Northern Light United Church
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Northern Light United Church Annual Meeting Sunday, January 22, 2012
Call to Order, Rev. David Beckett 1:03 pm Opening Hymn – “All Are Welcome”
Motion to Approve the Agenda (Kristy Germain / Carol Barril) Approved. With the addition of Reports of Eagle River Methodist Camp, Mission, and Native Ministries
Establishment of Quorum – Rev. Campell. NLUC Bylaws establish the quorum at 10% of the membership (20 members). Quorum established.
Approval of 2011 Annual Meeting Minutes Correction to Report from the Alaska United Methodist Conference: Jewel Lake in Anchorage is the third union church, not Unalaska.
Report from the Alaska United Methodist Conference – Rev. Beckett
Reduction in the Conference Office staff – employees now are Rev. Beckett and Crystal Feaster. There is a new Leadership Team that will perform the functions of several committees. This restructuring is in hopes of freeing up money to bring other church leaders to Anchorage for training rather than meetings. Also – online trainings will be starting in the next month. Mission idea – Kerosene costs in Africa are typically 25% of income. A NoKero solar light bulb was shown and passed around. St. John United Methodist Church is taking these bulbs to Africa this summer. JoAnne Hayden is the Alaska Conference’s Lay Representative to the United Methodist General Conference.
Report from the Alaska Presbytery Rev. Campbell offered the report on behalf of General Presbyter David Dobler who is currently taking part in a Holy Land pilgrimage. Barbara Searls has just finished her term as Moderator of the Presbytery. Gail O’Dell continues to serve on the Committee on Ministry. Christina Maddox is the Presbytery Treasurer. Fall 2011 Presbytery was held in Juneau at Chapel by the Lake. Fall 2012 the Presbytery will be held in Kake in honor of the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of Kake.
Committee Reports Council - Jim Becker, Council Moderator New vitality in the church including, houses sold, window completed, budget in order, Council meetings are monthly and open to all members of the congregation. Council set priorities at a Council retreat in the spring. Council meetings begin with review of those priorities. Staff Parish Relations Committee – John Pugh Written Report submitted SPRC meetings are monthly. These meetings include an open time for all congregants to attend. 4 responsibilities of this committee – evaluations of pastor, staff, pulpit is staffed, recommendation of members for ordination (none this year), and recommendation to Council for budgetary needs for salaries. Current employees, Christina Maddox is full time. Safe Sanctuary policy – SPRC looked to models of other churches. SPRC came up with and adopted a policy at its last meeting. There may still be some work to be done with procedures. Pastor’s evaluation was a good process this year including asking all committees for input. There was not a solicitation of comments from every member. SPRC feels that the process was good and included a lot of input and related to the goals as established by Council. SPRC also submitted a budget to Council. SPRC has a slate of incoming officers. John Pugh felt that this has been the best year he has served on SPRC.
Property Management – Karen Dillon Written Report submitted prepared by CPM Secretary Jane Ginter The large accomplishment was the window wall. Projects for coming year: Roof, sanctuary carpeting, redoing chancel area. The committee is open to suggestions. Update on downstairs bathrooms: designs complete, bids came in far above what was expected, CPM will continue to work on this project.
Deacons – Joy Lyon Outgoing Deacon, Wally Marvin, was thank for his service. 1st Sunday of each month, Communion, will include Name Tags. The Deacons also work on monthly sign-up for Greeters, Ushers, and Reception Hosts. Deacons work with Coffee, Memorial Services, Card Ministry, The Sock Ministry is continuing – 172 pairs have been donated so far. They are given to the Glory Hole, who have a sock exchange program. Deacons continue to work with Love INC. (Love in the name of Christ) which is a cooperation of Juneau-Area churches for Deacon-like purposes which include assessments of need and then coordination of resources. The Northern Light ministry is cleaning supplies.
Community of Christian Women – Peggy Metcalf Written Report Submitted The Bazaar was a success. The February 1st meeting will decide what to do with the funds raised at the Bazaar. A Goal for this year is to develop a planning schedule for the meetings.
