On Some Species of Heteroptera Collected in the Madeiran Islands

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On Some Species of Heteroptera Collected in the Madeiran Islands ACTA FAUNISTICA ENTOMOLOGICA MUSE! NATIONALIS PRAGAE Vol. 12, No. 117 Edit. 28. !1. 1987 (Acta [mm . enr. M us. Nat. Pragae, 12: 43-50) On some species of Heteroptera collected in the Madeiran Islands. By LlJDVIK H 0 BE R LAND T [Department of Entomology, National Museum { Nat. !-list.), Praha) Mr. Eric W. Classey submitted to me for identification Heteroptera collected by himself on the Madeiran Islands in 1962 and 1964. Al ­ though during the last few years much has been done to enlarge the knowledge of the fauna of Heteroptera of Madeira it is still important to accummulate further or new records for these islands. The above mentioned material consists of 30 species, of which 5 species form new records for the fauna of Madeira. I am very grateful to Mr. E. W. Classey for entrusting me with the material for identification and for other invaluable help. C:ori x idae Corixa punctata ( rlliger, 1807) 2 99 and 1 nymph - Madeira: Ribeira de St. Luzia, 24. VIII. 1964. Distribution ,of this species is restricted rather to West Palaearctic. New record for Madeira. Only Corixa atfinis affinis Leach is recorded from Madeira, Canary Islancls ancl Azores. Sigara ( Vermicorixa) lateralis nakurui p,oisson, 1958 14 dd and 20 99 --- Porto santu: Ribeira da Serra do Oentro, 23 . VI. 1962. Sigara lateralis nakurui Poisson is recorded from Kenya (type­ locality l, Cape Verde Islands, Canary Islands and Madeira ( Lindberg 1961] . Notonectidae Anisops debilis canariensis Nol.ialhier, 1893 1 cl' - Madeira: S. Roque, 26. VI I f. 1964. Recorded from Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islandt:, South Morocco and Madeira (Lundblad 1949, Lindberg 1961), 43 Veliidae Velia maderensis Noualhier, 1897 2 nymphs of 2nd and 3rd instar - Madeira: Ribeira de St Luzia, 26. VIII. 1964. Endemic species, recorded by Noualhier 1897, Linclberg 1941, 1960 and 1961, Lundblad 1949. Mlcrovelia gracillima azorica Lindberg, 1941 19 (apterous] - Madeira: Funchal, Ribeira Seco, 22. Vlll. 1964. 7 99 (apterous] - Madeira: Ribeira de St. Luzla, 26. VIII. 1964. Microuelia gracillima azorica Lindb. recorded only from Azores and Madeira ( Lindberg 1941, 1960 and Poisson 1960) . Nabidae Nabis pseudoferus ibericus Remane, 1962 2 99 - Madeira: Ribeira St. Antonio, 23. VIII. 1964. 2 oo and 4 99 and 4 nymphs - Madeira: Ribeira de St. Luzia, 26. VIII. 1964. 3 oo and 2 99 - Madeira: Ribeira das Galas, 1.100 m, 28. VIII. 1964. Nabis pseudof erus ibericus Remane is distributed through the South West Mediterranean. From Madeira recorded by Remane 1962 (Lind­ berg 1961 ). Anthocoridae Orius ( Orius) maderensis Reuter, 1884 19 - Madeira: Gorgul·hO, 21. VIII. 1964. 19 - Madeira: Ribeira das Cales, 28. VIII. 1964. 1 d - Madeira: Pico Ruivo, 3. IX. 1964. Species of Meditterranean distribution, recorded from Madeira by Reu ter 1884, Ch ina 1938 a ll(l Lindberg 1961. Also recorded from the Azores and the Canary Islands. Miridae Taylorilygus apicalis [ Fieber, 1861) 1 d and 1 9 - Madeira: Ribeira de St. Luzia, 2-6. VIII. 1964. Species distributed widely through Mediterranean area and Africa, recorded from Madeira by Llndberg 1961. Recorded from Azores, Canary Islands and Cape Verde Islands also. Orthops basalis (Costa, 1852] 19 - Madeira: Ribeira Seco, 21. VIII. 1964. 1 J and 3 99 - Madeira: Gorgulho, 29. VIII. 1964. Species of rather West European distribution. New record for Madeira. Stenodema ( Stenodema) viren!\ ( Llnnaeus, 1767] 3 dd - Madeira: Ribeira das Gales, 1.100 m, 28. VIII. 1964, swept from Saro·· thamnus spp. and other low-growing plants. Species of Holartic clistribution.New record for Madeira. Not recor­ ded from the Canary Islands or the Azores. 44 Dnlichomiris linearis Reuter, 1882 2 oc5 and 4 99 - Madeira: Gorgulho, 21. VIII . 1964. 