Binghamton University, State University of New York

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Binghamton University, State University of New York

MICHAEL A. LITTLE September 2012

Address: Department of Anthropology Binghamton University, State University of New York Binghamton, New York 13902-6000 Telephone: (Office) 607-777-2732, 2737 (Home) 607-723-7048 Email: [email protected]

Education: B.A. (1962), M.A. (1965) and Ph.D. (1968) in Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University

Employment: Assistant Professor of Anthropology, The Ohio State University, 1967-70; The State University of New York at Binghamton, 1971-73 Scientific Coordinator of the Human Adaptability Component, International Biological Program and Visiting Associate Professor of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, 1972-73 Associate Professor of Anthropology, The State University of New York at Binghamton, 1973-81 Professor of Anthropology, The State University of New York at Binghamton, 1981-98 Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, The State University of New York at Binghamton, 1998-present

Awards and Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Grant-in-Aid, 1966 Honors: Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellowship, 1966-67 Research Award, The Ohio State University, 1968 (Andes research, Peru) NASA Fellowship at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, Summers 1969 and 1970 Population Council Fellowship, Cornell Summer Institute in Demography, 1971 Research Fellowship and Grant-in-Aid, State University of New York Research Foundation, 1972 (Andes research, Peru) NSF Graduate Equipment Grant, 1974 Research Fellowship and Grant-in-Aid, State University of New York Research Foundation, 1978 (Savanna research, Kenya) NSF Research Grant (Co-PI with N. Dyson-Hudson), Human Ecology of Savanna Pastoralists (nomadic Turkana pastoralists), 1978-80 NSF Research Grant (Co-PI with J.E. Ellis, N. Dyson-Hudson and P.W. Leslie), Activity, Nutrition, Growth and Energetics of Savanna Pastoralists (nomadic Turkana), 1980-81, 1982-86 AAAS, Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1980 NSF Research Grant (Co-PI with Paul W. Leslie), Human Ecology of Reproduction in Nomadic Turkana Pastoralists, 1988-1992 National Geographic Society Research Grant (PI with Michael A. DeLuca and Kenneth L. Campbell) Pregnancy Loss and Reproduction in Settled Turkana, 1993-1994 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research and International Union of Biological Sciences (Paris) conference support "Human Biodiversity in Anthropological and Ecological Perspectives, Human Biology Association, 1996 National Associate of the National Academies, National Research Council (NRC), National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Washington, DC, 2001-lifetime (this is not an elected membership, but rather a service associate membership) Franz Boas Distinguished Achievement Award, Human Biology Association, April 2005. Charles R. Darwin Lifetime Achievement Award, American Association of Physical Anthropologists, March 2007. Michael A. Little Young Scholar’s Award, Human Biology Association, Initiated April 2012.

Professional American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow (AAAS) Organizations: American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Fellow (AAPA) Asociación Mexicana de Antropología Biológica (AMAB) Human Biology Association, Fellow (HBA) International Association of Human Biologists (IAHB) International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) Society for the Study of Human Biology (SSHB) Society for the Study of Social Biology (SSSB)

