Prince George S County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 2018
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Emergency Plan For Frances Fuchs Early Childhood Center
11011 Cherry Hill Road Beltsville, Md 20707 301-572-0600
School Year 2017-2018
Revised June 2017 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………...... 4 Chain of Command...... 5-6 Organizational Chart...... 7 Medical Coordinator/CPR/First Aid Course Certifications...... 7 FEMA100 Course Certification...... 8 Incident Command Staff Responsibilities/descriptions...... 8-9 Safe/Refuge Areas information...... 10 Emergency Response Team...... 11 Command Post and Distribution List…………………………………………………….12 Emergency Operations and Control …………………………………………………...... 13 Safety Terminology, L.S.S.R. How to Shelter-in-Place ………………………………...... ……………………………..14 Remain in Place Emergency Notifications Emergency Checklist ………………………………………………...... ………………..15 Emergency Procedures …………………………………………………………. …...16-21 (Multiple Hazards) Evacuation Assembly Sites ...... 22 Exterior Door Labels...... 22 Accountability...... 23 Student Release Procedures...... 23 Individuals with Disabilities...... 24 Emergency/Medical Kits...... 25 Family Reunification Centers...... 26 Mini Floor Plans Illustrating Utility Shut-offs and Refuge Areas ...... 27 Written Description of location of Emergency Shut-offs...... 28 Mini Floor Plans Illustrating Location of Fire Extinguishers ...... 29 Emergency Plan Maintenance...... 30 Post Incident Procedures Emergency Plan Training Schedule...... 31 Security Upgrades...... 31 Weapons of Mass Destruction...... 32-33 Biological Agents Radiological Agents Nuclear Agents Incendiary Agents Chemical Agents Explosive Devices Preparedness Appendix...... 34 Evacu-Trac Guidelines…………………………………………………………...34 Evacu-Trac Names……………………………………………………………….35 Reproducible signs...... …………….36-42
2 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 EMERGENCY PLAN FOR
Frances Fuchs Early Childhood Center NAME OF BUILDING
2017-2018 SCHOOL YEAR
Emergency Plans have been reviewed by the Superintendent of Schools/designee and the Senior Administrator.
Distribution List: Check the appropriate boxes
X Area Office X Directors X Instructional Directors X School Nurse X Principal X PTSA President X Assistant Principal X Safety Office X School Based Professional Staff n/a Department Heads X Secretaries X Building Supervisor X Building Night Supervisor X Cafeteria Supervisor X Security Services
3 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 INTRODUCTION
Frances Fuchs Early Childhood Center NAME OF BUILDING
The Emergency Plan will provide basic guidelines and procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency. All staff will be familiar with the plan and their individual responsibilities in the event of an emergency.
The designated Emergency Response Team (Incident Command Staff) MUST comply with requirements of the emergency plan.
In developing school plans, consider contingencies in case communication with the central office staff is not possible. Lessons learned from September 11 in New York, revealed that principals must be empowered to make decisions without consulting with central office. The arrival of first responders may result in the incident command being transitioned to a unified command. Unified command means that designated individuals from one or more response agencies will work jointly with the local school system (LSS) or school commander to carry out the response.
The Emergency Plan will be updated, reviewed, and revised annually.
A crisis is defined as any emergency situation which severely impacts the normal operation of the building. A crisis can be initiated as the result of a threat/action such as a bomb threat, hostage/barricade, accident etc., or a natural disaster. In any such situation, administration and staff must be prepared to ensure the safety and care of the students, staff, and visitors.
4 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018
In the event of any emergency, the Senior Administrator/Designee will be the primary administrator responsible for establishing a Command Post. This is the single location from which the Incident Commander (Senior Administrator), oversees all incident operations to include personnel, students, facilities, equipment, and communications.
In the event of an emergency, the following is the chain of command for:
Frances Fuchs Early Childhood Center NAME OF BUILDING
1. Senior Administrator/Designee Diedra B. Tramel: Principal
2. Second in Command Rhodora A. Alonzo: Assistant Principal
3. Third in Command Cindy J. Ettinger: Special Education Coordinator
4. Fourth in Command Alletta Davidson: Professional School Counselor
Upon the arrival of Emergency Public Safety Personnel, the Senior Administrator/Designee will transfer command of the situation to the appropriate authority and serve as a liaison.
To ensure leadership and direction in the event that the Senior Administrator/Designee is not available, the following Central Office personnel, upon arrival on the scene, will assume the Senior Administrator/Designee’s duties from the designees listed above.
