IBM Intelligent Video Analytics Version

VMS extension for Cisco VSM 7 Installation and integration enablement guide

IBM Intelligent Video Analytics Version

VMS extension for Cisco VSM 7 Installation and integration enablement guide

 Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices, copyright, terms, and trademarks” on page 13. Contents

Integrating IBM Intelligent Video Running the Findcameras.exe tool...... 10 Analytics with Cisco VSM 7 ...... 1 Running the SampleGrabber tool ...... 11 CiscoCamDiscovery. Files required for the integration...... 1 Running the tool . . . 11 GraphEdit Installation overview ...... 2 Running to troubleshoot issues . . . 12 Prerequisite steps ...... 2 MILS client preparation configuration .....3 Notices, copyright, terms, and Installing the Cisco VSM 7 DirectShow Filter on the trademarks ...... 13 SSE ...... 4 Notices ...... 13 Installing the Cisco VSM 7 VMS extension on MILS . 6 Copyright notice...... 15 Installing and registering the Cisco VSM 7 web Additional notices ...... 15 components...... 6 Trademarks ...... 15 Configuring the VMS server, cameras, and channels ...... 8 Troubleshooting issues with the Cisco sample application and test tools ...... 10

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015 iii iv IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Cisco VSM 7 Installation and integration enablement guide Integrating IBM Intelligent Video Analytics with Cisco VSM 7

IBM® Intelligent Video Analytics (IBM IVA) version V1.6 can be integrated with Cisco Video Surveillance Manager (VSM) version 7.

The IBM IVA V1.6 VMS extension package for Cisco VSM 7.5 ( and the downloadable prerequisite open source files provide a complete set of instructions and media for installing and configuring the integration. The IBM DirectShow filter that is included in the extension files is specifically supported for Cisco VSM version 7.5 together with the Cisco VSM SDK V 7.0.1. Considerations

The DirectShow Filter (DSF) for Cisco VSM 7: v Plays only H.264 video codec. v Supports frame rate reduction. v Supports secondary streams though a URL extension, for example &stream=3fefd41f-891b-4d3b-bf47- 55d418565238_vs2. v Does not support downsizing. Downsizing can be accomplished separately by the camera or encoder.

Files required for the integration Files included in the IBM IVA 1.6 Cisco VSM 7.5 integration package

The following files are required to complete the integration, and are provided in the IBM IVA V1.6 Cisco VSM V7.5 integration package on IBM Fix Central.

File name Provides... The Cisco DSF installation files. This file also contains a directory that is called Utilities, which includes a sample application and some testing tools. The Cisco web player, web pages, and code that is required to play video from a Cisco VSM 7 system in the IBM IVA (MILS) administrator and operator clients.

Other prerequisite files

More files are also required to complete the integration, as follows: 1. Download the following files from the Cisco V7 VSM SDK, as outlined in step 5 in the Prerequisite steps section. v ..\VSM7.0.1SDK\WebServicesDLLs\VSOMWebService.dll v ..\VSM7.0.1SDK\WebServicesDLLs\VSOMWebService.XmlSerializers.dll 2. Download the following files from, as outlined in step 6 in the Prerequisite steps section. v avcodec-55.dll v avdevice-55.dll v avfilter-3.dll v avformat-55.dll v avutil-52.dll

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015 1 v LiveProxy.dll v postproc-52.dll v swresample-0.dll v swscale-2.dll 3. Download the following files from, as outlined in step 7 in the Prerequisite steps section. v DirectShowLib-2005.dll v log4net.config v log4net.dll

Installation overview To integrate IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6 with Cisco Video Surveillance Manager (VSM) 7, review the prerequisite information and install the required components in the order that is specified. Procedure 1. Obtain the required integration files, VSM 7.0.1 SDK, and Visual C++ updates, as outlined in the prerequisite information section. 2. Install the Cisco DSF on the IBM IVA Smart Surveillance Engine (SSE) server(s). 3. Install the Cisco web player application on the IBM IVA Middleware for Large Scale Surveillance (MILS) server. 4. Optional: Install the Cisco VSM 7 sample application and testing tools that are provided in the DSF package.