Professional: Editorial Committee, U.S. International Biological Programme Synthesis Volume Activities: Series, 1972-74 Member of Founding Committee, Human Biology Council 1973-74 Secretary/Treasurer, Human Biology Council, 1973-75 Executive Committee, Human Biology Council, 1974-79 UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme Subcommittee, Project 12-Human Studies, 1974-76 UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme Ad Hoc Committee for Information Management, 1976-78 American Association of Physical Anthropologists Nominations Committee, 1978-79 Editorial Board, Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 1979-82 Book Review Editor, the journal Human Biology, 1981-89 UNESCO Man and the Biosphere U.S. Executive Committee, 1983-1995; Vice Chairman, 1987-1995 International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) Working Group on Tropical Mountain Ecosystems (International Decade of the Tropics Programme), 1984-1988 Human Biology Council Executive Committee, 1986-90 American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Vice President, 1988-90, President, 1991-93, Past President 1993-94 U.S. National Committee/International Union of Biological Sciences (USNC/IUBS), Member 1989-97, Chair 1995-97 AAAS Section H (Anthropology) Nominations Committee, Member 1989-92, Chair 1992 AAAS Section H (Anthropology) Member-at-Large, Executive Committee, 1995- 1999 American Anthropological Association, Long-Range Planning Committee 1993- 1999 Finance Committee 1995-98, Committee of Anthropology Association Presidents 1991-93, 1995-8 Editorial Board, the journal Human Biology, 1990-present Editorial Board, Annual Review of Anthropology, 1992-1996 Council for the Preservation of the Anthropological Record (CoPAR), Executive Committee (Secr/Treas) 1994-2000. Human Biology Association, President-Elect 1995-96, President 1996-98, Past President 1998-1999 Editorial Board, Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, 1998-present U.S. National Committee/International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (USNC/IUAES), Chair 1999-2002 International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Vice President, 1998-2009 Chair, American Journal of Human Biology Editor Search Committee, 2000 Chair, American Association of Physical Anthropologists History Committee, 2000-present Council Member, International Association of Human Biologists, 2001-2003 Editorial Board, American Anthropologist, 2006-2008 AAAS Section H (Anthropology) Council Representative, 2008-2012 AAAS Section H (Anthropology) Chair-Elect 2009, Chair 2010, Past Chair 2011 Editorial Board, Japanese Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 2007-present Editorial Board, Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 2008-present AAAS Section H (Anthropology) Representative to the Human Biology Association, 2008-2010 Human Biology Association, Archives Preparation for Smithsonian National Anthropological Archives, 2010-2011

Areas of Specialization: Biological Anthropology, Human Biology, Human Ecology, Human Adaptability, Environmental Stress (heat, cold, altitude, nutrition, disease, solar radiation), Child Growth, Reproduction, History of Biological Anthropology

Research/ Scholarship Experience: Skeletal biology/cold and heat adaptation at altitude, Peruvian Andes, June-Sept. 1962 Bone density, U.S., June-Sept. 1963 Andean Biocultural Studies, Peruvian Andes, June-Dec. 1964, June 1965-Jan. 1966 Alcohol and coca effects on cold responses, Peruvian Andes, Aug.-Sept. 1968 Exercise capacity/circadian rhythms/heat stress, Environmental Physiology Laboratory, Manned Spacecraft Center, June-Aug. 1969, June-Aug. 1970 Microcold/energy flow, Peruvian Andes, May-Aug. 1972 Skin and hair reflectance relationships, 1978, 1983-84 Longitudinal Growth of Female Gymnasts, 1978-85 Preliminary Turkana Studies, 1978 South Turkana Ecosystem Project, Kenya, 1980-1988 Ecology of Reproduction and Health of Turkana, 1988-2002 History of Biological Anthropology and Human Biology 2000-present

Publications More than 60 book reviews (not listed) in American Anthropologist, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, American Journal of Human Biology, Annals of Human Biology, Human Biology, Reviews in Anthropology, Science, Quarterly Review of Biology, and American Scientist.

DeMeio, R.H., O. Salciunas, and M. Little. 1958. "In vitro" sulfate uptake by rat peritoneal cells. Acta Physiologica Latinoamericana, 8:248-254.

Baker, P.T. and M.A. Little. 1965. Bone density changes with age, altitude, and race factors in Peruvians. Human Biology, 37:122-136.

Mazess, R.E., E. Picón-Reátegui, R.B. Thomas and M.A. Little. 1968. Effects of alcohol and altitude on man during rest and work. Aerospace Medicine, 39:403-406.

Little, M.A. 1968. Racial and developmental factors in foot cooling: Quechua Indians and U.S. Whites. Occasional Papers in Anthropology (University Park, PA), 1:327-537.

Mazess, R.B., E. Picón-Reátegui, R.B. Thomas and M.A. Little. 1969. Oxygen intake and body temperature of basal and sleeping Andean natives. Aerospace Medicine, 40:6-9.

Little, M.A. 1969. Temperature regulation at high altitude: Quechua Indians and U.S. Whites during foot exposure to cold water and cold air. Human Biology, 41:519-535.

