Solar Viewing Student Field Experience Program Program Plan 28 July 2005

General Solar Viewing SFE Program (students greater than 30) Students view the Sun using the upgraded equipment in the Theater. They will observe the Sun using three different telescopes: White light, full disk Hydrogen alpha filtered, full disk Hydrogen alpha filtered, zoom in Students will engage in a dialog with Marc, draw what they observe, and write responses on a 5-E student guide. While students observe the Sun, they draw what they see on a data sheet. The rest of the session is devoted to the students explaining/interpreting the features in terms of science TEKS concepts. They write/draw these responses on their student guide.

Marc may use the successful demonstrations from “Live from McDonald Observatory.” The “magnet box” demonstration help students understand how magnetic fields shape solar features (prominences and sunspots). The lava lamp will give students a concrete model for convection, which explains the lumpy granulation in the Sun’s photosphere.

5-E Solar Viewing Student Guide Engage: the Sun in everyday life Explore: Observe the Sun; draw sunspots, prominences, spicules, granulation, etc. (characteristics of the Sun). Explain: Interpret/explain these phenomena via science TEKS concepts. Marc assists students, and students work in pairs to write their responses. Marc uses the lava lamp and magnet box to help students explain what they have observed in terms of science TEKS concepts. Elaborate: Based on students’ experience with the Sun, they extend to the Sun as one of many different types of stars in terms of mass, temperature, luminosity, and diameter. Evaluate: rubric for the teacher to grade students’ responses (optional) Teacher Guide: We will also produce a teacher guide that offers background science, explicit connections to science TEKS, and tips for co-facilitating.  NASA Sun-Earth Connection: everyday life connections with the Sun. o o Sun-Earth day kit. Posters.  Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling o  Solar Motion Demonstrators: order 40 (2 kits) from ASP

Enriched Solar Viewing SFE Program (students equal to or less than 30) The enriched program consists of two observation sessions: safely using the Astroscan telescopes outside at the Telescope Park, and using the three solar telescopes in the classroom. Telescope Park ** At no time should students look into the telescope ** Safely set up the Astroscan telescopes (students work in teams of two). Safely sketch the positions of sunspots.  Clipboard, datasheet, pencil Classroom Observe the Sun using the three solar telescopes. Compare sketches to telescope images of the Sun.  White light, full disk  Hydrogen alpha filter, full disk  Hydrogen alpha filter, zoom in on active regions of choice (sunspot, prominence, flare, etc.) Students work with Marc and their teacher to explain these phenomena and observations using the magnet box and lava lamp in terms of science TEKS concepts. Concerns: Setting up Astroscan telescopes: coordination, time, and safety. Note: Lab safety is part of the science TEKS. Perhaps we can address this concern in the pre-visit package.

Additional Classroom Activities The teacher may choose an additional classroom activity that complements the Solar Viewing SFE:  Shadow Play  Sundial  Sunspots  Sun rotation