The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust

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The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust

Agendum 12.1.8 (c ) - Page 1 of 15

The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust

Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday November 10 th 2009 at 10.00 am in the Board Room, Tavistock Clinic, 120 Belsize Lane, London NW3 5BA

Present: K.Tanner (Chair), T.Klauber, MJ Rustin, P. Noble, N.Makinwa, L.Taussig

Apologies: H.S.Price, S .Briggs

Action Points to be completed by December 8th 2009 unless otherwise stated:

AP1 Discussion of devolved powers in quality assurance UEL: Feb. TK & KT table for committee in February 2010 2010 AP2 Committee to receive report of meeting with UEL staff at On KT December meeting of committee agenda AP3 Designation of UEL – Tavistock PD programmes as taught To report LT or research ; meeting to be arranged by Head of AQ &E AP4 Training of Responsible Officers – Assessment Offences To report LT UEL – Tavistock courses AP5 PG Cert award – Working with People with Eating On LT Disorders agenda AP6 PG Cert award - Masters in Systemic Psychotherapy On LT Agenda AP7 QAE Committee Terms of Reference to be posted on Trust On website LT Agenda

AP8 Student Representation – Trust Quality Assurance and To report KT Enhancement Committee AP9 Course Modification – MA in Psychoanalytic Studies: To report HSP financial implications of proposed course modification AP10 Student Feedback generic form: to change ratings system in April LT 2010 2010 AP11 Student Feedback 2009: to benchmark responses against To report LT HE sector AP12 Student Feedback 2009: to identify any courses in which To LT response(s) poor report AP13 Student Feedback 2009: findings to be posted on web On LT agenda AP14 Review and Enhancement Process 2009: Quality Chair to Done KT request outstanding course pro-forma AP15 Review and Enhancement Process 2009: M level Cluster April KT meetings held on more than one day of week 2010 AP16 Professional Doctorates – developmental themes noted in AC To report

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cluster meetings to be picked up by School Research Degrees sub-committee AP17 REP Cluster Meetings: encourage greater participation of April KT outside centres staff in 2010 2010 AP18 Review and Enhancement Process 2009: arrange further Done KT < meeting Quality Review AP19 Institutional Audit of UEL; send Trust Audit Action Plan to Done LT UEL AP20 Work-based and Placement Management Policy to be TK To report drafted. &AA AP21 As above table again for December 2009 meeting On LT agenda AP22 As above – drafter consult with relevant Organising Tutors AA To report AP23 Assessment Guidelines – UEL-Tavistock M level courses; To report MR Professor Rustin to draft key issues in bullet points AP24 Diploma Supplement: to forward draft template to UEL January LT 2010 AP 25 Assessment data on Training database: resource To report TK implications of proposed development to be considered AP26 PG Cert award – Consultation and the Organisation; To report LT committee’s approval to be forwarded to UEL VRSC AP27 PG Cert award – Psychoanalytic Studies; organising tutor On LT to be asked which units need to be passed to gain award agenda `AP28 PG Cert award – Psychoanalytic Observational Studies; On Infant Mental Health; Counselling in Educational Settings – LT agenda course teams to be asked which units AP29 PG Cert award – Working with People with Eating On LT Disorders – course team to indicate their position agenda AP30 PG Cert award – Masters in Systemic Psychotherapy – On Organising Tutor to be contacted once current validation LT agenda complete. AP31 Validation of Masters in Systemic Psychotherapy to be On LT completed as soon as possible. agenda AP32 Collaborative Review Bristol Courses: information to be On agenda HSP posted SHSS web pages AP33 Collaborative Review Bristol Courses: Dean to write to On agenda course team stressing urgency in completing remaining TK requirements of re-approval AP34 Initial Approval for M7 Belfast and MA in Psychological On LT Therapies… to be progressed agenda AP35 Progress nomination of external examiners for following On PN courses – D10, D60, M22/D42 agenda AP36 Professional Doctorate in Child Psychoanalytic To report Psychotherapy: to check deferring of an intermediate NM award.

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1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The Chair requested that any factual inaccuracies be communicated to the Secretary subsequent to the meeting.

2. Matters Arising

2.1 Devolved Powers (ref. 2.1 )

The committee noted that this item would need to await the completion of other discussions with the university. AP1: To consider tabling again in February 2010

2.2 CPD for Teaching Staff (ref.2.2)

The Quality Chair reported that the committee would receive a report at its December 2009 meeting following a meeting at UEL on November 13th. AP2: Quality Chair to report at December 2009 meeting.

