CLASSIFIED STAFF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Purpose As per Article 10.A.6 of the Rogue Community College Classified Collective Bargaining Agreement, Classified performance evaluations should be performed annually prior to the employee’s anniversary date, and more frequently as necessary. The Classified Performance Evaluation is an instrument designed to strengthen communication and facilitate regularly scheduled, formal performance reviews, the purpose of which is to:  Demonstrate Rogue’s commitment to organizational excellence and align performance with Rogue Vision, Mission, Core Values and Strategic Direction

 Provide performance feedback and clarification of expectations

. Recognize performance achievements

. Create plans for performance adjustment where appropriate

 Review existing goals and identify new ones

 Encourage professional growth and align with career direction

 Review position description - potential revisions / reclassification General Evaluation Factors 1. Job Knowledge / Skills 2. Adaptability / Problem Solving 3. Customer Relations 4. Communications 5. Dependability / Reliability 6. Initiative 7. Teamwork / Cooperation 8. Professionalism 9. Stewardship Performance Rating Scale The following 5-point rating scale is used in reviewing performance. Please write any comments under each factor. *Note: An overall score of less than 26.0, or any individual Evaluation Factor average rating of less than 2.0, is considered an unsatisfactory evaluation. 1 = Does not meet standards 4 = Exceeds standards 2 = Partially meets standards 5 = Significantly exceeds standards 3 = Meets standards Forms  Classified Performance Evaluation Form (required)  Position Analysis Questionnaire Form (PAQ) (optional – use to submit job changes)  Action Plan to Improve Deficient Performance (optional) Process Step 1: Prior to the evaluation meeting, the Classified employee and manager will each complete the Classified Performance Evaluation form. Step 2: Manager and classified employee MUST meet to go over the evaluation form together: a) Discuss each evaluation factor, behavior and rating in Section 1. Note: Please provide rationale in the comments section for any evaluation factor with an average rating of less than 3.0 or greater than 3.5. Additional comments are optional. b) Discuss Sections 2 -4 (areas for improvement, goals, and accomplishments) c) Review the Job Description for accuracy and submit any revisions on a Job Description Revision Form (Appendix A). Step 3: To complete the evaluation form, the Manager will:  Finalize the rating for each behavior  Calculate the average rating for each evaluation factor and add the average ratings to calculate the overall total  Insert comments where required  Complete Section 4: Summary Page Step 4: Manager will provide the final review for classified employee to sign. Employee has the right to submit a rebuttal in writing for inclusion in their personnel file. Step 5: If deficient performance issues were identified, an Action Plan to Improve Deficient Performance (See Appendix B) will be created. This plan should include a strategy, expectations, and action steps for remediation, time-lines and a follow-up date for review. Please note: In general, specific behaviors with a rating of 2 or less may be identified in Section 2 - Areas for Growth and/or Improvement. Evaluation factors (entire categories) with an average score of 2 or less may necessitate an Action Plan to Improve Deficient Performance.

Effective July 1, 2010 Page 1 CLASSIFIED STAFF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Step 6: Manager sends signed original form(s) to Human Resources for employee’s personnel file and shall provide a copy to employee. Contact Information For Management assistance with the Classified Performance Evaluation form or process, please contact the RCC Human Resources Director. For Classified assistance, please contact a Classified RCC/OSEA Association representative. For other information, please refer to the Classified Collective Bargaining Agreement.


Performance Rating Scale Definitions

The following definitions are provided to help define the five rating levels in the Rogue Classified Staff Performance Review Instrument. This is offered as a guideline. It is not expected that staff meet ALL examples in a ratings category. 5 = Significantly Exceeds Standards Behaviors that demonstrate exceptional initiative and creativity in furthering the mission, goals, and values of Rogue Community College. Examples of behaviors that significantly exceed standards include, but are not limited to…  Identification of new approaches that improve efficiency without compromising service  Information sharing that contributes to fully informed decision-making  Demonstrations of high level expertise in his/her job area  Willingness to mentor others, providing feedback that builds confidence and competence  Ability to positively influence others to think beyond the details of the job and work toward overall goals of the division/department, and the College  Ability to manage change and integrate new approaches into work assignments  Extraordinary demonstrations of initiative