Little, M.A. 1970. Effects of alcohol and coca on foot temperature responses of highland Peruvians during a localized cold exposure. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 32:233-242.

Little, M.A. 1971. Comment on: "Lactase deficiency: An example of dietary evolution" by Robert D. McCracken. Current Anthropology, 12:504.

Little, M.A. and J.A. Rummel. 1971. Circadian variations in thermal and metabolic responses to heat exposure. Journal of Applied Physiology, 31:556-561.

Little, M.A., R.B. Thomas, R.B. Mazess and P.T. Baker. 1971. Population differences and developmental changes in extremity temperature responses to cold among Andean Indians. Human Biology, 43:70-91.

Little, M.A. and D.H. Hochner. 1973. Human thermoregulation, growth and mortality. Addison- Wesley Modules in Anthropology, No. 36. Reading, Massachusetts.

Little, M.A. and S.H. Friedman (eds.). 1973. Proceedings of a Conference on Man in the Ecosystem. Human Adaptability Coordinating Office, U.S. National Committee for the International Biological Program, University Park, Pennsylvania.

Little, M.A., R.B. Thomas and J.W. Larrick. 1973. Skin temperature and cold pressor responses of Andean Indians during hand immersion in water at 4EC. Human Biology, 45:643-662. Loucks, O.L., M.A. Little and P.L. Jamison (compilers). 1974. U.S. Participation in the International Biological Program. Report No. 6 of the U.S. National Committee for the IBP. National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., 166 pp.

Dufour, D.L., M.A. Little and R.B. Thomas. 1976. Skin temperatures of the nape in infants at high altitude. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 44:91-93.

Jones R.E., M.A. Little, R.B. Thomas, C.J. Hoff and D.L. Dufour. 1976. Local cold exposure of Andean Indians during normal and simulated activities. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 44:305-314.

Little, M.A. and G.E.B. Morren, Jr. 1976. Ecology, Energetics and Human Variability. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, 90 pp.

Baker, P.T. and M.A. Little (eds.). 1976. Man in the Andes: A Multidisciplinary Study of High Altitude Quechua. Dowden, Hutchison & Ross, Stroudsburg, PA, 482 pp.

Little, M.A. 1976. Chapter 17: Physiological Responses to Cold. In Baker and Little (above), pp. 332-362.

Little, M.A. and P.T. Baker. 1976. Chapter 20: Environmental Adaptation and Perspectives, In Baker and Little (above), pp. 405-428.

Little, M.A. and J.M. Hanna. 1977. Cold responses of high altitude populations. International Journal of Biometeorology, 21:123-124.

Little, M.A. and J.M. Hanna. 1978. Chapter 9: The responses of high altitude populations to Cold and other physical stresses. In Biology of High Altitude Peoples, ed. by P.T. Baker, pp. 251-298. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Little, M.A. 1978. Comment on: "Coca chewing and high altitude stress" by Andrew B. Fuchs. Current Anthropology, 19:286.

Little, M.A. 1980. Designs for human biology research of savanna pastoralists. In Human Ecology in Savanna Environments, ed. by D.R. Harris, pp. 479-503. Academic Press, London.

Little, M.A. and C.J. Sprangel. 1980. Skin reflectance relationships with temperature and skinfolds. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 52(1):145-151.

Little, M.A. and M.E. Wolff. 1981. Skin and hair reflectance in women with red hair. Annals of Human Biology, 8(3):231-241.

Little, M.A. (ed.). 1981. State of Knowledge Report on Andean Ecosystems (MAB/Unesco/UNEP). Volume 1: A General Prospectus on the Andean Region. Mountain Research and Development, 1(2)[Special Issue]:87-186. Little, M.A., P.T. Baker and J.D. Ives. 1981. Planning and development of Man and the Biosphere (MAB) research in the Andes. Mountain Research and Development, 1(2):103-114.

Little, M.A. 1981. Human population in the Andes: the human science basis for research planning. Mountain Research and Development, 1(2):145-170.

