Minutes of Thecouncil Meeting of EDENBRIDGE TOWN COUNCIL Held in Rickards Hall at 7.30Pm
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Minutes of the Council Meeting of EDENBRIDGE TOWN COUNCIL held in Rickards Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 11 April 2016 ______
Present: Cllrs J Barnett, T Bryant, Mrs J Davison, R Davison (Vice Chairman), A Layland, M McArthur, S McGregor (Chairman), B Orridge, M Robson, C Pearman, J Scholey, B Todd, and J Wooltorton.
In attendance: C Lane (Town Clerk), L Eaton (Admin Officer), five candidates and one member of the public. No press.
1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received, noted and accepted from Cllr V Maynard (family commitment).
The District Council members stated that although they would be considering planning applications at this meeting they would be reconsidering them at the district level, taking into account all relevant evidence and representations there.
Cllrs S McGregor and A Layland had been lobbied in relation to candidate R Bell.
The meeting was closed
3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND STATEMENTS Laura Crawford had sent her apologies. The candidates who had put themselves forward to be considered for co-option onto the Council had been advised that, if they wished to, they could speak for 3 minutes in support of their application. All present chose to do so.
The meeting reopened
Resolved: that the minutes of the Council meeting held on Monday 14 March 2016 be duly signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
5. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES FOR REPORT AND NOT ELSEWHERE ON THE AGENDA 5.1 Abbeyfield Members had no information, regarding the sale by KCC of buildings to Abbeyfield, to give to the resident who had requested it.
6. TO CONSIDER THE CURRENT PLANNING APPLICATIONS Change of use A1 to A5 with new shop front. Bradfords Bradford Household 31A High Street Edenbridge KENT TN8 5AD Ref. No: 16/00957/FUL
Members support this application providing that it doesn’t breach the % of A1 & A2 category businesses in the High Street. The materials and design should be appropriate to the Conservation Area and the cooking odours controlled so that it does not impact on the adjacent properties.
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Removal of existing French windows. Installation of new sliding folding doors in an existing opening with associated internal alteration. Installation of a new metal spiral staircase to access existing balcony. Eden View High Street Edenbridge Kent TN8 5FE Ref. No: 16/00847/HOUSE
Members support this application.
Erection of a single storey side extension. Creation of basement. Extension of roof to form habitable rooms in roof including rooflights to North, South, East and West elevations. Changes to external fenestration. Leydens Nursery Hartfield Road Edenbridge KENT TN8 5NH Ref. No: 16/00783/HOUSE
Members support this application providing it doesn’t breach the 50% rule and that the basement cannot be seen.
Confirmation that the works commenced, change of use of first floor to single bedroom apartment and new entrance doorway, falls within permitted development. 92 High Street Edenbridge Kent TN8 5AR Ref. No: 16/00405/LDCEX
Members had no comment to make.
For information Loft conversion with box dormer on the rear roof pitch and velux window to front. 15 Highfields Road Edenbridge Kent TN8 6JN Ref. No: 16/00688/LDCPR - noted
Details pursuant to condition 10 (reptile survey) of planning permission SE/14/01153/FUL. Site Of Edenbridge Bowling Club Grange Close Edenbridge KENT TN8 5LT Ref. No: 16/00894/DETAIL - noted
Construction of a timber frame car port with PVC cladding enclosing the side and a roof. 7 Lynmead Close Edenbridge KENT TN8 6LL Ref. No: 16/00100/LDCPR - noted
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 4m and eaves height of 3m. Garden Cottage Fairfield Burnt Oak Farm Hever Road Edenbridge KENT TN8 5DJ Ref. No: 16/00936/PAE - noted
7. TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING REPORTS 7.1 Planning and Transportation, 21 March
Resolved: that the minutes presented by Cllr S McGregor be adopted.
7.2 Finance Committee, 21 March
Resolved: that the minutes presented by Cllr S McGregor be adopted.
7.3 Open Spaces, 4 April
Resolved: following the addition of interests declared at the meeting that the minutes presented by Cllr A Layland be adopted.
7.4 County Councillor’s Report March – noted 7.5 MP’s Update – not received 7.6 Working Group / Delegate Reports / Clerk’s and Officers’ Reports 7.6.1 Twinning Association, 24 March – no Edenbridge Town Council/Council Meeting April 2016 Page 2 - 8362-
7.6.2 SDC Planning Appeal Feedback, Land West of St John’s Way and Enterprise Way Members noted that the meeting addressed all stages of the process relating to the Land West of St John’s Way and Enterprise Way. It had established how improvements could be made to processes to ensure that, if Officers’ recommendations were over-ruled by committee, sounder reasons could be put forward that would enable a stronger defense to be made at appeal. Concerns still existed that the target number of homes being built is given far more weight than the need to consider other policies, that require buildings to be in keeping with the area etc. The Chief Planning Officer had again apologized for being unable to come to the Council meeting, due to a previous engagement.
Confirmation that the Appeal has been allowed and copy was circulated.
7.6.3 Cricket Club Members noted the meeting held with the Cricket Club and
Resolved: to agree in principle to support the Cricket Clubs plans to make improvements to the club house in memory of one of their young players. They will keep the Council informed of their progress by newsletter which will be circulated with the Councillors weekly update.