4 = Exceeds Standards Behaviors that demonstrate a college-wide perspective in the performance of job responsibilities. Examples of behaviors that exceed standards include, but are not limited to…  Performing assigned responsibilities in a manner that often exceeds communicated standards  Demonstrations of initiative to seek information or clarification of policies, procedures, or objectives  Proactively provides valuable input and promotes team cohesion  Takes initiative to work toward the implementation of solutions, where appropriate  Flexibility in responding to changing conditions  Anticipates problems and suggests, or where appropriate, independently takes action  Sets challenging goals and achieves them 3 = Meets Standards Behaviors demonstrate skill in meeting assigned responsibilities. Examples of behaviors that meet standards include, but are not limited to…  Consistently and reliably meets standards in the performance of assigned responsibilities  Sharing information to assure standards are understood  Keeps supervisor and team informed of progress, problems, strengths, and challenges, and solicits solutions from the team, where appropriate  Demonstrates good work habits, following established work schedule and completing projects and tasks thoroughly  Meets deadlines and produces consistently acceptable levels of productivity  Provides reliable input and recommendations  Is a solid member of the division/department team, learning from mistakes and contributing in a positive way to the overall work climate in the division/department  Demonstrates interest in developing knowledge and skills  Makes progress toward identified goals in previous performance review 2 = Partially Meets Standards Behaviors are inconsistent in meeting assigned responsibilities; knowledge and skills are evident, work ethic or confidence may prevent full use of the knowledge and skills. Examples of behaviors that partially meet standards include, but are not limited to…  Is inconsistent in performance of assigned responsibilities  Inability to utilize avenues of support, or unwillingness to ask for help  Inconsistency in communicating essential information to employees involved in projects  May be present and punctual and demonstrate good interpersonal skills, but technical abilities are inconsistent  Need for improvement and development has been periodically communicated by the supervisor, a plan of action has been put in place to correct deficiencies, and the supervisor sees progress in the employee correcting the identified performance 1 = Does Not Meet Standards Behaviors are unsatisfactory. Examples of behaviors that do not meet standards include, but are not limited to…  Has not responded to constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement, and does not meet the standards communicated to the employee by the supervisor, both verbally and in writing  Behaviors repeatedly do not meet College standards as described in the employee’s job description or established in College policy/procedure  A failure to meet performance standards may include unsatisfactory work habits, behaviors that impact customers, co-workers, or the general work environment


Employee Name Department Job Title Supervisor Name Anniversary Date Evaluation Meeting Date

Section 1: General Evaluation Factors and Behaviors Rating 1 = Does not meet standards 2 = Partially meets standards Evaluation Factors Behaviors 3 = Meets standards 4 = Exceeds standards 5 = Significantly exceeds standards a. Knowledgeable of various aspects of job responsibilities / 1. Job Knowledge / Skills functions Demonstrated by the depth and b. Uses available resources to complete tasks application of knowledge in c. Uses technology effectively to perform tasks performing the job, and through d. Knowledgeable of effective and acceptable professional decisions that result in optimal use practices of resources, consistent with the e. Performs tasks effectively position description. f. Maintains expertise to stay current in their field. Average rating: 0.0 Comments:

2. Adaptability / Problem a. Ability to manage multiple priorities Solving b. Responds appropriately and adapts to change c. Effectively manages time and task completion d. Demonstrates ability to make sound decisions based on Demonstrated by the ability to adapt, respond appropriately to analysis of facts and situations related to work assignments changing work requirements and e. Provides positive contributions in effecting change new situations, and provide positive solutions and contributions through Average rating: 0.0 sound decision making. Comments:

a. Responds to customer requests in a timely and professional 3. Customer Relations manner Demonstrated by ability to provide b. Models behaviors that promote an open, welcoming, and high quality service while inclusive environment maintaining courtesy and diplomacy c. Demonstrates respectful behavior toward customers with internal and external customers d. Cultivates an accessible working/learning environment (students, public, college e. Effectively provides appropriate and accurate information to departments, and co-workers) customers Average rating: 0.0 Comments:

Revised April 6, 2017 Page 4 CLASSIFIED STAFF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Rating 1 = Does not meet standards 2 = Partially meets standards Evaluation Factors Behaviors 3 = Meets standards 4 = Exceeds standards 5 = Significantly exceeds standards a. Builds positive working relationships through supportive, clear, 4. Communications and appropriate modes of communication Demonstrated by engaging in b. Written and oral communication is clear, concise, timely, appropriate and effective accurate and effective communication patterns that c. Is conscious of how communication may be interpreted and support positive working adjusts accordingly relationships. d. Engages in respectful and appropriate dialogue e. Responds appropriately after actively listening and processing

information Average rating: 0.0 Comments:

a. Successfully completes responsibilities in a timely, efficient 5. Dependability / Reliability manner and seeks clarification of expectations as necessary b. Consistently produces accurate work c. Break and attendance patterns demonstrate dependability and Demonstrated by meeting reliability standards, successful task d. Follows appropriate procedures and gives adequate notice for completion, productivity, and accountability in fulfilling job leave requests e. Keeps appointments, meets deadlines and manages time responsibilities, appointments, and deadlines. effectively Average rating: 0.0 Comments:

