Please complete and return the form below with your subscription and any address corrections even if you are unable to attend the AGM or dinner.

The annual subscription is now due and is £20 or £10 for retired, unwaged or those not living or working in London. We very much value your support and your subscription will enable us to run more events in future. The branch aims to widen membership, enabling alumni to keep in touch with college and with each other to mutual benefit, both socially and professionally. Our Annual Dinner is held at a prestigious St James’s Club with a delicious menu.


Tossed chicken livers, bacon, wild mushrooms with lamb’s lettuce salad

Grilled salmon suprême with shallot and saffron sauce

Garlic and parsley potatoes

Seasonal vegetables

Dark Chocolate brownie with chocolate sauce


 A Vegetarian option is available and please let us know of any other dietary requirements.

 The price for this three course dinner with coffee is £40. This does include service and tap water on the tables, but not wine or other drinks which can be ordered from the cash bar.

 Please return the completed form by Friday 1st November at the latest to the Secretary:

Either - by post to Lynn Biggs, 202 Shakespeare Tower, Barbican, London EC2Y 8DR. Cheques should be made out to St Anne’s London Branch

Or - by email to [email protected]. Please transfer monies to Lloyds TSB sort code: 30-98-07, account no: 00794813 including in the reference your name and ‘Code D’.

For any queries please contact Lynn by email or on 07986 949322. To save on costs no tickets are sent out but please phone or email if you want confirmation of your booking.



ADDRESS, TEL.NO. & email______


DINNER: for member @ £40______for guest @ £40______

Vegetarian option ______

SUBSCRIPTION: £20 or £10 (see above) ______

Sorry but subscriptions cannot be gift aided. Data Protection. Please note that we will enter your name and address on our database but we do not give details to other parties without your permission.