Littlethorpe Parish Council

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Littlethorpe Parish Council

Littlethorpe Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 19th September 2016. Venue: Littlethorpe Village Hall

Present: Cllr. Edmonstone, Cllr. Winterburn, Cllr. Laugher, Cllr. Gray, Cllr Spoors, County Cllr Harrison, District Cllr Galloway and five members of the public.

1. Apologies No apologies had been received.

2. Declarations of interest Cllr. Gray declared an interest as a member of the Alderman Spence Committee. Cllr. Laugher declared an interest as a member of the Village Hall Committee. Cllr. Spoors declared an interest as a member of the Ripon Quarry Restoration & Aftercare Management Committee. Cllr Winterburn declared an interest in the Long Meadows planning application.

3. Adoption of the AGM and Parish Council Meeting minutes held on Monday 28th July 2016 These were proposed as true and correct by Cllr Winterburn and seconded by Cllr Laugher. The minutes were approved unanimously and were duly signed by Cllr Edmonstone

4. Chairman’s Remarks The Chairman noted that there was an extensive agenda.

5. County Councillor’s Report County Councillor Harrison brought the following points to the meetings attention:  There was to be an additional £20m invested in broadband facilities by NYCC. The intention was to bring Superfast coverage to 96% of the population. Cllr Gray noted that, following a letter that she had received, the remaining 4% would include a number of residents in Littlethorpe. Phase two funding would not resolve this and that it was not certain whether Phase 3 funding would improve the situation. County Cllr Harrison assured Cllr Gray that he was taking interest in which pockets of his constituents were most affected.  The Allerton Park waste recovery facility was proceeding at pace, on time and on budget. It was intended to be fully operational by 2018. HBC would be the first body to send their waste to the operation.  NYCC was committed to producing plans for a relief road for Harrogate / Knaresborough. There were three stages of the process: o A preferred route was to be decided on within two years. o The route would be fully costed out o HBC would then submit a bid to central Government.

6. District Councillor’s Report District Cllr Galloway made the following points:  There was a meeting regarding the site allocation for the District Development Plan on 4th October. This would be preceded by an initial meeting on 30th September.  He had acquired a leaflet on advice on what to do in the event of a Household Emergency: this was passed to Cllr Winterburn.  He reported that HBC would like to recognize the success of Jack Laugher in the Rio Olympics. The Mayor’s secretary would be writing to various bodies in an attempt to co-ordinate this. 7. RFO’s report The RFO presented the Income & Expenditure Report for the period 28/7/2016 – 19/9/2016. This was approved unanimously and is attached as Appendix A. The following items of expenditure were approved for payment:  Clerk’s quarterly working from home allowance - £51.00  Annual village website invoice (Parish Council proportion) - £32.20

The Clerk also reported that he had met with Sean Wright to discuss Commuted Sums on 10th August. He had circulated a report on how Commuted Sums were calculated and the process for claiming them to all, along with a comparison on how SIL was intended operate. A new spreadsheet was due to be released over the next week and this should rectify the anomaly regarding the sums due to the Village Hall. The Clerk would forward this on receipt. Action: The Clerk

8. Correspondence The following correspondence was discussed:  A report had been received that a landowner had cut through the disused railway track which runs across his land. This had occurred previously and the Clerk was asked to inform HBC on how the previous episode was resolved. Cllr Spoors would check to see whether the breach had occurred in the same area. Action The Clerk / Cllr Spoors  A letter had been received from a resident regarding the Hield Trust Field at Little Crossing. A response had been sent both electronically and by hand to the individual concerned. The Parish Council noted that the owners of the land were within their legal rights and as contact details for the agent of the Hield Trust had been displayed, both at the field and on the village website, they had fulfilled their role in the matter.

 Cllrs Edmonstone and Winterburn had managed to reduce the amount of archived paperwork collected from Chris Laker from 8 boxes to 2. There were an additional 2 boxes of more recent paperwork residing with the Clerk. The Village Hall Committee had been approached to store these records in the village hall and it was hoped that this would be formally agreed at their meeting on 3rd October.

 An email had been circulated by The Clerk inviting the Parish Council to take part in a survey regarding Community-led Housing. Cllr Edmonstone would look at the survey and suggest a response. Action: Cllr Edmonstone  The Clerk had received correspondence from Mr. and Mrs. Tite regarding the trimming of trees near powerlines by Northern Powergrid. The issue was now closed.

 The Clerk reported that the BT telephone box was now accessible: however, BT had consequently put a sign in it stating that due to lack of usage it was their intention to close the box.

 Correspondence regarding the Harrogate and District Volunteering Oscars had been received and had been put on the website.

 Cllr Gray would be representing Littlethorpe PC at the Civic Service at the Cathedral on 25th September.

 Cllr Edmonstone read out a letter from Mary Richardson thanking the Parish Council for their efforts in contacting the organisers of the Ripon Triathlon on her behalf. 9. Planning The following applications were discussed: Pending Consideration  Grange Farm: Erection of 5 dwellings with associated access and demolition of existing buildings.  Mount Cottage: demolition of existing porch and erection of new porch.  Long Meadows: removal of the obligation to provide an affordable dwelling Applications Decided  Chapel Garths Farm: Application allowed.

10. Public Time Mr. and Mrs. Wilson addressed the meeting regarding their planning application for Carr Barn. Cllr Edmonstone thanked them for providing the background information and informed them that the Parish Council would make their recommendation to HBC Planning after further deliberation in the normal manner.