Chief Operating Officer Wesley Watts Jr. Ed. D. Associate Superintendent for Supporting Services ______Mark Fossett______Area Associate Superintendent Dr. Melissa McGuire Instructional Director Dr. Tricia Hairston ____ Director of Security Services Cesar Pacheco______Safety Officer Vince Curl
Below is a list of telephone numbers to be used in case of a school facility emergency:
Weekdays between the hours of 7:00 am and 4:30 pm:
Facilities: Sam Stefanelli 301-952-6506 (O) 240-305-0795 (C) Director of Building Services
George Dorsey 301-952- 6550 (O) 240-876-7194 (C) Facilities Supervisor
John Van Slyke 301-952- 6905 (O) 240-695-4132 (C)
5 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 Weekdays after 4:30pm and on weekends and holidays:
Facilities Coordinators: Roger Coley 240-876-6461 (C) Ingo Davies 240-464-2208 (C) George Dorsey 240-876-7194 (C) Louis Snowden 240-876-7308 (C) Kenneth Staton 240-876-5934 (C)
6 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018
Double click each box to fill in (where appropriate) the assigned personnel responsible for each area. NOTE: See next two pages for descriptions. Add any additional areas specific to your building. The Finance/Administration function is not done at the incident scene, but, rather is handled by the school district. Medical Coordinator requires current CPR/AED and First Aid: ____Kyna Shaw______12/2017______Medical Coordinator’s Name Expiration Date
Incident Commander shall have completed an approved Incident Command Training Class: FEMA-100*
____Diedra Tramel______09/2013______Incident Commander’s Name Date of Course Completion *FEMA 100 is an online, easily understood training class that can be readily found by doing an online search for FEMA 100. (i.e. Google Search) It is important that consideration be given, in plan development, to who is best qualified to perform the functions and that staff is assigned appropriately. This is necessary so that staff may be trained appropriately and knows what to do in an emergency. Each key person should have a back-up person assigned in case the person with primary responsibility is unavailable or injured. Routinely review the Emergency Plan to consider turnover.
Some situations may require that a classroom teacher be used to fill an ICS position. This means that a buddy system should be developed in order to ensure that students are properly supervised. If a buddy system is used, school administrators should provide duplicate rosters for both classes and evacuate both to the same area in the event of an incident.
Incident Command Staff Responsibilities
In an incident command organization, the Command Staff consists of the Incident Commander and various special staff positions. The special staff positions are specifically designated, report directly to the Incident Commander (IC), and are assigned responsibility for key activities. Three special staff positions are typically identified in School Incident Command System (ICS): Public Information/Notifications Officer, Safety Officer, and Liaison. Additional positions may be required, depending on the nature, scope, complexity, and location(s) of the incident(s), or according to specific requirements established by the Incident Commander.
ICS can serve as a possible link between the LSS, school, and all others who are involved in an emergency. Following is an example of an ICS organization.
School System Incident Command
Emergency situations demand constant control from a central location (i.e. a command post). That means that the Incident Commander should not leave the command post without leaving someone in charge. At a minimum, the Incident Commander should:
o Assess the situation; o Establish objectives; o Track resource needs, including what resources are available, what have been assigned, and what additional resources are needed;
7 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 o Develop a strategy/plan for handling the emergency, monitoring how the plan is working, and adjusting the plan to meet the realities of the situation; o Ensure that the emergency is properly documented as a historical record and for legal and financial reasons; o Appoint additional staff as necessary; and o Maintain lines of communication.
Other roles and functions during an emergency include, but, are not limited to the following:
The Building Safety Officer (SO); Normally assigned to the Building Supervisor and/or Security (where appropriate) ensures that the safety of students, staff, and others on campus has the highest priority. The SO is empowered to stop actions that create an unsafe situation or put students, faculty, staff, and others at risk.
The Building Public Information Officer (PIO); will handle duties normally assigned to secretarial staff or a designated spokesperson acts as a liaison with the public and the media. The PIO must be well informed of the situation at all times and should be the ONLY person talking to the media. All other staff should refer media questions to the PIO. Someone should be designated as the alternate PIO in the event the primary PIO is unable to perform the duties.
The Liaison Officer; acts as a point of coordination between the IC and other agencies and organizations such as the Health Department, Red Cross or public utilities.
The divisions of labor and responsibilities included in the ICS model are:
Operations; Normally Assigned to the Assistant Principal handles all emergency response jobs, including accounting for and taking care of students and all personnel. Most of the adult responders will be assigned to jobs in the Operations Section. 1 Planning; is responsible for tracking both available and needed resources, assessing the changing situation, documenting the response, and managing the large site map at the Command Post.
Logistics; manages personnel, supplies, and equipment. During the response, the Logistics Section is responsible for handing out supplies and equipment for deploying unassigned people for work.
The Finance/Administration Section is responsible for buying materials and keeping financial records of expenditures and employee hours.
Some emergencies may require that procedures be in place to handle the following:
Student and Staff Accountability - This includes using the rosters and sign-in books to account for all students, staff, and visitors.
8 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 Medical - This includes triage, treatment, and psychological first aid. The school nurse and guidance counselor are essential in fulfilling these functions.
Transportation – This entails coordinating physical movement of the students/staff to alternative locations.
Safe Area Supervision – This includes designating a staff member to monitor a specific location above or below the main level for individuals with disabilities until the arrival of emergency personnel.
Response Team – This is the emergency response team assembled by the Principal to assist with evacuation, first-aid, and security.
All of the above functions would report to the staff person in charge of Operations.