2.3 Student Feedback Exercise 2009 (ref. 2.3)

The committee noted that the item was on the agenda (see 3.)

2.4 Professional Doctorates Professional Practice Element (ref. 2.10)

The committee noted that Andrew Cooper as Chair of the UEL-Tavistock School Research Degrees Sub-committee would try to take forward discussions with the School of Psychology.

This led to a broader discussion about the need to address the current nomenclature of UEL-Tavistock professional doctorate courses as research or taught. This situation has arisen as a result of decisions taken in relation to HESA returns. It was felt that there was a need to use the revalidation of Professional Doctorate courses in 2010-11to align the courses correctly in this regard. Professor Rustin felt that a meeting needed to be convened to clarify and agree a position and ahead of the likely QAA Audit in 2010. Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement to arrange meeting. AP3: meeting to be arranged.

2.5 Assessment Offences – Training of Responsible Officers (ref. 2.11)

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The Head of Quality Assurance reported that Maggie Fagan, Assessment Tutor on the Psychoanalytic Observational Studies Course (M7) had agreed to be the Specialist Support. UEL’s Head of Student Compliance and Responsibilities, Toby Grainger, had agreed to deliver the required training at the trust probably in early December. AP4: arrangements for training session to be finalised.

2.6 Postgraduate Certificate Award - MA/PG Dip in Psychoanalytic Studies; MA/PG Dip in Consultation and the Organisation (ref. 2.16)

The Committee noted that the item was on the agenda (see 5.7 )

2.7 Postgraduate Certificate Award – MA/PG Dip in Working with People with Eating Disorders (ref. 2.16)

The committee noted that the Organising Tutor had not responded to the earlier communication about whether the course team wished to add the PG Cert award.

It was agreed a reminder be sent to the Organising Tutor. AP5: Head of Quality Assurance & Enhancement to send reminder.

2.8 Postgraduate Certificate Award- Masters/PG Dip in Systemic Psychotherapy (ref.2.16)

The committee noted that in due course the Head of Quality Assurance would contact the Organising Tutor about the issue. AP6: Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement to in due course contact the Organising Tutor.

2.9 Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee: Terms of Reference (ref.3)

The Head of Quality Assurance & Enhancement reported that he had revised the in accord with recommendations made at the previous meeting of the committee. In due course, the document would be posted on the Quality Assurance and Enhancement section of the trust website. AP7: Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement to ensure document posted on website.

2.10 Student Representative on Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (ref. 3.) The Quality Chair reported that she had not yet had the opportunity to progress this task. AP8: Quality Chair to progress task.

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2.11 Work-based and Placement Management Policy (ref. 5.2 )

The committee noted that this item was on the agenda (see 5.2)

2.12 Assessment Policy and Academic Integrity Policy Implementation Grid (ref. 5.3 )

The committee noted that this item was on the agenda (see 5.3 ).

2.13 Guidance Note for Markers (ref. 5.4)

The committee noted that this item was on the agenda (see 5.4)

2.14 Collaborative Review of Bristol Courses (ref. 5.8.)

The committee noted that item was on the agenda (see 5.8).

2.15 Course Modification – MA in Psychoanalytic Studies (M16) (ref. 5.10 )

Due to the absence of Dr Price the committee was not in a position to know if a discussion had taken place with the Organising Tutor about possible financial implications of the proposed course modification. AP9: course team to respond re committee’s request.

2.16 Change of Title - MA in the Foundations of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (ref 6.1.3)

The committee noted that this item was on the agenda (see 6.1.1 ).

3. Trust Student Feedback Exercise 2009

Refer Appendix 1.

The Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement presented a brief report on the key outcomes and findings of the 2009 exercise:

the overall response rate in the trust was 50.4% a noticeable improvement on the previous year (37%);

the improvement was not merely in quantitative terms but reflected a good response on the whole from students to qualitative questions too;

the picture in terms of response rates in outside or link centres would become clearer at he end of November when the centres had returned their REP course pro-forma with details of the number of forms circulated to students and the number of completed forms received;

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two particular issues or concerns which needed to be highlighted were – first, a concern about the gradations used for the quantitative based questions - more specifically, there was too large a ‘gap’ between ‘definitively’ ‘to some extent’ and ‘no’ - likewise ‘excellent’, ‘adequate’ and ‘poor’. second, it was evident both at the individual course level and across the trust that the question devoted to satisfaction with academic and clinical supervision was not sufficiently explicit for students to understand its meaning resulting in a ‘non response’ rate of 34%.