Prerequisite steps Complete the prerequisite steps before you start the integration. Procedure

Prepare your IBM IVA environment 1. Ensure that your IBM IVA system meets the minimum system requirements, and is deployed according to the installation instructions in the product documentation. v For information about the minimum requirements, see Detailed system requirements for IBM Intelligent Video Analytics. v To access the product documentation, see the IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6 IBM Knowledge Center. 2. Install IBM Intelligent Video Analytics V1.6 interim fix PO04202 before you start the integration. 3. Ensure that you have administrator access to the IBM IVA MILS and SSE servers and the pvadmin credentials to log on to the MILS administrator and operator clients to complete the integration configuration. 4. For every MILS operator or administrator client that accesses a video channel from the Cisco VSM 7 system complete “MILS client preparation configuration” on page 3.

Prepare the required files from the Cisco VSM 7.0.1 SDK 5. Download and extract the Cisco V7 VSM SDK. Go to security/documentation , scroll down the page and download VSM 7.0.1 SDK with Examples. Extract the contents of the VSM 7.0.1 SDK with file and copy the following two DLL files to a temporary location on the SSE server: v ..\VSM7.0.1SDK\WebServicesDLLs\VSOMWebService.dll v ..\VSM7.0.1SDK\WebServicesDLLs\VSOMWebService.XmlSerializers.dll

2 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Cisco VSM 7 Installation and integration enablement guide Prepare the required open source integration files 6. Go to, and download the file. Extract and copy the following LiveProxy and prerequisite files onto the SSE server in the same temporary location that you copied the SDK files into in the previous step: v avcodec-55.dll v avdevice-55.dll v avfilter-3.dll v avformat-55.dll v avutil-52.dll v LiveProxy.dll v postproc-52.dll v swresample-0.dll v swscale-2.dll 7. Go to, download the following files, and copy them into a temporary location on the SSE server. v DirectShowLib-2005.dll v log4net.config v log4net.dll

Download and install the prerequisite Visual C++ updates 8. Depending on the operating system of the servers and clients, you might need to install one or more of the following updates from Be sure to choose the exact specified package. v Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update v Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update v Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4

Note: Ensure that you install the required Microsoft Visual C++ update packages on the SSE server.

Note: v Some of the hyperlinks on this website are disguised as ordinary text, and are not underlined in blue ink. v Download the x86 version of each update, namely vcredist_x86.exe. v Install as administrator or as the pvadmin user. MILS client preparation configuration On the IBM IVA MILS administrator and operator clients that access and play video from a Cisco Video Surveillance Manager (VSM) 7 system, complete the preparation that is required. Procedure 1. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update on the Windows clients. 2. Ensure that the MILS administrator or operator clients are running a supported browser, for example Explorer (IE) version 10.

Note: IE 11 is not a supported browser client for IBM IVA V1.6. 3. Ensure that the clients can access the MILS server. The clients must be able to resolve the host name of the IBM IVA MILS server through either DNS or by an entry in the desktop hosts file. For example,

Integrating IBM Intelligent Video Analytics with Cisco VSM 7 3 if the MILS server host name is MILS_host_name and this host name is not in DNS, then ensure that the following entry exists in the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file on the client: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd MILS_host_name

Where aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd is the IP address of the MILS server. 4. Complete the mandatory browser configuration steps as described in the topic Installing the administrator client in the IBM Knowledge Center. 5. Complete the following extra browser configuration: a. When you log on to the IBM IVA administrator or operator client and you are presented with the message "There is a problem with this website's security certificate", click Continue to this website (not recommended). This message is displayed because a self-signed SSL certificate is used on the MILS server. b. If you are prompted with the message "Only secure content is displayed", click Show all content to allow both HTTP and HTTPS content to be displayed in the browser. c. When prompted, accept and install the ActiveX controls.