Family Reunification
Getting families reunited in an efficient and orderly fashion is essential. Reunification can be an enormous challenge and requires a great deal of careful planning. An area should be designated for parents/guardians to pick up their children. This area should be away from the damage and away from the student assembly area. Parents/Guardians will be required to sign a statement indicating they have picked up their child. Communication with families is essential. Schools should notify parents at the beginning of each school year of the school’s procedures for dealing with an emergency and the process that will be used in reunification in the event of an emergency. School staff should be aware that reunification has at times taken place at locations other than the school.
Safe/Refuge Areas
Prince George's County Public Schools, in order to evacuate individuals with disabilities from multi-level buildings, have implemented the Safe Area Plan. This plan designates an area near a stairway on each level above and below the first level to temporarily locate individuals with disabilities during an emergency. The purpose of the plan is to provide protection for individuals in an area of safety until rescue personnel can evacuate them.
Safe/Refuge Area Plans shall be established for all multi-level buildings. To the greatest extent possible, individuals with disabilities should be placed in classes and/or offices on the ground floor. The safe area evacuation plan should be implemented during all fire drills, as well as real emergencies.
A. Basic Concept of Safe/Refuge Areas
1. Safe/Refuge Areas: a. Designated area near a stairwell on each floor, at opposite ends of the building, to which individuals with disabilities can report when the fire alarm is activated. b. Are located on all floors above or below the main entrance level or ground floor. c. Serves as transition areas for individuals unable to evacuate on their own, as they await evacuation by trained rescue personnel. d. Safe/Refuge Area should be clearly marked on the mini floor plan. 9 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 e. Safe/Refuge Area windows should be marked where possible from the outside with appropriate signage (see example below) Reproducible in Appendix.
The following staff are members of the Emergency Response Team for this building.
EMERGENCY CPR TRAINING NAME TITLE YES/NO TYPE SCHOOL LOCATION 1.Diedra Tramel Principal No Principal Office 2. Rhodora Alonzo Assistant Principal No Office #4 3. Cindy Ettinger SPED Coordinator No Room 19A 4. Sandra Thomas Building Supervisor No Custodial office 5. Phyllis Pielmeier Principal Secretary No Office #3 6. Alletta Davidson Professional School Counselor No 17B 7. Kate Moraff School Psychologist No Psychologist Office 8. Kyna Shaw Registered Nurse Yes AED Health Room 9. Elizabeth Hairston Nurse Yes AED Health Room 10. Ken Kitchelt Adapted PE No Office #3 11. Brigid Prufer Adapted PE No Office #3 12.Laura Martinez Community Outreach No Main Office Coordinator 13.Sherry Brown Front office support No Main Office 14. Shannon Swallenberg Team Leader-4 year old No Room #6 15.Laura Clements Team Leader-Pre-K No Room #2 16. Makina Hagens Teacher-co-taught No Room #2 17.Essence Payne Team Leader-3 year old No Temp #3 18.Monica Levin Music Teacher No Temp #7 19.Anna Krakowiak Team Leader-Autism No Room #12 20.Lona Giosa Media-Paraprofessional No Media 21.Melissa Vega Media Teacher No Media
10 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 AED Locations: Front of School in Lobby
NAME TITLE LOCATION TYPE OF TRAINING 1. Dolorian Staunton Para-Professional Room 12 CPR/AED 2. Tiffany Burfict Para-Professional Room 9 CPR/AED
11 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 COMMAND POST
In the event of an emergency, the following location will be used as the command post. The single location from which the Incident Commander (Senior Administrator) oversees all incident operations to include personnel, students, facilities, equipment, and communications.
The command post will be staffed by:
The Emergency Plan will be submitted to the following initial responding agencies annually:
12 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 OPERATIONS AND CONTROL
Safety Terminology
Remember L.S.S.R. Lockdown Secure The Building Shelter-In-Place Remain In Place
“LOCK DOWN” indicates an emergency which requires that all areas of the building be secured. The bells will be turned off and remain off.
1. Gather all students in hallways into classrooms, offices, etc. 2. Stay with students. 3. Barricade and secure room. 4. Take roll of all students in your control. 5. REMAIN in room – do not attempt to assist outside of room, unless directed by police. 6. Await further instructions. 7. Do not call 911 unless you have direct pertinent information. 8. Do not use intercom unless you have direct pertinent information. 9. Stay low and away from windows, “STOP, DROP, and LOCK”.
The Principal will notify the following individuals:
o Appropriate Area Office Instructional Director 240-573-7233 o Chief Operating Officer 301-952-6144 o Security Services 301-499-7000 o Associate Superintendent of Supporting Services 301-952-6520 o Deputy Superintendent 301-952-6039 o Communications 301-952-6001
**The Principal will provide follow-up to the Area Office Instructional Director after the initial notification
“SECURE THE BUILDING” is used if the danger is outside the building (example: police activity near the school).
1. No students allowed outside of the building or Temporary Classrooms (no Physical Education, Recess, etc.). 2. Staff members and students are free to move about inside buildings and/or Temporary Classrooms. 3. All building/Temporary exterior doors are closed and locked. 4. All personnel in the Temporary Classrooms will remain in the locked Temporaries.
13 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 SHELTER-IN-PLACE: One of the instructions you may be given in an emergency where hazardous materials may have been released into the atmosphere, is to shelter in place. This is a precaution aimed to keep you safe while remaining indoors.
