Hobsons Bay City Council

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Hobsons Bay City Council

Hobsons Bay City Council Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) Minutes

Thursday, 6th March 2013 6.00pm – 8.00pm Chairperson: Jo Noesgaard (Coordinator, Social Planning and Development) Minute Taker: Jo Noesgaard

1. Welcome and Apologies

Present Meagan Kearney Samantha Fabry Helen Kowlyk David Connolly Maria Cesarello Jo Noesgaard

Apologies Cr Colleen Gates Katy Skene Ann Marie Kelly Tom Bevan Lee Ogden Gerry Carton

Cr Tony Briffa made a brief appearance at the meeting to inform the DAC of their resignation from the Council and the DAC. Cr. Briffa thanked the DAC for all of their efforts and reiterated the importance of this committee to the Council. The committee thanked Cr. Briffa for their support and wished the councillor well with their new endeavours.

2. Newport Youth, Library and Senior Centre Project A presentation was made from the Council’s Community Facilities team about the Council’s plans to develop a Youth, Library and Senior Centre in Newport. The DAC were shown concept plans for the centre and advised that:  The new facility will aim to provide optimal flexible spaces for young people and Council youth services staff; a library space; seniors and Planned Activity Group spaces; and Maternal and Child Health services.  The development will see the replacement of the old buildings that surround Paine Reserve, with a modern, multi-use building to be shared by the whole community. The

1 Newport Mechanics Institute will be retained and refurbished as part of the development.  The plans for the new design will also recognise the significance of the established trees, pedestrian traffic travelling through the reserve and the highly used playground and seating area.  A copy of the concept plans for the Newport Youth, Library and Senior Centre can be found at the following link : http://www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/Community/Community_Facilities/Newport_Youth_L ibrary_Seniors_Project/Concept_Design

The DAC raised the following questions about the concept plans which will be followed up by Community Facilities. These included:  The emergency exit plan, ensuring that it is accessible and easily communicated for people with disabilities;  Exploring whether the lift in the building is fire proof; and  Ensuring the staircase has handrails.

Social Planning and Development will keep in contact with Community Facilities throughout the design process to discuss access elements including light switches and power points.

3. Access to Places and Spaces Maps  The Council provided the DAC with an update on the development of the Access to Places and Spaces Maps. The Maps will replace the Council’s current paper based Mobility Maps, which were developed in 2006. The new maps will be available on the website, in print, as well as in a downloadable app to smart phones.  The Access to Places and Spaces maps will highlight and promote accessible features within the municipality such toilets, parking, mobility hazards, pedestrian crossings, ramps, etc. The maps will also be used to promote the RECHARGE and Changing Places locations within the municipality.  The DAC was able to look at a hard copy of the draft Maps and an electronic copy on a smart phone and iPad.  The plans are to be complete by May/June after which they will be promoted throughout the community and evaluated.

The DAC made the following comments about the Access to Places and Spaces Maps which will be followed up by the Metro Access Officer:  To include Wi-Fi spots within the municipality;  Explore the possibility of including major transport routes that are accessible; and  David House Education Group will be happy to test the Maps.

For further questions and/or comments about the Access to Places and Spaces Maps, please contact David Connolly.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Previous Meeting  Informal catch-ups: Samantha convened the first informal catch-up amongst DAC members. She reported back stating the catch-up was a great opportunity for DAC members to get to know each other. During the meeting members spoke about the possibility of the Council developing Inspirational People with Disabilities Awards. The

2D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0004d00d3f34ccaeeadf290677563f55.docx Awards would recognise the achievements and contributions people with disabilities make to the Hobsons Bay community. The Awards could be presented on International Day of People with Disability.

Action: Council officers to explore the possibility of the Council establishing such awards.

 Skill development training for Council advisory committee members: The Council will be holding a training session for the DAC and members of the Council’s other advisory committees on Monday, 24th March 2014 between 10.00am and 1.00pm. The session will be held at the Hobsons Bay Civic Centre, and will be an introduction to how the Council operates and the role of local government.

 Regional disability forum: The Council will be hosting a Regional Disability Forum on Tuesday, 29th April 2014 at the Laverton Community Hub. - The aim of the forum will be to share experiences and knowledge about creating inclusive communities. - The forum will include participants from the five local councils within the western metropolitan region and their Disability Advisory Committees. - The forum will involve presentations for key note speakers, followed by presentations for local governments (see draft agenda attached).

Action: Maria to send out draft agenda with the minutes.

5. Updates  Hobsons Bay Foreshore Discussion Paper: The Council is in the process of developing an Accessible Foreshore Discussion Paper to understand the complex barriers to accessing the foreshore. This paper will view the accessibility issues that are currently facing our community, plus include a review of accessible foreshores elsewhere, making future recommendations to the Council.

6. Other Business  Gender Equity Policy Statement: The Council has developed a draft Gender Equity Policy Statement which outlines its commitment to “a safe and just community, where every girl, boy, woman, man and gender diverse person is included and valued – where equal and respectful relationships and opportunities for meaningful participation are supported.”

The draft Policy Statement is currently on public exhibition and the Council welcomes comments from the DAC. See the Council website for more information. http://www.hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/Council/Have_your_say/Gender_equity_policy_cons ultation

Action: DAC members to forward their comments by 8th April 2014 via e-mail to [email protected]

 Browse Aloud: The Council is considering renewing its licence with Browse Aloud, which is software that converts written text on websites into an audio format. DAC members are encouraged to provide comments on their experience with the software and or any other similar software.

3  DAC Members Updates: o Kate Skene is in hospital (Western, Footscray) recovering from surgery and waiting further surgery. Kate is likely to be in hospital until Easter. The DAC send their best wishes to Kate and a speedy recovery. o Tom Bevan’s position at Yooralla has been made redundant, and therefore he has unfortunately had to resign from his position on the DAC. The DAC thank Tom for all of his great work and commitment to people with disabilities and wish him well in his new endeavours. Recruitment for a new DAC member will take places as soon as possible.

Action: Maria to organise a card to be sent to Kate from the DAC.

Action The Council to send a thank you letter to Tom.

 Networking Opportunities: The DAC had a brief discussion about opportunities to network, especially with the business sector. Ideas were shared about networks such as inter agency networks facilitated by local councils. Further ideas included websites that lists philanthropic organisations such as www.ourcommunity.com.au

7. Next Meeting

 Training: Monday, 24th March 2014, 9.45am – 1.00pm, Hobsons Bay Civic Centre  Regional Disability Forum: Tuesday, 29th April 2014, 10.15am – 2.00pm, Laverton Community Hub  Regular DAC Meeting: Wednesday, 25th June 2014, 6pm

If you have items you would like to add to the agenda please contact Maria two weeks before the meeting.

8. Close of Meeting at 7.30pm.

Summary of Actions:

Item 4: Council officers to explore the possibility of the Council establishing Inspirational People with Disabilities Awards. Item 4: Maria to send out the draft agenda for the regional disability forum with the minutes. Item 6: Maria to organise a card to be sent to Kate from the DAC. Item 6: The Council to send a thank you letter to Tom.


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