Installing the Cisco VSM 7 DirectShow Filter on the SSE server Install the Cisco VSM 7 DSF on each of the SSE servers in your environment. The DSF package also contains a set of utilities, which must be prepared before you can use them. Before you begin

For legal notices that relate to the Cisco VSM 7 DSF, see “Additional notices” on page 15.

Important: This version of the Cisco VSM 7 DSF supports H.264 encoded video only. About this task

The Cisco VSM DSF makes calls to the Cisco VSM 7 API, leveraging the Cisco VSM 7 SDK. The DSF implements interfaces of the Microsoft DirectShow Media framework. The DSF also uses the open source as noted in the prerequisite steps of this document.

Complete the following procedure to install the DSF on the SSE server and to also prepare the utilities that are provided for troubleshooting issues. Procedure 1. Extract the contents of the file into a temporary working location on the SSE server, which is referred to as your_working_area in some of the next steps in this procedure. When extracted, the CiscoVSM7_DSF_Filter parent folder contains the following items: v The version number of the DSF. v A directory that is named CiscoVSM7DSF. v A directory that is named Utilities, which contains the tools that are mentioned in “Troubleshooting issues with the Cisco sample application and test tools” on page 10. 2. Move the CiscoVSM7DSF folder into the ..\IBM\SSE1.6.0\ folder, resulting in the following directory structure: v C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\SSE1.6.0\CiscoVSM7DSF, for 64-bit Windows v C:\Program Files\IBM\SSE1.6.0\CiscoVSM7DSF, for 32-bit Windows 3. Copy the VSOMWebService.dll and VSOMWebService.XmlSerializers.dll files that you downloaded in step 5 in the Prerequisite steps section into both of the following folders: v ..\IBM\SSE1.6.0\CiscoVSM7DSF v ..\Your_working_area\CiscoVSM7_DSF_Filter\Utilities

4 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Cisco VSM 7 Installation and integration enablement guide 4. Copy all of the 9 LiveProxy and prerequisite files that you downloaded in step 6 of “Prerequisite steps” on page 2, into the following folder: v ..\IBM\SSE1.6.0\CiscoVSM7DSF 5. Copy the log4net.dll file that you downloaded in step 7 in the Prerequisite steps section, into the following folder: v ..\IBM\SSE1.6.0\CiscoVSM7DSF 6. Copy the DirectShowLib-2005.dll, log4net.config, and log4net.dll files that you downloaded in step 7 in the Prerequisite steps section into the following folder: ..\Your_working_area\CiscoVSM7_DSF_Filter\Utilities

Note: When you complete the procedures in “Troubleshooting issues with the Cisco sample application and test tools” on page 10, you will need the Utilities subdirectory. 7. Verify the content of the DSF directories for the IBM IVA SSE server as follows: a. Ensure that the ..\IBM\SSE1.6.0\CiscoVSM7DSF folder contains the following files: v avcodec-55.dll (Downloaded) v avdevice-55.dll (Downloaded) v avfilter-3.dll (Downloaded) v avformat-55.dll (Downloaded) v avutil-52.dll (Downloaded) v v v CiscoSource.exp v CiscoSource.lib v CiscoSource.pdb v HelperLib.dll v HelperLib.pdb v install.bat v LiveProxy.dll (Downloaded) v log4net.dll (Downloaded) v postproc-52.dll (Downloaded) v swresample-0.dll (Downloaded) v swscale-2.dll (Downloaded) v uninstall.bat v VSOMWebService.dll (Downloaded) v VSOMWebService.XmlSerializers.dll (Downloaded) b. Ensure that the ..\Your_working_area\CiscoVSM7_DSF_Filter\Utilities folder contains the following files: v camera.dat v CiscoCamDiscovery.html v DirectShowLib-2005.dll (Downloaded) v FindCameras.exe v FindCameras.exe.config v FindCameras.pdb v HelperLib.dll v HelperLib.pdb v log4net.config (Downloaded)

Integrating IBM Intelligent Video Analytics with Cisco VSM 7 5 v log4net.dll (Downloaded) v SampleGrabber.exe v SampleGrabber.exe.config v SampleGrabber.log.config v SampleGrabber.pdb v VSOMWebService.dll (Downloaded) v VSOMWebService.XmlSerializers.dll (Downloaded) 8. Open the ..\IBM\SSE1.6.0\CiscoVSM7DSF directory and run the install.bat script.