Another tool of your Crisis Management Plan. A valuable protection tool to minimize the exposure of the threatened public to a dangerous chemical. Shelter-In-Place utilizes a structure and its indoor atmosphere to temporarily separate people from a hazardous outdoor atmosphere. People will still be in the endangered area, but, will be protected by the barrier created by the shelter and the short-term protection of its indoor atmosphere. For expedient protection from an external threat. Evacuation would place the children and staff into an external hazardous atmosphere.
The notice to shelter-in-place may come from: o Public Safety Officials o School Board Security or Administration o Local staff who notice unusual odors/vapor clouds. Make the announcement over the PA to Shelter-In-Place. Have all staff and students proceed into the main building if outside or in Temporary Classrooms. Close all doors and windows. Shut down the school’s Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) System, exhaust and roof ventilators. This will create a neutral pressure and help prevent outdoor air from entering the facility. Do not use elevators during a shelter-in-place event. The use of elevators may help “pump” outside air into the facility. If possible, minimize the introduction of outside air by placing towels in front of exterior door thresholds and use tape to seal exterior doors, windows, and supply vents. Separate any exposed people from the rest of the school population. Immediate decontamination is to remove their clothing and have them wash the affected areas with water. This is a gross decontamination procedure. If possible, provide alternative clothing (Physical Education clothes) for exposed people and bag contaminated clothing in sealed plastic bags. Place a sign on front door making notification of Shelter-In-Place emergency and do not open the door until Public Safety Officials arrive. Listen to local emergency management officials by staying tuned to local media and emergency broadcast channels.
REMAIN-IN-PLACE is typically implemented at the request of public safety officials to limit impact on transportation infrastructure. This response may be appropriate during large-scale events that require public safety entities to request limitations on vehicles and/or pedestrians. 1. Normal end-of-day release will not occur until approved by Incident Command authority. 2. Staff members will monitor local media and messaging systems for updates. -All staff should be registered with NotifyMe Prince George’s. Contact Security Services (301) 499-7000. Emergency Notifications
14 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018
In the event of an emergency situation, the Senior Administrator/Designee will immediately call 911 to initiate appropriate public safety response and will remain on the line (where appropriate).
Call 911 (Follow their instructions) Call Security Services 301-499-7000 Area Office (No.) 301-808-8150 Health Services 301-749-4722 Call Safety Office 301-952-6524
TASK RESPONSIBLE STAFF 911 called Sandra Franco, Sherry Brown, Laura Martinez, Office Staff Appropriate announcement initiated (lockdown or Diedra Tramel-Principal, Rhodora Alonzo-Assistant evacuate) Principal, Cindy Ettinger-Special Education Coordinator Notifications made Diedra Tramel-Principal, Rhodora Alonzo-Assistant Principal, Cindy Ettinger-Special Education Coordinator Emergency Response Team assembled Diedra Tramel-Principal, Rhodora Alonzo-Assistant Principal, Cindy Ettinger-Special Education Coordinator Refuge Area staffed (if applicable) Kyna Shaw-RN, Elizabeth Hairston-LPN Command Post established and staffed Diedra Tramel-Principal, Rhodora Alonzo-Assistant Principal, Cindy Ettinger-Special Education Coordinator Media Area staffed Phyllis Pielmeier-Principal’s Secretary, Gwen Jackson Family Reunification Center staffed Alletta Davidson-Professional School Counselor, Laura Martinez-Community Outreach Assistant, Kate Moraff- School Psychologist Alternative Site (if applicable) All Staff Transportation needs (if applicable) 301-952-6570 Ken Kitchelt-APE, Brigid Prufer-APE, Monica Levin- Music, Katie Boag-Music Logistical Support (if applicable) Cindy Ettinger-Special Education Coordinator Food Services, contact Director 301-952-6580 Jackie Windor-Cafeteria Emergency power/lighting, contact Building Sandra Thomas-Building Supervisor Services 301-952-6500 Notify Communications (if possible) 301-952-6001 Diedra Tramel-Principal or her designee
15 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 In the event of an emergency incident, the following guidelines/procedures will be initiated, as required.
