* Cllr Mrs H Kane (Mayor)

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* Cllr Mrs H Kane (Mayor)

COUNCIL MEETING 29 th JULY 2015 7.30 p.m.

* Cllr Mrs H Kane (Mayor) Cllr Mrs J Lea (Deputy Mayor) * Cllr M Fitch Cllr Mrs R Gadsby * Cllr R K James * Cllr Mrs G Shiell * Cllr Mrs S Stavrou * Cllr A Watts * Cllr Mrs E Webster * Cllr J Wyatt

* Denotes Members present.

In attendance: Town Clerk.

190/15. Recording of Meetings: The notice was duly read to the meeting.

191/15. Apologies for Absence: Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Mrs Gadsby and Cllr Mrs Lea.

192/15. Disclosure of Interest: Cllr Mrs Helen Kane declared an interest in Minute 221/15Ref: (Hall Hire Policy).

193/15. Minutes: RESOLVED - THAT the Minutes of the Council meeting held on the 29th April 2015, the Special Council meeting held on the 13th May, the Annual Council meeting held on the 13th May and of the Council meeting held on 4th June 2015, copies of which had been previously circulated to all Members, be taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.

194/15. Annual Town Meeting: The minutes of the meeting held on the 27th May 2015 were duly noted.

195/15. Questions: There were no questions.

196/15. Public Questions: A question had been received from Mr D Plummer, regarding The Royal Gunpowder Mills:

Could the Council please advise how the recent meeting with The Royal Gunpowder Mills went, did the Council form any opinion of the plans and how does the Council feel they affect the Abbey?

Given that the current proposal could involve the use of public funds does the Council have a view on PGL being selected without a tendering process? 41 The answer to Mr Plummer’s question is: The meeting was, in fact, a site visit, after an open invitation to Members from the management of the RGM. No opinion was formed, and no discussions regarding any specific plans took place. As far as the Council are aware, no plans have formally been submitted at this stage. So as there are no definite proposals in the public domain, the council cannot comment.

197/15. Planning & Licensing Subcommittee Minutes and Report dated 29 th April 2015: It was moved by Cllr Fitch , seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report, Recommendations and Observations therein dated 29th April 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

198/15. Tourist Information Centre Management Committee Minutes and Report dated 5 th May 2015: It was moved by Cllr Mrs Webster, seconded and RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report and Recommendations therein dated 5th May 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

199/15. Planning & Licensing Subcommittee Minutes and Report dated 13 th May 2015: It was moved by Cllr Fitch, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report, Recommendations and Observations therein dated 13th May 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

200/15. Planning & Licensing Subcomittee Minutes and Report dated 27 th May 2015: It was moved by Cllr Fitch, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report, Recommendations and Observations therein dated 27th May 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

201/15. Policy & Resources Committee Minutes and Report dated 4th June 2015: It was moved by Cllr Watts, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes and Report dated 4th June 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

202/15. Planning & Licensing Subcommitee Minutes and Report dated 10 th June 2015: It was moved by Cllr Mrs Mitchell, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report, Recommendations and Observations therein dated 10th June 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

42 203/15. Town Promotions Subcommittee Minutes and Report dated 15 th June 2015: It was moved by Cllr Fitch, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report and Recommendations therein dated 15th June 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

204/15. Waltham Abbey Festivals Committee Minutes and Report dated 18 th June 2015: It was moved by Cllr Fitch, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report and Recommendations dated 18th June 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

205/15. Planning & Licensing Subcommittee Minutes and Report dated 24 th June 2015: It was moved by Cllr Wyatt, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report, Recommendations and Observations therein dated 24th June 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

206/15. Licensed Bars & Catering Committee Minutes and Report dated 29 th June 2015: It was moved by Cllr Mrs Shiell, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report and Recommendations therein dated 29th June 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

207/15. Policy & Resources Committee Minutes and Report dated 1 st July 2015: It was moved by Cllr Watts, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes and Report dated 1st July 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

208/15. Town Twinning Subcommittee Minutes and Report dated 2 nd July 2015: It was moved by the Mayor, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report and Recommendations therein dated 2nd July 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