Little, M.A. 1982. Development of ideas on human ecology and adaptation. In History of American Physical Anthropology, 1930-1980, ed. by Frank J. Spencer, pp. 405-433. Academic Press, New York.

Dyson-Hudson, R. and M.A. Little (eds.). 1983. Rethinking Human Adaptation: Biological and Cultural Models. Westview Press, Boulder, 180 pp.

Little, M.A. 1983. An overview of adaptation. In Rethinking Human Adaptation, pp. 137-147 (above).

Little, M.A. 1983. Comment on "Coca chewing and high-altitude stress: a spurious correlation" by W. Bray and C. Dollery. Current Anthropology, 24:277-278.

Mugambi, M. and M.A. Little. 1983. Blood pressure in nomadic Turkana pastoralists. East African Medical Journal, 60(12):863-868.

Little, M.A., K. Galvin, and M. Mugambi. 1983. Cross-sectional growth of nomadic Turkana pastoralists. Human Biology, 55(4):811-830.

Post, P.W. and M.A. Little. 1983. Hair colour variation in human populations. Indian Journal of Physical Anthropology and Human Genetics, 9(1-3):21-55.

Little, M.A., N. Dyson-Hudson, R. Dyson-Hudson, J.E. Ellis, and D.M. Swift. 1984. Human biology and the development of an ecosystem approach. In The Ecosystem Concept in Anthropology, ed. by E.F. Moran, pp. 103-131. Westview Press, Boulder.

Little, M.A. 1985. Multidisciplinary and ecological studies of nomadic Turkana pastoralists. Biology International (Paris), 11:11-16.

Little, M.A. and B.R. Johnson. 1985. Weather conditions in South Turkana, Kenya. In South Turkana Nomadism: Coping with an Upredictably Varying Environment, by R. Dyson- Hudson and J.T. McCabe. Human Relations Area Files, New Haven.

Little, M.A. and B.R. Johnson. 1986. Grip strength, muscle fatigue, and body composition in nomadic Turkana pastoralists. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 69(3):335- 344.

Little, M.A. and B.R. Johnson, Jr. 1987. Mixed longitudinal growth of nomadic Turkana pastoralists. Human Biology 59(4):695-707. Little, M.A. and P.T. Baker. 1988. Migration and adaptation. In Biological Aspects of Human Migration, ed. by C.G.N. Mascie-Taylor and G.W. Lasker, pp. 167-215. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Little, M.A. 1988. Introduction to the symposium: Ecology of Nomadic Turkana Pastoralists. In Arid Lands Today and Tomorrow, Proceedings of an International Research and Development Conference, ed. by E.E. Whitehead, C.F. Hutchinson, B.N. Timmerman, and R.G. Varady, pp. 697-700. Westview Press, Boulder.

Little, M.A., K. Galvin, K. Shelley, B.R. Johnson, Jr. and M. Mugambi. 1988. Resources, biology and health of pastoralists. In Arid Lands Today and Tomorrow, Proceedings of an International Research and Development Conference, ed. by E.E. Whitehead, C.F. Hutchinson, B.N. Timmerman, and R.G. Varady, pp. 713-726. Westview Press, Boulder.

Little, M.A., K. Galvin, and P.W. Leslie. 1988. Health and energy requirements of nomadic Turkana pastoralists. In Coping with Uncertainty in Food Supply, ed. by I. de Garine and G.A. Harrison, pp. 290-317. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Little, M.A. (ed.). 1989. Program of the Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78(2):137-330.

Van Der Hammen, T., D. Mueller-Dombois, and M.A. Little (eds.). 1989. Manual of Methods for Mountain Transect Studies. Comparative Studies of Tropical Mountain Ecosystems, International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) Decade of the Tropics. IUBS, Paris.

Little, M.A. and J.D. Haas (eds.). 1989. Human Population Biology: A Transdisciplinary Science. Oxford University Press, New York.

Little, M.A. and J.D. Haas. 1989. Introduction: human population biology and the concept of transdisciplinarity. In Little and Haas, pp. 3-12 (above).