Important: If this step fails, ensure that the required Visual C++ versions are installed. 9. Set the Windows System Path environment variable to include the ..\IBM\SSE1.6.0\CiscoVSM7DSF directory as follows: a. Start . b. Double-click the System icon. c. Click Advanced System Settings > Advanced > Environment variables. d. Under the System variables section, modify the path so that it includes the CiscoVSM7DSF directory path.

Important: Ensure that you add the directory to the path that is under System variables and not under User variables. 10. From the Windows Services Manager, restart the following SSE services: v IBM SSE 1.6.0 v IBM SSE rebooting tool 1.6 11. Verify that the SSE services are successfully started. For more information, see http:// What to do next

Before you run the DSF on the SSE server, test the DSF by using the SampleGrabber.exe utility that is provided with the Cisco VSM 7 integration package for IBM IVA. For more information about SampleGrabber.exe and the other utilities that are provided for verifying the VMS integration, see “Troubleshooting issues with the Cisco sample application and test tools” on page 10.

Installing the Cisco VSM 7 VMS extension on MILS Install the Cisco VSM 7 VMS extension on the IBM IVA V1.6 MILS server and complete the required server and client configuration. Before you begin

Review Configuring a VMS server in IBM Intelligent Video Analytics in the IBM IVA V1.6 Knowledge Center. Installing and registering the Cisco VSM 7 web components Extract and load the Cisco VSM 7 web components for IBM IVA onto the MILS server and complete the required configuration steps. Procedure

Load the IBM IVA web player 1. Log on to the MILS server and open the HTTPServer directory.

6 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Cisco VSM 7 Installation and integration enablement guide Note: On a Linux operating system, the full path to this directory is /opt/IBM/SVS/HTTPServer and on Windows it is C:\Program Files\IBM\SVS\HTTPServer. 2. Extract the contents of the file into the following location under the MILS web root directory: ../HTTPServer/htdocs/milsng/vms

When this step is complete, you can see a CiscoVSM7 directory in the vms directory, as follows: ../HTTPServer/htdocs/milsng/vms/CiscoVSM7

Load the MILS VMS web components 3. Start and connect to the web UI of the Cisco VSM 7 server, for example http://. The client is redirected through HTTPS.

Note: The Cisco MultiPane Client is loaded when you connect and log on to the Cisco VSM web UI. In addition to installing the MultiPane Client, the certificates from the Cisco server are also installed. The Cisco VSM video player will not function if steps 3 to 10 are unsuccessful. 4. Add the Cisco VSM server to the trusted sites in the Internet Explorer security settings. 5. If you receive a warning about an invalid certificate when you try to access the login page, proceed to connect and then install the certificate by clicking the certificate error warning in the address bar. 6. Install the certificate into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. 7. Install the certificate again, but this time into the Personal certificate store. When you are able to establish an HTTPS connection to the login page of the VSOM server without getting a certificate warning, the certificate is successfully installed. 8. Log on to the VSOM web UI with a privileged user ID and password. 9. When prompted, install the Cisco VSM client. 10. After the client is installed, select a camera and drag it into the video monitoring panel. When you can successfully view video in the VSOM UI, the client is installed correctly.

Registering the IBM IVA web player on the MILS server 11. Edit the uiprofile.json file in the IBM IVA web root ..\IBM\SVS\HTTPServer\htdocs\milsng\conf directory.

