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North American Energy Standards Board 1301 Fannin, Suite 2350, Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail: [email protected] Home Page:
September 24, 2009
TO: NAESB Wholesale and Retail Electric Quadrant Members, Smart Grid Standards Task Force participants and Interested Parties FROM: Jonathan Booe, NAESB Counsel RE: NAESB Smart Grid Activities Dear All, The Smart Grid Standards Task Force has scheduled a single conference call for the week of September 28th to continue their efforts to address Priority Action Plan 03, Priority Action Plan 04 and Priority Action Plan 09. On October 1, 2009 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Central the Task Force will hold a call to continue to their efforts to create an electric energy price message format and to continue discussions concerning the development of the requirements, use cases and Unified Modeling Language (“UML”) for demand response (“DR”) and distributed energy resource (“DER”) messaging and the other assignments given to NAESB. The first hour of the call will be held jointly with the FIX Protocol Electrical Energy Pricing Working Group (“EEPWG”) to address the energy price message format assignments and the second hour will be dedicated to the DR and DER assignments. To participate in the 866-740-1260, access code 356- 0061, Security Code 3785. Instructions for web cast are provided on page 3. Agendas, work papers and additional background information for the meeting will be posted on the NAESB Smart Grid Standards, Strategies and Development webpage ( shortly. If you would like to submit work papers for consideration at these meeting, please submit them to the NAESB office at [email protected]. As with all NAESB meetings, this conference call is an open meeting. If you plan to dial-in to this meeting, please RSVP to the NAESB office through email ( [email protected] , or reply to the email to which this announcement was attached) or phone ((713) 356-0060). If you are unable to attend but would like to be put on our distribution list and exploder for this effort, please send in your contact information and indicate that you should be added to the distribution list and exploder. All confirmed attendees will be added to the distribution list and exploder unless they specifically indicate that they do not want to receive information on this project from NAESB. If you would like to be included on the distribution list but not the exploder please specify when you contact the NAESB office. Please find the current NAESB Smart Grid Standards Task Force distribution list following. Should you know of any colleagues that may have interest in attending this meeting or in following NAESB efforts in this area, we would appreciate it if you forwarded this invitation along. NAESB will post all Smart Grid Standards Task Force related information on its site at the following address ( Please note that any interested party can access this address. With Best Regards,
Jonathan Booe
NAESB Smart Grid Standards Task Force – October 1, 2009 Page 1 North American Energy Standards Board 1301 Fannin, Suite 2350, Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail: [email protected] Home Page:
Wade P. Malcolm, Accenture Bin Qiu, E:SO Edward Koch, Akuacom Bruce McAllister, FERC Ray Phillips, Alabama Municipal Electric Authority Tom Russo, FERC Keith Martin, Ameren Illinois Utilities Rob Martinko, FirstEnergy George Bjelovuk, American Electric Power Kathleen Callahan, FIX Protocol Neil C. Greenfield, American Electric Power Courtney Doyle, FIX Protocol Scot Atwell, American Century Jim Northey, FIX Protocol Chris Norton, American Municipal Power Ryan Pierce, FIX Protocol J.P. Blackford, American Public Power Association Lisa Taikitsadaporn, FIX Protocol Michael J. Hyland, American Public Power Association Joe Kelliher, Florida Power and Light Sue Kelly, American Public Power Association Marty Patterson, Foothills Energy Ventures Allen Mosher, American Public Power Association Robby Simpson, General Electric Antoine Cobb, Arizona Public Service Charles Smith, General Electric Terry Mohn, BAE Systems Patrick McGovern, Georgia Transmission Corporation Ruth Kiselewich, Baltimore Gas and Electric Company James d. Holbery, Grid Mobility Phil Precht, Baltimore Gas and Electric Company R. Scott Crowder III, Gridpoint Joelle Ogg, Brunenkant & Cross, LLP Stephen Haber, Gridpoint Anjali Sheffrin, California ISO Dr. Kenneth P. Wacks, Gridwise Architecture Council Edward G. Cazalet, The Cazalet Group Ludo Bertsch, Horizon Technologies Dwayne Turner, Centerpoint Richard Brooks, ISO New England Mark Barry, Chicago Energy Technology Robert Burke, ISO New England Jeff Knottek, City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri Girish Ghatikar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory John Mani, Comverge Sila Kiliccote, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Brett Feldman, Constellation Energy Dave Watson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory John Orr, Constellation Energy Joe Lang, Lincoln Electric System Wayne Longcore, Consumers Energy Weldat