Hanna, J.M., M.A. Little, and D.M. Austin. 1989. Climatic physiology. In Little and Haas, pp. 132-151 (above).

Thomas, R.B., T.B. Gage, and M.A. Little. 1989. Reflections on adaptive and ecological models. In Little and Haas, pp. 296-319 (above).

Little, M.A. 1989. Human biology of African pastoralists. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 32:215-247.

Little, M.A. (ed.). 1990. Program of the Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81(2):141-321.

Little, M.A. and S.J. Gray. 1990. Growth of young nomadic and settled Turkana children. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 4(3):296-314. Little, M.A. and P.W. Leslie (eds.). 1990. The South Turkana Ecosystem Project. Report to the Government of Kenya, Office of the President. State University of New York, Binghamton.

Little, M.A., N. Dyson-Hudson, R. Dyson-Hudson, J.E. Ellis, K.A. Galvin, P.W. Leslie, and D.M. Swift. 1990. Ecosystem approaches in human biology: their history and a case study of the South Turkana Ecosystem Project. In The Ecosystem Approach in Anthropology: From Concept to Practice, ed. by E.F. Moran, pp. 389-434. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.

Little, M.A., P.W. Leslie, and P.T. Baker. 1991. Multidisciplinary studies of human adaptability: Twenty-five years of research. Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 26(1&2):9- 29.

Little, M.A. 1992. Man and the Biosphere. Anthropology Newsletter 33(4):32,30.

Little, M.A., P.W. Leslie, and K.L. Campbell. 1992. Energy reserves and parity of nomadic and settled Turkana women. American Journal of Human Biology 4(6):729-738.

Leslie, P.W., K.L. Campbell, and M.A. Little. 1993. Pregnancy loss in nomadic and settled women in Turkana, Kenya: a prospective study. Human Biology 65(2):237-254.

Little, M.A., S.J. Gray, and P.W. Leslie. 1993. Growth of nomadic and settled Turkana infants of northwest Kenya. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 92(3):273-289.

Little, M.A. and P.W. Leslie. 1993. Migration. In: Research Strategies in Human Biology, ed. by G.W. Lasker and C.G.N. Mascie-Taylor, pp. 62-91. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Little, M.A. 1993. Ethics in the fieldwork of physical anthropologists. Anthropology Newsletter 34(9):2.

Leslie, P.W., K.L. Campbell, and M.A. Little. 1994. Reproductive function in nomadic and settled women of Turkana, Kenya. In Human Reproductive Ecology: Interactions of Environment, Fertility, and Behavior, ed. by K.L. Campbell and J.W. Wood. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 709:218-220.

Hauser, G., M.A. Little, and D.F. Roberts (eds.). 1994. Man, Culture, and Biodiversity: Understanding Interdependencies. Biology International Special Issue No. 32, International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), Paris.

Little, M.A. 1994. Influences of Turkana pastoralists on dry savanna biodiversity. In: Man, Culture, and Biodiversity: Understanding Interdependencies, ed. by G. Hauser, M.A. Little and D.F. Roberts, pp. 33-41. Biology International Special Issue No. 32, International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), Paris.

Little, M.A. 1995. Adaptation, adaptability, and multidisciplinary research. In: Biological Anthropology: State of the Science, ed. by N.T. Boaz and L.D. Wolfe, pp.121-147. International Institute for Human Evolutionary Research, Bend, Oregon.

Little, M.A., J.E. Buikstra, and F. Spencer. 1995. The records of biological anthropology. In Preserving the Anthropological Record, 2nd Edition, ed. by S. Silverman and N.J. Parezo, pp. 107-121. Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc., New York.

Little, M.A. 1995. Growth and development of Turkana pastoralists. In: Research Frontiers in Anthropology: Advances in Archaeology and Physical Anthropology, ed. by P.N. Peregrine, C.R. Ember, and M. Ember. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Leslie, P.W., K.L. Campbell, M.A. Little, and C.S. Kigondu. 1996. Evaluation of reproductive function in Turkana women with enzyme immunoassays of urinary hormones in the field. Human Biology 68:95-117.