Questions that had elicited an improved response in the top rating included –

Meeting of Learning Needs + 5% Quality of Teaching + 3% Process of enrolment + 7% Quality of administration + 7%

There was a drop in the percentage of responses in the top rating for quality of feedback – 4%

Finally, the concluding question, had the students expectation of the course and the trust been met? Some 67% responded ‘definitely’ – 6% increase on the 2008 response.

The committee noted both of the concerns noted above and recommended that the gradations or ratings be revised in 2010 to include a four rather than three-level system; likewise the question relating to satisfaction with academic or clinical supervision to be reworded. AP10: Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement to ensure that generic form revised accordingly.

Professor Rustin noted that the broad picture to emerge from the exercise at trust level was consistently good in terms of favourable responses.

The Dean noted that there was not much in the middle rating for many questions; however, it was important to note that that the top-rating response for teaching accommodation was only 30% .

The Dean proposed it would be valuable to benchmark our findings against comparative data in the higher education sector. AP11: Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement to undertake benchmarking exercise.

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The Quality Chair recommended that it was important to identify any courses for which feedback was not as good. AP12: Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement to check course level findings.

The Dean noted that the trust reported at various levels on student feedback including posting information on the trust website. AP13: information to be posted.

4. Trust Review and Enhancement Process 2009

Refer Appendix 11.

The committee noted that at the time of meeting the following course REP pro-forma were outstanding: M6, D82, D10D, M25, M80 and M80T.

In outside centres – those for the Psychoanalytic Observational Studies course in Birmingham, Oxford and Florence and those for the Applied Systemic Theory course in Kent and Oxford.

The Quality Chair referred to the quality review that she and the Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement had undertaken of course pro-forma. In general, the review had identified more issues of course teams not providing a full enough explanation or rationale for a development or change rather than of basic substance or accuracy. There were one or two exceptions to the latter however.

The committee agreed that the Quality Chair would communicate with both trust- based and outside centre courses for whom the REP pro-forma was outstanding that the pro-forma must be received by Monday November 16th AP14: Quality Chair to communicate as noted above.

The Head of Quality Assurance reported re the REP Cluster Meetings that the following courses had not been represented at the two meetings for M level courses - D11, D9, D10, D30 and M26.

The committee felt that the primary reason for this was attributable to both the meetings for M level courses being held on a Tuesday when a number of Organising Tutors do not work in the trust. It was agreed that in 2010 the corresponding meetings needed to be held on at least two different days of the week.

AP15: Quality Chair to address in planning 2010 exercise.

Feedback was received on the two Cluster Meetings that had taken place to date: that for Professional Doctorate courses on

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and the first meeting for M level courses.

The Quality Chair expressed the view that the two meetings had been very lively and workmanlike, especially that for the Professional Doctorates. A number of developmental themes had emerged in the latter, which the School Research Degrees should take forward. AP16: Quality Chair and Chair of School Research Degrees sub-committee to take forward in 2010.

The UEL Quality Assurance Manager Collaborations noted the participation in the M level course Cluster Meeting of staff from outside or link centres: it was very beneficial to all involved and should be progressed further in 2010. AP17: Quality Chair to try to facilitate increased participation of staff from outside or link centres.

The Dean noted the clear progress being made on the Professional Doctorate Courses and how key issues could be addressed by working together in the future.

The committee noted the need for another quality review of the REP course pro- forma. AP18: meeting to be arranged.

Finally, the UEL Quality Assurance Manager Collaborations emphasised that the audit of our REP by the university would in particular look at the how the trust manages the process.

5. UEL Business

5.1 QAA Institutional Audit 2010 Hybrid Model

The Quality Chair reported that the Audit Planning Group had been meeting at regular intervals. They had drawn up a comprehensive plan

She further noted that the meetings with the Professional Doctorate Organising Tutors had identified a range of issues. Arrangements had been made for a meeting with the Organising Tutors of M level courses on November 24th, and with Liaison Tutors and Course Administrators responsible for outside of partner centres of delivery on November 30th.

The committee noted that the trust is selected for a partner visit we would be offered a series of dates by the Quality Assurance Agency. Such a visit would be for one day and would involve meetings with senior staff, teaching staff and students.

The UEL Quality Assurance Manager Collaborations noted that the Quality Assurance Agency were sent a Collaborative Register by the awarding university-

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the audit took student numbers into account and for such an Institutional Audit the QAA were not allowed to undertake a visit to an overseas centre or collaborative partner. Nonetheless the committee thought it useful to have Liaison Tutors available furthermore need to be a careful selection of Tutors

It was noted that appropriate staff from UEL would be here in the trust if we were selected for a partner.