Mr. and Mrs. Tite raised the situation of the grass verges asking if there were there any plans to cut them. The Clerk had been in contact with Area 6 already regarding this issue and would forward them the response he had received. Action: The Clerk Mr. Tite reported that a sluice had been installed to control the water flow at the gravel pits. He also informed the meeting that there was due to be a meeting of the Ripon Quarry Restoration & Aftercare Management Committee in November.

Mrs. Roberts thanked the Parish Council for the cheque regarding the village website invoice and also thanked The Clerk for keeping her readily supplied with information.

11. HBC’s Strategic Housing and Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA). As had been reported by District Cllr, Galloway a meeting was due to take place on 4th October. The Parish Council would provide their recommendations to [email protected] copying District Cllr Galloway. Action: All

12. Road Safety / Speeding / Weight Restrictions / Street Lighting The errant streetlight on Littlethorpe Lane had been reported twice by The Clerk and once both by Cllr Gray and a parishioner. Despite these efforts it was still on during the daytime. County Cllr. Harrison asked The Clerk to provide him with the response he had received regarding the reporting of the light. Action: The Clerk Cllr. Edmonstone read out a transcript of a phone call Chris Laker had with a customer support representative, when trying to contact Trading Standards, as recommended by Area 6. County Cllr. Harrison asked for a copy of the email trail from Area 6 suggesting this course of action. Action: The Clerk A discussion took place regarding speeding through the village: Although Pannal and Woodlands have tried using Community Speed Teams, in essence, they have no legal redress. In order for Littlethorpe to have a 20 mph zone data would have to be collected to see whether one was merited. Police will not enforce a 20 mph zone. There is a form on the NYCC website to apply for data collection. The Clerk would investigate and circulate. Action: The Clerk 13. Aggregate Industries Monies. It was reported that although the monies available from Aggregate Industries of £3,282.50 were still available, they were keen for the Parish Council to suggest how they may wish these monies to be spent. Various quotes had been received by Cllr Spoors and it was decided to recommend the following course of action:

Kerbing of the Triangle by a Highways approved company: £1,676.93 9 (including VAT) Concreting area opposite and providing a bench: £600. Note: the bin will need to be re-sited. Any residual monies would be used for bins to be provided at Quarry Moor (£300 each). It was emphasized that this is a one-off exercise and does not constitute a continuing commitment. Cllr. Spoors would contact Aggregate Industries to share the recommendations. Action: Cllr Spoors

14. Adoption of Parish Council Complaints Procedure Cllr. Edmonstone proposed that he withdraw this document following receipt of the recommendations from SLCC on the subject. He will compare and then circulate the Parish Council with his thoughts. Action: Cllr. Edmonstone

15. Tabling of Revised Standing Orders and Code of Conduct. These had been circulated and were tabled for adoption at the next meeting.

16. Items for Parish Consultation Meeting. It was agreed that Cllr. Edmonstone frame questions which could be circulated and agreed before submitting. Action: Cllr Edmonstone

17. The Triangle (opposite Mankin Lane). This had been covered under item 13.

18. Honouring Jack Laugher’s Achievements Notwithstanding HBC’s plans detailed under item 6, it was decided that a plaque on a bench would be a suitable recognition of Jack’s Gold and Silver medals in Rio.

19. Stiles on Parish Footpaths The Clerk had contacted [email protected] but had yet to receive a response. He would follow this up. Action: The Clerk

20. Alderman Spence Committee - Update Cllr Gray had been on a site visit with the committee and the Chair of Trustees. It had been agreed funding would be provided in a number of areas: repair of the fence by the dangerous drop, repair of a manhole cover and repair of the gate. It had been discovered that the hut had been gifted and belongs to the Quarry Moor Development Society. The next meeting was due to take place 21st September.

21. Village Hall Report Cllr Laugher reported that the next meeting was due to take place on 3rd October. The Village Hall exterior had been repainted and the Open Gardens event had raised £898. There had been no applicants for the post of Bookings Clerk.

22. Litter Pick This was to take place on 1st October with all meeting at the Village Hall at 10:00. Hot sandwiches and a drink would be available to those partaking on their return. Cllr Gray would liaise with the Scouts. Action: Cllr Gray 23. Date of Next Meeting Monday November 21st at 19:30 Monday January 16th at 19:30

Clerk: Mr Keith Pettitt, 1 Elm Tree Rise, Bishop Monkton, Nr Harrogate, Nth Yorkshire HG3 3QS E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01765 677703 Appendix A

Littlethorpe Parish Council Income/Expenditure Statement 19/09/2016

Income Expenditure Total

Opening £4,569.96 Balance 19/9/16

Total SLCC 29/7/16 £65.00 Clerk 1/8/16 £114.26 Honorarium Clerk 1/9/16 £114.26 Honorarium Grass Cutting 23/8/16 £176.00 Clerk’s 2/8/16 £95.63 Expenses Grass Cutting 15/9/16 £48.00 HMRC 1/8/16 £28.40 HMRC 1/9/16 £28.40 Zurich 3/8/16 £219.03 Insurance Total £888.98

Closing £3680.98 Balance per Bank Account

N.B. Cheques to be signed at meeting:

Website Annual Fee (proportion) £ 33.20 Clerk’s Expenses £ 51.00

Outstanding Cheque not banked

Village Hall (28/7/16) £ 54.00

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