6. Initiative a. Assess what needs to be done to accomplish job responsibilities and takes appropriate action to complete Demonstrated by proactively assigned tasks assessing needs, anticipating b. Engages in opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills potential issues, offering innovative c. Proactively considers responsibilities, identifies potential areas solutions, supporting new ideas, for improvement and offers solutions and taking appropriate action. d. Identifies areas of need and is willing to assist others e. Openness to new ideas and willingness to support change Average rating: 0.0 Comments:

7. Teamwork / Cooperation a. Demonstrates ability to resolve conflict constructively b. Exhibits supportive, respectful, and positive contributions to the

Demonstrated by supportive strength of the team collaboration, building trust, and c. Willingness to share appropriate information engaging in cooperative behavior d. Readily engages in collaborative decision making processes for the benefit of strengthening the e. Demonstrates ability to align own priorities with those of the team. team Average rating: 0.0 Comments:

Revised April 6, 2017 Page 5 CLASSIFIED STAFF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Rating 1 = Does not meet standards 2 = Partially meets standards Evaluation Factors Behaviors 3 = Meets standards 4 = Exceeds standards 5 = Significantly exceeds standards 8. Professionalism a. Presents an image appropriate for the workplace and position. b. Creates, encourages and maintains an environment that is

Demonstrated by exhibiting considerate of others personal conduct and attitudes that c. Consistently respectful of others d. Protects the confidentiality of information encountered in the enhance the image and reputation of the individual, workplace and workplace organization. e. Takes accountability for how attitudes and actions may be

perceived by and affect others Average rating: 0.0 Comments:

9. Stewardship a. Consistently demonstrates safe work practices b. Utilizes public / institutional resources appropriately (including

Demonstrates actions and time, budget, equipment, property, etc.) behaviors that protect the public c. Complies with all applicable policies, procedures and rules interest d. Avoids behavior that could expose the College to legal liability e. Protects the integrity of the Institution by engaging in sound

decision-making and ethical behaviors Average rating: 0.0 Comments:

Section 2: Areas for Growth and/or Improvement This section is intended to help identify knowledge, skills, or abilities the employee would like to enhance. This is also an area where the supervisor can provide input to identify areas for growth or improvement. This section can also help the employee and their supervisor to begin identifying objectives to consider in the employee’s Goal Setting / Professional Development Plan (Section 3). Areas for Growth and/or Improvement List areas for growth, or areas that have been identified for improvement

Section 3: Goal Setting / Professional Development Plan This section is intended to help identify professional goals that the employee believes will enhance their career, current position, and/or value to the College. The employee should explain how their goals will do this. For example, the employee may wish to enroll in classes towards a degree or certificate, enter an apprenticeship program, or attend workshops or seminars. This section should drive the Professional Development Goals form used to request Professional Development funds. Goals List professional goals that have been identified for the coming year

Section 4: Accomplishments This section is intended to help give a complete picture of the employee’s professional accomplishments this year both internal and external to RCC. Accomplishments: List your major accomplishments (examples of resources to help identify accomplishments might include the Division/Department Unit Plan, committee work, job classification description, etc.)


Section 5: Evaluation Summary Employee Name Department Job Title Supervisor Name Anniversary Date Evaluation Meeting Date Type of Evaluation Optional Forms Attached: Annual None Job Description Revision Form (Appendix A) Other Action Plan to Improve Deficient Performance (Appendix B) Outcome: Extend probationary status through (date) Probationary Grant regular status Terminate employment Job Description Review The initials below certify that the employee’s Job Description and Position Analysis Questionnaire Form (PAQ) have been reviewed. Both employee and manager agree that the employee’s duties are accurately described, or if changes are required, the PAQ has been red-lined and submitted to Human Resources. Manager’s Initials: Employee’s Initials: Average Rating per Evaluation Factor: (Average ratings from Section 1 Evaluation Factors) 1.Job Knowledge / Skills 0.0 2.Adaptability / Problem Solving 0.0 3.Customer Relations 0.0 4.Communications 0.0 5.Dependability / Reliability 0.0 6.Initiative 0.0 7.Teamwork / Cooperation 0.0 8.Professionalism 0.0 9.Stewardship 0.0 *Overall Total 0.0 *Note: An overall score of less than 26.0, or any individual Evaluation Factor average rating of less than 2.0, is considered an unsatisfactory evaluation. Signatures Your signature does not imply that you are in agreement with any or all of the evaluation remarks, only that you have been given an opportunity to participate in the process and have seen this review Employee Signature Date Supervisor Signature Date VP/Dean/Director Signature Date Employee Comments (please use additional sheets if necessary)

Supervisor Comments (please use additional sheets if necessary)

Revised April 6, 2017 Page 7