209/15. Tourist Information Centre Management Committee Minutes and Report dated 6 th July 2015: It was moved by Cllr Mrs A Mitchell seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report and Recommendations therein dated 6th July 2015 be received, approved and adopted. 43 210/15. Planning & Licensing Subcommittee Minutes and Report dated 8 th July 2015: It was moved by Cllr Mrs Shiell, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report, Recommendations and Observations therein dated 8th July 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

211/15. Leisure and Community Committee Minutes and Report dated 8 th July 2015: It was moved by Cllr Mrs Mitchell, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT with an amendment to show the presence of Cllr James at the meeting, the Minutes and Report dated 8th July 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

212/15. Development & Environment Committee Minutes and Report dated 8 th July 2015: It was moved by Cllr Mrs Mitchell, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes and Report dated 8th July 2015 be received approved and adopted.

The planning application EPF/1162/15 was duly put before the meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Watts, seconded byv Cllr James, that a recommendation be put to the LPA for refusal on the grounds of overdevelopment in the Green Belt, and concerns over vehicle access and egress. The matter was put to the vote with 4 votes in favour of recommending refusal, and 5 votes against the proposal. Cllr Mrs Stavrou proposed that a recommendation of no objection be made to the LPA, the vote was 5 in favour and 4 against. It was agreed that conditions regarding road safety be suggested and a request for S106 (CIL) monies be made.

213/15. Waltham Abbey Festivals Committee Minutes and Report dated 16 th July 2015: It was moved by Cllr Fitch, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report and Recommendations therein dated 16th July 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

214/15. Planning & Licensing Subcommittee Minutes and Report dated 22 nd July 2015: It was moved by Cllr Fitch, seconded and

RESOLVED – THAT the Minutes, Report, Recommendations and Observations therein dated 22nd July 2015 be received, approved and adopted.

44 215/15. Motions: It was moved by the Mayor and

RESOLVED – THAT from the 29th July 2015 until the date of the next ordinary meeting of the Council, the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Leader of Council, and the appropriate Committee Chairman in consultation with the Town Clerk be empowered to take any urgent action and to instruct the Town Clerk accordingly.

216/15. Mayors Announcements, Correspondence and Engagements: The Mayor reported that engagements had been busy since her inauguration, starting with a visit to the Royal Gunpowder Mills Steam Festival. The Civic Service had been very well received, and thanks were expressed to staff involved on the day. Currently there was one function arranged during the recess month.

217/15. Report of the Town Clerk: The Town Clerk’s report was duly noted. The Status List was also duly noted.

218/15. Any Other Business: a) The Town Clerk reported on a letter just received regarding information on a planning appeal that is to be heard at the EFDC Council Chamber. A copy of the letter is to be sent to all Councillors for information. b) As it has now been confirmed, the shop at the junction of Farm Hill Road and Sewardstone Road is in the Conservation Area, this matter is to be brought to the attention of the EFDC Conservation Officer. c) Cllr James suggested that a lottery may be a good way of raising funds for distribution to community groups.

219/15. Exclusion of Press and Public: It was moved by the Mayor and

RESOLVED – THAT in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.

220/15. Town Mead: It was proposed Cllr Fitch, seconded Cllr Mrs Mitchell and

RESOLVED – THAT a contract of employment be extended for a further 18 months, but that the other matter referred to should be investigated further and put before the next meeting of the Licensed Bars & Catering Subcommittee for their consideration.

RESOLVED – THAT after consideration of the three quotations, new bar furniture for the James Suite be purchased from the company offering the best value. . Cllr Mrs H Kane declared a non-pecuniary interest as the Leisure Portfolio holder for Epping Forest District Council for the following item. 45 221/15. Hall Hire Policy: As requested, this matter was brought before the Council after a recommendation from the Policy & Resources Committee. After a full debate on good working relationships, and the benefits that would accrue to Waltham Abbey young people, Cllr Watts proposed and it was

RESOLVED – THAT in this particular instance a discount as requested will be provided, but that it would be better if this situation did not arise again at such a late stage if at all, and that some form of acknowledgement for the Town Council’s support should be made.

222/15. Ninefields Community Centre: After consideration of the Officer’s report, it was agreed that a copy of the lease should be sent to all Councillors; that the insurance should be maintained at the increased rate; and that this matter be brought before the next meeting of the Policy & Resources Committee.



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