GWT Main Features

- Write AJAX apps in Java, compile to JavaScript

- View code changes immediately without re-compiling

- Step through live AJAX code with Java Debugger

- Compile and deploy optimized cross-browser JavaScript More Features..

- Communicate with your server through really simple RPC (transfer serializable object graphs between client and server)

- Optimize JavaScript downloads based on client profile (Ex. Firefox in English, Opera in French, etc..)

- Reuse UI components across projects

- Use other JavaScript libraries and native JavaScript code (Ex. Prototype, JQuery, ExtJs, etc..)

- Debug your code using Eclipse and hosted mode browser

- Test with JUnit Wave - built with GWT

Development Environment

Google Eclipse Plugin

- Easily create/compile/deploy your web apps - Use proven fully-featured IDE

Google App Engine (GAE)

- Run your web apps on Google's infrastructure - Use built-in support for storing data, caching, admin features, etc.. GWT Compiled JavaScript Inside a GWT App

Script tag points to the location of optimized JavaScript

Body tag provides a number of elements with specified IDs

GWT Java code uses HTML IDs to insert 'widgets' into HTML pages Entry Point - Implement EntryPoint Interface

- Implement onModuleLoad method JSNI - JavaScript Native Interface - Implement Java method directly in JavaScript

- Wrap type-safe Java method signatures around existing JavaScript

- Call from JavaScript code into Java code and vice-versa

- Throw exceptions across Java/JavaScript boundaries

- Read and write Java fields from JavaScript Building User Interfaces

- RootPanel (parent container)

- Layouts (used for laying out widgets and panels)

- Widgets and Panels (all UI components fall in this category)

- Accessing Browser's DOM (widget.getElement())

- Events & Handlers (widget.addClickHandler(handler))

- Applying Style (widget.addStyleName('some-style'))

- Image Bundles (packs images into single file to be downloaded from the server and managed as a Java object) Internationalization (I18N)

English Spanish

Constants Interface

Your application code Communicating with Server (RPC) Synchronous Interface @RemoteServiceRelativePath("myServiceImpl")

Asynchronous Interface Making HTTP Requests RPC - continue... Registering Service with web.

MyServiceAsync myService = (MyServiceAsync) GWT.create(MyService.class);

AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(String result) { // do some UI stuff to show success }

public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // do some UI stuff to show failure } };

// (3) Make the call. Control flow will continue immediately and later // 'callback' will be invoked when the RPC completes. // myService.myMethod("some text here", callback); GWT & Embedded Flex Components