1 c5 - Madeira: Ribeira de St. Luzia, 26. Vlll. 1964 7 oc5 and 3 9? - Madeira: Gorgulho, 29. VIII. 1964. Species probably of Atlantic distribution, recorded from Madeira by Reuter 1882, China 1938 and Lindberg 1961. Recorded also from Canary Islands and Cape Verde Islands. Pilophorus perplexus Douglas and Scott, J 875 1 9 - Madeira: Ribeira das Gales, 1.100 m, 28. V11 L 1964. Species of Mediterranean distribution. New record for Madeira. This species is not recorded from Canary Island and Azores, however in the Azores there occurs Pilophorus c.onfusus ( Kbm.) . Chinacapsus parvus Wagner, 1961 1 o and 5 92 - Madeira: Ribeira das Ca!es, 28. VIII. 1964. Endemic to Madeira ( Wagner 1961 and Lndberg 1961) . Tingidae Acalypta parvula (Fallen, 1807) 1 d ( macropterous) - Madeira: Chao das Feileiras, 28. VIII. 1964, under stones. 1 o (macropterous] and 11 9? [ brachypterous ) - ~ Madeira: Paul da Serra, 25. VIII. 1964, under stones. 1 o [brachypterous) - Madeira: Pico Ruivo, 3. IX. 1!J64. Species of Eurosiberian distribution with predominant extension in western parts of its distribu~.onal area. Recorded from Madeira by China 1938, Lindberg 1960 and 1961. Lygaeida e Nysius (Tropidonysius) contiguus Walker, 1872 1 d - Madeira: Funchal, 19. VI. 1962. JO do and 10 99 - Madeira : Funchal, Ribeira Se eo, 22. V11 I. 1964. 1 d and 3 ?9 - Madeira: Ribeira St. Antonio, 22. VIII. 1964. 1 o and 19 - Madeira: Ri·beira de St. Luzia, 26. VIII. 1964. 1 o and 19 - Madeira: Gorgulllo, 29. VIII. 1964. Endemic species of Madeiran Archipelago recorded by Walker 1872, China 1938 and Lindberg 1961. Nysius ( Nysius) erlcae (Schilling, 1829) 19 - Madeira: Gorgulho, 21. VIII. 19·62. Species of Palaearctic distribution. New record for Madeira. Nysius ( Macrop1arius) cymoides ( Spinola, 1837) 5 do and 9 99 - - Madeira: Gorgulho, 21. VIII. 1964. 1 o - Madeira: Funchal, Ri.beira Se eo, 22. VIII. 1961 2 do and 2 99 - Madeira: Ribeira Seco, 23. VIII. 1964. Species of Mediterranean distribution with northern and eastern extensions, from Madeira recorded by China 1938 and Lindberg 1961. Also recorded from Canary Islands and Cape Verde Islands. 45 Kleidocerys truncatulus (Walker, 1872 ] 1 ? - Madeira: Poiso, 1.400 m, 16. VI. 10-6 2. 48 do and 39 ?2 - Madeira: Pi eo .Ruivo, 3. IX . 1964. 12 do and 16 ? ? - Madeira: Ribeira das Cales, 28. V!ll. 1864 Species recorded from Madeira (Walker 1872, Reuter 11390, Horvath 1898, Noualhier 1897, China 1938, Lindberg 1960 and 1961) and from Canary Islands and Azores. Plinthisus (Plinthisus) longicollis Fieber, 1861 1? - Madeira: Poiso, 1.100 m, 16. V r. :1962. Species of predominantly West-Mediterranean distribution. New re­ cord for Madeira. Dieuches schmitzi Reuter, 1893 19 - Madeira: Poiso, 1.400 m, 16. VI. 1962. 1 d and 2 nymphs - Madeira: Paul da Serra, 25. V!!L 196'1. Species recorded from Madeira (type-locality) ( Reuter 1893, China 1938, Lindberg 1961), Cape Verde Islands, Canary Islands, Arabia, Iran, Iraq and E. Africa. Since this species was described from Madeira ( Reuter 1893) it has not again been collected on this island. As late as 1962 and again in 1964 Mr. Eric W. Classey rediscovered this species in two different places on Madeira. Scolopostethus maderensis Reuter, 1881 1? - Madeira: Ribeiru das Gales, 28. V I. 1964. Species recorded only from Madeira and Canary Islands ( Reuter 1881, Lindberg 1953 and 1961). Coreidae Haploprocta sulcicornis insularis Lindberg, 1961 1 cS - Madeira : Ribeira de S t. Luzia, 26. V!ll. 1964. Species of Mediterranean distribution, the subspecies insularis Lind­ berg recorded only from Madeira ( Lindberg 1953 and 1961) and from Canary Islands ( Lindberg 1953). Camptopus lateralis ( Germar, 181.7) 12 - Madeira, Gorgullw, 29. Vlll. 1961. Species of Mediterranean distribution witl1 ra tl1er northern exten­ sion, from Madeira recorded by Walker 1871, China 1938 and Lindberg 1961. Further recorded from Canary Islands. Hhopalidae Stictopleurus pictus ( Fieber, 1861] 3 do and 4 ?'