Best Irener,

We want to give you a roommate that fit well with you so that you can have the best possible live- and learning experience next year. However, you have to keep in mind that your roommate will not be a mirror image of yourself. Also remember it can be fun and exciting to be exposed to different views about people, social issues, university etc. Learning to listen, accept, understand and respect each other’s differences can be a valuable part of your education. Please help us to make an appropriate choice and fill in this questionnaire as attentively and honestly as possible.

Beste Irener,

Ons wil vir jou die kamermaat gee wat die beste by jou pas sodat jy die bes moontlike leef- en leeromgewing vir volgende jaar het. Jy moet ingedagte hou dat jou kamermaat nie noodwendig ‘n spieëlbeeld van jouself gaan wees nie. Dit is egter opwindend en pret om blootgestel te word aan verskillende perspektiewe oor mense, sosiale kwessies, universiteit ens. Om te leer om na ander te luister, aanvaar, verstaan en respekteer is ‘n waardevolle deel van jou opvoeding as student en jong volwassene. Help ons om vir jou ‘n geskikte kamermaat te kies deur die volgende vraelys so noukeurig en eerlik as moontlik te voltooi.

Please complete the questionnaire, attach a picture of yourself and mail as soon as possible to the following address (ENVELOPE: 22x11cm or smaller):

Voltooi asseblief die vraelys, heg 'n foto van jouself aan en pos so spoedig moontlik aan die onderstaande adres (KOEVERT: 22x11cm of kleiner):

The Primaria Irene Ladies’ Residence Victoria Street Stellenbosch 7600

Thank you and enjoy the questionnaire, we are excited to get to know you! Room Placement Vorm 2014 / Kamerplasingsvorm 2014

Dankie en geniet die vraelys, ons is opgewonde om jou te leerken!

Name & Surname / Naam & van: ______Student number / Studentenommer: ______ID/PASSPORT Course / Kursus: ______SIZED PHOTO Home town & Province / Tuisdorp & Provinsie: ______Own cellphone / Eie selfoon: ID-/PASPOORT ______Parent(s) / guardian(s) (Name & contact details) / GROTE FOTO Ouer(s) / versorger(s) (Naam & kontakbesonderhede): ______Medical Aid / Mediesefonds:  Name / Naam: ______ Membership number / Lidmaatskap Nommer: ______ Main member (Name & contact details) / Hooflid (Naam & kontakbesonderhede): ______Allergies / Alergië: ______Medication / Medikasie: ______Blood type (If known to you) / Bloedgroep? (As bekend is aan jou): ______Church, Spirituality / Kerk, Geloofsoortuiging: ______Food preferences due to health or spiritual beliefs? / Kosvoorkeure weens geloof of gesondheid? ______

2 Please print and mail / Druk en pos asseblief Room Placement Vorm 2014 / Kamerplasingsvorm 2014


3 Please print and mail / Druk en pos asseblief Room Placement Vorm 2014 / Kamerplasingsvorm 2014

Give a brief description of yourself / Gee ‘n kort beskrywing van jouself: ______

How do you feel about alcohol use? / Hoe voel jy oor alkoholgebruik? ______

What do you think about curfew at school? Wat dink jy van inkomtye op skool? ______

How would you describe the school you matriculated from? Hoe sal jy die skool beskryf waar jy gematrikuleer het? ______

How would you describe your friendship group and friendships? Hoe sal jou jou vriendekring en vriendskappe beskryf? ______

How do you spend time together as a family? / Hoe spandeer julle gesin tyd saam? ______

4 Please print and mail / Druk en pos asseblief Room Placement Vorm 2014 / Kamerplasingsvorm 2014

What are your thoughts about religion and spirituality? Wat is jou gevoelens oor geloof en spiritualiteit? ______

What other places in / outside South-Africa have you visited? Watter plekke in / buite Suid-Afrika het jy al besoek? ______

What are your hobbies and interests? / Wat is jou stokperdjies en belangstellings? ______

What type(s) of music do you listen to? / Na watter tipe(s) musiek luister jy? ______