The committee agreed that the Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement should send an updated Audit Action Plan to UEL. AP19: updated Audit Action Plan to be forwarded to UEL.

The committee further noted that feedback from QAA as to partner visits was expected in early December.

The visit to partner centres would take place between the Briefing Visit to UEL on February 12th and the audit itself on March 22nd.

5.2 Work-based Learning and Placement Management Policy

The committee noted that in August 2009 the Quality Chair, Assistant Director of Training and UEL’s Quality Assurance Manager: Collaborations had met to discuss integrating the requirements of NHS London and the university in the policy document. It had been agreed that the locum Assistant Director of Training would lead in drafting the policy document and had completed some work before leaving the trust.

The committee noted that a number of sections of the template had not been completed – the Dean noted that the new Assistant Director of Training could pick up the task but would not be in post until January at the earliest.

The UEL Quality Assurance Manage Collaborations questioned whether the definition of placement had been fully understood by the drafter.

The committee agreed that the person drafting the document in the trust would need to liaise with the UEL Quality Assurance Collaborations Manager. AP20: to liaise with UEL re drafting remainder of document.

The committee further agreed that the item be tabled again for the December 2009 meeting. AP21: Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement to ensure tabled.

The Quality Chair proposed that the drafter consult with relevant Organising Tutors to conform that the detail included was relevant and to amend accordingly. AP22: consultation to take place.

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5.3 Assessment Policy & Academic Integrity Policy Implementation Grid

Refer Appendix IV.

The committee received and noted the Implementation Grid that had been forwarded to the university’s Collaborations Monitoring Sub-committee addressing compliance with key aspects of the new Assessment Policy for M level courses and the university’s Academic Integrity Policy.

The UEL Quality Assurance Collaborations Manager expressed the view that she was hopeful that the document addressed the task required.

5.4 Assessment Guidelines – Tavistock-UEL M Level Courses

Refer Appendix V.

The Dean of Postgraduate Studies proposed that the guidelines be circulated to all course teams – they were really helpful.

The Quality Chair emphasised that the document should be as simple as possible – mapping out the key issues by selecting bullet points.

It was agreed that Professor Rustin would present the key points in bullet points and thereafter the document would be circulated to course teams.

AP23: Professor Rustin to draft revised document.

5.5 Diploma Supplement

Refer Appendix IV .

The committee noted that the supplement was an explanatory document designed to increase transparency and recognition of qualifications across the European community.

The aim was for the trust to be in compliance with the supplement by June 2010.

The committee noted the particular example presented to them as part of Appendix V1.

It was agreed that the Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement

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would liaise with the Systems Specialist in the Directorate of Education and Training to ensure that the document could be in use from Spring 2010.

AP24: draft template to be forwarded to UEL in early 2010 for approval.

5.6 Assessment on Trust Training Database

This item it was noted was related to the previous one.

The Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement reported on a recent meeting with the Systems Specialist in the Directorate of Education and Training the aim of which was to plan the inputting of assessment data on the training database.

He noted that there had been a consultancy day with Agresso, the software providers in August 2009 about assessment and timetabling.

It was hoped that current assessment data would be inputted onto the system by April 2010 and that Assessment Board Servicing Officers would be able to use laptops accessing the data at the July 2010 assessment boards.

The committee noted the resource implications of this proposed development and the Dean’s involvement. AP25: resource implications of proposed development to be discussed.

He further noted that a longer term aim was to input past award data onto the system.

5.7 PG Certificate Award: Psychoanalytic Studies; Consultation and the Organisation: Psychoanalytic Approaches

PG Cert award – Consultation and Organisation: Psychoanalytic Approaches

The committee received the following documents – evidence of the agreement of the Organising Tutor to the award, a revised course Programme Specification indicating at relevant points the availability of the award and a draft proposal to the university’s Validation and Review Sub-committee re the rationale for the addition of the PG Cert award.

The committee approved the proposal and specifically that the Certificate be made available to students who had passed the three units assessed in Year 1 of the course. AP26: trust in due course to forward its recommendation to the university’s Validation and Review Sub-committee.

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PG Cert award – Psychoanalytic Studies

The committee received the same set of documentation as noted above but specific to this course.

The committee requested that the course team spell out which pieces of assessed work a student have passed in order to be awarded the Postgraduate Certificate. AP27: Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement to contact Organising Tutor re the issue.