Bomb Threat
Assess threat Refer to Administrative Procedure 6114.7
Activate the Fire Alarm Call 911 Security Services at (301) 499-7000 Safety Officer at (301)-952-6524
o Implement Emergency Plan o Activate Emergency Response Team o Evacuate building according to Fire Drill Procedure – refer to Administrative Procedure 6114.7 o Utilize the Safe Area Plans for individuals with Disabilities – refer to Administrative Procedure 6117 (if applicable) o Establish Command Post o Teachers/staff take roll at evacuation assembly points
Transportation or Bus/Traffic Accident
If the school is notified of a serious/fatal vehicle accident which impacts the school community: Notifications:
Principal’s Line 301-780-5806 or ext. 41350 Transportation Radio Room 301-952-6576 or ext. 41336 Supporting Services 301-950-6520 Security Services 301-499-7000 Safety Office 301-952-6524
o Communications if a student is transported to a hospital; police custody 301-952-6001 o During school hours, the School is responsible for notifying the parents (this may include a letter home with pertinent information) o After school hours, Transportation staff will notify the parents with assistance of school staff if necessary
16 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 Activate the Fire Alarm (If not activated) Call 911 Building Services (301-952-6500) Safety Officer (301-952-6524) Security Services (301) 499-7000 (if after hours)
o Implement Emergency Plan o Activate Emergency Response Team o Evacuate building according to Fire Drill Procedure – refer to Administrative Procedure 6114.7 o Utilize the Safe Area Plans for individuals with Disabilities – refer to Administrative Procedure 6117 (if applicable) o Establish Command Post o Teachers/staff take roll at evacuation assembly points
Hazardous Material Release in the Building-Chemical Spills including Mercury and other Hazardous Materials
The Building Supervisor/Principal will notify Maintenance 301-952-6500 Notify Area Office Instructional Director 240-573-7233 Associate Superintendent of Supporting Services 301-952-6520 Chief Operating Officer 301-952-6144 Communications 301-952-6001 Safety Office 301-952-6524 Environmental Office 301-952-8435 Security Services (301) 499-7000
o Activate the Fire Alarm (If not activated) o Call 911 o Implement Emergency Plan o Activate Emergency Response Team o Evacuate building according to Fire Drill Procedure – refer to Administrative Procedure 6114.7 o Utilize the Refuge Area Plans for individuals with Disabilities – refer to Administrative Procedure 6117 (if applicable) o Establish Command Post o Teachers/staff take roll at evacuation assembly points
Hostage/Barricade/Armed Subject
Call 911 Call Security Services 301-499-7000 Initiate “LOCK DOWN” Refer to Administrative Procedure 6115
Kidnapping/Child Stealing
17 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 Verify incident and Initiate “LOCKDOWN” Call 911 Call Security Services 301-499-7000 Refer to Administrative Procedure 6115
Death on Campus (Accidental, Homicide, Suicide, Natural)
Call 911 Call Security Services 301-499-7000 Secure area – Place Administrator/Security or assign staff member to area if possible Remove students/staff from area Initiate “SECURE THE BUILDING” Await Police/Fire Department arrival
Student Demonstration
Call Security Services 301-499-7000 Call Region Office Attempt to identify and negotiate with student leaders Refer to Administrative Procedure 10201
Riot on Campus
Call 911 Call Security Services 301-499-7000 Initiate “LOCK DOWN” Make PA announcement – secure classrooms – take roll Await further instructions
Shooting (Off Campus)
Call Security Services 301-499-7000 Initiate “LOCK DOWN” Assess impact on school community Implement Crisis Intervention Plan (if necessary)
Shooting (On Campus)
Call 911 Call Security Services 301-499-7000 Call Area Office (if applicable) Initiate “LOCK DOWN” Secure area of shooting, if possible Place administrator/security or assigned staff at area, if possible Await Police/Fire Department arrival
18 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 If a staff member encounters a weapon that needs to be secured, secure it by stepping on it. At no time should a staff member pick up a weapon. If Law Enforcement knocks on your door during a lockdown and you are unsure, it is a legitimate member of law enforcement, the following may aid you in verifying: o Call 911 – dispatcher can verify o Have the Officer slide identification under the door.
Utility Emergency (Water, Sewer)
The Building Supervisor/Principal will notify Maintenance 301-952-6500 Notify Area Office Instructional Director 240-573-7233
The Director of Building Services will then notify the following individuals:
Associate Superintendent of Supporting Services 301-952-6520 Chief Operating Officer 301-952-6144 Deputy Superintendent 301-952-6039 Communications 301-952-6001 Area Office Associate Superintendent 301-333-1018
Building Services Staff will obtain the timeframe of restoration with WSSC to facilitate decisions regarding relocating the student/staff or closing the school
Gas Leak (If gas odor in building)
The Building Supervisor/Principal will notify Maintenance 301-952-6500. They will also notify the Area Office Instructional Director. Associate Superintendent of Supporting Services 301-952-6520 Chief Operating Officer 301-952-6144 Communications 301-952-6001 Safety Office 301-952-6524 Notify: Washington Gas or BG&E
Use PA announcement to evacuate the building Implement Emergency Plan the following individuals: Activate Emergency Response Team Evacuate building according to Fire Drill Procedure – refer to Administrative Procedure 6114.7 Utilize the Safe Area Plans for individuals with Disabilities – refer to Administrative Procedure 6117 (if applicable) Establish Command Post Teachers/staff take roll at evacuation assembly points
Power Outages
19 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 Notifications:
The Building Supervisor, Principal, and Security staff will assess via on site presence, or by using Phase Outages Monitors. Building services (Sam Stefaneli 301-952-6500) will be notified by the Security Staff or School Based Staff.
The Director of Building services will then notify the following individuals:
Associate Superintendent of Supporting Services 301-952-6520 Chief Operating Officer 301-952-6144 Communications 301-952-6001 Security Services 301-499-7000 Safety Office 301-952-6524 Deputy Superintendent 301-952-6039 Area Office Associate Superintendent 301-333-1018
Building Services Staff will obtain a timeframe for restoration with power companies to facilitate decisions regarding relocating the student/staff or closing the school
Weather Related Emergencies (Hurricane, Tornado, Flooding, etc.)
