Name: State of the Union: January 27th at 8:00 PM CST Pre - Speech

President Obama's State of the Union Speech: Topics Chart

Topics you expect the President to Why? Was the topic brought bring up: up? Yes or No During the Speech President Obama's State of the Union Assessing the Speech

List the topics and plans outlined by Between 1 and 5, how persuasive Do you agree with the argument? President Obama. was the president's argument? (1=not Why or why not? at all, 5=very persuasive) After the Speech

How would you describe President Overall Ranking of the President’s "[The President] shall from time to time give to Obama's style? Circle all of the Speech. the Congress Information on the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration following words that apply. How would you rate the such Measures as he shall judge necessary President’s speech? and expedient...." Article II, Sec. 3, U.S. Passionate Constitution Well-worded Circle your choice. The State of the Union is an annual address Sophisticated Excellent presented before a joint session of Congress Repetitive Very Good and held in the House of Representatives Interesting Good Chamber at the U.S. Capitol. The address not Energetic Fair only reports on the condition of the nation, but also allows the president to outline his/her Annoying Poor legislative agenda and national priorities to Boring Congress. Patriotic Why? Inspirational Based on the State of the Union Other descriptions: Address – how do you feel about the state of the Union? Explain using examples from the speech. (hopeful, confident, worried, excited, Give an example from the speech unsure, dissatisfied) of one of your choices: