Name: Matthew Moore Supervisor: Dr. Bentley Subject/Grade: 8th Grade Language Arts School Year: 2012-2013 Date: December 03, 2012 Title of Unit: Acceptance

Lesson Title: Stepping into Someone’s Shoes: Narrative Writing and the Power of Empathy

Grade Level/Subject Area: 8th Grade Language Arts

Student Profile: Number of Students: 30 Number of Students with Special Needs: 2 Duration: 65 minutes Objective: Purpose of the lesson The purpose of this lesson is to construct a narrative based on the imagined experiences of another person. Having previously written a personal narrative, this assignment will require to them assume a different perspective—to narrate an episode from someone else’s life. Standards: ELACC8W3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined https :// www.georgiastandards.or experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive g/Pages/Default.aspx details, and well-structured event sequences. a. Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and point of view and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically. b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, and reflection, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters. c. Use a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence, signal shifts from one time frame or setting to another, and show the relationships among experiences and events. d. Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey experiences and events. e. Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on the narrated experiences or events.

Essential Questions: What literary elements help to create a successful narrative?

How does writing an “imagined” narrative versus writing a “real” narrative impact an author’s overall structure and content?

How can depicting someone else’s life affect one’s perception of that person? Name: Matthew Moore Supervisor: Dr. Bentley Subject/Grade: 8th Grade Language Arts School Year: 2012-2013 Date: December 03, 2012 Title of Unit: Acceptance

Anticipatory Set: “Do Now” While the song “Different People” by No Doubt, which promotes diversity, plays as the students enter, the “warm-up” activity will be displayed on the PowerPoint as usual. Students each will have a picture of a pair of worn shoes—or if you’re really creative, you can bring some shoes purchased inexpensively from a thrift store—and will be directed to begin completing at least 5 of the 15 questions contained within the “Walking in Someone’s Shoes” handout. Prior Knowledge: What will They will need to know how to create an effective narrative. During students need to know in order to today’s lesson they will briefly review the appropriate concepts via be successful? a PowerPoint presentation.

Modeling: How will students After students are given their writing assignment, the teacher will know what is expected? review the literary elements that are expected to be included in their narrative writing. Additionally, a checklist will be provided to students.

Check for Understanding: What While reviewing important concepts via the PowerPoint, the techniques will be used to monitor teacher will provide examples of each required component and learning? encourage students to provide their own examples. Teacher will instruct students to place check marks on the check list as they incorporate a particular element into their writing. Teacher will monitor student progress via both the checklist and the progression of students’ narratives.

Guided Practice: What activities Students will begin writing their narratives in class (at least the will be done to provide students opening). Several students will be called upon to share a part of with an opportunity to practice their works in progress. The techniques that these students use will what they are learning? be pointed out by both other students and teacher.

Independent Practice: How will Learning will be reinforced by allowing for the end of class to be a learning be reinforced? mini peer review time where students are partnered up and asked Homework? Exit ticket? to share and comment on each another’s writing. Once students have had time to discuss their writing with a partner, teacher will call on different pairs to share what they discussed. Name: Matthew Moore Supervisor: Dr. Bentley Subject/Grade: 8th Grade Language Arts School Year: 2012-2013 Date: December 03, 2012 Title of Unit: Acceptance

Closing: How will the lesson end? Students will use the remainder of the class to select two or more Refer back to essential questions. elements that they plan to incorporate into the next section of their narrative. Students can refer to the checklist to complete this “exit ticket.” Students will hand the completed exit ticket to teacher as they leave the class. Name: Matthew Moore Supervisor: Dr. Bentley Subject/Grade: 8th Grade Language Arts School Year: 2012-2013 Date: December 03, 2012 Title of Unit: Acceptance

Detailed Sequence of Activities: 1. As student enter room and begin working on their warm-up Number/list the lesson procedures. activity, the song “Different People” by No Doubt will be playing, and each student will have a photo of a pair of worn shoes (the possibilities of styles and colors are infinite) on their desk. 2. The warm-up, with directions displayed on a PowerPoint presentation, will require students to complete a portion of the “Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes” handout. 3. Following the students’ completion of the warm-up activity, the teacher will remind—and display on PowerPoint for— students the following quote from the previous day’s reading assignment from To Kill a Mockingbird: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view—“ “—until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (33). On cue, the teacher will inform students that they are essentially going to do that—in writing. 4. The teacher will describe—and display on PowerPoint—the students’ task of writing a narrative based on the imagined experiences of an imagined person. 5. The teacher will inform students that they will “invent” the main character of the narrative based solely on the shoes in the photo. 6. The teacher will hand out the checklist to each student and then proceed to outline the essential literary elements and techniques (shown on the PowerPoint) that they should incorporate into their writing (there will be many options from which to choose and examples provided). 7. The teacher will guide students in the completion of their “Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes” handout. 8. The teacher will provide students a checklist to be used throughout the production of their narratives. 9. Students will start writing their narrative, ideally constructing all, or at least part, of their introduction. 10. Some students will be called upon to share what they’ve written. 11. A mini peer review activity will commence, in which students will share their writing with another student, and vice versa. Teacher will subsequently call on students to share what they learned and what advice they gave. Name: Matthew Moore Supervisor: Dr. Bentley Subject/Grade: 8th Grade Language Arts School Year: 2012-2013 Date: December 03, 2012 Title of Unit: Acceptance

Accommodations/ The following adaptations to the lesson will be for students Modifications: Refer to student requiring accommodations: copies of materials will be provided as profile. needed, checklist components will be read to students as needed, additional time will be provided as needed, and length and content of assignments will be altered as necessary.

Materials: What materials are 1. PowerPoint that reviews the components and qualities of a needed for the lesson? Include any good narrative. helpful URL’s. 2. “Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes” Handout 3. “Narrative Writing Checklist” that guides students during the production of their narratives. 4. To Kill a Mockingbird book 5. No Doubt’s “Different People”

Technology Connection: What Teacher will utilized both a PowerPoint presentation and an audio kind of technology are your file during the lesson. incorporating into the lesson?