Evaluation of Student Progress
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St. Francis Xavier University Gerald Schwartz School of Business BSAD 333: Professional Sales: Building Relationships Fall 2013
Dr. Denton Anthony Office: SCHW 386 Office Phone: 867-5234 Department Phone: 867-2167 Department Fax: 867-5385 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stfx.ca/people/danthony
Course Description:
This course addresses the nature of professional selling. It is not a course on “how to sell” – but rather a course on effective principles of professional selling. This course covers changes in the traditional selling process: the movement towards relational exchanges and selling; strategically planning sales within a larger account strategy and strengthening communications within the selling process. In order to fully understand the selling process the course will examine theoretical applications that apply to selling and consider the importance of personal selling within the larger marketing process. Prerequisite: BSAD 231.
Course Text:
SELL: Canadian Edition by Ingram, et al. Nelson, 2013. or SELL: Student Edition 2nd Edition, by Ingram, et al. South-Western, 2012.
Course material will be supplemented by additional readings, notes, cases and exercises.
Teaching and Learning Methods:
Class sessions will consist of a variety of teaching methods. Each class will start with What’s Happening in Marketing? What’s Happening in Marketing? is a 5 minute discussion at the beginning of each class of something you may have read, seen, experienced or heard about that may have various sales, marketing or business implications to topics discussed in class. Students are encouraged to participate, as it offers an open forum for discussion and socialization. Mini- lectures, case studies, role-plays, videos and classroom discussion methods will all be used throughout the term. Students are encouraged to actively participate in discussions.
Course and Classroom Technology Policy
Students are permitted to use a laptop computer for classroom use (i.e., note-taking) only. Students are not permitted to use laptop computers for msning, email, facebook or other social networking applications. Cell phones and mobile devices must be turned off before entering the classroom and placed in your pocket, school bag or purse. No texting is permitted in the 2 classroom. Improper use of technology in the classroom will result in students forfeiting significant portions of their classroom contribution mark.
Evaluation of Student Progress:
Role–play exercise - Value 10%
Role plays expose you to various aspects of successful relationship selling and put you into the action by giving you a part to play. Role plays are an excellent substitute for real on-the-job experience. Topics come off the page from your book and into a real exchange of dialogue among the role players. You will want to do good preparation and take the task you are assigned seriously, but remember that the role play itself should be fun!
Mid-term Exam – Value 20%
The midterm exam is scheduled for October 17 th during our regularly scheduled class. Because of the timing during class, there should be no conflicts. All material covered up to this point will be testable material. The format for the exam will more than likely consist of multiple choice, short answer and discussion/situation questions.
Group Sales Paper and Presentation – Value 20%
Students will be asked to form groups of two or three. Each group will be asked to find at least three sources for a product or service (excluding computers, laptops, and televisions) that is priced over $700.00. In addition to multiple sections of this assignment, students will have to interview and or shadow a sales professional that sell the product to which they have chosen. The paper and presentation are meant to fulfill many different objectives related not only to sales, but to marketing in general. These objectives will be discussed later, and this assignment will be due towards the end of the term, tentatively November 21 st .
In addition to a paper, a short 8-10 minute class presentation is also required. Many more assignment details will follow in the coming weeks.
Classroom Attendance and Participation – Value 10%
Attendance will be taken on a regular basis. Participation means your willingness to get involved in classroom discussions, answering questions, completing assigned course/homework and looking at alternatives to what is presented by both the professor and other students.
It is acknowledged that not all students feel comfortable speaking in class. For this reason, students can “earn” marks for this category of evaluation by attending class and submitting homework/assignments for that given day at the end of each class session (NOT via email or at some later date or time). Remember you cannot contribute if you are not present in class. In short, do the assigned readings; complete or at least attempt the assigned exercises and you should be able to 3 contribute to classroom discussions. Please note that students will lose marks if they are texting (receiving or sending), emailing, or facebooking during class time. See Classroom Technology Policy above.
Final Exam – Value 40%
The date and time of the final exam for this course is set by the University Registrar. All students are required to write the exam at that time. Only in exceptional circumstances will other arrangements be made. Examinations will not be rescheduled to accommodate airline or other travel arrangements. The final exam is a comprehensive and students will be responsible for all the material covered throughout the term. The final exam will be based on textbook readings, handout material, lecture notes, and application to theory. Details about format, length, and areas of concentration will be given at the end of the term.
General Information – Please read carefully
A grade of 50% or greater is required on a student’s individual work before any group performance mark will be counted in the determination of that student’s final grade.
Late assignments will be penalized 10% a day and will not be accepted after they are more than five (5) days late.
Let’s have fun!