What sport(s) do you practice? / Watter sport(e) beoefen jy? ______

What type of movies do you watch? / Van watter tipe flieks hou jy? ______

What type of food do you like? / Van watter tipe kos hou jy? ______

Something you think we need to know? / Iets wat jy dink ons moet weet? ______

5 Please print and mail / Druk en pos asseblief Room Placement Vorm 2014 / Kamerplasingsvorm 2014

Tell me a bit more / Vertel my ‘n bietjie meer:

You are... / Jy is... Your roommate should be... / My kamermaat moet... Neat / Netjies Neat / Netjies Perfectionist / Perfeksionisties Perfectionist / Perfeksionisties Untidy / Slordig Untidy / Slordig Introvert / Introvert Introvert / Introvert Extrovert / Ekstrovert Extrovert / Ekstrovert Social butterfly / Sosiale vlinder Social butterfly / Sosiale vlinder Smoker / Roker Smoker / Roker Non-Smoker / Nie – roker Non-Smoker / Nie – roker Light sleeper / Ligte slaper Light sleeper / Ligte slaper Sleep with closed windows / Sleep with closed windows / Slaap met toe vensters Slaap met toe vensters Sleep with open windows / Sleep with open windows / Slaap met oop vensters Slaap met oop vensters Studies at day / Dag studeer Studies at day / Dag studeer Studies at night / Aand studeer Studies at night / Aand studeer Night person (night owl) / Night person (night owl) Nagmens (naguil) Nagmens (naguil) Get up easily (early bid) Get up easily (early bird) Staan maklik op Staan maklik op Can’t function with little sleep Can’t function with little sleep Nie funksioneer met min slaap nie Nie funksioneer met min slaap nie Noise sensitive / Geraas sensitief Noise sensitive / Geraas sensitief Light sensitive / Lig sensitief Light sensitive / Lig sensitief Health conscious / Health conscious / Gesondheidsbewus Gesondheidsbewus Protective over my belongings / Protective over my belongings / Beskermend oor my besittings Beskermend oor my besittings

Please page… / Blaai assbelief om…

6 Please print and mail / Druk en pos asseblief Room Placement Vorm 2014 / Kamerplasingsvorm 2014

Are you going to make use of the opportunity to unpack on 22 January between 10:00 and 17:00? / Gaan jy gebruik maak van die geleentheid om te kom uitpak op 22 Januarie tussen 10:00 en 17:00? Note: all first years must be moved in by 11:00 on 23 January 2014.


Are you going to make use of the opportunity to sleep over in Irene on 22 Jaunuary? / Gaan jy gebruik maak van die geleentheid om oor te slaap in Irene op 22 Januarie?


How many parents will attend the parent’s lunch on 23 January 2014? / Hoeveel ouers gaan die ouer middagete op 23 Januarie bywoon?

0 1 2

There are a limited amount of single rooms available for first years. Please indicate if you would like to have a single room in 2014. Daar is ‘n beperkte aantal enkelkamers vir eerstejaars beskikbaar vir 2014. Dui asseblief aan in die onderstaande blokkie as jy ‘n enkelkamer wil hê vir 2014.

Single room 2014 / Enkelkamer 2014

Please take note / Neem asseblief kennis:  Prices are as follow / Pryse is as volg: Single room / Enkelkamer: R 31 860 per year / per jaar Double room / Dubbelkamer: R 26 250 per year / per jaar  First years will be placed in single rooms based on academics available to us by university systems. / Eerstejaars sal in enkelkamers geplaas word op grond van akademies op universiteit sisteme.  If you indicated that you want a single room, a single room is NOT guaranteed. / As die blokkie gemerk is dat jy ‘n enkelkamer wil hê, beteken dit NIE dat ‘n enkelkamer gewaarborg is nie.  Please go and like our Facebook page (Irene Dameskoshuis) to see what is happening in Irene. / Gaan ‘like’ ons op Facebook (Irene Dameskoshuis) om te sien wat gebeur in Irene.

7 Please print and mail / Druk en pos asseblief Room Placement Vorm 2014 / Kamerplasingsvorm 2014

 Check the website regularly for our first year’s booklet and other information. The booklet will be released electronically on the website after the final matric end exam. ( Hou asseblief ons webtuiste gereeld dop vir die eerstejaarsboekie en ander inligting. Die boeke sal elektronies beskikbaar wees op die webtuiste na die laaste matriek eindeksamen vrastel. (


8 Please print and mail / Druk en pos asseblief