AAGP Board Members
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AGENDA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING November 9, 2002 12:30 PM-2:00 PM Location: The Governor Hotel, Portland, OR
President Brad Knudson called the meeting to order at 1:05 pm. The meeting began with an introduction of the head table. Brad also noted that Janel Patterson will be serving in the role of Parliamentarian. Meeting Attendance Report: Gail Vertz reported there are 71 members present. The quorum is 20.
Approval of 2001 Membership Meeting minutes: Beverly Kincaid (WA) informed us of the correction that the minutes reflect she is from CA. She is from WA. She then moved the approval of the minutes as corrected.
Treasurer’s Report by Michael Wells: Michael provided a written report, Income Statement and Balance Sheet. No questions were asked. Bernard Turner, TN, seconded by Iris Coffin, IA.
Committee Reports A. Long Range Planning and Bylaws Committee Randy Givens (NE) –Chair, Rebecca Hultgren (IL), Jodi Pearl (FL), Rebecca Walsh (IA), Debby Winter (CA), and Kris Carpenter-Zyla (MD) Randy gave a verbal report on the committee’s activities. Bylaws vote passed 101-2. No questions asked. Report accepted as presented. B. Conference Committee Brad Knudson (SD) General-Chair, Michael Wells (OR), & Gail Vertz (MO). Brad verbally reported for the committee. The 2003 conference budget will be reviewed at the post conference board meeting today. The presentation of dividing the country into three sections. Setting the dates of the conferences to be the second weekend of November, each year, if possible. Charlotte Harris, from Boston for 2004, Jerry Dillehay, from Phoenix, for 2005 and Bernard Turner, from Nashville for 2006. Will be developing a bid process for future sites. Brad opened the floor for questions. Bernard Turner- verifying the date. Jan Snider from CA, asked to schedule with Veteran’s Day holiday, if possible. Jerry Dillehay asked for a vote to see if people would prefer a resort hotel or a business hotel. Cynthia Baines, FL-what is the difference in the two types of hotel. All votes were for resort type of hotel. Gail did an invitation for the 2003 conference in Kansas City, MO. Questions were answered. C. Membership Services Committee Phyl Renninger (FL)-Chair and many others). Phyl provided a written report and gave a verbal report of the committee’s activities-Iris Coffin asked how people are put on the forum. They are automatically put on the forum, upon membership. They can then unsubscribe if they choose. Iris Coffin asked for submission of information. Lynn from AZ asked what the content is intended to be. No further questions. D. Credentialing Committee Frank Mandley (FL) - Chair & five others) Special Report – Frank Mandley. Frank introduced and thanked his committee: Pauline Annarino, Jerry Dillehay, and Randy Givens. He provided a written and verbal report of the business plan. The update of the status was the report. The board formally approved to endorse the proceeding of the process. They approved, with revisions, the plan. The committee is to report back by February 2003. Questions: Lisa Jackson, FL, asked how much was going to be budgeted in 2003 for the process. Michael responded we have $4,000. This year’s budget was $1,000. Frank commented that they didn’t have any expenses this year. The upcoming year, with the $4,000, they can meet face to face. He explained this would cover costs to further investigate. Pauline Annarino-by investigating this year, it would exceed the three year plan time. Lisa Jackson, FL, made a motion to budget $10,000 for 2003 and $15,000 for 2004. Seconded by Pauline Annarino. Lisa’s comment-the committee needs the funds to match with other funding sources. Pauline’s comment-the committee’s responsibility for the next year or so is to raise funds. Charles Howard amended the motion: To not limit the amount of funds. Seconded by Gary Frank. Ruth Bylander, SD asked which period of time it covered. FY 03 and FY 04. Jan Snider, CA-is the urgency anywhere in the business plan? Frank responded with information from the business plan-length of time for implementation, financial information of the business plan. Pauline Annarino-clarify the amendment-is there a cap on the amount? Response-no there is not. Vote on the amendment-passed. Vote on the amended motion? Motion carried. E. Chaptering Committee Linda Lambert (FL)- Chair & Janel Patterson (FL) & Jodi Pearl (FL) Special Report – Linda Lambert provided a written report and a verbal report. She thanked the membership for voting for the bylaw amendment to approve chapters. Questions? Beverly Kincaid asked how do we know who the state representative is? Linda asked that they contact either the Chaptering Chairman or the President. F. Executive Committee Brad Knudson (SD) –Chair, Randy Givens (NE), Phyl Renninger (FL), Gail Vertz (MO), & Michael Wells (OR)- Brad reported verbally for the committee. G. Financial Planning Committee Cynthia Oda (IN) –Chair and five others) Report of Audit Committee – Cynthia Oda reported that the audit was successful. Michael does a wonderful job. Money Market Balance of $45,495.28 as of October 31, 2002. The Checking account balance as of October 31, 2002 is $ 29,750.38. Presentation of 2003 AAGP Budget – Michael Wells presented the 2003 proposed budget that was provided in writing. Questions: Bernard Turner-what is the rationale for the increase in the conference. Motion: Charles Howard insert line item into the budget to allow for accommodating persons with disabilities at the conference next year. Seconded by: Discussion followed. Comments from Bernard Turner, Frank Mandley, Gail Vertz, Janel Patterson, Michael Wells, Chuck, Rebecca from NB-if you have a specific request for the budget, you should have an amount. Question called.
Journal budget be reduced from $15,000 to $5,000 and put the $10,000 difference in a contingency fund to credentialing and chaptering expenses. Iris Coffin-this is a communication of the organization. Deanna- scholarly document, need to keep. Marilyn from Az, Gary Frye, TX-journal gives us something different than other organizations. Gail Jackson gave a comment that she doesn’t think the general members know the details that the board members should have. She was concerned that a board member would vote to reduce a committee’s budget. Bonnie Manz from CA A. Motion failed Questioned the. Linda Lambert moved we adopt the proposed budget. Seconded by Bernard Turner. Linda withdrew the motion. Brad explained the quorum has been reduced and a vote could not be taken, nor could business be taken. No more formal action. Accept the treasurer’s recommended budget. Gail asked for clarification on the quorum. Janel clarified what quorum is. 20% of the conference attendees. Further discussion ensued. H. Nominating Committee Linda Lambert (FL)-Chair, Vicki Collum (IA) & Beverly Kincaid (WA) Board Election Results-Linda Lambert, Phyl, Gail, Jerry, Marilyn, Randy, Cynthia Frank 7. Comments from Membership-Consider having the annual membership meeting during the conference instead of at the end of the conference. Thanks to Michael and anyone involved who worked on the conference. Have reports available prior to the meeting. Members felt uncomfortable not having the information. Would like information on how to get information, how to get on the board, how things work, try to get conference on wed through Fridays. Organization information-how to bring information to the board, liking of the city and the hotel. Presentation to Michael by the board to Michael Wells. And presentation to Brad Knudson, retiring board member. Thanks from Brad-for everything that has happened during his term. 8. Next Membership Meeting on November 8, 2003 - Kansas City, Missouri
Meeting adjourned at 3:02 pm. Gail Vertz