Important: If you incorrectly modify the uiprofile.json file, you can cause serious functional problems with IBM IVA. Be sure to: v Back up the uiprofile.json file before you make any changes. v Use an editor that supports UTF-8. If your editor supports UTF-8, under the language object, which lists the supported languages, you can correctly see some double-byte characters that are displayed for some languages such as Chinese, Russian, and Japanese. If you do not see these languages displayed in their native character set, your editor does not support UTF-8. Do not save the uiprofile.json file with an editor that does not support UTF-8, as by doing so you can corrupt the file. v Use the correct JSON syntax throughout the uiprofile.json file. If the JSON syntax is incorrect, it is not parsed correctly by the browser and the UI does not function as expected.

Note: A common mistake is in the arrays of objects, where each object is followed by a comma character except for the last object, which does not have a trailing comma. 12. Find the playerParameters object and add the following to it: {"id": "Cisco_VSM_7", "url": "vms/CiscoVSM7/objectDetailsVmsPlayers.html"} 13. Find the preloadPlayers object and add the following to it: {"id": "Cisco_VSM_7"}

Integrating IBM Intelligent Video Analytics with Cisco VSM 7 7 Configuring the VMS server, cameras, and channels In the IBM IVA MILS administrator client, configure a VMS server entry, cameras, and channels for the Cisco VSM 7 integration. The clients that access the Cisco video channels and use the video player must also be configured. Procedure 1. Log on to the MILS administrator client as the pvadmin user. For more information, see Accessing the administrator client in the IBM Knowledge Center.

Create a VMS server definition 2. Go to the Servers tab.

Note: A list of the existing predefined VMS servers is displayed. Make a note of the server IDs of the existing VMS servers. You must assign your new server definition with the next highest unused numeric ID. 3. To add a server definition, click Clear. A new VMS server entry form displays. Complete the fields as outlined in the following table.

Field name Instructions Server ID Enter the next available numeric ID Name Enter a name for the server definition, for example, Cisco_VSM_7 Important: The server name is important as it will be resolved to a context ID that is used by the client to find the Cisco web player. You can replace the underscores in the name by spaces or periods as desired. The letters and the number in the server name are retained in order. For example, use Cisco_VSM_7 or Cisco VSM.7. Hostname Specify the host name of Cisco VSOM 7 server Important: All of the clients and SSE servers must be able to connect to the specified host name. Ensure that you enter the host name that is specified in the Cisco server certificate. The clients and SSE server must be able to resolve the IP address from the specified host name, either by DNS or by an entry in the hosts file. The MILS clients must be able to successfully connect through HTTPS to the VSOM Server by using this host name without certificate errors. Otherwise, video does not play in the Cisco web player. Parameters Set the user and password parameters to the credentials of an account that can access the Cisco server, as follows: user=specify_username&password=specify_password

For example: user=john&password=ibmiva123 Format Set the format to $protocol://$server?camera=$camId&User=$username &Password=$password Protocol Set the protocol to ciscosource Version Set the version to 7

For more information about the server definition fields, see VMS server properties.

Configure the cameras 4. Go to the Cameras tab and create a camera definition for every camera that you are integrating, by completing the required fields. Complete the following fields by using the instructions that are provided:

Field Instructions VMS Server For each camera, select the Cisco VSM 7 server that you configured in step 3.

