, Leiden: Brill.

“Sandwich Languages” in: Encyclopaedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, ed. Geoffrey Khan, Leiden: Brill.

Translation and editing Assistant editor of Jerusalem Studies of Arabic and Islam 26 and 27, Studies in Honour of Prof. Shaul Shaked (2002).

Transcription editor, Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries - Iran. ed. Haim Saadoun, Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 2005.

Translation and translation editing of academic papers (Hebrew- English/English-Hebrew), 1995-present.

Translation from Hebrew: artments/Genetics/ m

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