 Be able to label the four layers of the Earth. Size  About 4 times the diameter of the moon (8,000 miles across)  Much smaller than the sun Position  3rd planet from the sun; one of the four rocky inner planets  One of eight total planets that revolve around the sun and comprise the solar system  About 150 million kilometers from the sun Unique Properties  Axial Tilt: As the Earth revolves around the sun, the axial tilt of Earth causes the seasons  Ability to support life because of its water and oxygen Motion  Rotation: Earth spinning on its axis: 1 rotation = 24 hours  Revolution: Earth orbiting around the sun; 1 revolution = 365 days

Structure  Geologically active and the surface is constantly changing  Has a lot of water and oxygen to support life; about 70% of the earth is covered with water  Has a protective atmosphere that blocks out most of the sun’s harmful rays  4 Layers: Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core


 Be able to label the four layers of the Earth. Size  About 4 times the diameter of the moon (8,000 miles across)  Much smaller than the sun Position  3rd planet from the sun; one of the four rocky inner planets  One of eight total planets that revolve around the sun and comprise the solar system  About 150 million kilometers from the sun Unique Properties  Axial Tilt: As the Earth revolves around the sun, the axial tilt of Earth causes the seasons  Ability to support life because of its water and oxygen Motion  Rotation: Earth spinning on its axis: 1 rotation = 24 hours  Revolution: Earth orbiting around the sun; 1 revolution = 365 days

Structure  Geologically active and the surface is constantly changing  Has a lot of water and oxygen to support life; about 70% of the earth is covered with water  Has a protective atmosphere that blocks out most of the sun’s harmful rays  4 Layers: Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core