The Building Supervisor/Principal will notify Maintenance 301-952-6500. They will also notify the Area Office Instructional Director. Associate Superintendent of Supporting Services 301-952-6520 Chief Operating Officer 301-952-6144 Communications 301-952-6001 Safety Office 301-952-6524 Capital Programs 301-952-6548 Deputy Superintendent 301-952-6039
o Return students/staff to main building from recess, Temporary Classrooms, buses, etc. o If the building has multiple stories, evacuate classes/offices to the lower floor, near interior walls, when possible. o Notify staff to close windows, doors, and blinds, move students/staff to interior hallways, away from exterior windows. o Monitor news broadcasts. o Monitor the NOAA Weather Radio (All buildings are equipped with NOAA All Hazard Radios which should remain on 24/7). o Activate the communications plan. o Initiate “SECURE THE BUILDING”. o Take attendance to account for students and staff.
20 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018
The Building Supervisor/Principal will notify Maintenance 301-952-6500. They will also notify the Area Office Instructional Director. Associate Superintendent of Supporting Services 301-952-6520 Chief Operating Officer 301-952-6144 Communications 301-952-6001 Safety Office 301-952-6524 Capital Programs 301-952-6548 Deputy Superintendent 301-952-6039
Prepare your students o Encourage your students to take this drill very seriously. o Practice a “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” drill, having students hold their position for 45 seconds. You may count together: one-one hundred, two one-hundred etc. o Drop down to knees and make yourselves small. o Cover your face, head and neck, closing your eyes. Keep your body under or below level of desk/table/chairs, with your back to windows. o If outside, get clear of buildings, power lines, trees, light poles, and other dangers. Drop down to your knees and cover your head and neck. o Make sure that your students know the 4 rules for building evacuation: Don’t Talk! Don’t Push! Don’t run! Don’t turn back! Students should know that if there is an earthquake when they are outside of a classroom (during break or lunch or if they are somewhere), they should exit with the nearest class and should NOT go back inside. If they are between classes, they should assemble in the outdoor emergency assembly area with their next period class. o Teachers in science labs should isolate any hazardous materials in use. o Review the Emergency Evacuation Routes. Prepare 4 monitors who will work as buddies and lead the way, carefully checking to make sure that the route is clear. (This is of most importance for classes on the second floor or without easy access to open space outdoors). o Wait approximately 3-5 minutes (for the shaking to stop), then, eevacuate the building according to Fire Drill Procedure – refer to Administrative Procedure 6114.7. o Establish Command Post o Teachers/staff take attendance at evacuation assembly points.
Suspected Child Abuse Related Incident
Please refer to the Administrative Procedure (AP) below:
Road Closures in Vicinity of School Which Block Ingress and Egress
Dispatcher (school; bus lot; Central Garage; towing services, etc.) Transportation Radio Room 301-952-6576 or ext. 41336 Security Services 301-499-7000 Safety Office 301-952-6524
21 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 Area Office Instructional Director 240-573-7233
Primary Site Location ______Incident Command Post High Point High School Evacuation Assembly Points Auditorium Refuge Area (inside above the ground level) Family Reunification site Side of Auditorium Media containment site Front Parking lot of school Medical staging area Nurses Office at High Point High School Bus dismissal site Back parking lot of High Point High School
Alternate Site
Incident Command Post End of path by houses in community Evacuation Assembly Points Back parking lot-“PIT” at Frances Fuchs ECC Refuge Area (inside above the ground level) Family Reunification site At the beginning point of the Cul-de-sac Media containment site Front of school by Cherry Hill Road Medical staging area Temp #5 Bus dismissal site Road-End of cul-de-sac
PGCPS has installed EXIT door numbers in all High Schools. All schools will have the following doors numbered or labeled:
All exterior doors with interior access will have 12” x 12” reflective door number for emergency response. Please refer to this number when reporting an emergency. The interior side of these doors will have a matching 4” reflective number near the lower hinge. Exterior doors that do not access the building interior will be labeled NO ACCESS All interior or exterior doors that lead to a roof will be labeled ROOF ACCESS Courtyard doors are numbered- C-1, C-2, etc. Areas of rescue or refuge are labeled “Refuge Area” Stairwells should be numbered as needed
22 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018
Student release procedures during emergency
Students may be released only to a parent, legal guardian, or registered daycare provider. Parent/guardian must sign a release form or roster for each student. Release forms will be distributed.
In any emergency, accountability of all students, staff, and visitors is critical. In the event of an emergency, the following accountability tasks will be accomplished at the evacuation assembly points. Rosters will be taken to the command post. (Rosters and kits are to be updated quarterly.)
XX Student/Staff rosters Individual classroom Teachers Sandra Franco-Registrar
XX Bus routes/rosters Individual classroom Teachers Sandra Franco-Registrar
XX School phone directory Sherry Brown-Front office staff
XX Mini-floor plan Individual classroom Teachers Sandra Thomas-Building Supervisor
XX Emergency kits Individual classroom Teachers & Specialists Alletta Davidson-Professional School Counselor
XX Building keys Sandra Thomas-Building Supervisor
Individuals with Disabilities
23 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 It is critical the emergency procedures and information include individuals with disabilities. The following staff will ensure individuals with disabilities and aides are familiar with emergency procedures and ensure that the procedures are implemented in an emergency. Utilize the Safe Area Plans for individuals with Disabilities – refer to Administrative Procedure 6117 (if applicable).