Little, M. 1996. The Growth of Pastoral Turkana children. In Biological Anthropology: A Synthetic Approach to Human Evolution, by N.T. Boaz and A.J. Almquist, pp. 510-511. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Little, M.A. 1997. Paul Thornell Baker. In: History of Physical Anthropology: An Encyclopedia, Vol. 1, ed. by Frank Spencer, pp. 156-158. Garland, New York.

Little, M.A., P.W. Leslie, and P.T. Baker. 1997. Multidisciplinary research of human biology and behavior. In: History of Physical Anthropology: An Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, ed. by Frank Spencer, pp. 696-701. Garland, New York.

Little, M.A. 1997. Adaptability of African pastoralists. In: Human Adaptability: Past, Present and Future, ed. by S.J. Ulijaszek and R.A. Huss-Ashmore, pp. 29-60. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Little, M. 1997. Aspectos metodológicos de la ecología humana. In: Estudios de Antropología Biológica Vol VIII, ed. by R.M. Ramos Rodríguez and M.E. Peña Reyes, pp. 319-352. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, México.

Little, M.A. 1998. Growth of African pastoralist children. In: Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth and Development, ed. by S.J. Ulijaszek, F.E. Johnston, and M.A. Preece, pp. 354-355. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Little, M.A. and P.W. Leslie (eds.). 1999. Turkana Herders of the Dry Savanna: Ecology and Biobehavioral Response of Nomads to an Uncertain Environment. Oxford University Press, Oxford. (see chapters below)

Little, M.A., R. Dyson-Hudson, P.W. Leslie, and N. Dyson-Hudson. 1999. Chapter 1: Framework and theory, pp. 2-23. In: Little and Leslie (above).

Little, M.A., R. Dyson-Hudson, and J.T. McCabe. 1999. Chapter 2: Ecology of South Turkana, pp. 42-65. In: Little and Leslie (above). Galvin, K.A. and M.A. Little. 1999. Chapter 7: Dietary intake and nutritional status, pp. 124-145. In: Little and Leslie (above).

Little, M.A., S.J. Gray, and I.L. Pike. 1999. Chapter 10: Infant, child, and adolescent growth, and adult status, pp. 186-204. In: Little and Leslie (above).

Little, M.A., R. Dyson-Hudson, N. Dyson-Hudson, and N.L. Winterbauer. 1999. Chapter 16: Environmental variations in the South Turkana ecosystem, pp. 316-330. In: Little and Leslie (above).

Campbell, B.C., P.W. Leslie, M.A. Little, J.M. Brainard, and M.A. DeLuca. 1999. Chapter 17: The settled Turkana, pp. 332-352. In Little and Leslie (above).

Leslie, P.W., M.A. Little, R.Dyson-Hudson, and N.Dyson-Hudson. 1999. Chapter 18: Synthesis and lessons, pp. 354-373. In: Little and Leslie (above).

Garruto, R.M., M.A. Little, G.D. James, and D.E. Brown. 1999. Natural experimental models: the global search for biomedical paradigms among traditional, modernizing, and modern populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96:10536-10543.

Little, M.A. 1999. Forward. In Happenings and Hearsay: Experiences of a Biological Anthropologist, by Gabriel W. Lasker, pp. vii-ix. Savoyard Books, Detroit.

Little, M.A. and R.M. Garruto. 2000. Human adaptability research into the beginning of the Third Millennium. Human Biology 72:179-199.

Little, M.A. 2000. Biological anthropology today. Anthropology News 41(3):21.

Johnston, F.E. and M.A. Little. 2000. History of human biology. In: Human Biology: An Evolutionary and Biocultural Approach, ed. by S. Stinson, B. Bogin, R. Huss-Ashmore, and D. O'Rourke, pp. 27-46. Wiley-Liss, New York.

Little, M.A. and W.E. Davis. 2000. Establishment of U.S. National Committee for IUAES. Anthropology News 41(6):16.

Little, M.A. 2000. 4. Biological Anthropology. The Encyclopedia Americana: International Edition, Volume 2, pp. 44-49. Grolier, Danbury, Connecticut.