Haile, Lodi Electric Utility Gary McNaughton, Cornice Engineering Jeremy J. Roberts, LonMark International William Cox, Cox Software Architects Karthik Krishna, Michigan Technological University Nick Gerbino, Dominion Richard Kalisch, Midwest ISO David Koogler, Dominion Marie Knox, Midwest ISO Anne B. Rhoades, Dominion Ed Skiba, Midwest ISO Gary Stuebing, Duke Energy David Holmberg, National Institute of Standards and Technology Bob Dolin, Echelon Corportation Deke Smith, National Institute of Building Sciences Sigurd Hogsbro, Ecominds Janet Gibson, National Rural Electric Cooperative Chris Eisenbray, Edison Electric Institute Association Michael Oldak, Edison Electric Institute Paul McCurley, National Rural Electric Cooperative Angela Chuang, Electric Power Research Institute Association John Anderson, Electricity Consumers Resource Council Jay Morrison, National Rural Electric Cooperative James Tillett, Endeavor Engineering Association Erich Gunther, EnerNex Donna Pratt, New York ISO Aaron Snyder, EnerNex Aaron Bennett, North American Electric Reliability Corporation Narinder Saini, Entergy J. Cade Burks, E:SO NAESB Smart Grid Standards Task Force – October 1, 2009 Page 2 North American Energy Standards Board 1301 Fannin, Suite 2350, Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail: [email protected] Home Page:
Edward J. Dobrowolski, , North American Electric Michel Kohanim, Universal Devices Reliability Corporation Toby Considine, University of North Carolina Jonathan Booe, North American Energy Standards Board Travis Rouillard, Utility Integration Solutions Rae McQuade, North American Energy Standards Board Bill Gallagher, Vermont Public Power Supply Authority Laurent Liscia, OASIS David Eichenlaub, Virginia State Corporation Commission Farrokh Albuyeh, OATI David Nightingale, Washington Utilities and Ali Ipakchi, OATI Transportation Sasan Mokhtari, OATI Christopher Burden, Williams Gas Pipeline Nelson Muller, OATI Frances M. Cleveland, Xanthus Consulting International Farrokh Rahimi, OATI Joe Zhou, Xtensible Solutions Paul Sorenson, OATI Tom Anthony, Oncor Larry Kohrmann, Oncor Helen Lainis, Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator Albert Chiu, Pacific Gas and Electric Chris Knudsen, Pacific Gas and Electric Zahra Makoui, Pacific Gas and Electric Steve Widergren, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Kenneth Huber, PJM Cathy Wesley, PJM James Calore, Public Service Electric and Gas Company Christopher Kotting, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio Toby Corballis, Rapid Addition Brent Hodges, Reliant Energy Mary Zientara, Reliant Energy David Crowell, Salt River Project Jesse Hurley, Shift Research Bob Old, Siemens Paul Skare, Siemens Jeff Gooding, Southern California Edison Judy Ray, Southern Company Michael Desselle, Southwest Power Pool Mark Rogers, Southwest Power Pool Charles Yeung, Southwest Power Pool Michehl Gent, Summit Power Chip Morgan, Sungard Consulting Service David Katz, Sustainable Resources Management Kathy York, Tennessee Valley Authority Sharon E. Dinges, Trane Commercial Systems Dave Wilson, Trane Commercial Systems Luis Pizano, TWACS Technology Rose Pysh, United Illuminating Company
NAESB Smart Grid Standards Task Force – October 1, 2009 Page 3 North American Energy Standards Board 1301 Fannin, Suite 2350, Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail: [email protected] Home Page:
If you plan to participate by conference call, the dial in number is 866-740-1260 and the access code is 3560061. If you would like to participate in the audio and/or web conferencing portions of this call. The meeting is open to any interested party. To join a conference call: • Dial the 11-digit toll free phone number (866-740-1260) • An automated attendant will ask you to enter a seven-digit access code (3560061) • The automated attendant will ask you to record your name. • Please note that if the conference leader has not yet initiated the conference call, you will be placed on music hold until the conference leader starts the conference. • The automated attendant will then ask you for a four-digit security code (3785) Please place your phone on mute unless you are speaking. For those participants that do not have a mute feature on your phone, please press (*6) to mute your phone and (*7) to un-mute your phone. Putting the conference call on hold may cause music to be played over the discussion and if so, the NAESB office will contact the on-hold line to have it disconnected. To join the web conference, go to and enter the same access code (3560061) and security code (3785). Please note that if the conference leader has not yet initiated the web conference you will view a screen that states, “The Chairperson has not yet arrived. Please standby for your web conference to begin.” ReadyTalk recommends that you test your browser and network connections for compatibility prior to participating in a web conference. To do so, go to If you have problems joining a conference call or need technical assistance, please contact ReadyTalk Customer Care, 1-800-843-9166.
NAESB Smart Grid Standards Task Force – October 1, 2009 Page 4