Diedra Tramel VISUALLY IMPAIRED Diedra Tramel HEARING IMPAIRED Cathy Osburn-PT, Denise Lasiter PT, Kim Baker-PT PHYSICALLY IMPAIRED
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan for Student or Staff *
Each child or staff member with an impairment that affects their ability to evacuate safely shall have an individual evacuation plan prepared by the principal.
This plan should have a written component and a floor plan which delineates a primary and secondary evacuation route. The student should have a primary and secondary guardian, appointed by the Principal, to ensure expedient evacuation.
Plan should be attached as an addendum and inserted in the appendix section of this document.
*Evacu-Trac Guidelines are attached
24 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 Emergency kits will be maintained & updated quarterly and should include the following recommended items:
______Cellular telephone (have available) ______Emergency team lists ______Parent directory by student (encourage parents to update phone numbers in school max where they can be contacted during the day) ______Bus routes and numbers (walkers, car/van riders, and after school providers) ______Pads, paper, pens, pencils, markers, and masking tape ______Flashlight and batteries ______Board of Education Telephone Directory ______Staff Telephone Directory ______Mini-Floor plans ______Agreements with off-site facilities ______Bullhorn (if available) ______Crisis Intervention Plan (school emergency plan with chain-of-command information) ______Vests to identify Emergency Team ______Student Release Forms ______NOAA Weather Radio ______Blankets to seal the doors ______Bags to place contaminated clothing in ______Spare clothing to replace contaminated clothing
Medical Kits-Nurses office
Medical kits will be stocked and maintained by the school’s individual health professional which will satisfy the needs of the students and staff population, and will be updated quarterly.
Student/staff medications must be maintained in a transportable container.
Family Reunification Centers
25 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 Family Reunification Centers (FRC) is the redirection of all concerned parties to a secured site that is removed from the crisis event and supports the efforts to reunite families.
Notifications that must be made; Parents and families through technology Media notifications Crisis response team notifications
The FRC should be initiated anytime evacuation from the building is required or mass panic is likely and the students will not return when transportation cannot be provided by PGCPS buses through the Department of Transportation to return children to their residence. Some examples would be, but, not limited to:
Fire in the buildings Mass shooting incidents Explosive device is found Detonation of an explosive device Hostage situation An armed subject in the facility A severe weather crisis Threat of WMD or Haz-Mat incident
Insert Your School Floor Plans with Emergency Shut-offs/Disconnects and Refuge Areas IN PLACE OF THE SAMPLE BELOW
The plan should show the Emergency shut-offs/disconnects for Gas, Water, Electric, Main Fire Alarm Panel, Security Alarm Panel, Emergency Generator, and Refuge Areas. (*Reproducible signage can be found in appendix) The Sample Mini Floor Plan below shows an example of some utility shut offs and a Refuge Area; your map should include all listed. If you have propane and or fuel oil, the shut-off for these fuels should be shown as well. A separate floor plan is required for each floor of your building.
26 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 Please provide a detailed, written description of the physical location of your building equipment below:
1. Location of Main Gas Shut off: On hall wall outside room #6_
2. Location of Main Water Shut off: Inside large storage closet in room #1
3. Location of Main Electrical Disconnect/Shut off: In the Building Supervisors office
4. Location of Main Fire Alarm Panel: In the Building Supervisors office
5. Location of Security Alarm Panel: 1-Across from health room in Custodial Closet 1-In Boiler room
6. Location of Emergency Generator: Outside of building, inside the fence where the AC unit is housed, by the outside entrance to the boiler room
27 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 Insert Your School Floor Plans with Location of Fire Extinguishers IN PLACE OF THE SAMPLE BELOW
Reviewed, revised, and updated ______(beginning of year) 28 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 SENIOR ADMINISTRATOR DATE Semi-annual staff training ______(midyear) SENIOR ADMINISTRATOR DATE
XX Substitutes Will be familiarized with the Emergency Plan upon assignment XX Facility Users Will be familiarized and comply with the Emergency Plan upon signing the Use of Facility Contract
Miracle Church Intation Since 2015-2016
*Agreements with organization/facilities for use during emergency
*Letters/agreements in the Index
Post Incident Procedures
DATE Staff debriefing Administrative debriefing Counseling/Crisis Intervention Plan implemented Parent debriefing (May be letter sent home with student) Public Safety debriefing/critique Appropriate reports filed
29 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018
Regional Staff and Principals Area Director July/August
School Based Teams Principal August
School Based Professionals & Support Principal August Staff School Based Team
New Employees and Substitutes Principal As assigned
All Students (As Appropriate) Principal Fire/Evacuation Drill* Senior Administrator Monthly; to include August & June L.S.S.R. Drill Senior Administrator September, January, & April Earthquake/Severe Weather Drill Senior Administrator August, December, & March
*Please attach/insert a copy of your Staff Sign in Sheet verifying that all members of your staff have been trained on the Emergency Plan document
* Office Buildings should conduct fire drills once a month throughout the calendar year, including summer months!