Leslie, P.W., M.A. Little, and K.L. Campbell. 2001. Environmental change and ecology of reproduction in Turkana, Kenya. In Proceedings of the Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, pp. 476-482. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen.

Little, M.A. 2001. Lessons from the South Turkana Ecosystem Project. In: Human Ecology in the New Millennium, ed. by V. Bhasin, V.K. Srivastava, and M.K. Bhasin, pp. 137-149. Kamla-Raj Enterprises, Delhi.

Little, M.A., S.J. Gray, and B.C. Campbell. 2001. Milk consumption in African pastoral peoples. In: Drinking: Anthropological Approaches, ed. by I. de Garine and V. de Garine, pp. 66- 86. Berghahn Books, New York. Little, M.A., C. Badgley, C.M. Beall, M. Balick, L.E. Munstermann, K.M. Weiss, T.M. Bert, and B. Chernoff. 2001. A framework for a Program in the Human Dimensions of Biodiversity. Biology International (Paris) 42:3-15.

Little, M.A. 2002. Growth and development of Turkana pastoralists. In: Physical Anthropology: Original Readings in Method and Practice, ed. by P.N. Peregrine, C.R. Ember, and M. Ember, pp. 219-238. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. (Reprinted from Little 1995)

Little, M.A. 2002. Human biology, health, and ecology of nomadic Turkana pastoralists. In: Human Biology of Pastoral Populations, ed. by W.R. Leonard and M.H. Crawford, pp.151-182. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Little, M.A. 2002. Herding. In: Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, Vol. 2, ed. by Solomon Katz, pp. 195-198. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.

Little, M.A. 2002. Climate and food. In: Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, Vol. 1, ed. by Solomon Katz, pp. 422-424. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.

Little, M.A. 2002. Cannibalism. In: Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, Vol. 1, ed. by Solomon Katz, pp. 313-316. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York.

Leslie, P.W. and M.A. Little. 2003. Human biology and ecology: variation in nature and the nature of variation. American Anthropologist 105:28-37.

Silverman, S. and M.A. Little. 2003. Foreword. In: Human Biology in the Archives: Health, Nutrition, and Genetics in Historical Populations, ed. by D.A. Herring and A.C. Swedlund, pp. xi-xvi. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Gray, S., M. Sundal, B. Wiebusch, M.A. Little, P.W. Leslie, and I.L. Pike. 2003. Cattle raiding and human population biology of East African pastoralists. Current Anthropology 44:3- 30 (Suppl.).

Little, M.A. 2003. Gabriel Ward Lasker (1912-2002). American Anthropologist 105:889-892.

Little, M.A. and C.G.N. Mascie-Taylor. 2004. Introduction -- human migration and mobility: demographic, environmental, and evolutionary Issues. American Journal of Human Biology 16:363-364.

Mascie-Taylor, C.G.N. and M.A. Little. 2004. History of migration studies in biological anthropology. American Journal of Human Biology 16:365-378.

Garruto, R.M., M.A. Little, and C.A. Weitz. 2004. Environmental stress and adaptational responses: consequences for human health outcomes. Collegium Antropologicum 28:509- 540.

Little, M.A. and G.D. James. 2005. A brief history of the Human Biology Association: 1974- 2004. American Journal of Human Biology 17:141-154. Campbell, B.C., P.W. Leslie, M.A. Little, and K.C. Campbell. 2005. Pubertal timing, hormones, and body composition among adolescent Turkana males. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 128:896-905.

Alfonso, M.P. and M.A. Little (transl. & ed.). 2005. Juan Comas’s Summary History of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (1928-1968). Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 48:163-195.

Little, M.A. and A.T. Steegmann, Jr. 2006. Acclimatization and adaptation: responses to cold. In Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 3: Environment, Origins and Population, ed. by D.H. Ubelaker, pp. 740-747. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Little, M.A. 2007. Chapter 4. Human ecology in anthropology: Past, present, and prospects. In: The Anthropologist (Special Issue 3) – Anthropology Today: Trends, Scope and Applications), ed. by V. Bhasin and M.K. Bhasin, pp.25-38. Kamla-Raj Enterprises, Delhi, India.