8 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Cisco VSM 7 Installation and integration enablement guide Field Instructions VMS Camera ID Set the Camera's VMS Camera ID to the Camera UID of the appropriate camera as defined on the Cisco server. Note: For analog cameras connected to encoder ports this is the analog camera device ID, not the encoder device ID. These can be found by using the Cisco VSM 7 Management Console. v Use the CiscoCamDiscovery.html utility that is included with the Cisco DSF package. For more information, see “Troubleshooting issues with the Cisco sample application and test tools” on page 10. v Enter the Cisco server's host name, valid user credentials, and then click Load. v All cameras are displayed in the text area of the utility. Make a note of the Camera Uids and check to see if there are any cameras with more than one stream defined. Stream names will typically be the camera UID followed by _vs1 or _vs2. If you see any cameras with a _vs2 stream defined take note of this. If possible, copy the UIDs and stream IDs from the utility into your IBM IVA camera definitions. Live Params If the camera is on a Cisco media server that is not on the same host as the VSOM server, add a parameter with the host name of the media server. For example, &mediaserver=mediaserverhostname. The mediaserver parameter is used by the web player to play live and archived video in the IBM IVA administrator client. Important: The host name that is specified must match the host name in the certificate of the Cisco media server. To successfully play video in the web player, clients must be able to connect to the media server via HTTPS without certificate errors. Engine Params Enter the width and height that the camera is configured for and ensure that each parameter is preceded with an ampersand (&) character. For example, &Width=704&Height=480. Important: v If you do not know these values, contact your Cisco VSM administrator. Note: These values match the actual width and height that is configured for the camera. Otherwise, video is distorted when streamed by the SSE. v If the camera has more than one stream defined, add a stream parameter with the Stream Id of the stream that you want the SSE to use. For example, &stream=3fefd41f-891b-4d3b-bf47-55d418565238_vs2. In most cases this should be the second stream as this is the lower resolution stream and conserves CPU resource on the SSE. Make sure that the width and height parameters match the resolution of the selected stream.

For more information about the server definition fields, see Camera definition properties.

Configuring channels (views) and associated analytic engines 5. Go to the Channels tab and create channels for each camera that will be analyzed. You must also configure the analytic engines that are associated with each channel. For more information, see Creating, updating, and deleting channels.

Setting up the servers and clients for HTTPS and cross-domain operations 6. The Cisco VSM 7 server requires HTTPS connections to support video playback. To allow the web browsers that are used to connect to the IBM IVA administrator or operator clients to make HTTPS requests to the Cisco server, an IBM HTTP Server that support HTTPS must be running on the MILS component. Some additional configuration is also required in the Internet Explorer security settings.

Note: In IBM IVA V1.6, HTTPS is enabled for MILS by default. 7. Ensure that the following browser configuration steps are applied to every client that accesses the IBM IVA administrator or operator clients:

Integrating IBM Intelligent Video Analytics with Cisco VSM 7 9 a. Configure the Internet Explorer security settings as outlined in Setting up the Intelligent Video Analytics operator client. b. Add the Cisco VSOM server and any Cisco Media Servers to the Trusted Sites, ensuring that the URLs include the HTTPS protocol. c. In the Custom level settings for Trusted Sites, enable the following extra functions: v Access data sources across domains v Display mixed content v Launching programs and files in an IFRAME v Navigate windows and frames across different domains

Troubleshooting issues with the Cisco sample application and test tools You can optionally install and run several test tools and a sample application on a test environment to help you to debug configuration issues that pertain to the Cisco server and the Cisco DSF. These tools are not used in production but are included here to help debugging efforts. While these utilities are not necessary for the DSF to operate, they can be useful for initial testing and to gather information for configuration later. The test tools that are outlined in this section are typically installed on a Windows 7 client. You can find three utilities in the Cisco DSF package file. Running the Findcameras.exe tool The Findcameras.exe utility discovers all cameras that are configured on the Cisco VSOM 7 server. About this task

When you provide an IP address and valid credentials, Findcameras.exe enumerates all of the cameras on the Cisco server. In addition, you can export the URLs in the correct format that is required for IBM IVA. Findcameras.exe can be run from any client.

Important: Findcameras.exe does not discover encoders and finds only the camera UID for IP cameras. In addition, Findcameras.exe does not discover the stream UIDs for secondary streams that are configured on cameras. Findcameras.exe reports incorrect camera UIDs when media servers are separate from the VSOM server. Use the CiscoCamDiscovery.html utility to find secondary streams for IP cameras. Use the Cisco VSM Management console to find the UIDs of analog cameras that are connected to encoder ports and cameras that are connected to separate media servers. Procedure 1. Enter the IP address or host name of the Cisco VSOM 7 server, and credentials for a user who has administrative access to the VSOM 7 server. 2. Click Load. The utility connects to the server and discovers the configured cameras. When the progress indicator disappears, you can see all configured cameras in the page on the lower left. 3. Click Export to export all information that is discovered about the cameras to a CSV file. The following table explains the camera attributes of interest:

Camera attribute Description UID UID is the unique ID of the camera. Make a note of this value, as it is used later when you configure the camera in the IBM IVA system. Token Token is a security token that is used to access the camera on the VSOM 7 server. This is a temporary token and will expire after some time.

