How can conflicts be resolved in fair and just ways? SS.1.C.3.1 Explain how decisions can be made or how conflicts might be resolved in fair and just ways.

1 SS.1.C.3.1 Explain how decisions can be made or how conflicts might be resolved in fair and just ways. Correlated Florida Standards (See Full Text on Cover Page)  LAFS.1.SL.1.1, LAFS.1.SL.2.4 Essential Question How can conflicts be resolved in fair and just ways? Learning Goal/Objective  Students will be able to identify ways to resolve conflicts in fair ways. Overview Students will brainstorm, discuss, write and illustrate ways to solve problems in fair ways. Materials  Post-It Notes  We Solve Problems!! handout  I Know How to Solve a Problem Fairly handout Time  15-20 minutes with additional time for extension suggestions Activity Sequence INTRODUCTION/HOOK 1. Hand each student a post-it note. 2. Instruct students to write or draw a situation they have experienced that made them upset on their post-it note. 3. Have students place their post-it note on the board and read some of the situations aloud to the class. ACTIVITY 4. Project the definition of a fair decision. Fair Decision – a decision made where people are treated equally or the same 5. Pose the following questions for discussion: Think about the situation you wrote on the post-it note, how might that situation have been fixed in a fair way? Are there other experiences you remember where a problem was fixed in a fair way? 6. Pass out the We Solve Problems!! handout and explain to students that they will work as a whole class to brainstorm different ways problems can be solved in fair ways. 7. Work as a whole class to complete the handout. Teacher Note: Possible answers could include - walk away, talk it out, apologize, write about it, share, talk to a grown up, count to 10, go on to another activity, or ask person to stop. CLOSURE 8. Pass out the I Know How to Solve a Problem Fairly handout. 9. Instruct students to work independently to illustrate a problem in the “Problem” box and a fair way to solve the problem in the “Solution” box. 10. Have students share out. OPTIONAL EXTENSION SUGGESTIONS 1. Have students write out (and/or illustrate) the steps to solve a problem fairly. 2. Create a cartoon with a conflict resolution theme.

3. Write a paragraph explaining why solving problems in fair ways is important. Name: ______Date:______

3 Name: ______Date:______I Know How to Solve a Problem Fairly PROBLEM SOLUTION