Little, M.A. and R.M. Garruto. 2007. Chapter 38. Global impacts of anthropogenic climate change on human health and adaptability. In: The Anthropologist (Special Issue 3) – Anthropology Today: Trends, Scope and Applications), ed. by V. Bhasin and M.K. Bhasin, pp. 535-551. Kamla-Raj Enterprises, Delhi, India.

Little, M.A. 2008. Paul Thornell Baker (1927-2007). American Anthropologist 110(3):398-400.

Little, M.A. 2009. Socio-economic and geographic factors in human variation. In: Human Diversity: Design for Life, ed. by J. Molenbroek, pp. 15-19. Proceedings of the 9th Congress of Physiological Anthropology. Delft, The Netherlands.

Soloway, L.E., E.W. Demerath, N. Ochs, G.D. James, M.A. Little, J.R. Bindon, and R.M. Garruto. 2009. Blood pressure and lifestyle on Saba, Netherlands Antilles. American Journal of Human Biology 21: 319-325.

Garruto, R.M., G.D. James, and M.A. Little. 2009. Paul Thornell Baker: February 28, 1927 – November 29, 2007. Biographical Memoirs (National Academy of Sciences). Little, M.A. 2009. Foreword. In From Anthropometry to Genomics: Reflections of a Pacific Fieldworker, by J.S. Friedlaender, as told to J. Radin, pp. v-vii. iUniverse, New York.

Little, M.A., and K.A.R. Kennedy (eds.). 2010. Histories of American Physical Anthropology in the Twentieth Century. Lexington Books, Lanham, MD.

Little, M.A., and K.A.R. Kennedy. 2010. Introduction to the history of American physical anthropology. In Histories of American Physical Anthropology in the Twentieth Century, ed. by M.A. Little and K.A.R. Kennedy, pp. 1-23. Lexington Books, Lanham, MD.

Little, M.A. 2010. Franz Boas’s place in American physical anthropology and its institutions. In: Histories of American Physical Anthropology in the Twentieth Century, ed. by M.A. Little and K.A.R. Kennedy, pp. 55-85. Lexington Books, Lanham, MD. Little, M.A., and B.A. Kaplan. 2010. The immediate post-War years: the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology and the Summer Seminars. In: Histories of American Physical Anthropology in the Twentieth Century, ed. by M.A. Little and K.A.R. Kennedy, pp. 155-172. Lexington Books, Lanham, MD.

Little, M.A. and R.W. Sussman. 2010. History of biological anthropology. In: A Companion to Physical Anthropology, ed. by Clark Spencer Larsen, pp. 13-38. Wiley-Blackwell, Malsen, MA.

Little, M.A. and R.M. Garruto. 2010. Raymond Pearl and the shaping of human biology. Human Biology 82(1): 77-102.

Little, M.A. 2010. Geography, migration, climate, and environmental plasticity as contributors to human variation. In: Human Variation - From the Laboratory to the Field, ed. by C.G.N. Mascie-Taylor, A. Yasukouchi, and S.J. Ulijaszek, pp. 157-181. Taylor and Francis, London.

Little, M.A. 2010. History of the study of human biology. In: Human Evolutionary Biology, ed. by M.P. Muehlenbein, pp. 29-47. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Little, M.A., G.D. James, and R.M. Garruto. 2012. Human Biology Association archives at the Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Archives. American Journal of Human Biology 24(2):253-256.

Johnston, F.E. and M.A. Little. 2012. History of human biology. In: Human Biology: An Evolutionary and Biocultural Approach, 2nd Ed., ed. by S. Stinson, B. Bogin, and D. O'Rourke, pp. 23-50. Wiley-Liss, New York.

Little, M.A. 2012. Human population biology in the second half of the 20th century. Current Anthropology 53 (Suppl. 1): S126-S138.

Little, M.A. In press. Joseph S. Weiner and the foundation of post-WW II human biology in the United Kingdom. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 55.

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