SECURITY UPGRADES (Examples: Fencing enclosing temporary buildings to main school, safety cameras, weather radios, Raptor identification system, front door buzzers/cameras etc.)
Purpose: Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, there has been heightened security awareness and the development of a Homeland Security Advisory System. Also, there have been introduced and identified new threats of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). These plans are intended to familiarize the Administration
30 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 and Staff with the Homeland Security Advisory System, Definitions of WMDs, and the implementation of Shelter-in-Place Emergency Plans in our schools and facilities in case of a terrorist attack. The National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) replaces the color-coded Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS). This new system will more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the public, government agencies, first responders, airports and other transportation hubs, and the private sector. It recognizes that Americans all share responsibility for the nation’s security, and should always be aware of the heightened risk of terrorist attack in the United States and what they should do. Imminent Threat Alert Warns of a credible, specific, and impending terrorist threat against the United States.
Elevated Threat Alert Warns of a credible terrorist threat against the United States. After reviewing the available information, the Secretary of Homeland Security will decide, in coordination with other Federal entities, whether an NTAS Alert should be issued. NTAS Alerts will only be issued when credible information is available. The level of the Advisory System is determined by the Director of Homeland Security and broadcasted via all available media channels (i.e., radio, TV, press).
A. The Most Common Weapons of Mass Destruction – are classified as: 1. Biological Agents 2. Nuclear Agents 3. Chemical Agents
Remember: R-B-NICE for all weapons of Mass Destruction. Radiological, Biological, Nuclear, Incendiary, Chemical and Explosive Biological Agents – three (3) classifications: 1. Bacteria and Rickettsia Example: Anthrax 2. Viruses Example: Small Pox 3. Toxins Example: Botulinum Characteristics: Have delayed effects Undetectable by 5 senses More toxic than chemicals by weight Range of effects Does not penetrate unbroken skin Dissemination as an aerosol (inhalation threat)
Routes of entry: Inhalation – airborne Ingestion – food or water Dermal – cuts or abrasions on the skin
Nuclear Agents – Most likely the delivery device will be an explosive dispersion device (i.e., Dirty Bomb) 31 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018
Routes of Entry: Inhalation – airborne Ingestion – food and water Adsorption through skin
Chemical Agents
Characteristics: Immediate to delayed response Usually detectable by senses Unusual odors/vapor clouds
Routes of Entry: Inhalation – airborne Adsorption through skin
Threats: Experts agree of the three (3) Weapons of Mass Destruction classes…preparation for a chemical attack will be a preparation for all WMDs. Protect against o Inhalation o Skin Adsorption
Incendiary Devices Any device that is capable of igniting a fire
EVACU-TRAC GUIDELINES Evacuation Procedures for Students, Employees, and Visitors in Wheelchairs
Evacu-tracs are specially designed devices to evacuate students, employees, and visitors who utilize a wheelchair from buildings in emergency situations. These guidelines shall be a part of the school’s Emergency Plan maintained in the principal’s office and the Safety Office.
32 Prince George’s County Public Schools Emergency Plan, 2017 – 2018 If the IEP team has determined a student requires the Evacu-trac for safe evacuation, the principal will assign a primary and secondary responder.
If there is a dedicated aide assigned to the student, that person would be considered the primary responder. The principal will assign a secondary responder.
Students (to the best of their ability) and both primary and secondary responders need to be familiar with the Emergency Evacuation Plan. Responders are to report to their assigned locations as appropriate during all drills.
For employees and visitors, the principal or designee will determine who the responder(s) will be.
All visitors to the building will indicate upon signing in if they need assistance should an emergency arise.
All staff members should receive a copy of the Emergency Evacuation Plan for each student so they are aware of the appropriate personnel involved in the evacuation.
If staffing changes during the school year, the principal or designee will identify who the new responder(s) will be and will make that information available to all staff members.
The Evacu-trac is to be used once per school year during a fire drill for those students who would use it as part of their evacuation plan. A notation should be made on the Fire Drill Reporting Form when this has occurred.
33 EVACU-TRAC NAMES 2017-2018
NAME Room # TEACHE SESSION Primary Secondary R Responder Responder
Turner, Giyani Room 5 Vidal full day Ethel Vida Kurt Berhmann
Gramajo-Morales, Genesis Room 11 Deutch AM only Jennifer Deutch Ada Rodriguez
Gutierrez-Rodriguez, Allison Room 21 Mateo full day Emma Halili-Mateo Harold Edmonds
Lear, Toby Room 8 Diehl full day Mary Beth Diehl LaVada Powell
Mendoza-Melo, Ashley Room 8 Diehl full day Mia Cantu Andrea Lightman
Vasquez-Lopez, Eva Room 8 Diehl full day LaVada Powell Patricia Crisman
Zavala, Orlis Room 8 Diehl full day Theresa Nguyen Mary Beth Diehl
Fuentes-Cabrera, Bradley Room 8 Diehl full day Patricia Crisman Mia Cantu
Revised June 2017