With regard to the following courses –

MA/PG Dip in Psychoanalytic Observational Studies MA/PG Dip in Infant Mental Health MA/PG Dip in Counselling in Educational Settings

Professor Rustin expressed the view that the decision as to whether a course might adopt the award should be made not simply in terms of the credit accumulation but whether the structure and content of the course permitted students to be conferred this award given the primary aim and outcome of the course programme AP28: Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement to contact respective Organising Tutors.

The committee noted that following discussion of the issue of a PG Cert award at the October meeting of the committee – the Secretary had not received a response from the Organising Tutor for the Eating Disorders course (D9).

The committee agreed that it was an equity issue that all courses should fully address whether they wished to add the PG Cert award.

It was agreed that the Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement would send a reminder to the Organising Tutor requesting a response as to whether the course team wished to add the award of Postgraduate Certificate. AP29: Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement to contact Organising Tutor.

Re the Masters in Systemic Psychotherapy it was agreed that the Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement would approach the Organising Tutor once the current validation of the programme was completed AP30: to contact the Organising Tutor in due course.

5.8 Collaborative Review, Course Validations 2008-09

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Refer Appendix V111.

Masters in Systemic Psychotherapy as Stand Alone course

The committee noted that a revised course handbook and programme specification had been forwarded to the university on November 4th addressing the remaining outstanding conditions of the validation AP31: validation process to be completed as soon as possible.

Collaborative Review of Bristol Courses

The committee noted that the following tasks remained to be completed before the review was deemed as complete and a revised Memorandum of Cooperation drafted to include the North Bristol NHS Trust as the local partner –

information about the tripartite delivery of the course to be posted on the Tavistock link in the Humanities and Social Sciences part of the UEL website. AP32: Dr Price to facilitate input of information.

a statement on the tripartite delivery to be drafted by the trust course team and the course handbook to be appropriately revised to include Bristol specific information.

It was agreed that the Dean would write to the staff involved to emphasise the urgency of completing the required documentation. AP33: Dean to contact staff.

5.9 Collaborative Reviews, Course Validations 2009-10

Collaborative Review Birmingham Trust for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

The committee noted the preparatory meeting that had taken place in Birmingham on October 27th. Dates had been set for planning and review events in 2010.

It was noted that the Initial Approval pro-forma would be forthcoming as soon as possible for delivery of the Psychoanalytic Observational Studies course in Belfast from October 2010 and for the MA in Psychological Therapies for Children, Young People and Families. And the re-approval process for the revalidation of the MA in Consultation and the Organisation. AP34: Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement to progress task.

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Secretary’s Note: subsequent to the meeting the Organising Tutor for the MA in Consultation and the Organisation notified QAE that the course team had decided not to revalidate the course in 2009-10 but rather to conduct an internal review.

5.10 External Examiners

The committee noted the following -

Dr Peter Simpson, University of the West of England, nomination with UEl to be external for the MA in Consultation and the Organisation (D10).

Professor Nick Gould, University of Bath, had agreed to be nominated as external for the Professional Doctorate in Social Work.

Nomination for new external for the PG Cert in Emotional Well-Being in Children and Families and MA in Child Protection and Complex Child Care was progessing. AP35: nominations to be progressed by Quality Assurance and Enhancement office.

5.11 Any Other Business

There was a discussion of those students on the Professional Doctorate in Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy who wanted to take an intermediate award. The course had been validated in 2005 with only an exit award for those clinically unsuitable to continue. The committee noted the intention to validate the M Prof award in the future. It was proposed that such students be deferred for two years in order that the M Prof award be conferred. The retrospective nature of the award should not be a problem as the course structure and content has not changed. It was agreed that the UEL Quality Assurance Manager Collaborations would check that the proposal was workable. AP36: UEL Collaborations Manager to check.

6. University of Essex

6.1 Change of Title – MA/PG Dip in The Foundations of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (D58)

The committee noted the change of title to MA/PG Dip Foundation Course in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.

6.2 Any Other Business

There was no other business.

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7. Trust Quality Business

7.1 Trust Training and Departmental Committees

There was no business to report.

8. Quality Assurance Agency and the Higher Education Funding Council for England

The committee two reports from the above noted bodies emanating from the high level debate that had arisen in the summer of 2008 about standards and quality of higher education in the United Kingdom.

The committee noted that both reports endorsed the rigour and standards of higher education but both identified issues to be addressed: the common issue across the two reports was the role of the external examiner.

9. Any Other Business

There was no further business.

10. Date of Next Meeting

The next Quality Committee will be held on Tuesday January 12th 2010 at 10.00 am in the Board Room.


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