Eagle River United Methodist Camp – Don Gotschall Welcome to Phil and Carol Montgomery as Camp Managers! This year’s cold temperatures led to increased fuel costs. The buildings and improvements are worth $1.5 million, and the property is $1 million. 2 weeks of United Methodist sponsored camps, one for elementary and middle school and one for high school, plus Camp Champ for children whose parents are incarcerated, are planned for this year. We have had problems in the past finding counselors for camp. Camp is financially stable. This is due to Conference support and individual donations. Three new cabins will have electric heat. Camp can serve 100 at a time Updating 501 (c) 3 tax exempt status. KJ Metcalf is working on this. The camp is a part of Alaska United Methodist Conference Outdoor Ministries. Camp is full in the summers and many weeks are scheduled far in advance in the summers and the schools, ACTS retreats and others keep the camp busy in the winter
Missions – Marion Gotschall Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Conference held again this year Many mission projects including Glory Hole -- monthly cooking and sock collection. Juneau People for Peace and Justice meets at NLUC. This year they sponsored 3 high school exchange students from predominantly Muslim countries.
Native Ministries – Pattie Adkisson Tlingit Gospel Singers and Native Ministries Tlingit Gospel Singers sing at funerals and other areas in the community in addition to frequently singing in worship at NLUC. Dr. Soboleff, Anita Lafferty, and Mary Ann Warden have been mentors Continue to be active in expressing love for heritage, culture, and language, in song and in community within this church. We continue to be active. Native Ministries met with Alaska Conference representatives yesterday and are planning activities. There is funding available through the Soboleff Fund. Native Ministries emphases are the furthering use of the Tlingit language and culture to express love for Christ and continued outreach in Juneau and Southeast Alaska.
Treasurer’s Report – Jim Alter via phone Written report is included in the meeting packet. 2011 was a good year fiscally for NLUC. Revenue was better than budgeted. Expenses were less than budgeted. $5000 cash assets were used to cover expenses. This is a reduction from previous years. 2012 budget is sustainable. Successful fundraising campaign – including repair to window wall. $40,000 additional funds were raised to help with subsequent capital projects as identified by Council and CPM. We have sold the 3 rental houses on 12th Street and paid off $160,000 bank loans, thus eliminating a large liability. Profit from houses and other cash assets total over $600,000 and are invested in various mutual funds. Jim expressed his thanks the many people who helped with the sale of the houses, and especially to the Finance Committee.
Nominating Committee – KJ Metcalf The Nominating Committee has presented a slate of officers. KJ proposed the addition of Jean Ann Alter to the list of Council nominees (m/s Peggy Metcalf/ Mary Becker) Nominating Committee Jenifer Shapland – Don Gotschall nominated – accepts Kristy Germain – Judy Knight nominate - accepts Margaret Pugh – Marianne Mills nominated - accepts Patti Adkisson – Eve Reckley nominated – accepts Bruce Morley – Judy Knight nominated – accepts
(Bill Hudson / Eve Reckley)
Report of the Pastor - Rev. Campbell Written Report submitted This has been a great year in the life of NLUC. Phil and Teresa extend their thanks for the congregation’s support. Membership has not increased. New members have been received but there have been many deaths in 2011. Sunday morning attendance s is up 12% from last year. This is the highest attendance in at least five years. NLUC is a polar star of exception to quote: 11 o’clock on Sunday morning is most segregated hour. Council passed a resolution welcoming gay and lesbian members to be considered for ordained leadership as Elders and Deacons within the congregation. Phil’s written report includes ways he serves in the Juneau community. We are in conversation with Glory Hole and Yaakoosgé Daakahidi Alternative High School to use our facility as a homeless youth shelter for YDHS students. There are conversations about forming a “Friends of Northern Light” group with the various groups who regularly use our facility. The Conference promotes “Church is a Verb Sunday” as a ministry of moving out into the community for service on Sundays. Our church website will be redone. Creative ideas are being accepted.
Jim Becker offered our enthusiastic thanks to Phil and Teresa Campbell for their leadership and the increased vitality of the church that they are fostering.
Additional Business – Live Streaming of the services has been a tremendous asset for NLUC. Thanks were offered to Mike Barnhill and Greg Germain.
Closing Prayer – Katherine Hope
Meeting was closed at 2:13 pm.
- submitted by Kristy Germain, Acting Clerk