? - Madeira: Ribeira das Cales, 28. VII! 1%·1. l cS - Madeira: Ribeiru St. Antonio, 28. VIII. 19'61. Species of Mediterranean distribution, from Madclra recorded by Lindberg 1961. Recorded from Canary Islands also. 46 Brachycanmus tigrinus [Schilling, 1817 J 1 ci - Madeira.: Levada dos Moiro, below Bica da Cana. 4.800 It, August 1964 1R . W. J, Uffen coli.), Species of Mediterranean distribution with a rather northern exten· sion. From Madeira recorded by Walker 1872, Horvath 1898, China 1931.1 and Lindberg 1961. Recorded from Canary Islands also. Pentatomidae Sciocoris ( Neosciocoris) sideritidis Wollaston, 1858 1 ci and 2 99 - Madeira: Funchal, Ribeira Se eo, 22 . V IJ!. 1964. 1 9 - Madeira: Ribeira Seco, 23. VIII. 1964. Species of West Mediterranean distribution, from Madeira recorded by Wollaston 1858, China 1938, Lindberg 1960 and 1961. Also recorded from Canary Islands. Aelia acuminata ( Linnaeus, 1758) 3 99 - Madeira: Gorgulho, 29. VIII 1864. Common Palaearctic species, recorded from Madeira by Wallmr 1867, Noualhier 1891, China 1938 and Lindherg Hl61. Eurydema herbaceum [ Herrich Schaeffer, 1834) 1 0 and 1 ',l - Madeira: Paul da Serra, 25. V Ill. 1964. 2 99 - Madeira: Levada dos Moiro, below Bica da Cana, 4.1300 ft, August 196•1 [R . W. I. Uffen coli.). Species of West-Mediterranean distribution, from Madeira recordecl by Noualhier 1897 (form apicale Noualh.], China 1938 (form maderensis China] and Lindberg 1961. Concl usion The following species form new records for t-he fauna of Madeira: Nysi11s (N!J si us} ericae [Schilling), Plinlhisus { Plinlhisus} longicollis Fieber, Orllwps basalis [Costa), Stenodema ·I Stenodema} virens ( Linnaeus), Pilophorus perplex us Douglas and Scott and Corixa puncta la ( llliger). Dieuches schmilzi Reuter whilst originally described from Madeira over 70 years ago no more specimens have been collected there, until the present records. Literature Chin a, W. E., 1935: Di e Arthropodenfauna von Madeira nach den Ergebnissen der Reise von Prof. Dr. 0. Lundblad juli- August 1935. Ill. Terrestrial Hemiptera. Ark. Zool. JO: 1- 68, figs. 1- ·23, Tab. 1- Il, PL L L in d h e r g, H., 1941: Die Hemipteren der Azorischen In seln, Nebst Anhang: Zu r I<enntnis de! Hemipte reufauna von Madeira.
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    Zootaxa 3845 (1): 001–101 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) www.mapress.com/zootaxa/ Monograph ZOOTAXA Copyright © 2014 Magnolia Press ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition) http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3845.1.1 http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C77D93A3-6AB3-4887-8BBB-ADC9C584FFEC ZOOTAXA 3845 An annotated catalog of the Iranian Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cimicomorpha) HASSAN GHAHARI1 & FRÉDÉRIC CHÉROT2 1Department of Plant Protection, Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: [email protected] 2DEMNA, DGO3, Service Public de Wallonie, Gembloux, Belgium, U. E. E-mail: [email protected] Magnolia Press Auckland, New Zealand Accepted by M. Malipatil: 15 May 2014; published: 30 Jul. 2014 HASSAN GHAHARI & FRÉDÉRIC CHÉROT An annotated catalog of the Iranian Miridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cimicomorpha) (Zootaxa 3845) 101 pp.; 30 cm. 30 Jul. 2014 ISBN 978-1-77557-463-7 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-77557-464-4 (Online edition) FIRST PUBLISHED IN 2014 BY Magnolia Press P.O. Box 41-383 Auckland 1346 New Zealand e-mail: [email protected] http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/ © 2014 Magnolia Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, transmitted or disseminated, in any form, or by any means, without prior written permission from the publisher, to whom all requests to reproduce copyright material should be directed in writing. This authorization does not extend to any other kind of copying, by any means, in any form, and for any purpose other than private research use. ISSN 1175-5326 (Print edition) ISSN 1175-5334 (Online edition) 2 · Zootaxa 3845 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press GHAHARI & CHÉROT Table of contents Abstract .
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