10 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Cisco VSM 7 Installation and integration enablement guide Camera attribute Description RTSP URL Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a protocol that can be used to stream video from the camera by using an RTSP media player, such as VideoLAN Client (VLC). It includes the temporary token and expires when the token expires.

Cisco URL v Is a URL that initiates the creation of a DSF graph that streams video from the camera. v The last two parameters, Width and Height, contain default values that must be replaced with the configured resolution of the camera in VSOM 7. v Use the Cisco URL to test streaming video from the camera during the deployment. It can be modified to test out different values. For more information, see the full specification for the URL in the Cisco Source Filter - URI Specification.docx document.

Running the SampleGrabber tool The SampleGrabber utility initiates video streams from the camera that uses the DSF. It uses the same DirectShow interface as the SSE server, and is therefore a good way to test that the DSF and URL that you are using will work with the SSE. About this task

SampleGrabber closely simulates the operation of the SSE. It activates logging and starts streaming video using the same URL as IBM IVA. SampleGrabber must be run on a machine that has the DSF installed, for example, the SSE Server. Procedure 1. To validate the DSF installation and networking setup, run the SampleGrabber utility from the SSE server. 2. In the Cisco source URL field, specify the URL that you would like to test. 3. Modify the width and height parameters to match the camera stream configuration. 4. Click OK. VideoStatus and log output windows open.

Note: v The log output window shows what the filter is doing. v The VideoStatus window shows four rounded rectangles that turn green as the filter graph is built. v When the graph is complete, an ActiveMovie window opens and displays the video stream. v When the video starts playing, click Capture on the Images tab in the VideoStatus window. v Each time that you click Capture, an image is retrieved by the Sample Grabber tool. v The images are in the correct color and orientation and match the images that the SSE server retrieves from the DSF. Running the CiscoCamDiscovery.html tool The CiscoCamDiscovery.html utility finds the cameras on a VSOM 7 server and displays all streams that are supported by each camera. This is important if you plan to use multi-streaming on cameras to provide lower resolution video to SSEs to allow them to support more cameras. The CiscoCamDiscovery.html web page must be run from an Internet Explorer browser.

Integrating IBM Intelligent Video Analytics with Cisco VSM 7 11 Procedure 1. Start an Internet Explorer browser and open the CiscoCamDiscovery.html page. The page can be hosted on your local client disk or on any web server. 2. Enter the Cisco VSOM 7 host name, user ID, and password.

Note: The CiscoCamDiscovery.html makes HTTPS calls to the Cisco VSOM 7 server, so the proper certificates must be installed. The best way to get the certificates installed is to connect to the Cisco VSOM console by using Internet Explorer and install the certificates. When you are able to log on to the VSOM console with no certificate warnings, this is an indication that the certificates are successfully installed. 3. Click Load. The streams that are configured for each camera are displayed. If there is no response after a few seconds, it is likely that the certificates are not installed correctly. Running GraphEdit to troubleshoot issues GraphEdit is a Microsoft product for debugging DirectShow graphs and must be installed on the same server as the DSF. You can obtain GraphEdit from the Software Development Kit (SDK).

When you use GraphEdit to troubleshoot problems, select Render URL from the File menu, and then enter the same URL that you will be using with the SSE Server.

For more information about how to use GraphEdit, see the following page on the Microsoft website:

12 IBM Intelligent Video Analytics: VMS extension for Cisco VSM 7 Installation and integration enablement guide Notices, copyright, terms, and trademarks


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