8. OTHER BUSINESS 8.1 Co-option of Councillor The Chairman asked if members felt that they had sufficient information to vote on the prospective candidates who had put themselves forward for co-option, and they did. To be successful candidates needed to receive an absolute majority vote of those present and voting, as required under the Local Government Act 1972 Sch 12, para 39. The candidates were Roger Bell, Laura Crawford, Richard Johnson, James Parish, Gerald Sharp and Lee Ward. A vote was taken and a majority was achieved.
Resolved: that Roger Bell be co-opted to serve as a member of Edenbridge Town Council. He signed his Acceptance of Office and took his place at the Council table.
The Chairman thanked all the other candidates for putting themselves forward and said that any one of them would have made a very good councillor.
8.2 Items referred from Committees for decision 8.2.1 Street Lighting During the replacement of 15 Sox lanterns with 50w Son lanterns, a problem was discovered with two concrete columns, which will entail having to ‘sleeve’ them. At March Open Spaces members resolved to have two sleeves fitted at a total cost of £700 + Vat.
Resolved: this to be funded from the Depreciation Fund.
8.2.2 Dog Bin: Resident re: dog fouling on footpath SR602 A resident adjacent to footpath SR602, between Cedar Drive and Crouch House Road, had raised the ongoing problem of dog excrement in plastic bags being deposited along the footpath and some along the footpath in Crouch House Road itself. Open Spaces had resolved, in principle that a bin should be installed in Crouch House Road at a cost of c.£200.
Resolved: that as there was no allowance in this year’s budget for the on-going service cost of emptying an extra bin, at £200 per annum, to refer the matter to be considered for the 2017/18 budget.
8.3 Review of Standing Orders Edenbridge Town Council/Council Meeting April 2016 Page 3 Resolved: to bring the Standing Orders into line with the amendments recently made to the Finance Regulations, to amend the procurement value from £60,000 to £25,000 in 18 v. and c, and the contract value in f from £138,893 to £164,176 and Public Contracts Regulations 2006 to Public Contracts Directives 2014/24/EU.
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8.4 Review of Terms of Reference
Resolved: to amend the Terms of Reference for committees to remove the Street Lighting Task & Finish Group.
8.5 Review of Governance Risk Assessment Members noted that the actions on the Governance Risk Assessment are up to date, with the exception of the Disaster Risk Policy.
Resolved: to set a deadline for the final production of the Disaster Risk Policy of October.
8.6 Youth Commissioning The Tender for the Youth Commissioning had been released and, as expected, there are a number of ‘extensions’ and changes to the service required. More daunting is yet another new monitoring system, as yet untried. Approaches have been made by various parties, who are considering putting in bids, asking if the Town Council wishes to add on to the bid financially or in kind.
Resolved: to wait until the Tender process is complete before deciding what if any additional funding /support might be required.
8.7 Training Planning/Overview of Outcome based Commissioning/Clerks and Councillors
Resolved: that Mark Turner SDC be invited to provide training for ETC and other town and parish councillors on the evening of Monday 4 July.
No one wished to attend the Outcome Based Commissioning training which is being held on 28 April 2016 between 1-3pm at the offices of MVA Chatham.
Resolved: that the Clerk should attend the Clerks Conference is being held at Sutton Valence Village Hall on 14 June 2016 at a cost of £72 + VAT.
8.8 Computer Package renewal Cllr Stuart McGregor and the Clerk have met with the Council’s current IT service provider to discuss renewal of the commuter support contract.
Two proposals were considered. 1. A like for like support based on the current requirement, and our current pricing. 2. A per-head support package including support, email and software licensing, anti virus and monitoring of our systems. In effect, combining our current cumulative costs into a single agreement.
Resolved: to enter into a rolling annual contract based on the current package at a cost of £1,343.62.
8.9 Notice Board Marsh Green Members noted that at the request of the owners of the Wheatsheaf Inn at Marsh Green the notice board has been removed. Edenbridge Town Council/Council Meeting April 2016 Page 4 Resolved: that Cllr James Barnet should establish what the residents’ view is on a replacement, and where it should be sited.
8.10 Estate Issues Members were advised that efforts had been made to bring together parties to investigate whether it might be possible to meet some, or any, of the residents requests for addition parking. The District Council members are to meet with the communities on the estates to see what their requirement is and how it might be met.
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8.11 Council’s response to the Neighbourhood Plan It was noted that there was a disappointing turn out by both Councillors and Neighbourhood Plan representatives for the meeting to assist the Council in formulating its response to this important document. Members discussed the recommendations put forward by the small group and wished its response to reflect these and, most particularly, the concerns in the interpretation of the housing need survey. Members wish to urge the group to revisit this issue, and to include the protection of the conservation area in its policies.
In view of the confidential nature of the following item to be discussed, the chairman moved that the press and public be excluded from the Chamber. Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960.
Resolved: to agree in principle to the granting of a wayleave to UKPN to access their substation across council land to the rear of Forge Croft, subject to all costs for valuation, production of the wayleave, any legal fees, and an administration cost of 25% to be paid by UKPN.
The meeting ended at 9.10 pm
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